PAGE TWO Til SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, AUGUST 5, 193G. Wl.r Owmr iR x-4 t gant B atl Published every morning except Mondy during the University Sumnmer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. The Associated Press is e .clusively en- titled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise; credited in this paper and the local news published herein. Entered at the Ann Arbor, Michigan, postoffice as second class matter. Subscription by carrier, $r.5o; by mail, $2.00. Offices: Press Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR GURNEY WILLIAMS Editorial Director........Howard F. Shout City Editor............ Harold Warren, Jr. Women's Editor.............Dorothy Magee Music and Drama Editor... William J. Gorman Books Editor.......... Russell E. McCracken Sports Editor...............Morris Targer Night Editors Denton Kunze Howard F. Shout What's ___ rJrirrirtartrifrririurr r Going On I1 1 E ROLL LOOKING OVAETHE rH .rCIW AND DRAMA till lINI'-' iv'Uk.; ii August 5- August 9 TUESDAY 4:00 p.m.-Education Conference -"Helping the High School Stu- dent to Plan His Future." Prof. George E. Myers. University High School auditorium. 5:00 p.m.-Lecture-recital-"The Speaking of English Verse." Miss Elsie Fogerty. Lydia Mendelssohn theatre. 8:00 p.m.-Concert--Prof. Wassi- ly Besekirsky, violinist; Mrs. Mabel Ross Rhead, pianisy, of the Schooll of Music. Hill auditorium. 8:30 p.m.-Visitor's night at the Observatory. Admission by ticket Dear Drs. Not wishing to stir up the En- gineering quarrel again, but the following item passed through thel Circumlocution Department of the University today: "Requisition No. XXLb '22-28- 392W, Building and Grounds Dept. Aug. 2. for new Engineering School Landscape Job: 2 trucks (3 tons) 2 wenches. It's none of our business what they want wenches for on the Landscape job of the Engine School but the public should know the facts. JIM TULLY. * * * TONIGHT: In Hill Auditorium Guy Maier, pianist, and Wassily Bese- kirsky, violinist, in a Faculty Re- cital to begin promptly, at 8:15. FACULTY RECITAL Quite the most distinguished fac- ulty recital of the summer will be given this evening in Hill auditor- ium when Guy Maier and Wassily Besekirsky unite their efforts in a miscellaneous program. Professor Besekirsky has just been called to the head of the vio- lin department of the School of Mu- sic. He is a violinist of recognized virtuosity throughout contirjental Europe, Great Britain, and Amer- ica. He had a brilliant career in Moscow and Odessa and appeared as soloist with all the leading en- sembles there. Guy Maier is well k n o w n throughout the country as a solo pianist and as a collaborator with Lee Pattison in the most famous of two-piano ensembles. Mabel Ross Rhead will accom- pany Mr. Besekirsky in his two groups. The program is as follows: Powers Moulton Harold Warren, Jr. only-Very possibly you mistook that Assistants word "wenches", Mr. Tully. It may Aekeukma Cosane . etyWEDNESDAY very easily refer to sand-wenchesl C. H. Beukema Constance M. Wethy 1:00 p.m.-Excursion No. 7-Ford which we understand are very pop- Helen CrmBrh lya Bruce Manley Sher M. Qurais i Airport, including airdrome and ular among the workmen. production-assembly; also, Green- Engine trouble forced an avia- BUSINESSSTAFFfield Village, Ford's extensive mu- tor, you know, to land on the lot Telephone 21214 ceum of Americana. Direct to air- belonging to a genial colored mam- _ _ port and return to auto bus. Round my. Wishing to effect repairs as BUSINESS MANAGER trip X1.03. Reservations in Room 9, speedily as possible, the aviatorrran GEORGE A. SPATER University hall. to the cabin and said to its pro- 4:00 p.m. - Educational Confer- prietor, Assistant Business Managers - ( u William R. Worboys Harry S. Benjamin ence- Extra-curricular Activities "Have you a small-mouth wench Circulation Manager......... Bernard Larson as an Aid in the Guidance of Stu- I may borrow?" Secretary ..................Ann W. Verner dents." Prof. Edgar G. Johnston. "Suttingly," was the answer, and s sistants Joyce Davidson Dorothy Dunlap University High school auditorium, forthwith was brought out a small Lelia M. Kidd 5:00 p.m.-Lecture-"Wind, Wa- bottle of amber liquid. TUESDAY, AUGUST 5, 1930. ter, and Fire as Elements in Music" "But," said the aviator, "I didn't (Illustrated). Prof. Earl V. Moore. ask for listerine." Night Editor-HOWARD F. SHOUT Natural Science auditorium. "Well, dat's what ah wenches ma 8:15 p.m. - Somerset Maugham's mouf wid," was the reply. EDUCATION MADE EASY "The Constant Wife," by the Mich- igaa epetoy Payrs.Lyia en* * * As has been pointed out by many ig:lRenrtry Players. Lydia Men The Washtenaw Tribune, Ann Ar- ~I l ohn theatre. prominent educators, the attempt 8:30 p.m.-Visitor's night at the bor's up and coming tri-weekly to educate America democratically, Observatory. Admission by ticket news-clarion devoted to the best gun-interests of An Arbor and Washte- to give an equal educational oppor-I only. naw County huzzah, huzzah, hussy! tunity to all, has resulted in the de- n onyhza, uzh us! THURSDAY reports a fire at Whitmore Lake generation of our universities and 5:00 p.m.-Lecture-"Modern De- yesterday afternoon wherein an au- colleges from institutions of high- veopments in Electric Power Gen- to, a dog, hogs, and nine cottages er learning to oversized secondary eration" (Illustrated). Prof. Alfred were destroyed after an eight-hour schools. Several methods are being H. Lovell. Natural Science auditor- battle with the Brighton and South tried to take care of this, for ex- ium. !Lyon fire departments. ample, juircolleges, university mleg, junior hlgheshnisty, 8:15 p.m.-"The Constant Wife"I The Tribune informs us that if colleges, and higher scholastic re- by the Michigan Repertory Play- there had been a southwest wind, quirements. All, or most, are fail- ers." Lydia Mendelssohn theatre. we might have had a good blaze ing. I'involving twice the number of cot- The situation presents itself in 8:30 p.m.-Social evening, under tages and probably half the hogs the form of a problem of handling the auspices of the W o m e n's from here to Lansing. two distinct types of individuals by League. Open to all students of the Even at that, southwest breeze the same educational methods with summer session. League building. and all, the Whitmore cottagers the same curricula. The student were fortunate in not having the who is working seriously and pur- SATURDAY Ann Arbor fire fighters to contend posefuily is handicapped by being I 7:45 a.m.-Excursion No. 8-New with. treated in the same manner as the Michigan State Prison, Jackson. We followed our brave laddies to onewho lis ond the campsforthe Party goes direct to the prison by a fire the other night, losing them social life and the absorption of auto bus. Round trip $1.25. Reser- part of the time and consequently culture. On the other hand, thein- vations in Room 9, University hall. having t' stop and listen to see dividual bent on fox trotting Trip ends at 12:15, Ann Arbor. i which direction they were going. through the course of study, a 8:15 p.m.-"The Constant Wife,"I When we got to the scene of the proper enough purpose if that is by the Michigan Repertory P ers. conflagration, the air was blue with what is desired, is curtailed in hisLyiMedlshThar.Icbo-nxdefm tee- activities by rules and regulations -yi eneshnThar.(abstmofxh iesand the fire intended for the other class of stu- haust of the engines and the fire dents. The result has been a fal- may gain from our magnificent -if any-was out. The exha-ust- ure to satisfy the needs of either system of education will be lost if pipe fumes had stifled the flames group the individual can journey all the before it was necessary to get out stway through it in leisurely fashion pick, ax, and shovel and go down Perhaps the most outstanding and come out half cultured, hal- through the nearest grand piano change that this dual-educational developed in technical knowledge, to locate the blaze. process has brought about is the and half-matured. The Tribune also has an appeal- tendency to make education easier. o - ing item concerning its 75-100 club, Undoubtedly, this is due to the an organization of all youngsters influence of the group seeking so- whose ages fall between these two cial life rather than academic. i Campus Opinion limits and which is sponsored by In the first place, the training the paper. Glancing over the cam- that was once given in the human- Contributors are asked to be brief, confining themselves to less than 300 pus this summer we have almost htiesand theclassics has become words if possible. Anonymous com decided to sponsor a 100-150 club sketchy and not particularly cul- munications will be disregarded. The I names of communicants will, however, for the rolls column. We could tural. Students come out of col- be regarded as confidential, upon re- lege with a smattering of Latinone cquest. Letters published should not be make some very notable nomina- construe as expressing the editorial tions right on the spur of the mo- ortw-riciple of hiodo f D ment. superficial knowledge of a modern The 75-100 club is holding its an- foreign language, and a dim idea ANN ARBOR WATER nual picnic next Friday, and there that there was a literature in Eng- To The Editor: will be featured on the program land during the Elizabethan period. The recent controversy in the such attractions as Senator Cope- The process has gradually been matter of Ann Arbor's water sup- land and an 83 year old clog danc- softening in order to accomodateJply has interested me. I have been er. Personally we've always thought the mediocre minds that have been on the campus long enough to hoofing was a noble calling. subjected to it. achieve a great dislike for this iron Then we may take into consider- or iodine, or whatever kind of water We are recipients of a letter from ation the increasing demand for it is, but not long enough, I sup- one, Thaddeus Hickman, who sug- greater material comforts. Loung- pose, to get anything of a liking gests we conduct a mentality con- ing and smoking rooms have been for it. test for University students after provided, room temperature is Among my acquaintances in the the fashion of Edison who stumped carefully controlled so as to insure summer session I have never heard the nations forty-nine brightest re- the greatest degree of bodily com- a statement favorable to the water cently, with such things as "Where A LAKE AND RIVER OUTING Come to Detroit and treat your family to a grand one-day excursion on the luxurious Str. Put-in-Bay to PUT-IN-BAY ISLAND In Lake Erie. Detroit's popular pleasure park. Free music and dancing in the ship s big ballroom. Four hours at Put-In-Bay to enjoy the bathing beach, the new golf course, and all outdcor sports. I-ricnic in the grove, dance, explorethe caves and enjoy the view from the top of Perry's monument. Sonata in E flat major Adagio; Minuet; A ace; Adagio "Perpetual Motion" Mr. Maler Mozart .llegro Viv- Weber Prelude Bachi Sonate Veracini Aira; Corrente; Ritornello; Giga Mr. Besekirsky Berceuse Chopin Nocturne in F major Chopin Etude en Forme de Valse Saint-Saens Mr. MaierI Sheperd Song Akimenko Serenade Arensky Scherzo Arensky' Danish Song Sandby Dance Rachmaninoff Mr. Besekirsky THE CONSTANT WIFE The Constant Wife is by no means thebest example of Somer- set Maugham's famous Restoration manner. But through the admir- able presentation it got in Amer- ica with Ethel Barrymore and Frank Conroy and the almost equally admirable talkie made by Clive Brook, William Powell and Ruth Chatterton, it has become the most popular of his high comedies. Maugham writes of a very fas- cinating coterie-people who have never been within working dis- tance of an oven, a dish-cloth, or an honest spade -- people quite without ardours and ecstasies, in- deed actually averse to emotion of any sort but the desire for one an- other, which they indulge some- what indiscriminately. The Constant Wife is a little des- perately sophisticated. It tells of Constance who reaches a perverse- ly intellectual position about her husband's unfaithfulness. She ad- mits her husband is slightly in- flammable, even believes him to be by nature a polygamist. But how can she complain? She has a com- fortable home. Marriage is her trade. Her husband bought her, and unless she achieves her own economic independence, she has no right to complain. This economic interpretation of holy wedlock she carried through with sardonic strength. She in- dulges her decorative talent, earns considerable money, pays a thous- and pounds to her husband which she says will cover her keep for the last fifteen years. Then she an- nounces that she is off to Italy with an armorous motorist who had been meanwhile renewing youthful vows of attachment to her. Her surgical huband swears a lit- tle, then urges her to come back soon , after her economically won vacation, and'be his constant wife again. His lechery had only been casual. He had lied to his attract- ive intelligent wife, and taken up4 with an idiotic friend of hers (the woman with a "slipping knee") on- ly as an adventure. He had phil- andered quite without conviction was somewhat disturbed by his wife having proved it to him, but eagerly pleads for her return. Clearly, Mr. Maugham is crack- ing a smart whip at the conception of marriage as a state of life-long ecstacy with the protagonists showing passionate fidelity. He does it very urbanely with a style that is invariably distinguished, and a dramatic skill that no con- temporary dramatist surpasses. His wit is deliciously daring and con- sistent enough to provide a stimu- lating evening in following it alone. It is a wholly delightful play. The Michigan Repertory Players are introducing it tomorrow night at the Mendelssohn Theatre and will cntinn nerformane thrnh '- Perry Monument Drive to Detroit and tnjoy the DANCING MOONLIGHTS Leave Detroit, 8:45 p.m. Return, 11:30 p. m. Wednesday,Thursday,- SaturdaySundays. r n Hldas Str. Put-In-Bay leaves Pot of First St., Detroit, daily at 9 a. m., returning at 8 p. m., except Fridays, 10:15 p. m. Fare $1.00 round- trip, weekdays; ;> .50 Sundays and Holidays. Steamer runs through to Cedar Point and Sandusky daily. Lowest rate to Cleveland via Put-In-Bay or Cedar Point. Perfect dining room and lunch counter service. CEDAR POINT On Fridays after July 4, a special excursion is given to Cedar Point. Fare, $1.75 round trip; chil- dren half-fare. A stay of three hours is permitted to enjoy the great bathi' g beach, boardwalk and the thousand-and-one attractions of this Lido cf America. On other days a stay of one hour is allowed. h il Write for Folder ASHLEY & DUSTIN STEAMER LINE Foot of First Street Detroit, Michigan r Ir It Golf Hose 4 I I Golf Hose require great care in laundering. Our treatment of them, with consideration for their delicacy of texture, insure - softness and preservation. Our equipment includes spe- cially designed forms which II I pevent shrinkage and guar- antee comfort to the wearer. I Phone 4219 fort. And recently, at Northwestern University, the suggestion was ser- iously made that classroom and lecture room seats and benches be replaced by soft easy-chairs with foot rests. There might be some to agree with the idea, but it seems to us to be an evidence of degenera- tion from the stern old order of things. While it is not desirable to make schooling as rigorous a matter as it is in England, where the "hard- ening process" is in vogue. The hard, uncomfortable b e n c h e s, strict discipline, and the policy of allowing almost no heat in the buildings even in the coldest wea- ther is certainly not advisable for the American temperament. How- ever, some sort of a standard of difficulty must be maintained in order to make the product what it in the city, and I am certain that is Khyber Pass?" etc. That sounds it takes away a great deal of the las though it might prove to be a popularity of the campus. !rather interesting experiment, Mr. It seems to me that there are Hickman-testing the University's enough advantages in changing to mentality. Of course, we'll have to a soft water system to make the wait until the fall session starts ... city act at once. It is ridiculous to Mr. Hickman offers as prizes an continue in this way when every- asortment of burnt out fuses, cig- one who is thinking at all can see arette butts, fire-hydrants, pipe- that there are no benefits and cleaners, Schick r egeating razors many detriments coming from the (tdvt.), all these to be collected in use of hard water. If nothing else, trucks and brought to the Daily, the staining of the plumbing, and "where they will be pawed over by the smell and taste of the water I the staff and then dumped into the are enough to warrant getting rid Huron river near Barton Hills." of it. Have you been swimming in the It is little things like this that Huron river near Barton Hills re- cause a community more losses I cently, Mr. Hickman. If you have, than it realizes. I am sure it! you surely have discovered that it would surprise one if he knew how is absolutely impossible to get an- much money exactly the people of other razor blade, tin-can, bottle- Ann Arbor had lost by hanging on I top, or wagon wheel into the water to their old and antiquated water at this point. If LvAUNDfRY C Liberty at Fifth 'I We Use Ivory Soap Exclusvely i ' .. .. -.. .. n 1