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August 05, 1930 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1930-08-05

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VOL. X., NO. 31.



i i

Virginia Senator Brands Smoot-
Hawley Tariff Regulation
in Election Speech.

British Author Replies
to Preacher's Charges)


Designer of Dirigible
That Spanned Atlantic

iColorado, M assachusetts Fund
Expenditures Are to be

Discusses Educational Control
in Address Before Men's
Club at Union.
Dr. Katherine Greene Talks to
Women's Club on Qualities
of Good Teacher.

Chinese Looters Near Tri-Cities
of Hankow, Wuchang and
Hanhang in March.
Foreign Battleships Concentrate
to Protect Rights and Lives
of Populace.


Spokesman Names
of Countries as

(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Aug. 4. - A de-
mand for a revision of the month
and a half old Hawley-Smoot tariff
act was made today by Senator
Swanson; Democrat, Virginia, who
contended 17 countries already had
retaliated against it and "universal
depression in all lines of industry"
had resulted from its adoption.
In a statement issued through
the Democratic national committee,
the Virginia senator asserted "the
best interests of the United States
demand a revision of this vicious
bill which is only beneficial to a
very few special interests."
Sees Further Depression
"American agriculture will be
further depressed if this tariff con-
tinues and the markets of the world
closed to the United States," he
Foreign nations began "retaliat-
ing" with higher tariffs while the
bill was pending in congress, he
continued. Since January 1, last, he
said, Australia, France, Poland,
Peru, Greece, Portugal, Finland,
Canada, the union of South Africa,
Germany, Italy, Spain, Denmark,
Honduras, Chile, Cuba and Mexico
had raised imports rates on more
than a score of American commod-
ities, principally automobiles, grains
and food products.
Blow to U. S. Trade
Swanson saw in the recent Con-
servative party victory in Canada
a blow to American trade.
Swanson said American exports
reached the lowest monthly level
for the past six years in June. He
pointed to this as upholding the
contention so often made in the
tariff debates-that America's for-
eign customers "are unable to pur-
chase from us unless they can find
somewhere a market for their com-

George Bernard Shaw,
(By Associated Press)
LONDON, Aug. 4.-George Bern-
ard Shaw lost no time tonight :in
replying to Dr. U. C. Carlile, who in
a sermon at Folkestone reproached
him for writing of the elder Shaw
as "the worst type of drunkard."
"I wonder," said Shaw, "if Carlile
happened to be preaching about
Henry VIII or 'Bloody' Queen Mary,
would he say nothing disparaging
about them?"
London Teacher Says Rhythm
Is Power to Understand
Poet's Experience.

Two members of the faculty I (By Associated Press)
spoke last night before the meet- SHANGHAI, Aug. 4.-Communist
ings of the Men's Education club hordes, eager for more spoils after
and the Women's Education club, kn
which were held in the Michigan cking Changsha in an orgy of
union and the Women's league robbery and murder, advanced to-
building respectively. day toward the tri-cities Hankow,
Dean James B. Edmonson of the Wuchang, and Hanhang, where 11
School of Education addressed the foreign warships including two
men's group on the subject of "Fed- American were concentrated to
eral Relations to Education." In Awn
discussing the question of whether protect foreigners.
the federal or the state government The foreign quarter of Hankow
should direct education, he main- was barricaded and guarded to pre-
tained that it was a function of1 vent reds re-enacting the scenes at
the local organization. Changsha when foreign property
Government Supervises valued at millions of dollars was
"The federal government," he burned in anti-foreign demonstra-
stated, "has in recent decades been tions.

assuming more and more responsi-
bility for the social policy, the sup-
port, the management, and the su-
pervision of educational processes
in the public school systems of the
Dean Edmonson explained that
at first the central government had
maintained a policy of general edu-
cational subsidies to the various
states, but that the tendency had
become. to specify the use of the
gift. He advocated the policy of
general subsidies which may be
used at the discretion of the indi-
vidual state.I




Fresh Air Camp Ready for Next
Contingent of Detroit Boys.
(Special to The Daily)
tertainment of a total of 308 boys
from the poorer section of Detroit
will be completed this morning by
the University Fresh Air camp
when the boys of the third section,
numbering 92, leave Lake Patter-
son in two trucks and a bus for De-
troit, where they are scheduled to
arrive at noon.
The students and instructors
from Michigan, Illinois, Ohio uni-
versity, and Oberlin college who
make up the camp staff will be on
leave from this morning until Mon-
day morning, when the third sec-
tion arrives. Some are accompany-
ing the trucks to Detroit, some will
spend two quiet days on the camp
site, while others will be in Ann
Arbor for a taste of "civilization"
before returning to the life of
noise, tan, and shorts and jerseys.
Director Hornberger, instructor of
English in the University, will stay
at Patterson for the weekend to
take charge of what details of
preparation are necessary for the
third section.
Department of .Speech
Plans Informal Dinner
More than 150 persons connected
with the speech department will
attend an informal dinner in the
main ballroom of the Women's
League building at 6 o'clock tomor-
row night. All members of the.
teaching staff in the department
and graduate students are invited
to attend, according to Henry Mo-

"My hope for education is that
"Rhythm is the power which en- we have enough money and good!
ables us to share the poet's exper- people teaching, so that we can
ience," declared Miss Elsie FogertyIhave an apprenticeship system,
with the pupils and teachers work-
of the Central School of Speech ing together, resulting in some-
Trainng and Dramatic Art, London,) thing new to both, rather than a
England, in discussing the speaking continuance of the present system
of English verse yesterday after- which is an autocracy of mind over
h matter, with the children mere
pawns on a chess-board," said Dr.
theatre. Katherine B. Greene, of the de-
"While prose description pictures partment of educational psychol-
to our minds the scene, the rhythm ogy, before a meeting of the Wom-
of poetry makes us feel the poet's en's Educational club last evening.
experience," continued Miss Foger- Lists Teacher's Qualities
Dr. Greene listed the qualities a
ty. "With the exception of the great teacher needs as being happiness,
dramatic poet Shakespeare, Milton with its attribute of contentment
stands above all other poets in the resulting from the freedom to be
matter of rhythm. Miltoia, unable to objective, and lack of need for su-
see, wrote from what lie felt in his periority; the liking and sympathy
mind. Modern poets are returning for children; a knowledge of the
to this idea of writing poetry. children's abilities and interests;!
"Rhythm is the poet's way of an ingenuity in giving experiences
stating the fundamental law of to the children; and ability to lead'
movement," stated Miss Fogerty. It othe child through his own experi-
is not to be confused with patterns I ences; a knowledge of subject mat-
we make of rhythm; for rhythm is' ter; and lastly a knowledge of the
deeper than this. Time, force and community from which the child
space are all factors of rhythm and' comes and into which the child re-
when all these factors are syn- turns.
chronized by an intention rhythm
"Space is not audible but the ris- POSTAL AUTHORITI
ing and falling of the voice gives AGAINST FREE
the illusion of space," the speaker
continued. "Every unit of verse is (By Associ
a sense stress and bound with ver- WASHINGTON, Aug. 4.-A deter-
bal unity. The object in reading mination to end the practice of
poetry should be to bring out this certain advertisers of black jacking
rhythmic stress.
Miss Fogerty illustrated the points newspaper publishers into printing
of her lecture by reading selections advertising matter as news was
from Robert Bridges, James Elroy voiced today by the post office de-
Flecker, Walt Whitman, D. H. Law- partment.
rence. The department said the adver-
Miss Fogerty will appear at five tisers to whom it referred had at-
o'clock this afternoon in the Lydia l tempted to wield a club over the
Mendelssohn theatre in the final; heads of certain publishers by
number of her series of presenta- threatening them with the loss of
tions. In today's appearances she display advertisement if they did
will give an interpretational read-. not use publicity matter sent them
ing of some of the better known as news or for editorial purposes.
works. In response to complaints by a
number of newspaper publishers,
the department added that it had
BASEBALL SCORES been making an investigation of
American League methods pursued by certain adver-
Detroit 7, Chicago 3 tisers. It said newspaper publishers
Philadelphia 13, Boston 4 who complied with such a request
Cleveland 5, St. Louis 2 might be guilty of contributing to
Only games scheduled an act of conspiracy against the
I government in conjunction with
National League the advertiser in depriving it of
Boston 3, Philadelphia 2 revenue.
New York 4, Brooklyn 0 - Both the advertiser and publish-

Thousands of panicky Chinese
poured into Hankow's foreign con-
cessions seeking protection, al-
though additional Nationalist gov-
ernment troops patrolled the city.
Martial Law Prevails.
While Chinese soldiers searched
everyone in the streets, which were
under martial law, a volunteer
emergency defense corps was or-
ganized by the French community.
A skirmish party of Reds approach-
ed within 25 miles of Hankow and
took munitions from cadets sent to
fight them but were scattered by
veteran soldiers' fire from an ar-
mored train.
Continuing their fiendish acts in
Changsha, the Communists killed
100 wealthy Chinese, seized for
ransom and held 400 others.
Five hundred foreigners have
fled from Kuling, summer resort
I near Kiukiang, northern Kiangsi
province and Kiukiang itself was
nearly emptied of foreigners who
took boats down the Yangste for
Shanghai and other centers.
W. H. Lingle, American mission-
aiy in China 40 years, who arrived
in Shanghai today from Kuling, de-
scribed the flight of the foreigners
from Kuling and from Kiukiang in
response to warnings of Consular
representatives as the Reds ap-
Missionaries Flee-
Mrs. Lingle, wife of the mission-
ary, who recently escaped from
Changsha, said she heard 10,000
Communists were advancing to-
ward Kiukiang, while another force
of 10,000 was proceding to Nan-
chang, capital of Kiangsi province.
She confirmed reports that the
Yangtse valley had been complete-
ly emptied of Chinese government
troops to fight rebel armies in Hu-
nan and Shantung provinces.
ated Press)
both, the announcement said.
Frederick A. Tilton, third assist-
ant postmaster general, issued the
following statement explaining the
department's position:
"It has come to the attention of
the department that publicity ar-
ticles are being offered by some ad-
vertising concerns to publishers for
insertion as reading matter in
copies of their publication mailed
at the second class pounds rate of
postage. The request accompany-
ing such publicity articles gives the
publisher to understand that if he
does not comply with the requests
to insert the publicity matter in
his publication, he may not expect
display advertising. On the other
hand, if he publishes the publicity
matter as reading matter he may
expect to be favored with display
"Matter inserted in a publication
under the condition above men-
tioned clearly comes within the
purview of the act of August 24,
1912, embodied in the postal laws
and regulations and must be plain-

Chairman Nye Plans to Continue
Study of Pennsylvania
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Aug. 4-Two new
states were added today to the list
of those whose campaign expendi-
tures are to be scanned by the
Senate Campaign Funds committee.
On the eve of the resumption of
i airing of the Pennsylvania primary,
Chairman Nye decided to send in-
vestigators to Colorado and Massa-
chusetts. No details were made
Sir Charles Burney, public regarding the complaint
Designer of the R-100, world's from Colorado other that they in-
.d b om volved charges of excessive expen-
largest dirigible, who was among ditures in behalf of delegates to the
the 44 passengers aboard the giant Republican state convention.
balloon when it crossed the Atlant- Criticize Butler's Campaign.
ic from Cardington to Montreal a In Massachusetts, the Liberal
few days ago. Civic league charged more than
half a million dollars had been
spent to further the campaign of
William M. Butler for the Republi-
can senatorial nomination.
NI After a conference with Conrad
W. Crooker, general counsel of the
league, Chairman Nye said the
charges involved alleged violation
of, state laws, upon which the com-
Visiting Professor of Speech mittee could do no more than make
Uses Films to Illustrate a report to the Senate.
Lecture. "It would be a mistake for the
1committee to hold public hearings
APPROVES NEWS REELS in Massachusetts prior to the prim-
ary elections," he said, adding,
Striking contrasts between the however, that a special investigat-
or would make a study of the data
old and the new in screen plays which would be used by the com-
were presented yesterday by Dean mittee later if formal hearings were
Ray K. Immel of the speech depart- found necessary.
ment of the University of Southern Inquiry to be Thorough.
California in a lecture on "The After his meeting with Nye, how-
Evolution' of Motion Pictures," il- ever, Crooker said the organization
lustrated by selected bits from var- wanted the proposed investigation
ious films of the past and present. to cover the whole situation in
"Thirty Years of Progress," a Massachusetts, and not directed to-
three-reel collection of motion pic- ward any one candidate.
ture clippings, included a sketch It is rumored that investigators
from the first screen success, "The may look into the records of sever-
Great Train Robbery," as well as al other state campaigns before
bits from "The Scarlet Letter," 1 they stop their activities. Chairman
"Tol'able David," "The Ten Com- Nye has expressed himself as de-
mandments," "The King of Kings," I termined "to get to the bottom."
"Ben Hur," and others.
Remarkable differences between FACULT YMEMBERS
the use of lighting in early days of TO PLAYVTONIGHT
film making and that in the mod- TO A
ern pictures were pointed out by
Dean Immel. A large part in the Besekrsky and Maier to Present
improvement of the art, he remark- Program at Hill Auditorium.
ed, lies in the development of pho-
tography, with the use of the cam- Wassily Besekirsky, noted Russian
era from proper angles. violinist, and recently named head
Comparing an early Mary Pick- of the violin department of the
ford play to one of the modern University School of Music, will
dramas, Dean Immel noted the make his first appearance before
fact that the first pictures attempt- an Ann Arbor audience tonight,
ed to tell their stories through giving a miscellaneous program
scenes alone while modern ones jointly with Prof. Guy Maer.
use additional printed inserts or Mr. Maier will open with a group
sub-titles to explain the current of of two numbers, the Mozart Sonata
the action. The later pictures al- in E flat major (adagio; minuet;
so employ rapid change of scene, allegro Vivace; adagio) and Web-
shifting from one view to another, er's "Perpetual Motion." Mr. Bese-
in order to make the story more kirsky will make his bow with a two
understandable, he said. number group, starting with Pre-
"News reels, it seems to me, are lude by Bach and following with
of very great historical value," he the Veracini Sonata in four parts
said. The films, he pointed out, (Aria; Corrente; Ritornello: Giga).
can be copied and recopied and Mr. Maier's second group will be
thus made to last for indefinite made up of three numbers, Ber-
periods, preserving the actual rep- ceuse, and Nocturne in F minor by
resentation of great historical Chopin, and Etude en Forme de
events. Valse by Saint-Saens. The program
In a short selection entitled "The will be closed with a five-number
Eighth Art" were illustrated the group by Mr. Besekirsky, the num-
methods employed for various bers of which will be "Shepherd
camera effects. Song"-Akimenko; Serenade -Ar-

(By Associated Press)
Was surprised by rain yesterday
and promised slightly cooler weath-

Exhibition of Etchings
Presented for Teachers
Prof. Thomas Diamond of the
education eschool yesterday an-
nounced the installation of an ex-
hibit of German etchings, on the
fourth floor of University high
The pictures are for use in art
classes and for general decoration
in schools. The exhibit is sponsored
by the School of Education, and is

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