Cooler with slight showers
ol P
0 ummrr
p--- --
4lithitga u
Big Land Owners, Foreign Investors
Army, and Politicians Lose
Hold on Natives
That the Mexican revolution sig-
nified a racial awakening on the
part of the Indian in Mexico and
had brought about four outstand-
ing results was pointed out by Dr.
Frank Tannenbaum in his lecture
on "The Economic and Social Con-
sequences of the Mexican Revolu-
tion" yesterday afternoon in the
Natural Science auditorium. Dr.
Tannenbaum has been in Mexico
for the last four or five years un-
der the auspices of the Brookings
institute, Washington, D. C., study-
ing the conditions of the coun-
"Political power in Mexico has
passed in the last ten years from
the large land-owner, the foreign
investor, the army, and the poli-
tician to the organized communi-
ty," said Dr. Tannenbaum in enum-
erating the resultant factors of the
revolution. "When the Spanish
came to Mexico, not as colonizers,
but as conquerors, they found an
ancient civilization which was bas-
ed upon a system of small com-
niunal villages where property be-
longed, not to the individual, but
to the group. The white man took
possession of as much of this land
as he could and enslaved its na-
tive owners. The Indians resisted
this intrusion, and for four hun-
dred years, the struggle went on
between the communal system and
the plantation system, instituted
by the Spanish wherein vast tracts
of land and the native inhabitants
were held in the power of a sin-
gle man.
The revolution put a definite
check to this movement which was
gradually crushing the native pop-
ulation, which predominates over
the foreign element considerably.
At present, the population is mov-
ing back from the private plan-
tation to the old communal vil
Besides this basic result of the
revolution, Dr. Tannenbaum point-
ed to the sudden development of
the Indian culture in the fields of
art, literature, and music.
Dr. Tannenbaum will lecture
again at 5 o'clock this afternoon in
Natural Science Auditorium on the
subject, "The Influence of the
Mexican Revolution on Private
Tryouts Will Be Held
For Athletic Society
Announcement of try-outs for
eligibility to admission to Sigma
Delta Psi, national honorary ath-
letic fraternity was made late yes-
terday afternoon by Paul R. Wash-
ke, assistant director of intramural
The tryouts are open to everyone
who is interested and will be held
on Ferry Field Monday, Tuesday,
and Thursday afternoon from 3
until 5 o'clock. All men who are
interested are requested to see
Lawrence Lamont who will be in
charge of the trials. These arel
designed as a test of the physical[
ability of men and include track,
field and swimming -tests as well as
a certain high standard of scholar-
(By Associated Press)
American League
New York 7; Detroit 6.
Cleveland 8-0; Philadelphia 5-4.
Chicago 4; Washington 2.
St. Louis 10; Boston 3.
National League
Chicago 9-7; Philadelphia 6-6.
Brooklyn 4; Cincinnati 2.
VoYw , r 8r.I- QtT mii 0
"Modern language1
the universities of thec
in the secondary sch
t a long time been un
mutually independent
Prof. H. P. Thieme, of t
Languages departmen
nouncing the inaugura
new plan of round-ta
sions for French teach
very recently college
this field have not paid
tention to the problems
ondary school. As ac
there was no co-opera
understanding betwee
there was an overlap
struction, a differen
methods and objectives
of uniformity that cau
dent and the univers
deal of trouble.
"But with the adven
colleges and junior h
explained Professor T
public school was bro
to the university andc
in a sense, guided and" c
the latter. By this a
it was intended that
schools should achieve
of a uniformity in their
instruction and in their
it was certain, would
greater proficiency in ti
al student when he reac
and also would definit
him for the concentrat
of study and research
meet there. Thus the w
the public school and th
ty would be made moreE
"This development o
between the two insti
continued for some tim
continued, "and has re
teaching in point where closer co-operation
country and must be sought if the progress is
Dols has for to continue. In casting about for
irelated and some new plan the idea of theN
," declared round-table discussion for French
he Romance teachers is being tried out. The
it, in an- great number of teachers of French DETROIT DEAN OF
ation of the on the campus and of superinten- COLLEGE DES
able discus- dents and supervisors who must DISTRICT
hers. "Until cope with many of the problems of
teachers in the teachers under them, makes
[enough at- the idea seem a very practical and LEADS OPEN DISC
s of the sec- promising one. This summer will OF COURT JU
consequence, be the first time that such a pro-
tion and no ject will have been carried out in School People Should b
n the two; the French department of any uni- with State School
ping of in- versity. It is an innovation and Good Administ
ce, in both an experiment depending largely
and a lack for its success upon the amount of Expressing the needc
sed the stu- interest shown on the campus." I ple to be familiar wit
ity a great Professor Thieme pointed out code of the state, Wilf
that many of the teachers of the
it of junior state spend one or two summers in den ofDta e
iighschools," other schools such as Columbia, College of Detroit, sp
hieme, "the McGill, and Middlebury, and that Michigan School Law
ught closer these teachers have comparisons to afternoon at one of t
came to be, make and the work of these other o'clock lectures by ti
ontrolled by schools to tell about. The ideas of school. Coffey led the
rrangement these individuals will undoubtedly place of Deputy Super
the public prove interesting at the discussions, Schools Goodrich.
something he intimated. Coffey explained th
r systems of "The main object and purpose of(under which a school d
r aims. This, the round-table discussion plan is be established andf
I make for to bring about a more intimate ac- ments that the district
he individu- quaintanceship between the facul- to meet in order to secs
ched college ty of the university and other Describes Primary
ely prepare teachers," Professor Thieme declar- Taking up the clas
ed methods ed. "This is in a sense only a part school districts, Coffey
he would of the program we have been de- a description of primar
vork of both veloping for years to make possi- tricts in which there a
he universi- ble a greater degree of intimacy children of census ag
effective. and an opportunity for united ef- the township board
f harmony fort on the part of the two edu- portant factor in ad
tutions has cational branches, the university and control- having cY
ie now," he and the secondary school," he con- budget except the bu
ached that cluded. sites.
In the graded schoo
the same school pop
with a general populat
or less, a board of
- -
be Acquainted
Laws for
of school peo-
h the school
ord L. Coffey,
college, City
oke -on "The
s" yesterday
he regular 4
he education
discussion in
intendent of
he condition
district might
the require-
t would have
iure state aid.
ssification of
began with
ry school dis-
are 75 or less
e. For these
is the im-
harge of the
uildings and
l districts of
ulation and
ion of 10,000
five trustees
Committee Witholds Exact Line-up
Until Twenty-four Hours
Before Tourney
(By Associated Press)
NEW YORK, July 16.-Big Bill
Tilden and his old comrade Frank
Major Leon Idzikowski, who was Hunter were named today along
killed when his plane crashed in with the fiery youngsters John Van
the race to America with the Ryn and Wilmer Allison to carry
French plane piloted by Coste. America's colors into action against
Germany in the inter-zone Davis
Cup finals, starting this Friday at
Establishing something of a rec-
ord for long distance master-mind-
An R Nning,the Davis Cup committee of
the United States Lawn Tennis As-
sociation, officially nominated this
Johns Hopkins Professor and Life new "big four" and immediately
Extension Director To Discuss cabled France to that effect.
Periodic Examinations ( Although Chairman Joseph W.
Wear of Philadelphia, and his fel-
NUTRITION TO BE TOPIC low committeemen availed them-
selves of their privilege .of with-
Prof. E. V. McCollum of Johns holding the exact lineup until 24
hours before the three day series
Hopkins university and Dr. Eugene begins on Friday, the general sup-
Lyman Fisk, medical director of the position is that Tilden and Hunter,
Life Extension institute, New York ! the country's first and second rank-
City, will be the principal speak-- ing players will be used in the
Failure of Untin Bowle rLaid to Fog
Found Unusuagly Far South on
Land Route to Europe
itiiiririll e III emilliln!
i tzyhi0h 0100+0 i+0 nenr n
which elects its own ofiicers gov-
erns jointly with the board of edu-
cation, with appeal to the country
board of school examiners if dis-
[rs. Okelberg, Mr. Patton to Appear trict is not wholly or partially with-
Tonight in Fourth Summer in a city or village. The board
Concert and the superintendent are in con-
trol. The school area is governed
FIRST NUMBER AT 8:15 by the city boundaries, while the
site is governed by the board. Legal
The fourth faculty concert ate voters authorize the formation of
Speaking on the subject of "Re-
cent Airplane Flights to Europe,"
Prof. William H. Hobbs, head of the
University Meteorological station at
Mount Evans, Greenland, and head
of the department of geology, be-
fore a meeting of the Men's Educa-
tional. club which met at 7 o'clock
last night in the Union, laid the
causes of the 'Untin Bowler's fail-
ure to reach Greenland according
to schedule to the fact that it had
encountered fogs too far south on
its course. Further North he said
there would have been little or no
fog and the giant Sikorsky sea-,
plane would have reached its des-
Professor Hobbs again voiced the
opinion which he has expressed,
several times that t he overland
route to Europe by way of the
northern parts of British America,
Baffin Bay, Greenland and the ex-
treme northern Atlantic ocean was
by far the safest route for airplanes
contemplating flights to the con-
tinent for commercial or passenger
carrying reasons. The sea lanes,
he explained tax the capacities of
the airships to the utmost and it is
impossible for them to carry a load
and sufficient fuel for crossing the
3000 miles or more of the Atlantic.
In crossing British America any
plane that is equipped for both
land and sea landing has nothing
to fear. There are numerous lakes
in the Wooded portions of Canada,
and that country is no longer as'
uninhabited as it once was. Tak-
ing this route, the longest single
hop over open water would be only
300 miles compared to the 3000 of
the southern "shipping lane" route.
The passage can be made almost allt
the way with a brisk wind at the
back due to a phenomena in Green-
land which Dr. Hobbs personal-,
ly investigated. That country is
shaped like a huge dome over which
surface winds flow outward and'
about 3000 metres above this there
are strong winds blowing inwardly.
Upon reaching the center of these
winds it is possible for the airships
to drop from one current to the
othet on the opposite side and so
ers' at the fifth session of the Pub-
lic Health institute of the Sum-'
mer Session, which will be held on
next Friday and Saturday.
Professor McCollum who is an{
outstanding contributor to the sci-,
ence of nutrition will deliver two
lectures on the most recent ad-j
vances made in that field at 4 o'-
clock each afternoon of the sessionI
in the West Medical building. He
is the author of "Our Newer Knowl-
edge of Nutrition."
Dr. Fisk, one of the country's;
foremost authorities on life exten-
sion work, will likewise deliver two
lectures. They will be given at 31
o'clock, Friday and Saturday after-
noons, in the West Medical build-;
ing. Dr. Fisk has written much
material upon the subject of the
value of periodic health examina-
tions as a health procedure, two of'
his best known books being "Hov
to Live" and "Health Building and
Life Extension."
Professor R. W. Bunting, profes-
sor of dental histology and patho-
logy will outline the year's pro-I
gress in oral hygiene with partic-
singles witn VanRyan and Allison
playing in the doubles.
The . brilliant combination of
VanRyan, the dashing captain of
Princeton's tennis team last year
and Allison, former intercollegiate
champion from the University of
Texas had been considered an al-
most certain choice for the Davis
Cup assignment since they won the
classic British doubles crown, but
the selection of Tilden and Hunter
came as a surprise. So far as the
inter-zone final is concerned, the
latest move puts George Lott of Chi-
cago and John Hennessey of Ind-
ianapolis, entirely out of the pic-
ture. There still is a chance for
them to see action against France
in the challenge round, provided
their mates can eliminate the Teu-
tons. This decision battle is sched-
uled for July 26, 27°or 28 at Paris.
In deciding in favor of Tilden
and Hunter as the team-mates of
VanRyan and Allison the commit-
tee cast its lot on the side of ex-
Unsystematic Marking
T W A"11 ®nt R ®..
15 o'clock tonigh
3rium will bring th
oi ll w l 0 --
musicians before t
the summer session
berg, a member of t
ty, will appear in tw
0. Patton, famous to
of the school and fc
ber of the Choral
Glee club, will appe
program accompan
Nelson, a member
t in Hill audi- ,the district upon petition of 100
hree well known or more school electors.
he students of ( A similar Doara or trustees and
township board system has control
. Maud Okkel- in the township school districts, in
the piano facul- which the school districts are
o groups. Ottis authorized by the legal school elec-
enor, a graduate tors of any organized township up-
)rmerly a mem- on petition of 25 percent or more
Union and the of the legal voters.
ar twice on the Board Controls Budget
lied by Louise Districts of the second class are
of the piano those having a population of from
ram is as fol- 125,000 to 500,000 such as Grand
The progr
Schuman; Sonata,t
(a) So rasch wie
(b) Andantine
(c) Scherzo
(d) Rondo
Puccini; E lucevan
La Tosca), Tirindell
O Primavera, Carne
Vieni Amore Con m
Op. 22
Mrs. Okkelberg
le stelle (froml
-Mr. Patton
Tedesco; Memento mori (Fox-trot
Milhaud, Romance (Rag Caprice);
Tcherephive, Chanson Tcheque
Sapellnikoff, Danse des Elfes
-Mrs. Okkelberg
Stickles, Ah! My Beloved
Cox, To a Hilltop
Watts, Blue are her eyes
Kramer, The great awakening
-Mr. Patton
(By Associated Press)
LONDON, July 16.-King George
today successfully came through an
operation which was of a more,
serious nature than the public had
been led to expect. Tonight his
Majesty was officially stated to
have made entirely satisfactory!
0 - 1
__ v.s ortnLess- Koemer
Rapids and Flint. Here nine trus- ular reference to his studies in the
tees are the.governing body. Area prevention of the decay of teeth Asserting that there is no scien-
and sites are under the same con- { in two lectures which will be de- tific system of marking in educa-
trol as in the previous classifica- livered at 11 o'clock Friday morn- tion, Prof. Joseph Roemer of the
tion. The board controls the budget, ing and 1:30 o'clock, Saturday aft- University of Florida and visiting
while loans for sites and buildings ernoon. professor in the Summer Session in
must be approved by the legislative The sessions of the Institute on addressing the Women's Educa-
body of the city or by legal school both days will be open to all who tional club last night at the League,
electors. are interested in hygiene and pub- cited statistical tables based on
For districts having more than lic health. The program for Fri- number of students enrolled and
half a million population, there is day will begin at 9:00 o'clock in the percentage of failures in higher in-
a board of seven trustees. The city morning with Dr. John A. Wessin- I stitutions of learning which clearly
treasurer is the board treasurer, ger, Ann Arbor Health Officer, pre- indicate that there is no uniformity
and the secretary is not a member siding. The Saturday session willjin grades-that the mark depends
of the board. Here the board is open at the same time with Dr.iupon the teacher and not the sub-
given wide power in providing for Carl Buck, president of the Michi- ject.
elementary, secondary and higher gan Public Health association, as Slides illustrated the survey, made
education. presiding officer. in southern state educational sys-
~~~ tems, of high school students who
NEWLY INAUGURATED OPEN SHELF went to college with special atten-
I tion to first year failures.
Play Opens Tomorrow
The open shelf study room, an
innovation in library methods, has
just recently been opened on the
ground floor of the main library.f
The new study room will be admin-
istered after the manner of the
graduate reading rooms, where
anyone may enter and help one-
self to any book without the inter-
vention of a library attendant.
Professors giving courses requir-
ing aconsiderable amount of out-
side reading may place the books in
the study room where they will be
accessible to the student at any
time. The assembling of the books
has only just begun so that books
for only six or eight courses are
tnn flflf n flflt 4-f
a new trend in library methods
which has become apparent during
the last few years. The experi-
ment was first tried at the Uni-
versity of California'where its suc-
cess led to its adoption at other
large universities throughout the
country. At California the idea has
been developed much farther than
anywhere else. Here all of the
study rooms have been merged into
a single large room administered'
after this fashion. A series of turn-
stiles provide for the efficient ac-J
commodation of students using the!
The new reading room seats on-
ly 100 students; it will therefore be
impossible to accommodate cours-I
A drama of moon-madness, Mar-
tin Flavin's "Children of the Moon,"
will be presented by Play Produc-
tion's Repertory players as their
fourth attraction for the summer
series. Opening at 8:15 o'clock to-
morrow night, the play will appear
each night throughout the rest of
the week.
Directed by Valentine B. Windt,
"Children of the Moon" will be a
distinct departure from anything
yet seen on the campus this sum-
mer. The play deals with hereditary
insanity in the Atherton family,
the emotions mounting at times al-
most to hysteria, Flavin's drama re-
tained its popularity in New York
The Summer Directory will be
on sale at booths along the
diagonal today. The Directory
includes the names and ad-
dresses of all faculty members