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July 14, 1929 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1929-07-14

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SUNDAY, JULY 14, 1929

U 1RT~ummrr they, too, might see the light and icism both particularly and in gen-
eventually allow autcmobiles for Airli and n otme o
recreational purposes. From a corn- About Booksa"c SUMMER STUDENTS
parative standpoint one policy is Whereas, what, if anything, does Secure Your at
Publshe evey mrnin exept ondy hs no ben a inge acidet dr- Dsk,' byseai~Secboedoe Ystsrn whnppliesSuplie
as sound as the other, for there! A PRISONER'S SON)G make it a destructive force is the
Published every morning except Monday has not been a smngle accident dur-
during the University Summer sessio bthe last two summer sessions "Phiosophy of theDusk,"barnboredomthae se
the Board in Control of Student Publications, n h attosumrssin the same mistakes are made over
The Associated Pre is exclusiwely e a serious nature-even more Kain O'Dare. The Century Co N. and over again. The hypnotic ef- Q::; .
titled to the use for republication of vyalla than can be said for the insensible Y. $2.00. fects of such a vicious circle some-
dispatchaedid ttr not otherw restrictions of the winter,..."Ph.ocphdittheDukt"is bt times need even more than vitriol
c rdti hs paper and the local news pub . Philosophy of the Dusk" is lit- ''~
lished herein. But that kind of a discussion may to overcome. Dynamite occasion-
Entered_ at the Ann Arbor, Michigan, lead us afield from the main point, erature in the sense that Samuel ally seems a trifle weak.
postoffice as second class matter. which is a sincere congratulation Pepys is literature. It has value 1111 South University Ave. 1,4 Block from Campus
Subscription by carrier. $.5o; by sail to Dean Kraus and the summer in its unique, treatment and as a R._L._A.

Offices : Press Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Telephone 4925
Editorial Director..........Howard F. Shout
Women's Editor..........Margaret Eckels
City Edior. ... . Q... ... ...Charles Askrea

session staff for the continued suc-
cess of their branch of university
administration. Without any as-
persions whatsoever, it can be safely
stated that the summer session has
come to be one of the most sue-
seceful branches of the entire un-

written record by which men delv-
ing into problems that concern
prisoners like Kain O'Dare may
read closer into the heart of the
The little work was written in
prison and by a man whose mind
and body for more than twenty





t.y nQ . .~ .. . . . . .. . ....C 1 K a _ w u, - a a i4 I V%..
Music and Drama Editor.. R. Leslie Askren DO UNTO OTHERS
Books Editor............Lawrence R. Klein years had been tortured and ha-
Sports Editor............S. Cadwell Swanson Tourists sometimes impress one irassed. To be harsh with him
Night Editors as having the most depraved senses would be like bullying a defense-
Howard F. Shout Walter Wilds of courtesy imaginable; they stealI
S. Cadwell Swanson Harold Warren from farmer's outbuildings, they less person. Yet in all fairness it
Charles Askren
Assistants picnic where picnicking is not al- must be said that he is no philos-
RBn Manson Ledru Davis lowed, and they strip trees and opher. He presents nothing new,
Ross Gustin Margaret Harris shrubs on private property of their and oftentimes his thought is a re-
Paul Showers foliage in order to prove to the snar ts
vision or even a repetition of some
- ---- folks back home that they have
BUSINESS STAFF been out in the country. But of all major philosopher, For example,
Telephone 21214 the rudeness that has been shown, when he says "That makes it easy
the international discourtesy ex- enough for me to believe that the
BUSINESS MANAGER ',hibited by travelers in our neigh- wondrous God of ours created Him-
LAWRENCE E. WALKLEY boring country, Canada, by flying self from natural sources; that He
Assistant Business Manager . Vernor Davis American flags without accompany- is the oldest intelligence to turn
Publications Manager--............Egbert Davis ing them by flags of the country
Circulation Manager............ Jeanette Dale which 'they are visiting, is undoubt-Ithought ito practical use," he is
Accounts Manager ................Noah Bryant edly the worst of them all. merely saying what the . ancient
Not only is this creating a slight Stagyrite tried to say about mat-
Night Editor-Charles A. Askren feeling of tension between the two ter assuming the entelechy of form.
:countries, but also it is bringing And when he says "It is this as-
SUNDAY, JULY 14, 1929 about a lessening of traveler's pri- tounding thought that directs a
- - vileges on the other side of the
RETRiBUTION border, which may in time have -.
Rcports to the United States sen- the effect of instilling more polite- pression of life has been recorded
ness inu the tourist mind. At any on the brain, to the breast of its
ate sub-committee on Indian a rate, the Canadians have every parent," it is merely Locke over
fairs contain .descriptions of hor- right to be aroused by this display again.
" ibici conditions existing among the
Wieconitind ist g Tubamo h of American egotism. It might be! His style is not smooth. It rises
an tconmaIndans.ye disaeros said, however, in extenuation of to heights in his sketches of under-
said to be very prevalent among the several occurences, that our world characters, but more often he
them, and liquor to be flowing free- countrymen probably had only the sinks to ragged humor or maudlin
ly. Every Indian settlement in the intention of advertising their red- sobbing or sentiment so forced and
state is in need of sanitary con- white-and blue citizenship to show so melodramatic that it cannot
ditions and most of them lack ad- that they were visitors and guests command respect.
equate hospital facilities, and had no thought of adding a He shows his lack of training as
covert insult. Nevertheless, more
It is a little startling to hear of'carersult enteeseve I a writer in such phrases as "In
such conditions in a state of the the friendship between the two front of a saloon on her way to
progressiveness of Wisconsin. While countries.school he saved a school teacher
the state is under no legal duty to t .New York from molestation by a
look after the redmen, it is cer- gang of rowdies."
tainly morally bound to see to their !What Kain O'Dare needs is to
welfare. Editorial Comment j;get out of prison and to steep him-
However, the matter goes deep- self in people and books, and learn
er than this; it is a case not only LIQUOR IN THE EMBASSY to think logically and clea'rly and
of unwarranted neglect but also of (From The Daily Illini) more unemotionally. L. R. K. -
positive insult. The burden of sup- Sir Esme Howard, British ambas- * *
porting and caring for the Indian sador to the United States created THE ADVANTAGES OF DYNAMITE
is in the nature of retribution for quite a stir all over the country not
a great wrong, however justifiable long ago, when he announced the A very popular belief is to the
that wrong may have been. To g-! fact that henceforth, the British effect that a critic is a maniac;
nore this moral obligation-to al- embassy would not serve liquor. that like a drunkard who cannot
low the redman to retrogress into Thirsty Americans would have to live without his liquor, the critic
what' is worse than a barbaric look elsewhere for their liquor, be- cannot live without his vitriol. But
state, a half-civilized one- is an cause the aihbassador was not going this belief in critical Sadism, as
affront to all the noble ancestors to violate the law for them by serv- is usually the case with widespread
of these tribesmen, ancestors who ing intoxicating beverag s at his dogmas, is just another shorthand
were driven from their homes and parties. symbol created to save unenergetic
lands and who at last entrusted Immediately, a cult sprang up. minds the trouble of intellectual
themselves to the mercy and good- Cults 'spring up easily anyway. activity. However, instead of vis-
will of their conquerors. Surely the The new one was a sort of: "don't ualizing the critic as a perverted
great-hearted, generous nation of erve liquor at the party,cult.So-monster whose only intellectual sat-
America will noloriger permit th ciety leaders decided that since the isfaction is in flaying his subject
neglect to be continued in its name. British ambassador was setting unmercifully, it would be more ac-
Let the survivors of a glorious racer Aiyd curate, thngh e h s npyr dox
live their lives away in the same wardhAmricas, o the old-nte cal, to conceive this annoying per-
simple, peaceful way as did those intrdtherianfthe thinran son as a very determined idealist
who lived here before the entry ofI start having dry parties, as an in- It iq difficult to see how any but a
the white man. novation. The idea met with some very fanatic could be persuaded to
0 IrPC h~atiP ncnrnienter professional criticism; ama-
terciisorevsil fuw

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Summer Daily
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While it is nothing to cause
spasms of joy. or panic, the sub-
stantial increase in the size of the
summer session this summer is a
fact worth noting, if not worth a
self-applied pat on the back orj
two. With the decrease which the,
winter term registered last year,
and the numerous discrediting in-I
cidents which occurred during theI
year, it is gratifying and hopeful
to find that still one enterprise ofI
the university "is on the up-grade,
and gaining in both students and!
Such appreciation is probably the
inevitable result of the far-sighted
policy of the officers of the sum-
mer session, and largely the re-
sult of the efforts of a single com-
petent individual-Dean Edward H.
Kraus. In charge of the summerj
session since its inception a score
of years ago, Dean Kraus has con-
stantly kept pace wth the finest'
that the country has to offer.
It is probably an' inevitable con-'
clusion, also, that the different
treatment accorded students in the1
summer session from that meted
out in the winter has had consid-
erable to do with the steady growth!
of this unit. Even a reasonablel
student can come to the university i
and suffer no pangs of righteous
indignation at the administration z
of the summery automobile ban, fori
instance; and if those in charge1

success, ecause evensocle y lames tu rtc uslvs l fuw
are on the look out for a novel idea neverthelessexpress our opinions
now and then. Other embassies took to the select group of our friends;
the matter into consideration, and the professional must display his
talked about it quite little. Con- judgments to friend and foe alike.
troversies started, and all in all, But the idealist's expression of
quite a big time was had by all, opinion in articles and reviews,
A new British embassy is being strange as it may seem, can quite
built in Washington. accurately be considered as a de-
Strange to say, the new building fense reaction. Galsworthy talks
has a well protected wine cellar of volubly of the creative artist's ob-
some size. ligation to capture the "impinge
Great Britain evidently does not ment of Beauty" on this matter of j
much care about the liqtfor situa- fact world. It is quite justifiable to
tion in America, and l'as taken the transfer his analogy to the critic
statement of Sir Esme as just an- whose function it becomes to dis-
other idiosyncrasy. If Sir Esme cover and prevent the impingement
wants to stop drinking, that k of Ugliness on this not-so-very-
Sir Esme's business, but if other matter-of-fact world. The aesthe-
British ambassadors feel the need tic purist will not allow the exis-
of beverages (with alcohol) they tence of Ugliness; he will call it a
should not be deprived of them, negative term, used to convey what
even if Sir Esme does have the is really only an absence of Beau-
ideas he has. ty. But in this distinction is the
Undoubtedly Sir Esme is not suf- life principle of the critic, for if
fering from his dictum. Another the novelist's function is to dis-
consignment of liquor from the is- cover beauty, the critic's is to guard
land arrived in this country for the and cherish it. And what idealist
British embassy just a few days will not find satisfaction in flaying
ago. It is the last consignmeint the intrusion of ugliness-even if it
that the ambassador will allow to means being accused of vicious Sa-
come to this country. But, Mr. dism? The defense element be-
Howard retires in February. If the comes apparent, from this point of
consignment is large enough, he view. If the idealist is to cherish
has little to worry about, especially standards of beauty in a given field,
if he doesn't serve liquor at parties. and maintain his own ideals for
After Sir Esme goes-well, the that field intact, attack is his sur-
new ambassador may have different est defense.
ideas, and will need the wine cel- And attacking, he is doomed, for
lar. England is not running any no matter how efficacious it is there

U -

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