'=E SUMMER MICHqXAN DAILY TUESDAY, JULY 29, 1$3D ._ _... TUESDAY, JULY 29, 1930 Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all mem- bers of the University. Copy received at the office of the Dean of the Summer Session until 3:30, excepting Sundays. 11:30 a.m. Saturday. VOL. X. TUESDAY, JULY 29, 1930 NUMBER 25 School of Music Concert: Guy Filkins, organist, and Stanley Fletch- er, pianist, will provide the following in the Summer School series to{ be given in Hill Auditorium, this evening, July 29, at 8:15 o'clock to which the general public with the exception of small children is cordial- ly invited., The public is respectfully requested to be' seated on time. Hyde, Le Bonheur; Wagner, Prelude to "Parsifal" (Mr. Filkins): Chopin, Ballade in F major and Ten Preludes; Schubert-Liszt, The Erlking (Mr. Fletcher): Warner, Sea Sketch; Wagner, Liebestod (Tristan and Isolde); Guilmant, Grand Chorus in D (Mr. Filkins).' Charles A. Sink. Historic City Where Earthquake Spread Ruin 'PSYCHIC'FPICTU E PF U~IUL ?s Noted Author Is Superimpoe iiMlM' f~ on Photograph Mediu. WI T IVIUUIILOLUU .i ( Associated Press)ReotClaigapanGf .*..******LONDON, July 28.-Lady Conan, . "::::::lReofts PerryImpatin / Doyle, ~~~~~widow of the lt i rhrDcae oe "rConan Doyle,.saidStod A h t S r_ _ Arthur h".::":::. :.: Ead established definite,(yAscatdPes .:,..... .:." .... ::<: ::::::::<:;:«::::: communication with ".: - :.:.. :;:;::: :h his family SAN FRANCISCO. July 28.-The Pi Lambda Theta will hold initiation in the Michigan League ChapelI at 7:30 Tuesday, July 29th, after which the new members will be wel- comed in the Alumnae room. Esther L. Belcher. i Former Students of Western State Teachers College: The dinner in' honor of President Waldo, which was postponed last week, will be held on Wednesday, July 30th, at 6:30 in the Michigan League Building. All former students are urged to secure tickets at 4018 University High School. Put-in-Bay Excursion: Party will leave the east entrance oft Natural Science Building by motor bus at 7 a.m. and arrive at the dock of the steamer "Put-in-Bay" at the foot of First Street, Detroit, at 8:45. Steamer sails at 9 and arrives in Put-in-Bay at 12:45. Returning steamer sails at 4 and arrives in Detroit at 8 p.m. Motor busses wait at dock and party should reach Ann Arbor at 9:45 p.m. Round trip fare: motor bus! $1.50, and steamer $1.00. Both tickets on sale now in Room 9, Universityj Hall (Summer Session Office.) Those who wish may join the party on2 the steamer. Excursion is compulsory for members of Geology 31s. William H. Hobbs. ' There will be a Physics Colloquim in Room 1041 E. Physics Building on Tuesday afternoon at 4:15. 'Dr. Gerhard Dieke of Johns Hopkins University will speak on the "Raman Effect of Diatomic Molecules."I Everyone interested is cordially invited. H. M. Randall. Liberal Discussion Group: The Liberal Discussion Group will be! addressed by E. D. Grizzell, Professor of Secondary Education in the University of Pennsylvania. His subject will be "The Soviet and Fascist Education Programs." The meeting will be held on Thursday evening, July 31, at 7:15 p. m. on the third floor of the Michigan Union. All in-. terested are cordially invited. John M. Brumm. ' All musicians on the campus are requested to report at Morris Hall this (Tuesday) evening at 7. There are positions vacant in all sections.1 Rehearsal tonight for the concert Wednesday evening. Nicholas Falcone, Director. Observatory Nights: Tickets for Visitors' Nights at the Observatory, August 4, 5, 6, may be obtained in the office of the Summer Session from 9 to 12 a. m. and 2 to 5 p. m., Monday, July 28. These tickets are intend- ed for students of the Summer Session who will present their Treasurer's receipts when applying for them. Students desiring to avail themselves of this opportunity to visit the Observatory should apply for tickets at once for supply is limited. Edward H. Kraus. Afternoon Conference on Education: The second conference on the general subject of ADMINISTRATION AND SUPERVISION will be held Tuesday, July 29th, at 4:00 p.m. in the University High School Auditori- um. All who are interested in Education are urged to hear Professor Francis B. Has speak on THE CHILD IN THE EDUCATION MACHINE. Professor A. E. Wood will meet his classes in Sociology 121s and 141s Tuesday through Friday next week, July 29, through August 1, instead of Monday through Thursday. through.te;mediumof a pyhcEaie oa eotdtedg g Panera r"phtorahapeaace of two important dc She told the Daily Herald in an uments having direct bearing upon :::":interview that Rev. Charles L. the issues raised by John MacDon- Tweedale, vicar of Weston, York- ald's assertion he gave perjured shire, and an investigator of Psy- testimony at the trials of Thomas chic phenomena, sat for the photo- J Mooney and Warren K. Billings :: graph. I for the Preparedness day parade Sir Arthur's picture, Lady Conan Ibombing here in 1916. f:>:"<:..Doyle said, Is super-imposed upon IThe documents, the paper said, a photograph of Tweedle. The pic- were police reports which Police ture was made by a professional Captain Charles Goff had declared photographer but the plate was de- were in existence to prove MacDon- veloped and printed solely by Twee- ald, before meeting Goff, had vol- dale. untarily told his story linking Furthermore, said Lady Conan Mooney and Billings with the thttere is such an envelope. ful hunt for the documents. The market-place in Naples, the historic city stretching along the bay of Naples, where several were killed in the violent earthquakes that "" III1" lliIil ll have been rocking the peninsula for some days. Melfi, not far away, is said to be one of the centers of the disturbance. The ancient chateau of Charles I, d'Anjou, at the latter town is reported completely demol- holiday dress for the reception ofW ished. King Victor Emmanuel, who is mo- V Although official count has not toring through the quake area. been made of the number already D R ~(I ~ o dead in Southern Italy, the most' Labor Federation Asks e -' 1 1 accurate report issued placed thet Bar to Russian Goods, Opposite Building figure in the neighborhood of 4,000. The . :.hockt..have been recurring::::>::(By<::sspacicipaed aPressces- Thesockshave been'roce ecsulrr NEW YORK, July 28.--Exclusion with considerable frequency, and of all goods fromn Russia is sought I or the inhabitants of the affected by America's wage earners' protec- areas are terrorized. Millions of dol- tive conference, an organization larl worth of property damage has headed by Matthew Woll, MeS been done. president of the American Federa- BAtTHING CA Naples has recently put on its tion of Labor. DEVELOPING AND PRINTING I (One Day Service) STA TIONERY STUDENT SUPPIES LAST TIMES TONITE STARTING FOUNTAIN SERVICE - Opposite L'wTBuildin thru figureintheneighborhood of 4,000.(By Associated Press Friday I 4 4 TED LEWIS, Now a Great Talking Picture! I FOUR SHOWS DAILY WUERTH 2:00-3:30 7:00-9:00 TOM MOORE BLANCHE SWEET m IN The Woman Racket' Everything you want in an entertainment is in this talking sensation. e 0 " with Ann Pennington Alice Day 4:q I ERICH MARIA REMARQUE'S world-shaking novel transferred to the screen Inall its dramatic ntensity and terrific N tenitand teoiis oheim, Lewis Ayres, f John Wray. -4-A TMin mmmowma PORTABLE TYPEWRITERS Z--l> - I We have all makes. I Remington, Royals, Corona, Underwood Colored deco finishes. Price $60 ADDITIONS DAILY TO OUR TABLE OF BARGAIN () K S 50s each W A H R'1 Uzviversity Bookstore IT'S AT 0. D. MORRILL 314 South State St. Phone 6615 WANT ADS PAY! THE COOL joki wr... RIGHT NOW! MICHIGAN REPERTORY PLAYERS EVGENE O'NEILL'S Present I! ALL "BEYOND TH E HORIZON" SEATS PHONE 6300 for Reservations I 75 CENTS WED. THUR. FRI. SAT. III JULY 30-31-AVGVST 1-2 Lydia MENDELSSOHN Theatre mm MI QVALITY FOODS Whe v Io REASONABLE PRICES CAFETERIA SPECIAL LVNCHEONS AND DINNERS FIFTY CENTS CAFETERIA HOVRS: 7 2 and 3-7:30 SODA BART 11-7:30 lifli IIIi I II I1111 III1III Hl I I I1111111111111111111IIfI m m Ii; I u11111 i ltI ii lli li)&ii itp lPl I111 H 1111111111111111111 IrrillIM11111111r, III n7rfffffrm"