;AuE Twin THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, JULY 16, 1929 fai 4 ga&It a i t Published every morning except 'Mondayj during the University Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. of the to be should rest of the world never again drawn into war, all eyes be centered on Manchuria for it is there and not in their own minds that the destiny of world peace will be decided in the next I few years. _____ n- The Associated Press is exclusively en-- U titled to the use for republication of all news THE MUSEUM OF ARCHAEOLOGY dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news rub- Institutions here in the Univer- lished herein. S - sity seem to spring up almost over Entered at the Ann Arbor, Michigan,at kn.e postoffice as second class matter, night, and it takes only a matter Subscription by carrier. $1.50; by mail of five years of building to make $2.00 Offices: Press Building, Maynard Street, the campus well night unrecogniz- Ann Arbor, Michigan. able. Within the last two years there has been an addition to the EDITORIAL STAFF University's buildings in the forml Telephone 4525 of the new museum on Washtenaw. With its three wings and rotunda LAWRENCETR. KLEIN it admirably accommodates all dis-_ LADireCE owad I plays necessary for the study ofr Editorial Director....s...... Howard F. Shout Women's Editor ...........Margaret EckeJs anthropology. City Editor...................Charles Askrea This year the opening of the Music and Drama Editor.. R. Leslie Askren Books Editor...........Lawrence R. Klein Summer Session was marked by Spor% Editor...........S. Cadwell Swanson the opening of another of Univer- Night Editors sity Museum, that of Classical Howard F. Shout Walter Wilds Archaeology. This latest of all the C. Cadwell Swanson Harold Warren museums is unique in that it rep- Pen Mano Assistants ; resents the life work and tireless Pens Nlastin Led: 1 is effort of one individual in collect- Doro thy aMgee aiat lEing the displays. It is the culmin-j Paul Showers tion of 36 years of work, about 34f - of which were personally due to the, BUSINESS STAFF energy of the late Prof. Francis W.- Telephone 21214 Kelsey. Starting in 1893 with af fragment of a Roman lamp given1 BUSINESS MANAGER by Pere eDlattre, founder of the! LAWRENCE E. WALKLEY Musee Lavigeri dee Saint Louis de Assistant Busiiiess AManager-....Vernor Davis Carthage, the collection in the pos- Publications MNanager ..... Egbert Davis session of the University has in- Circulation Manager............Jeanette Dale creased to approximately 15,000 AochoBrytnt icreased to approximately 15,000 pieces. - The Museum which is housed in Night Editor-HOWARD SHOUT Angell and Newberry halls is one of - the most important of its kind inj TUESDAY, JULY 16, 1929 the country. It outranks any other{ --- - like museum in its size, the remark- SERAJEVO AGAIN? able preservation of the exhibits,, The Soviet government has given 'and their variety. So far the ap- China three days in which to arbi- preciation of its contents has been trate, or at least to prepare for confined only to a few people who arbitration. At first glance the have been in-the-know, but it is-' hoped that in the future the dis- Russian demands have the appear- plays may come to be as well known ance of vicious belligerence with as those in the Museum of Anthro- no desire for peace evident, but ology and may take their place in when the high-handed way in the lives of the student body as which the Chinese have acted is valuable and prized commentaries considered and the extreme meth- on life as it was and is today. k ods they have taken to enforce Ancient things have come to be their rights the Soviet ultimatum looked upon with a sort of con-; seems the only possible action they descension by the people of the $ could have taken. They have made present generation. Few stop now- three demands: the first, that an which once were extant and the arbitration conference be called adays to wonder at the civilizations immediately to settle all questions mob passes up any mention of suchk concerning the Manchurian rail- a wonder as a sign of doddering old f way; the second, that the Chinese age. They no longer realize that authorities immediately cancel all the present era is little different arbitrary orders regarding this fron that of the past, in both phys- railroad, and the third; that all So- ical and mental and spiritual viet citizens who were arrested by achievements. Human nature is the Chinese, be released immediate- unchangeable, and what once was ly. These all seem very natural crude has merely had the rough expectations and represent an edges chipped off through the en- urgent desire for a settlement of suing centuries. disputes coupled with a determina- It is the duty and purpose of tion to enforce all the rights of the museums so to present the life of ( Russian republic. the past that it is akin to that of j i o 0 Music And Drama o 0 TONIGHT: Concert by mem- bers of the Faculty of the School of Music, in Hill Audi- torium, beginning at 8:15 o'- clock, precisely. FACULTY CONCERT Another of the series of Faculty concerts will be presented tonight in Hill Auditorium by members of the faculty of the University School of Music. The concerts presented have been of a uniformly high standa d, and the artists appear- ing tonight have demanded wide recognition for their talent and ar- tistic integrity. Mrs. Maud Okkelberg will appear in a series of piano solos, and Mr. Ottis 0. Patton, tenor, accompan- ied by Miss Louise Nelson of the: Piano faculty will give a number of lyric selections. Mrs. Okkelberg has earned herself a splendid re- putation both locally and through- out the state for her solo and en- semble work. Mr. Patton, graduate of the school of Music several years ago and from the Literary college this June, is one of the outstand- [ng pupils of Theodore Harrison and will be remembered for his fine work in previous Faculty concerts as well as on the May Festival plat- form. Miss Nelson has earned her- self leave of absence from the fac- ulty for the coming year to study and travel abroad. The program is as follows: Sonata, op. 22 .......... Schumann io rasch wie moglich Andantino Scherzo Rondo Mrs. Okkelberg E lecevan le stelle (from La Tosca).........Puccini D Primavera.. . Tirindella Viene Amore Con Me ... Carnevali Mr. Patton Memento Mori (fox-trot tra- gico) Mario Castelnuovi Tedesco Romance (Rag Caprice) - -Darius Milhaud Chanson Tcheque ... Tcherepnive Danse des Elfes ...... Sapellnikoff Mrs. Okkelberg Ah! My Beloved.........Stickles ro a Hilltop-................Cox Blue are her eyes ......... Watts I'he great Awakening ... Kramer Mr. Patton "CHILDREN OF THE MOON" Tomorrow the Michigan Reper- ory Players present Martin Flav- n's study of the moon-madness, 'Children of the Moon" in Lydia VIendelssohn Theater, under the di- ection of Valentine B. Windt. The Flavin play will be a test for iramatic writing and for director.-- al ability in drawing from the cast he powerful emotions that a play entering around insanity requir-. s. It is scarcely a hot weather lay if frothy things full of light hatter and bouffant gowns are 'I K Kodak Film The Best Pictures Come ,e snd From The Best Film--Kodak rinfi Film in the Yellow Box For pictures of real quality, load your camera with Kodak Film. Then send us the exposed rolls for skilful developing and printing. Calkins-Fletcher Drug Company Ann Arbor, Michigan ---- r °in r r nmT m a , 1TmTmilTmTli """"' mrf { y ' ; a i E r 1 t , Our Name and Forty-Seven Years of Faithful Service During the past forty-seven years this Bank has retained its Individual identity, embracing the most modern methods and meeting changing condi- tions with an ever increasing background of experi- ence in serving progressive business. It is a stable financial structure in this com- et munity to which you may look with the utmost assurance when seeking a strong Bank to transact your business, History IS YOUR SATISFACTION OR NO CHARGE REENE' Cleaner and DyerS 11 4? i '''' . 1F FARMERS & MECHANICS BANK ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN pi Member Federal Reserve System Very probably this action which the Chinese have taken toward their northern neighbors is the cul- the present. They are designed to e awaken a consciousness of the mor- p alities outgrown and to question the! c Phone 21548 II /; mination of the feeling that has curent ones. In short, they are not the sort for a heat-gripped audi- been rising since the expulsion of merely ornate ice boxes in which to ence, but Flavin has fashioned a 20 so-called anarchists from posi- stow outworn curiosities but tang- bitterly gripping play out of the tions under the 'old. Nationalist ible texts, an acquaintance with I story of hereditary insanity in the regime. and study of which will produce a Atherton family and for power of However, no matter what the broader, more tolerant and cultur- dramatic writing the piece stands source of the trouble, the situation ed outlook on life. out distinctly from the series that cannot but be viewed with alarm is scheduled for the summer. and apprehension by all the nations The story, briefly, concerns the of the world. International amitye t distortion of human life under the of scourgelof hereditaryntaintias and understanding has been hold- scourge of hereditary taint as ing a precarious perch even with AMERICAN UNIVERSITY found in the Atherton family, mo- all its bulwarks of peace propagan- (From The Butler Collegian) ther, daughter, and grandparent. da and disarmament conferences. In continuing the dissertation on But the mother Laura is addition- The gretest danger lies in the im- strides that have been taken by Ox- ally the victim of a mother-love minent possibility that other na- ford and Cambridge universities complex-a theme which Sidney tions will be drawn into the dispute over the American system of edu- Howard has classicized in "The which has so far been confined to cation, with their six century start Silver Cord"-and her jealous sug- the two nations aforementioned. on these early American institu- gestions to her daughter Jane bring China, in addition to being a great tions, we can say that there is a about almost tragic results. and powerful nation (despite its strong possibility of accelerating Introduced some eight years ago internecine warfare), is also the our educational evolution with the to Broadway, "Children of the scene of the commercial activities innovation of a tutorial system in- Moon' had a brilliant run of a full of almost every nation on the globe, stead of waiting for leisurely and year. In London it commanded For this reason, any flames of dis- wandering time to accomplish this similar attention, and in Chicago- sension whatsoever occurring with- task. where only "home-boys" and gor- in its borders must be watched "'The present system of recitations, geous musicals last more than two carefully so that the conflagration the daily accounting of the prep- weeks-the run was extended to six is not permitted to spread into the aration of the student, embodies in weeks. sections devoted to the interests of it something of the mechanical, Director Windt, who is staging these outside nations. China is to- something which any iron man, if the play in order to release Pro- day a potential source of a new well greased, could do. Certainly, fessor Wallace for some of his teach- world war. It must be carefully absorbing a few scattered facts for ing duties, is faced by the extra- guided and nursed along until it the space of two hours, that is, just ordinarily difficult problem of in- achieves a secure government and long enough to place them on pa- terpreting emotions that frequently a peaceful, satisfied people. per, is not the road to worthwhile mount to hysteria through neces- Of course, the Chinese Eastern knowledge. This dull repeating is sarily immature amateurs. A sim- railway episode cannot entirely be the manner in which a parrot yilar problem, though in an entire- compared to the Serajevo affair ex- might learn a sentence. The par- ly different play, was faced by Paul cept in the latent possibility that it rot has the mechanical capacity to Stephenson when Comedy Club will involve more governments than memorize a few disconnected sen- produced Clemence Dane's "Gran- the Chinese and the Soviet. How- tences, but his power of assimila- ite." Mr. Windt's solution of the ever, the score or more imprisoned tion and application is nil. In like problem will differ widely from Russian citizens might be likened manner, the average undergradu- j Stephenson's in which the most to the grand duke and duchess ate's ability to assimilate and tofminite detail of nuance and move- whose assassination began the 1914 apply is at an astounding low ebb. ' ment was "set" and fitted in, al- horror. The well-meaning professor does most mechanically, with the gen- China has answered the Russian;that; he not only teaches the baby eral scheme of interpretation, but ultimatum by marching her troops how to walk, but he keeps on prop- the skill Mr. Windt has shown with toward the border, and the Soviet ping up and dragging along in the I the emotional type of play dur- are answering this demonstrtition ruthless pursuit of "culture," the ing the past year gives great pro- by a similar mobilization. In spite able-bodied and fairly able-minded mise of success with the Flavin Alll Work Insured ALL THIS' WEEK W UE RT H NOW SHOWING Against Fire Theft and Ran for Five Years on Broadway 11 All Unpaid Subscriptions For SUMMER DAILY Due I EVERY human heart holds the secret of its success. The greatest love drama ever written. Made into a supreme motion picture. Jean Hersholt, Charles (Buddy) Rogers and Nancy Carroll heading the master cast. Tomorrow Lmo 1 READ THE DAILY CLASSIFTEDS! .--l!