ESTABLISHED 1920 of 4 P 'ummrr llithigani 3Iit MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. X. NO. 28. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, AUGUST 1, 1930 PRICE FIVE CENTS LAURALITTLEFIELD' A PPOINTED 1TO6GIVE MUSIC INSTRUCTION! Noted Concert Artist Selected to Supplant May Strong as Voice Professor. IS RADCLIFFE GRADUATE Newcomer to Faculty of Music School Has Experience with Recording, Concert Work. Coming shortly after the an- nouncement of the appointment of Arthur Hackett, well-known concert singer, to the School of Music fac- ulty, it was announced yesterday that Laura Littlefield, concert so- prano with the Boston Symphony orchestra for 12 years, has been ob- tained for the school staff. The announcement was made yesterday by President Charles A. Sink of the music school. Mrs. Littlefield has studied under some of the foremost teachers of voice in the world, according to hisstate- ment. The singer has spent the last two days in Ann Arbor, making ar- rangements to take up her position as assistant professor of voice. Slugs on Concert Stage Mrs. Littlefield has given concerts in many of the larger cities of the country, and in addition has re- corded her voice in a large number of phonograph records. She is a graduate of Radcliffe. At first, she took up the study of the violin, later transferring to voice work under Gallison of Boston. Her studies were continued under Jean de Reske of Paris, J. E. Bristol and Herbert Witherspoon of *w York, and George Longy and Emil Mel- lenhauer of Boston. Taught for Five Years Her appearances with the Boston Symphony orchestra were under the direction of Muck and Montoux. Besides the work there, she has given performances with the New Haven symphony orchestra, and In Cleveland, San Francisco, London, and the continental cities. She was soloist in the new Old South church in Boston for ten years. The newcomer to the faculty has spent five years in the teaching of music. Part of this time was spent as a member of the faculty of Brad- ford academy, Massachusetts. She has also served on the educational staff of the Victor Talking Machine company. She will take the place of Miss May Strong, who recently resigned as a member of the faculty. PILOTS WILL END AIR DERBY TODAY Gehlbach Holds Lead as Flyers Reach Chicago from Lincoln. (By Associated Press) CHICAGO, July 31.-With only one lap yet to go, Lee Gehlbach, of Little Rock, Ark., was again in first place tonight in the All-Amer- ican Air derby. The Arkansas aviator flew to Chi- cago from Lincoln, Neb., today in three hours, 48 minutes and 27 sec- onds. This was 10 minutes slower than the time made by Lowell Bayles, of Springfield, Mass., second place man, who won today's lap from Lincoln. Gehlbach's unofficially elapsed time is about four hours less than the Massachusetts flyer and virtu- ally assures him of victory unless an accident befalls him in the final top to Detroit tomorrow. Weddel and Hamer took off from Lincoln for Chicago this afternoon after making repairs to their planes. The following table shows the order of the arrival of the flyers here from Lincoln and their elapsed time: Flyer Time Lowell Bayles, Springfield, Mass.. ........................ 3:38:30 Lee Gehlbach, Little Rock, Ark... . ....................... 3:48:27 Charles Meyers, Cleveland..4:00:24 Henry Ogden, Englewood, Cal.... . .................... 4:06:07 W. C. Cahill, Cleveland.....4:20:38 Cecil Coffrin, Brooklyn.....4:33:10 H. W. Holliday. Rapidan.Va. 5:01:17 R-100, GIANT ENGLISH DIRIGIBLE, RETARDED BY STORMS, NEARS MONTREAL AFTER 3,385-MILE TRANSATLANTIC TRIP PROGRESS Of BRITISH D1IIIBLE DELAYED BY STORM CONDITIONS; WILL BEMOORED THIS MORNING I R-100, the world's largest dirigible, which was scheduled to reach St. Hubert Airport, near Montreal, late last night. Squadron Leader Ralph S. Booth (inset) was in charge of the huge English airship in its 3,385 mile voyage across the Atlantic and Greenland. The ship carried 44 passengers. GUINEAS MULTIPLY KEEPER'S TROUBLES (By Associated Press) CHICAGO, July 31.-The charge against Joseph Heinrich; pre- ferred by neighbors, is that he maintained a big crop of nui- sances. The neighbors charged that on a 75-foot lot he had quartered 200 guinea pigs (last count), 30 rabbits, 30 chickens, 4 goats and 4 dogs. The total is 268 nuisances. The maximum fine for main- taining one nuisance is $200. Mr. Heinrich knows as well as any- body else that $200 multiplied by 268 nuisances is a lot of money. BLAZE PRVNTION Says Smoking, Improper Use of Matches Remain Chief Causes of Fire. CHINA REDS WOUND AMERICN SAILORS Five Seamen Sustain Injuries as Gunboat Palos Reconnoiters Near Communist Lines. FIFTY SOVIETS KILLED (By Associated Press) SHANGHAI, July 31.-Five Amer- ican sailors were wounded as the1 crew of the United States gunboat Palos successfully fought off an at- tack of Chinese Communists near Changsha Wednesday. About 50 Communists were killed and many wounded as the blue jackets re- turned the fire of the Reds, who raked the ship with machine guns and rifles. The Reds attacked from the banks of the Slang River as the Palos was approaching the Com- munist-ravished city to make a survey of the ruins. Opening fire with 100 rifles and 10 machine guns the Communists showered the Palos with bullets. Caught in close quarters and un- able to turn back, the Palos brought her three-inch rifles and machine guns into action, firing into the at- tackers at close range. The battle raged for an hour before the Com- munists were silenced. The five sailors received flesh wounds only. After the battle the Palos with- drew down the river. The Palos is one of the six to 12 ships compris- ing the American Yangtse patrol headed by Rear-Admiral Thomas Craven. Admiral Craven is in the vicinity of Kiukiang seeking information concerning the extent of Commu- nist depredations in Kipngsi prov- ince. Unconfirmed reports Wednes- day said Communists have occupied Nanchang, Kiangsi, and were view- ing Kiukiang with envious eyes. A dispatch from Standard Oil Co. offices at Kiukiang said foreigners in Kuling, a summer resort, had been urged by Chinese authorities to leave immediately. Although Chinese officials failed to explain this request, it was considered an indication they feared Communist incursion of that area. STEAMSHIP BURNS IN JERSEY HARBOR (By Associated Press) JERSEY CITY, N. J., July 31.- Fire discovered in the hold of the Dollar liner, President Harrison, three hours before she was to sail on a round-the-world cruise, was under control tonight. Great quan- tities of water were poured in through the hatches, however, caus- ing the ship stern to stick in the mud of the Hudson river. Fire tugs and land apparatus pumped into the vessel for more than three hours but at 5 p.m., one hour passed sailing time, only a few thin whifs of smoke continued to rise out of her hold. Officials of the line would not es- timate the damage at this time but believed the water could be pumped from the hatches to float the stern in time to put out for San Franci- co. the first port of call, by noon CHINESE IN EAST RENEW TONG WAR Several Arrested in New York, Boston after Outbreak. (By Associated Press) NEW YORK, July 31.-Police re- serves patrolled Chinatown today after the killing of one Chinese and wounding of another signalled the outbreak of a-new Tong war. Seven Chinese were in jail. The opening of hostilities be- tween members of the On Leong Tong and the Tong On here was echoed in Boston where an On Le- ong partisan was killed. The first shooting occurred Wed- nesday night when Nap Ling was killed at the door of a Mott St. laundry in the heart of Chinatown. Police were on their way to the scene of that attack when Soo Bock Ling was shot 10 times at a bazaar a few doors away. Brooklyn police arrested four Chinese on charges of violating the anti-gun law when they found them carrying three pistols and seven bombs. The officers said the prisoners were members of the On Leong Tong. MATTHEWS ASKS BROADER RANGE IN WORLD TRADE (By Associated Press) GRAND RAPIDS, July 31.- The way out of the present business de- pression lies in world markets, in selling American surplus commodi- ties to Europe and in buying more of Europe's, said James Matthews, director of distribution of the Bab- son institute, Babson Park, Mass., speaking here today before the 37th annual convention of the United States Building and Loan league. Mr. Matthews, noted business forecaster, told his audience of 1,000 delegates that the real difficulty at this time is of international scope in that it involves the sale of sur- plus American goods to the only place left to sell-Europe. The speaker criticized the United States for lending additional funds to Europe with the hope this money will be used to purchase American commodities and declared goods must be paid for with goods, not with loans. "In spite of the howling about the farm problem, the eighteenth amendment andother outstanding and glaring ills," said Mr. Matthews, "the real difficulty before the Unit- ed States at this time is one of international scope. Since the great war, we have been manufacturing more commodities than we can ab- sorb on the domestic market. Small salaried people have partial equi- ties in every conceivable household appliance." BASEBALL SCORES American League Cleveland 5, Detroit 3 New York 14, Boston 13 Philadelphia 4, Washington 3 Chicago 10-1, St. Louis 2-0 National League New York 11, Boston 5 Philadelphia 12, Brooklyn 7 Pittsburgh 4, St. Louis 3 Only games scheduled.. HEALTH 1NSTITUTE TO CONVENE TODAY Hygiene Authorities to Discuss Disease Control at Fifth Conference. Damaged Fin Results in Slow Speed Down St. Lawrence Valley. BULLETIN (By Associated Press) ST. HUBERT AIRPORT, Que., July 31. -Flying field officials in an official statement issued tonight said the dirigible R-100 would not be moored here until tomorrow morning, because of unfavorable weather conditions. The statement said the ship was expected over the airport about midnight but it would cruise about the field until morning. (By Associated Press) ST. HUBERT AIRPORT, Quebec., July 31.-The British dirigible R- 100, largest of aircraft, tonight was making slow progress down the St. Lawrence- river valley. Headed for this airport, after repairs were made to a damaged fin which de- layed her progress several hours, passed over Quebec at 5:55 p.m. (e. s& t.). A message from Squadron Com- mander R. S. Booth said that the dirigible should reach St. Hubert by 11 p. m. She was due at 4 o'clock. Appears in Distress. The messages telling of the dam- age did not detail its extent, nor its nature. It was recalled the ship scraped a fin in being walked from CUMMINGS WILL SPEAK Several state and nationally prominent authorities will discuss control and various other phases, of -hygiene work today in West Medical building at the fifth of the series of week-end Public Health institutes sponsored by the University division of Hygiene and public health., The meeting will open at 9 o'- clock under the chairmanship of Dr. M. E. Soller, health officer of Ypsilanti. Dr. H. S. Cumming, sur- geon general of the United States public health service, will open the program with a lecture on "Inter-+ national Health Problems." Dr. W. J. V. Deacon of the bureau of+ statistics in the state department of health will follow at 10 o'clock with a continuation of his discus- sion on "Descriptive Vital Statis- tics." At 11 o'clock Dr. H. F.: Vaughan, Detroit health commis- sioner, will speak on "Public Health Administration-Medical." Following the luncheon to be giv- en at 12:15 o'clock in the Legue building, Dr. D. M. Griswold, dep- uty commissioner of the state health department will reopen the discussion at 2 o'clock with a talk on "Meningitis Control." Ida M. Haskins, director of health education at- the Mansfield public schools, Mansfield, Ohio, will speak at 3 o'clock on "Methods and Materials in Health Teaching." The day's program will be concluded by a lecture at 4 o'clock on "The Year's Progress in Dental Hygiene," presented by Dr. R. W. Bunting, professor of oral histology and' pathology at the University. Although these institutes have been arranged to form a complete series, single meetings may be at- tended by payment of the registra- tion fee at the office in West Medi- cal building, it has been announced. The lecture series will be contin- ued tomorrow, opening at 9 o'clock. CITES LIGHTNING RISKSI "Smoking and the improper use of matches continues to be the greatest single cause of fires," said Gordon L. Jensen of the engineer- her hangar at Cardington, Eng., ing school yesterday, speaking on several weeks ago. The fabric ap- causes and prevention of fires in parently was damaged then so that residences. "Break the match be- it could not withstand the batter- fore you throw it away, or better, ing of the angry winds over the put it and the cigar stub in a prop- north Atlantic. er container," he continued. When the big silvered cigar It is easy to start a fire without neared Quebec at 4:10 this after- matches, he remarked; spontaneous noon it was apparent she was in combustion is really common, and trouble since she was making slow is best to destroy cloths used in headway and at times it appeared connection with vegetable oils, such to be standing still or drifting with as furniture polish, paints, and var- the wind. A few moments later nishes, or place them in an ap- Squadron Commander Booth wire- proved metal container. lessed the field here that she had a The fuse in an electric circuit damaged fin and probably would may be compared to the safety not arrive until tomorrow. valve on a steam boiler; its purpose Recalls Grof Experience. is to prevent overloads which might The mishap, coming almost at overheat the wire and cause a fire, the end of the dirigible's voyage according to Jensen. Overfusing or and just 150 .miles from her goal, cutting out a fuse has the same ef- recalled a similar occurence aboard fect as tying down a steam gauge. the Graf Zeppelin on her maiden Defective extension cords may voyage to America two years ago. cause fires, he pointed out, but The fabric was torn from the there is no excuse for such danger Graf fin while she was over Ber- since the local electric company muda, due largely to the carless- will gladly service appliances. A pi- ness of a helmsman. Knut Eck- lot light and an iron stand will re- ener, son of the Graf's commander, duce the fire hazard from electric led a party which climbed out on irons, Jensen said. Radios should be the bare framework and tied a fab- p r o t e c t e d from lightning by ric and blankets together, to keep grounds and lightning arresters, the wind out of the big ship's hol- "The use of gasoline for cleaning low center. With the makeshift is generally dangerous," he said. covering, the Graf continued safe- "The friction caused by rubbingI ly to Lakehurst. will frequently generate enough heat to cause an explosion as will Leaders of Philippines an open flame in the neighborhood. Check to see that your cleaning Will Meet With Hoover fluid is non-inflammable." (By Associated Press) Probably the most important re- (A A sJocyat .-MPessQu' quirement for a chimney from a MANILA, July 31.-Manuel Que- safety standpoint is a solid founda- zon, senate president, Acting Senate tio, he pointed out. In addition President Sergio Osmena and Act- chimneys should be lined, he said. mg Speaker of the House De La NEW EDISON EXAMINATION STUMPS FORTY-NINE OFNATION'S BRIGHTEST (By Associated Press) WEST ORANGE, N. J., July 31.- ng of Mr. Edson's questions, the Forty-nine bright young men, se- boys generally agreed, had to do lected as this year's most promising with the scientific party stranded peaated shlyear'sdms psinghin the desert. Here is the question: preparatory school graduates i the You are the head of an expedition 48 states and the District of Colum- which has come to grief in the bia dove down today into 50 type- desert. There is enough food and written pages of one of Thomas A. water left to enable three people Edison's celebrated questionnaires to get to the nearest outpost of and came up smiling by shaking civilization; the rest must perish. their heads. Your companions are (1) a brilliant One of the youngsters is going to scientist, 60 years old, (2) two half- be elected tomorrow for a four-year breed guides, ages 52 and 32; (3) college course, all expenses paid, the scientist's wife, interested main- but, before taking them on as a ly in society matters, aged 39; (4) proteges, Mr. Edison wanted to her little son aged six: (5) the girl know several things. And, as Robert you are engaged to marry; (6) your C. Ladd, Vermont entrant, wanly best friend, a young man of your observed as he left the examination, own age who has shown great so much of it was the kind of stuff ( promise: in the field of science; (7) you couldn't learn n school. The I yourself. Which would you choose baascoayaccepred President Hoover's offer to discuss the ap- pointment of Nicholas Roosevelt as vice governor of the Philippines. In a message to the Filipino mis- sion at Washington the insular leaders said they were willing to discuss the subject with an open mind, in accordance with the pres- dent's suggeston, ' prompted by a sincere desire to reach a just and satisfactory solution." Ovr'e&+her Man - l- .r Will continue to make hay while the sun shines, since it is going to be.generally fair again today with