PAGE FOUR THE SUMMER MICHI' =:4 DAILY SATURDAY, JULY 20, 1929 _ 49 DAILY OFI ICIALBUdLLETI Nj Publica~on in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all mem- bers of the University. Copy received at the office of the Dean of the Summer Session until 3:30, excepting Sundays. (11:30 a. m. Saturday). Vol. IX T URDA Y, JULY 20, 1929 No. 23 Notice to Users of Campus Telephones: The new dial telephones which are being placed in the Campus buildings cannot be used for dialing until the new switchboard is in-j stalled early in the fall. These phones should be used the same asI the old-style phones until this installation is complete. Notice will be given through the Daily Official Bulletin when the dial system is in operation. Shirley W. Smith, Secretary All University Service: Dr. Samual Forrer will address the university service in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theater of the Women's League Building, Sunday evening, July 21 at 8:00. All are cordially invited. Student Christian Association Palmer Field Tennis Courts: Because the tennis courts on Palmer Field have been so monopolized, by men players the Department of Physical Education for Women feels1 obliged to enforce the ruling that no men will be allowed to use the courts from 2 to 6 p. m., daily except as playing guests of the women. The women are again informed that they always have precedence over mixed singles or doubles. Alice Evans Social Dancing Class: Four additionan lessons will be given, continuing Tuesday and PROPOSED A x NE WS FROM IOWA.-Paul Fleming, alias fessor Gemmill, who gave anE bition of magic here recently came interested in magic artN a small boy. He went to colle study public speaking and pursued his academic work. ing the winter he is Profesor C mill of the University of Pen vania, but during the summ takes to the road and delights versity audiences throughout country with his varied and morous programs of magic. S NEW DORMITORY MC'ATEE. STATE COLLEGE ATHLETE, ABANDONS TRACK FOR BUSINESS -l y Associated Pres>)I better than i feet 2 inches fog EAST LANSING, July 20.-Join- fourth place. ing the parade of athletes leading From a number of angles, MuAte2 Sfrom the gridiron and the cinder niched out a remarkable record be- paths to the business world is Mich-fore reirement. He placed in every :t::} . ismeel in which he competed this * . .~* .* **.-*.<..igan.State's greatest contribution year including fifth places at th to track competition for 1929. 1. C. A. A. A. A. and the National ..Harold McAtee, who cleared the Colegiates. He has either tied or bars the other day at Denver at 13 beaten every competitor of note in the country within his college Sfeet 4/ inches for a new Junior career with the exception of Barnes, 0 TH.E COLLEGES A. A. U. pole vault mark, has made 'the California vaulter. He tied Sa e-t-r-his final leap. He has packed away bin Carr, of Yale, two years ago at Pro- NEBRASKA.-A belief that wom- his cleets and trunks as souvenirs 12 feet 6 inches at the relays. exhi- en have the ability to read facial ! y be- expressions better than men ap- of "the days when" and has opened McAtee came to Michigan State when! presitonbe"tefthanomn"saysthe way for other ambitious youths four years ago with a pair of glasses when ; ears to be "gentle fiction," says YYp g to Doctor J. P. Guilford of the Univer- to put an "ex" after his title of and a high-school vaulting achieve- later sity of Nebraska after conducting he . men of 10 feet 4 inches. He has Dur- an experiment with men and wom- The spectacled McAtee has signed since retained the spectacles but en students, The girls did no bet- a contract wits a rubber company proceeded to discard his scholastic Gem- en tudfors ahwork-outidin SingaIpore andrecord. nsyl- ter than the boys when it came to for a work-out in Singapore and er he telling what looks imply, although will be gone long, at least three In his freshman year, the Spar- uni- all the young people who took part years. "I will not return to compe- tan vaulter bettered his mark to the in the tests improved in ability tition," he said before leaving. 11 feet 10 inches. As a sophomore hu- rapidly during the ten days of the McAtee arrived at a fortuneless h( moved the bars to 13 feet 3 5-8 experiment. Dr. Guilford believes fame in double quick time once he, inches before he decided they were that true emotion can always be was bitten by the championship high enough. Since that tine 13 Kay, read by an expert, no matter what' bug. He deserted the track at the feet had been regarded as his mert the outward facial mask may be. climax of his career. It was at "ceiling" until at the recent A. A. shoes _ _Denver in the senior champion- U. meet with the aid of Denver's acial SELINS GROVE, PENNSYLVA- ships that he leaped 13 feet 6 inches 5.197-foot elevation, he found him- the NIA.-Marion Bodmer, after mas- for a tie with two other vaulters, self 5,210 feet 6 inches above sea querading 19 years as a girl, has but on the run-off he could do no level. r 6 Thursday evenings, from 7 to 8 o'clock, at Barbour Gymnasium. Tickets IOWA.-Dean George F. will be one dollar each. No single admissions will be given. head of the geology departs Obtain your tickets at the last lesson of the first series, Thursday here, dons overalls and olds night, July 18, or in office No. 15 Barbour gymnasium, this week. to study the history of the gl Meldon Ratliff deposits in the excavation . for new stadium. School of Education: Week End Conferences: I The casual passerby may suppos(' donned mannish attire and is pre- 9-11 a. m. The Value of Interior Decoration hat the excavation has reached so paring to enter the legal profession, Professor Dresslar great a depth that the skulls of ! it was revealed here a short while Landscaping: An Integral Factor in School Design Chinamen are in imminent danger. ago when he enrolled at a boys' H. O. Whittemore, Assistant Professor of Landscape Design, However, Dean Kay says that the preparatory school. 'He was grad- University of Michigan deepest part only shows materials uated from the Selins Grove High Students will be admitted to these meetings upon presentation of deposited since the beginning of School in 1928 as a girl. He had their tuition receipts. Those who do not wish to attend the Dinner the glacial period, made a good scholastic record and meeting may come in later to hear Professor Dresslar. T. Diamond h had played three years on the girls'' IOWA.-Principles o_ modern ad- basket ball team. Inquiries as to conshsentta ae-ovnertisin To Students in the Department of I n vertising are applied in the library why a girl was enrolled in a boys' English: of today as well as in the more school brought the admission froml Much stenographic work on thes- ism co-education has become pop- commercialized institutions. It is Marion's parents that he was real- es and reports has of late become ular. Before 1916 no women were not enough for the up-to-date li- ly a boy. His father has assumed so bad that some action has be- enrolled in the University of Mad- brarian to know that certain books all blame for the masquerade and oso eci s rid, but now more than 25000 co are on the shelves, but she must., stated that Mrs. Bodmer did not come necessary to check it. Stu- d t et an see that readers are made aware have the courage to change the'- dents are warned that they will be eds are students in Spanish uni- of these books and of their acces- announcement given out at birth held responsible themselves for the versities. sibility. j that Marion was a girl. neatness and accuracy of all I- - -I I M 111111111111 HALLER'S STATE STREET JEWELERS At Liberty Street Repairing Watches Jewelry SPECIAL ORDER WORK i :s han de d in, a nu han t arless w u I will not be accepted. It is suggested that students se- lect stenographers with great care and have an- understanding in ad- vance that careless work will not. be paid for. Recently two students' have had to throw away work which cost them over $50. LouisTE. Bredvold 'TYPEWRITERS t. iii...Y . ua" You Get the Best in SERVICE AND QUALITY atJ Aim Arbor's Original Sandwich Shoppe Open Every Day Seven Till Midnight 2:00-3:35-STARTING TODAY- Colossus of sea Thrillers! -7:15-9:00 Coming LILLIAN GISH in "THE, WHITE SISTER.W" SUPPLIES for all makes of Typewriters. Rapid turnover, fresh stock, insures best quality at a moderate price. O. D. MORRILL 17 Nickels Arcade Phone 66151 :.a 1 t41 t_ i {IIlilllllitillii{Ylllt tl liiltlll 1111111 u ~ l l il iI III rl i l l i i I I 1 1 1 III ill I lli I Read The Classified Ads FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST 10:30 A. M.-Regular morning service. Subject:"Sacrament." 11:45 A. M.-Sunday School fol- lowing the morning service. 7:45 Wednesday evening testi- monial meeting. The reading room 10 and 11 State Savings Bank Building is open daily from 12 to 5 o'clock except Sundays and Holidays. Y t9i 11 urrir er achool pecial 250 BOXES MICHIGAN SEAL STATIONERY 49c R UNIVERSITY WA SB OO K ST OR E :a O 41 h - TONIGHT at 8:15 ox Office Open 10-9 Phone 6300 Tickets 75c PLAY PRODUCTION'S MICHIGAN REPERTORY PLAYERS Present oren TheM oon" BY MARTIN FLAVIN LAST TIME TONIGHT LYDIA MENDELSSOHN THEATRE NEXT WEEK "KICK-IN" By WILLARD MACK iichiqan Union (6fe e rI SPECIAL 50c LUNCHEON arnd DINNER. 7 A. M.--2 P. M. The Talk of Ann Arbor 5-7:30 P. M. I fII~fI'TIIItr I I I I I it I I I I I If It I I I I I I I] I I I I 1 1111111111 Ill11111111l a tl?'FFir3m rrilrr[ rt tztrtrrr r rrit I