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June 17, 1929 - Image 5

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Michigan Daily, 1929-06-17

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00 4 r




June 24: Continued show-
ers today, and generally un-







Performances To Be Given In
League Building Theater During
Summer Session Period
The Michigan Repertory Players,
under the direction of Professor
Chester M. Wallace -and Valentine
Windt of the Speech Department,
will give a series of seven plays
during the Summer Session at the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theater of the
Women's League Building.
Mr. Windt returned from New
York last Wednesday with produc-
er's rights for ten plays, of which
only seven will be produced during
the summer months. Those chos-
en and now under consideration by
Mr. Windt are:
The Cassilis Engagement- Sir
John Hankin; Escape-John Gals-
worthy; The Good Hope-Herman
Heijermans; Smart Alec and Am-
aryllis-Carroll Fitzhugh; Redemp-
tion-Leo Tolstoy; Children of the
Moon-Martin Flavin; The Show
Off-George Kelly; The Dover
Road-A. A. Milne; Craig's Wife-
George Kelly.
The Cassilis Engagement will be
presented the first week and will
begin tomorrow night at 8:15 at
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theater.
This play will also be given Thurs-
day and Saturday evenings with a
matinee at 2:15 Friday afternoon.
This is a smart sophisticated com-
edy of love on an old English coun-
try estate. The other six plays
for production have not been chos-
en as yet, but Professor Wallace
and Valentine Windt expect to an-
nounce the choices in the immedi-
ate future.
The Michigan Repertory Players
are a group of students enrolled in
the Summer Session and the course
in play production under Professor
Wallace, of the Carnegie Institute
of Technology. All have had some
experience in the production of the
drama, either amateur or profes-
sional. Persons interested in ob-
taining season tickets to the plays
may do so by visiting any of the
Repertory Players' desks on the
campus or by writing to play Pro-
duction, 385 University Hall.
The price of season tickets is
$3.50 and entitles the holder to one
admissiog of any one night the
play is being given. Single admis-
sions are 75 cents each, and may
be obtained at the box office of the
Prof. Emil Lorch of the School of
Architecture will give the second
lecture on the summer series this
afternoon at 5 o'clock in Natural
Science auditorium, speaking upon
"The Development of the Skyscra-
per." The gradual evolution of the
typical American building influenc-

ed in part by the rapid industrial-
ization and concentration of popu-
lation in our large cities will be
"Up to a certain point," said
Professor Lorch, "American archi-
tecture followed more or less the
trend of European design. With'
improvements in steel construction,
however, the way was opened for
the super-skyscraper, which is a
distinctively American contribu-
tion. Much higher structures and'
an entirely new architectural cre-!
ation has been the result."
The subject of city planning will
be involved in the discussion and
various problems which have arisen
during the skyscraper's evolution
will be discussed by Professor
Lorch. The lecture will be illus-

1i I

Hobbs Describes,
Exploration Trip
Officially opening Michigan's
Summer Session lecture course,
Professor William H. Hobbs, who
holds the chair of Geology at the
University, presented a graphic
talk on his experiences as an ex-
plorer in Greeland before a large'
audience yesterday afternoon atj
Hill auditorium.
Making use of a large number of
slides, taken during his years of
summer campaigning on the north-
ern ice cap, Professor Hobbs
brought home to his hearers many


Rea Issues Auto
In order to clear up any misun-
derstanding s that have arisen re-
garding the University automobile
regulation for the Summer Session
the following notice has been is-
sued by Walter B. Rea;
"All those who have regis-
tered should have filled out the
LMES DIRECTS white card which is to be used for
NG GROUP l information in the office. All per-
CERT mits forautomobiles are on pink
cards issued by the Dean of Stu-
IN DATE 1 dents.



Gain Over Past
By Compilation
Michigan's thirty-sixth annual Summer Session, which opened
yesterday in all Schools and Colleges, will have a record attendance,
according to indications received last night from the office of Dean
Edward H. Kraus. At 5 o'clock, 3,049 students had registered in
all departments of the Session.
Dean Kraus said that the comparison of this number with that
of last year at the corresponding time indicated that this year's attend-
ance should reach the 3,700 mark.
Complete statistics on the registration follow. In the Literary
college 718 students had enrolled before 5 o'clock yesterday after.
noon, 56 less than that of last year; the Colleges of Engineering and


1"hose who come under terl
facts concerning the icycontinent WILL AVOID CONFLICT in w trhe ;-
and the arctic regions in general tvI ing and wish cards should register
which are practically unknown to and apply without further delay.
the layman. Dean Kraus Announces Complete All who register are required to fill
Most interesting perhaps were Program For High School out the white cards.
Doctor Hobbs' reflection of his per- Orchestra Group "Everyone who wants a permit
sonal adventures in meeting several must call personally at the Dean
other adventurers of international Inaugurating the Session's musi- of Students' office. If there is any
prominence with whom he has cal series, the Hamtramck High question as to whether they come
shared experiences in the north- school orchestra, under the direc- under this ruling, the persons in
land. tion of W. Steacy Holmes, will give doubt should call at the Dean's
a concert at 8 o'clock tonight in office to be certain."
Hill auditorium. The Hamtramck
orchestra won the Class A state-
ERMAN MINIS E wide competition for high school
orchestras this year.
The complete program as an-
nounced by the office of Dean
Kraus last night follows:,
___ I
Streseman Strikes Interference Egmont Overture Beethoven
Project In Address Before Serenade (for fiute and French Premier De Rivera Entertains Little
German Reichstag horn).....................Titl Hope of Recovering Missing
Flute-Steven Prelip
NATIONALISTS IN POWER French horn-Joseph Pinnicki
i (By request) FLYERS LOST FOR 3 DAYS


(By Associated Press)
BERLIN, June 24- Dr. Gustav
Stresemann, German foreign min-
ister, in a vigorous reply to severe
nationalist criticism, told the
Reichstag today that Germany
would not stand for installation of
the commission in the Rhineland
as a part of its evacuation.
He answered nationalist objec-
tions to the newly evolved plan by1
declaring that it made Germany's
burden definitely lighter than the
Dawes plan and that this was the
only question at issue.
Then further to take the wind
out of the sails of the nationalistsi
he announced that President von
Hindenburg as well as the cabinet
stood behind manifestations this
week against the treaty of Ver-
sailles, especially the clause ack-
nowledging Germany's guilt in the
The foreign minister repeatedly
declared to the nationalists that
when they were in power they also
could not do otherwise than to ful-
fill Germany's international obli-
The nationalist policy of first
proving that the Dawes plan was
unworkable, he said, would have
led to the destruction of the in-
dustrial middle class and would
have been accompanied by conse-
quences as dire as the Ruhr con-
troversy of 1923.
Despite his recent illness, the
foreign minister was in excellent
condition. He used a manuscript
as the basis for his address, but
frequently departed from it by re-
plying to questions from the floor.
When the debate was finished
for the day the nationalists intro-
duced a motion of no competence
against the foreign minister, de-
claring that his five years in the
post had been a failure.
Count Westart, leader of the na-
tionalists, declared' that the Young
plan would enslave future genera-
tions and that what made it worse
was the fact that it would be ac-
cepted by Germany instead of be-
ing forced upon her as he said the
Dawes plan was.
Local Man Recipient
Of Degree At Boston.
Among the recipients of the more
than one thousand degrees grant-
ed at the recent commencement
exercises of Boston University was
I Edward T. Ramsdell of Packard
! Road, Ann Arbor. He received the
I degree of Bachelor of Sacred The-
i ology from the university school of
The commencement . exercises
were held in the Boston Arena, and
were attended by a crowd of more
than 13,000 people. Rev. Harry
Fosdick of New York City delivered

Indian Summer ....Victor Herbert
English horn solo by H.
Gardner Shuler
Norwegian Bridal Procession ....

(By Associated Press)
MADRID, June 24.-Naval craft
and airplanes tonight were scour-
ing the seas in the vicinity of the
Azores for traces of four Spanish

Ex-President Of University Left
For Research Work In Maine
Saturday Night
(By Associated Press)
ANN ARBOR, Mich., June 24-
Suit for divorce from his wife, Mrs.
Katherine Day Little, was filed in
Washtenaw County Circuit Court
last week by Dr. Clarence Cook
Little, resigned president of the
University of Michigan, it was
learned tonight.
Papers connected with the suit
were withdrawn after being re-
corded and it was impossible to
assert what ground's were to be
made the basis of the action. Dr.
Little left here Saturday for Mt.
Desert, Maine, where he will con-
duct cancer research work. Mrs.
Little is believed to be in Boston.

ment of 3 18, which was 19 more
than last year's figure; the Medi-
cal school has 270 students regis-
tered, eight more than that of last
year; in the law school, 143 regis-
tered, five less than last year, in
th.e College of Pharmacy, 25, or
seven less, in the School of Educa-
tion, 435, which was 29 less, in the
School of Business Administration,
19, showing an increase of three, in
the Graduate school, 1108, which
was an increase of 291 over last
year, and the School of Forestry
has 13 students enrolled.
The summary of these figures
disclosed that 3,049 students had
registered, as against 2812, last
year's number, or an increase of
The large decrease in the enroll-
ment of the School of Education
was explained by Dean Kraus as
being due to the large registration
of teachers in the Graduate school,
which this year showed an in-
crease of 291 students.
The above figures do not include
those registered for the public
health institutes and School of
Education week-end conferences.
Schedules for Tuesday afternoon
in the auditorium of University
high school is an assembly of stu-
dents and faculty members of the
School of Education. The follow-

OArchitecture, showed an enroll-

.............................Grieg aviators of whom there had been
Andante Cantabile ..Tschaikowskyi no definite word for almost three
VI days.
Woodland Sketches .... MacDowelll An uncomfirmed report that
(a) To a Wild Rose 'wreckage, with no trace of life
(b) TO a Water Lily about it, had been sighted in north
(c) A Deserted Farm waters by a British freighter is the
(d) At an Old Trysting Place only real hope in the gloomy situa-
(e) From An Indian Lodge tion. Four Spanish destroyers
VII j were sent from Ferrol in an 'at-
"Aida" March............Verdi tempt to verify this report while
It has been requested that atten- the Portuguese gunboat Varia was
Itha beenreuested tchati ate refueling at Horta to continue the
tion be called to the change in the search it had begun on Saturday.
date pof these concerts. Contrary to Premier Primo de Rivera, who
the practice of former years, the unwittingly had given false hope to
concerts this year will be given on Spain on Saturday by authorizing
Tuesday nights in order that tyre publication of a messega then sup-
Repertory Players may have an op- posedcto ha me from Major
portunity to present each of their, Raon France, leader of the flight,
plays for a four-night stand. today appeared most anxious when
he entered the cabinet meeting. He
Excursions Will Begin said the reports he had were con-
AL!tradicitory ant the outlook for the


'v an iutomobie iour
Excursions specially arranged forI
the Summer Session students will.
begin with a general tour of Ann'
Arbor and vicinity at 2:30 o'clock
next Thursday, under the direction
of Carleton Wells, Secretary of the
The tour will meet on the steps
of the Library, and will be conveyed
over the city's boulevards and river
drives. Following its return to the
campus, an inspection of the Uni-
versity Library, William L. Clements
library, and the Union will be made.
Excursion number two will be an
inspection trip through the Ford
plant in Detroit. This excursion
will start at' 8 o'clock Saturday

safety of the four filers was dis-
Michigan Astronomers
Record Observations
Michigan astronomers at the La-
mont observatory in South Africa
h4ve observed 1,400 double stars in
the first year of work, Prof. Ralph
H. Curtiss, head of the Astronomy
department, announces. The ob-
servatory was established to allow
Dr. William J. Hussey to complete
his map of the double stars, the
southern location being necessary
to view stars not visible in the
Dr. Hussey died in London while
on his way to South Africa, but the
work has been continued by Dr.
R. A. Rossiter and his associates.

Apparently not even intimate I ng day will see the inaugural play
friends of Dr. and Mrs. Little here of the Michigan Repertory Play-
were apprised of the action. Aug- ers.
ust 20 was set as the date for a On Thursday afternoon, members
hearing on Dr. Little's motion, in- of Ann Arbor's Exchange club will
dicating the suit was filed on the offer the use of their cars as means
sameday of this month.. Nointi- of transportation to take students
mation that a separation was con- ; who are strangers to the city on
templated by either Dr. or Mrs.; an hour's tour about the city- and
Little had reached the University its environs.
Littlehadreachedinthnersty, The following evening there will
campus, and acquaintances of the be a general reception by faculty
couple hesitate even to speculate of the Summer Session for the
as to the basis of the suit. students in the Michigan League.
Dr. and Mrs. Little were married';
May 27, 1911. They have three
children, all of school age. The DreVer To Ve Talk
daughter, Louise, is attending the On Psychology Series
University high school here, and O
two sons, Edward R. Little and
Robert A. Litte,rare atatschool Opening a series, of lectures on
fo: boys near Boston. phases of European psychology,
Prof. James Drever of Edinburgh
.htsC .uUniversity will speak at 5 o'clock
tomorrow afternoon in Natural
To Increase Margin Science auditorium. The series is
part of a course in advanced p4-
Manager Buck Harris' fast mov- chology being conducted under the
Manaer uckyHaris' ast direction of Prof. Walter E, Pills-
ing Tigers clambered another notch bury, head of the Psychology de-
nearer their third place objective'brhaoftePyolgd-
in walloping the Chicago White Sox partment.
yesterday afternoon while the third The University will engage six
place St. Louis Browns met defeat different psychologists from west-
at the hands of the Cleveland In- ern Europe to continue this course
atn th1 ansofte-lvead.n and each will present lectures on
dians 10-4. some one division of psychology to
With the veteran Emil Yde sev-which he has been an important
ing up a steady brand of hurling contributor. These visiting pro-
the Bengals drove Faber, the dean fessors are: Professor Aveling, Un-
of the Chisox mound corps, off the iversity of London; Professor Drev-
hill and hit his successor, Dugan, er, Edinburgh Unversity, Professor
hard in winning decisively, 13-4. Kohler, University of Berlin; Pro-
The league-leading Athletics, fessor Roels, University of Utrecht;
added a half game to their mar- Professor Thouless, University of
gin by winning over Boston, 5-4, Glosgow; and Professor Wynn-
while the Yanks and Senators were Jones, of the University of Leeds.
laid off. In the National League,' The University of Michigan is
Brooklyn took the Giants into; collaborating with five other mid-
camp, 5-2, Chicago got partial re-| dle western universities in arrang-
venge- in turning back Pittsburgh ing for the visiting European sci-
4-3, while the Philly-Boston Brave entists. These institutions are: The
tussle was called. University of Minnesota; University
SUMMER DAILY of Wisconsin; Ohio State Univer-
sity; University of Iowa; and the
Any students registered in the University of Missouri. Each of
Summer Session who are inter- these schools is giving practically
ested in working on the editorial the same course in European phy-
staff of The Summer Michigan chological thought, the lecturers
Daily should call at the Press going from one university to an-
building between 4 and 4:30rto- other for one week's stay. By this
day. Previous experience is de- method, the aforementioned
I . ievious nixnpare ableto obtain t he fr-

(By Associated Press) Washington, which was second.
REGATTA COURSE, POUGH- Washington was far ahead of the
KEEPSIE, N. Y. June 24.-Colum- Navy, in third place. Wisconsin ap-
bia captured the classic four-mile peared to have taken fourth place,
varsity championship of the inter- with Cornell fifth, and Penn sixth.
collegiate rowing regatta here to- Syracuse and M. I. T. failed to fin-
day in one of the mast hectic fin- ish. A crew believed to be Cali-
ishes ever witnessed on the Hudson fornia swamped near the finishing
River. One craft went down in the line.
final mile, the other limping across The officials' launch went over to
the finishing mark. The whole confer with the officials on the sta-
pageant was wreathed in semi- tionary boat at the finish and there
darkness. It was impossible imme- was a long lapse of time after Co-
diately to determine any places but lumbia's number was posted as the
the first three. winner.
The officials were as much In the confusion attending the
stumped as anyone. A wild burst of, wildest finish on record, the offi-
delirium followed the posting of. cials failed to post the time outside
Columbia as the leader replacing: of their place card announcement
California for the world's cham- that Columbia won the race.
pionship. In the weird half light of dusk,
Columbia went back up the some doublt appeared as to whether
course triumnhantly after winnin! PPnn. which was eiven sivth ndac

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