7-._. 'u m m r WEATHER Generally Fair with Possible Showers lwiirhig" ~iait MEMBER OF THr.. ASSOCIATED PRESS Vol. X, No. 18 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, JULY 14, 1929 PRICE FIVE CENTS MOTION PICTURE FIRM EMPLOYS UNIVERSITIY FILM IN EXPERIENT MOVIETONE COMPANY TO TRY TALKIES AS MEDIUM OF INFORMATION PART OF ALUMNI PLAN Educational Reels Show Laborato- ries, Departments at Work, Social Life of University Educational interests are finding their way into the moving picture industry. In a response to the re- quest of the William S. Fox movie- tone corporation the alumni asso- ciation of the University has sent several reels for examination and study by the moving picture syn- dicate. The Fox Movietone corporation is interested in an educational ex- periment employing talking pic- tures as a method of conveying in- formation. In order to obtain an adequate background as a basis upon which to construct this rev- olutionary system of education, the alumni association has been, re- qluested to submit the University's educational film. An extensive study is being made of the various systems of study in the different branches of the Uni- versity. This film which presents a comprehensive survey of most of the departments and laboratories of the University of Michigan af- fords a comparatively simple meth- od of obtaining knowledge concern- ing a considerable portion of the systems employed here. By means of this educational film alumni and other individuals scat- tered over the United States have become better acquainted with the workings of the University. It has been shown before alumni associa- tions, in high schools and even in some commercial houses in the Western part of the United States. It has also traveled to some of the outlying provinces including the Philippine Islands. This picture is a true and ac- cu rate representation of University life in a social way as well as tak- ing in the scholastic phase of the students life here at Ann Arbor. Jo Chamberlin, '28, and Marian Wel- les, '28, have leading roles in this excellent portrayal of the student life at Michigan. BASEBALL SCORES (By Associated Press) American Association New York 4; Chicago 2. New York 6; Chicago 5. St. Louis 2; Philadelphia 1. St. Louis 0; PhiladelpFiTa 4. Cleveland 6; Washington 1. Boston-Detroit--Rain. National League Chicago 4; New York 0. Prime Minister ECONOMIC CHANGES DISPLACE FARMING AS BASICINLSTRY EMIGRATION FROM VILL AGES TO CITIES IS CAUSED BY MOVIESI *OMEN'S CLUB HEAD SAYS PROFESSIONAL WOMENARE SLAVES, CLAIMS BUSINESS WOMAN ONLY ALLOWED TO DO DRUDGERY - Honor EngineerE WILL. VISIT PROVING 'GROUNDS AT MILFORl 4l Prime Minister Raymond Poin-' care, Premier of France, who re- cently was asked by the French Chamber of Deputies to instruct Ambassador Paul Claudel to inter- view Secretary of State Stimson in Washington concerning the French war debt and concerning the ratifi- cation of the Mellon-Berenger agreement, GROUP WILL EXPLORE' Michigan's Northernmost Posses-. sion to be Surveyed for Possible ' Park by Archaeologists' UNIVERSITY IN CHARGE (By Associated Press) ANN. ARBOR, Mich., July 14.- On the rocky-'headlands and in theI wooded interiors of Isle Royale a party, of scientists and archaelog-! ists this summer will make another attempt to piece together the miss- ing instalments of one of natures most fascinating serials. The im- mediate occasion is a survey of the, island to determine its desirability; as a state park, but that is onlys half the story. BUSINESS MAN DOMINATES ,HAVE STRUCK IMPASSEj "Old Time Religion" Disappearing; National President De> ares Lack Fear No Longer Controlling of Co-operation to Blame, Factor of Conduct Not Intentions In his lecture yesterday after- (By Associated Press) noon before the fourth Public MACKINAC ISLAND, Mich., July Health Institute on "Community 14.-The "Mark of The Slave Chain" Organization," C. A. Fisher, assis- still is in the path of women, Lena tant director of the Extension Di- Madesin Phillips, of New York, Professor A. E. White who was vision discussed the changes :n president of the National Federa- recently elected to a membership community life in, recent years. tion of Business and Profesional in the National Society of Scientists "The movies are largely respon- Women told delegates to the Fed- and Engineers. Prof. White who is sible for the fact that young peo- eration Convention here, director of the department of en- ple are leaving the small village, It is the function of the Federa- gineering research and professor of the small town and the farm and tion, she said, to champion the ad- metallurgical engineering, has been going to the city where in the words vance of womankind wherever spending. most of his time during of the Fundamentalists, they are opportunity offers." the past year in the evaluation of! giving themselves over to the al- Feminists Drudge coals in making gas. lurements of the world, the flesh and the devil," he stated. "It is generally admitted by ex- Economic Conditions perienced feminists," the National Fisher pointed out that under the President declared, "that the entire ruU changed economic conditions in this woman movement has struck an age, the farmer and the average impasse. There is a deadline in resident of rural America has found business, in the professions, in pol- IUI SMUULING 00UUF it hard to realize that farming is itics, beyond which many men, j no longer our basic industry. "We even more consciously, determine Million Dollars Worth of Opium, have become a city people, and the we shall not pass. To the detail, Found in Trunks; Federals manufacturer and the banker are the drudgery, the unremunerative, Break Technicalities the saddle; this is a business man's we are fairly welcome. But the civilization, his ideas dominate ev- mark of the slave is in our path, H erywhere. It is disconcerting to the and we might add, in our souls." HOLD 8 OTHER CHINESE farmer to find out that our coun- Denying that women will not try can be considered fairly pros- help each other, Miss Phillips said: (By Associated Press) perous even though he may not Pe "There is an earnest desire upon SAN FRANCISCO, July 14.-The' making any money," he continued the part of the many to be helpful, finding of opium worth nearly $1,- Religion but there is much indecision and 000,000 in the trunks of Mrs. Susie In discussing religious move- confusion as to how 'this may be Kao, wife of Ying Kao, former Chi- ments in the rural community the done. The .failure is largely of nese vice consul here, resulted in gradual breaking down of the old method, not of intent." the arrest of the two and Suen time religion was dwelt upon. "An She proposed appointment of a Foon, chancellor of the consulate,, increasing number of people are , special Federation Committeek o Friday. I i 1 t I i GENFRAL MOTORS'TEST PLANT PRESENTS ALL TYPES OF ROAD CONDITIONS Group Will See Car of all Makes, Put Through Impartial Tests, Performances Recorded . A visit to the General Motors proving ground near Milford, will be the sixth of the summer series of excursions. The grounds occupy a central position almost equally distant from the four great auto- mobile manufacturing centers of the state, including Detroit, Flint, Lansing, and Pontiac. All sorts of road surfaces, including gravel, dirt, macadam, and concrete, have been constructed within the 1300 acre area, which includes stretches of both hilly and level country. Sneed Track FIRST TRIP TO PLANT A large triangular concrete speed track nearly four miles in length, with banked turns, is found at the northern end of the grounds. Here stock cars may be run at speeds in excess of 100 miles an hour with ' . living their lives without reference to supernatural sanctions of any sort, and the flames of a literal hell are being gradually extinguished. Fear does not play as important a role as it once did in determining conduct. This, of course, is one submit to member clubs a "Practic- al business reciprocity program."I Miss Phillips referred to the Fed- eration as "tbhe one clear voice to speak for United Business Women, the one strong arm by which they Charges of violating the Jones- Miller act by participating in a smuggling plot were filed against the trio and federal officials de- clared that eight other prominent Chinese here had been implicated. p rfect safety. An attempt has been made to provide every conceivable type of, road condition which might be en- countered anywhere by the motor- ist. There are sandy stretches, curves, straightaways, a 'bath' where the action of the car in any depth of water may be determined and grades of varying degrees. In collaboration with the com- pany's research laboratories in De- troit exhaustive and impartial tests are made of cars of all makes and exact recordsaare kept of their performances. There are com- plete experimental garages at the grounds where necessary care and repairs are made. A car's accel- leration, braking power, radius whin which it may be turned, and durability of parts is determined and recorded in the files. Testing Cars Members of the party will prob- ably see fleets of cars being put to the test, as it is customary to send as many as from five to twenty cars out at one time, in order to deter- mine their average performance. They may also see cars plunge into a section of flooded roadway, the bath tub,' and either stall in the middle or reach the other end. At another spot, cars may speed onto a section of drenched concrete and skid to a stop with brakes full on. may enforce their will." The mystery of Isle Royale, Mich- reason why we hear so much about igan's northernmost possession in the escapades of the younger gen- the upper waters of Lake Superior, eration and why in many homes is one of those half-told tales that there is constant misunderstanding! never fail to intrigue and baffle all between fathers, mothers, 'and the who care to read what already has children," he stated. been revealed. The vanguard of a Next Friday, Dr. John A. Wessin-' TURN U larger party of specialists already ger, Ann Arbor, will preside overI has gone to the island to start they the fifth institute meeting. The (B As survey which will be under tie di- mid-summer meeting of the Michi- One conteste rection of the University of Michi- 'gan Health Association will be held first air-race gan, headed by F. M. Galge, as- on Saturday, July 20, and Dr. Carl turned back t sistant director of the "University Buck, president of the Michigan last night, and Museum. This summer's party Public Health Association will pre- ported urgently consists of Fred Dustin, of Saginaw, side. Dr. Carl Guthe will conclude the Azores, ne authority on early Indian history; his series of lectures on "Historic The Havas a Adolph Murie, assistant cui'ator of Man" at this time. nounced that mammals at the University; Nor- French ace, an man Wood, ornithologist; and Dr. Williams Wins Dash 'once, had turf Walter N. Koelz, formerly connect- iCa v after reaching ed with the U. S. Bureau of Fisher- In Canadian Carniva Azores last nig] ies at Ann Arbor. _ k nt H The three were released on bonds of $10,000 each. CK TO COAST. sociated Press) ant in the world's across the Atlantic o the starting coast d the other was re- y desiring to land in ar Horta. agency in Paris an- Dieudonne Coste, d his mechanic, Bel- ned back to France a point north of the ht. A radio message orta, Azores Islands, In arresting Mr. and Mrs. Kao federal officials broke through a maze \of technicalities. Yink Kao's last connection with the consulate here was severed Friday. No Canadian Tariff -Secretary Stinson ( By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, July 14.-Secre- tary Henry L., Stimson in a formall statement today denied reports that Canadian Minister Massey had pro- Other interesting but routine fea- tested to the State Department re- tures of the 'proving' ground will garding American tariff rates and also be inspected by the party. The that there had been intimations excursionists will leave at 1 p. m. from either the Canadian or Brit- Wednesday afternoon, from in front ish governments of reprisals. of Angell hall. (By Associated Press) HASTINGS PARK, VANCOUVER, Pot-pourrn Of Hues In Watercolor;B. C., July 14.-Percy Williams of Exhibit .Based On Definite Theor vacouver,Olympic sprint champion y was declared the winner of the (By R. Leslie Askren) I architectural in its formal simplic- feature 100 yard event of the Brit- With color broken into the many ity, but his coloring is a focussing ish Columbia Mid-summer Athletic pieces of the seven-color spectrum of the complementaries on the Carnival today. Eddie Tolan of which scientists discovered for the green statue, of which the form is the University of Michigan, was Impressionists, the present tendency achieved by application of light second and Frank Wykoff, Glendal, seems to be an effort to put it to- and shade, light and shade, in California, third. The time was gether again on each separate modelling fashion. With great re- board and canvas. But the pot- straint and delicacy Starkweather 9 4-5 seconds. pourri that sometimes results is not has caught the play of light on the 220-yard dash, won by Eddie To- the result of haphazard experiment. polished metal surface and conveys Ilan, University of Michigan; sec- There is a definite theory behind clearly the aloofness of the metal ond, Frank Wykoff,, Los Angeles; each trial; and the variety ofthfm to the softening influence of light. third, R. F. Bowen* Pittsburgh. to be seen in the exhibit of some This board was awarded the Mrs.T 50 watercolors in the Architectural W. K. Vanderbilt prize in 1925, and Building makes an interesting the Harriet Brooks Jones prize in dian record.) study. They range from the purely Baltimore, 1926. decorative use of color on a meager Margaret Lent's Helen , AWil~ mericasOutscore 1 fill. Ct.1 Up au Kit saidthePolish flyers, Idzikowski c o o itO and Kubala were only 50 kilometerPsychologist Of away and wanted to land. At Iowa Will Le No reasons were given why the friendly rivals had come to grief, For the third time in recent but the race was over as soon as Coste decided to turn back. years, the University of Iowa has On the outward flight yesterday named a foreign speaker to deliver the flyers were sighted over San- the formal 'address at a summer tander, Spain, at 9:30 in the morn- !ession convocation. ing having covered nearly 470 miles FsancsoA inf in slightly less than four hours, in- Francis A. P. Avelng, professor dicating a good average speed of of psychology, at the University of' more than 115 miles an hour, London, England, will speak at the The progress of the Polish plane first term convocation at Iowa Uni- was not quite so clear. No word versity, July 18, it was made known had been received as to its where- jThursdty y a , tesumedesnon abouts that afternoon but asIt sday at the summer session london, Honoted cture Here Soon Louvain, London, and Rome, and is known throughout the scientific world for his series of vital re- searches on high thought processes. The British scholar will be pre- sent upon the Iowa university campus all next week, conducting conferences in psychology. He is the sixth foreign psychologist to visit the university this summer. Professor Aveling has taught at ' 1 1 I' slkeleton of representative form' which Birger Sandzen works with, to the symphonic treatment of pas- tel shades by Julius Delbos and thauncey F. Ryder. The prize winners in the group present some interesting problems. William Starkweather's "The Age of Bronze," a very realistic repre- sentation of a bronze, male figure, placed at the foot of a long formal staircase, deals principally with loughby-Smith Purchase Prize win-; ner, "Ben's Greenhouse," is a studyj of color in the impftdoned light of ' a greenhouse, with an impression- istic treatment of form to heighten the sense of capture. An interesting commentary is in the noticeable unsuccess in other efforts by these prize winning art- ists. Consistently fine effort is rather to be found in the examples of Emil J. Bistran and Julius Del- Britishers In Track CAMBRIDGE, Mass., July 14 - The Harvard-Yale Track Team ov- erwhelmed the outscored Cam- bridge athletes by winning eight and a half first places to three and a half, in the Ninth International Meet here today at Harvard Sta- dium. The American margin of victory was the widest in the his- was last seen going stronglyhav-I office. ! the English universities of Reading ing made the hazardous take-off I It is quite probable that Profes- and Manchester, and the National with its enormous load of gasoline, sor Aveling will come to the Uni- University of Ireland. He is presi- the presumption was it, too, was versity of Michigan following his dent of the British psychological safely on its way. Then, too, theld Polish flight had nrot received as lectures at the University of Iowa society. During the World War much notice as the Coste attempt, as he is scheduled to lecture here he was chaplain in the British and the Marshal Pilsudski had been July 31, on the University Special army, and was awarded the mil- passed with but little attention. Lecture series which is given from itary cross by his government. The French flyers were sighted 5 to 6 o'clock every afternoon of the The speech of the distinguished three times, once over Tours, sec- ond by a fisherman off the French first part of every week in the visitor will be one of the features of coast due west of Bordeaux, and Natural Science auditorium. As: the university's July convocation the third time over Santander. I his lecture subject here Professor i which closes the first term of sum- While flying between Tours and Aveling will talk on the Human mer session. Held on the campus Bordeaux, Coste dropped a note in the evening, all proceedings of saying that everything was going the affair including the award of fins AA+ha hainan~i + 41lA*~yI A Canadian by birt.Professor!,nma nn racraaQAnrifaa