rASTWU THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAIL\ FRIDAY, JULY 12, 1929 ral E|||kMI TW|||U FRIDAY,1I Ie JUY112, 1929 pIi m'nn r , Published every morning except Monday during the University Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. The Associated Press is exclusively en- titled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news pub- lished herein. Entered at the Ann Arbor, Michigan, postoffice as second class matter. Subscription by carrier. $z.5o; by mail $2.00 Offices: Press Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. demic background that is needed but more fitness for teaching. Consequently, the other alterna- tive is the only one worthy of con- sideration. Degrees must be made of secondary importance in hiring teachers. There must be more at- tention paid to the person and less to the record which he sends on before him. Indeed, so great has become the tendency to worship degrees that even high schools are beginning to stipulate that applicants must hold these or those academic quali- fications to secure positions. Such an attitude will certainly lessen the EDITORIAL STAFF Value of all class work in time, and Telephone 4925 by making classes uninteresting, MANAGING EDITOR will contribute to the dangerous LAWRENCE R. KLEIN rise in power of extra-curricular Editorial Director..........Howard F. Shout activities. And, to the teachers Women's Editor ...........Margaret Eckels who have come to Michigan this City Editor...................Charles Askrea summer, and to the superinten- Music and Drama E4ditor.. R. Leslie Askren 1 Books Editor........ ...Lawrence R. Klein dents who employ them, we should Sports Editor............5. Cadwell Swanson like to point out that the human Night Editors qualities in education are much Howard F. Shout Walter Wilds more important than the scientific S. Cadwell Swanson Harold Warren methods with which they are ap- Charles Askren 1yp Assistants plied. The glorification of the de-j Ben Manson Ledru Davis gree cannot be tolerated if edu- DorothMGuseiillar Marey cation in America is to be guid-1 Paul Showers ed by true ideals of learning and culture. BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 0 A PRACTICAL MOVE BUSINESS MANAGER Eleven western states have form- BUSINES. MAAGE ed an association for the advance- LAWRENCE E. WALKLEY ment of aeronautics. The new or- Assistant Business Manager........Vernor Davis ganization is to consist of one re- Publications Manager ................Egbert Davis Circulations Manager............Jeanette Dale presentative from each of thel Accounts Managere..............NoahtBryant states interested; these will be ap-i pointed by the governors. The _ - new organization is the first of 'its Night Editor-S. Cadwell Swanson kind in the country, and is to "work FRIDAY, JULY 12, 1929 to bring all state aviation laws into FRIDAY,_____ JUL__,__Iconformity with federal regulations THE ALMIGHTY DEGREE with a view to greater uniformi- Statistics have been published Europe has made much greater showing that over half of the en- strides in aviation than has Amer_ rollment in the present Summer rica, and is atipresent far in ad- Session consists of members of the cand is at presercin ad- teaching profession, prospective or transportation. Of late, it is true, already doomed. After considera- the United States has been making ble investigation among these in- great progress in this field, but av- dividuals, we have come to the con- iation industries and organizations elusion that an overwhelming ma- are yet far behind. This situation jority are on the campus for only can be remedied only by the active one reason-namely, to obtain de- encouragement and support of ae- grees. Of course, in itself, this lit- ronautics by every individual, as- tle pastime does no harm. A long sociation, and political group in the list of capital letters after a name country. The universities and tech- undoubtedly adds something to it. nical schools must devote them- But in the effect which this wild) selves to the training of young men scramble for degrees is having is and women in all branches of avia- to be found one of the most per- tion and aeronautical engineering nicious and destructive influences and to the development of the sci- in the world of educational train entific side of the industry. The ing. government must lend its adminis- In the first place, indeed most' trative and legislative support, not of the degrees granted in colleges to the extent of subsidizing, but today are meaningless. They re- certainly to the extent of placing present merely that certain indi- all the governmental machinery viduals, who as a class range fromt .h the most intelligent to thosed in aIdsposalo f flyers and engineers; state bordering on mere inocuous- this would include government ness, have succeeded in worming weather bureaus, engineers, and1 their way through some years of scientists, and legislation to protect college work. They may be an in-i dication of considerable work, but aviation and to facilitate its pro- often they are the result of hours Tgress. spet sttig oen-outed n te IThe action of these eleven wes- spent sitting open-mouthed in the tern states is important in that it class room while a vague figure at is the first move that has been the front of the room pours forth made by state governments to wisdom in a dry and somewhat throw their whole support for av- hesitating manner. Disregarding ,h -ation. It may very possibly re- the quality of the work done, how- sult in something more than the ever, there is a question whether a half-hearted assistance which has degree that has really been earned been given. The new organization should. be the "open sesame" that should have a decided influence on it is, to the teaching profession. A the advance of aviation in the west. degree, after all, can mean only However, to be most effective it ability to study and do research; should be extended to take in the it cannot mean personality, teach- other thirty-seven states also; it is ing ability, patience, sympathy, or national progress which is needed any of the other qualities that should go into the making of a in this matter and not sectional teacher. Why then should we make progress. While this project will ther.egrhthecriteionshbuydwhmcbe a benefit, there is no reason why the degree the criterion by which it shouldn't be made a country- we judge the individual's fitness wide influence. The future of aV- for teaching? Should not person- iation must be insured at all cost. al qualities be ranked first in im- portance and a deep, exhaustive knowledge of a certain subject or Editorial Comment subjects second? Teaching is not knowledge, it is dissemination of I LAW ENFORCEMENT NOT A knowledge, and logically the des- PARADOX semination is the primary part of (From The Daily Iowan) About Books - TONIGHT: The Michigan Re- pertory Players present "Wed- ding Bells," a hilarious comedy of the altar bound by Salisbury Field, in Mendelssohn Theater, beginning at 8:15 o'clock. s* * * YESTERDAY IN TERMS OF TODAY "the Bright Thread," by Cornelia Geer LeBoutillier; Doubleday, Do- ran and Co. Inc. $2.50. "It is a story for those who rec- ognize and value the things of the spirit." So reads the blurb on the jacket; and the content of the no- vel only serves to crystallize the I reader's half formed fear that once more the Victorian scale of values is being brought out of the musty storehouse of categorical ethics to make a ground work for human emotions. Under more skillful hands "The Bright Thread" might have emerg- ed as satire. It might have be- come a searching and yet sympa- thetic criticism of those dear peo- ple-for whom there must be an especial Heaven somewhere-- who achieve serenity of spirit in a To- day that is impatient for Tomor- row by believing themselves still in a remote Yesterday. Aldous Hux- ley has embalmed one of these characters in "Point and Counter- point;" Mrs. LeBoutillier might have captured a whole novel full of them. Born in New York City some thirty years ago, and the daughter of a onetime Vicar of St.- Paul's Chapel in Trinity Parish, in New York, Mrs. LeBoutillier . has fhad material immediately availa- ble. Undoubtedly she has become familiar with the sophistication which her characters affect as a cloak for their mediaevalism in spirit, and the incidents in her torsy bear witness to her under- standing, at least in the main is- sues, of the genuine motives which prompt their action. But Mrs. Le- Boutillier has become emotionally so implicated with her characters that her story soon wanders from the criticism and satire and ends up in an effort to prove that the part of which she is writing is the whole of the social stream; that the fly in the amber is the whole prec- ious substance. It would be possible to forgive Mrs. LeBoutillier this fundamental fallacy if in other directions her work showed at least the promise of brilliance in literary craftsman- ship. "The Bright Thread" is her first novel; previous efforts in the short story form have appeared in "The Atlantic Monthly" and other magazines. But in two important directions Mrs. LeBoutillier has failed in her craft. Perhaps the more important of these is style. The story of Michael Locke's boyhood and youth, throughout which he has tried to follow the bright thread of the spirit as a guide through the laby- rinth of coarseness, is told in a very level key, doubtless from a de- sire to avoid melodramatizing. But such technique makes demands on stylistic skill that only the most skillful writers have generally suc- ceeded with. Mrs. LeBoutillier has not been able to achieve the deli-, cate variety, the flexible touch, or I the subdued richness that saves understatement from becoming a monotone. In other directions the failing is less obvious but implies a deeper seated disability in the author. This is in the matter of psychological in- quiry into the motives that actu- ate the characters. The argument from motive, classicized in Hamlet, is perennial; and yet it would seem the author's duty so to identify and explore character that motive and action follow inevitably. The ac- tions of her characters Mrs. LeBou- tillier has made credible; they are undoubtedly taken from life. But in her analysis she has not follow- ed the trail of inquiry with quite the same accuracy. The theme of the Victorian categories which she has tried to revive has influenced her, with the result that psycholo- gical analysis gives way to moral rationalization and the characters emerge only dimly as real people from behind the tissue of ethical schedules. It should be interesting, however, if Mrs. LeBoutillier were to recon- sider the material she has at hand and with which she is so intimate- ly acquainted, and by achieving a critical disinterest toward those who are now apparently so near her heart were to treat them crit- ically and with sympathetic sa- tire, to capture for the somewhat impatient readers of today some of the nobilities and stupidities of an outworn but once useful ethics. R .LA. Fora most becoming beach ensemble, one correct and colorful, first choose your Jantzen in the color best suited to your type .. . blonde, brunette, titian .. . whatever yours maybe. Then match your accessories . beach robe, cap, belt and all. You have an ensemble strik- ingly individual! And best of all, you have a suit that lets you swim. For Jantzen combines smart appearance with utmost free- dom for swimming. Tightly knitted from long-fibred wool! Permanently elastic, it graces your body lightly, comfortably, perfectly . . . without a wrinkle! See the new models here for men, women and chil- dren . . . . Conveniently buttonless in sizes to 4o; unbreakable rubber button >n larger sizes. Color-fast ues and stripes. Yourweight your size. The h suit that ch~anged bahn oswimnzning Read the Summer Daily Classified Ads! Smart Blonde SHOES AT JULY PRICES July Clearance of Summer Shoes. This group includes dress pumps, golf oxfords, sport shoes in blonde combinations as well as black and REFRESHMENTS for the SUMMER DAYS white styles. Drinks Sandwiches Salads Values to $ Good range of sizes. 10.00. July Clearance price $6.95 E COOL OFF at the Sweetland 212 South Main Street Extra FRIDAY AN 30 SUITS Two piece Jacket Suits in tweeds, mix- tures and plain colors. Values to $35.00. Sizes 16 to 38 D SATURDAY 35 COATS Velvets, tweeds, flannels and silks in black, navy, and pastel shades. Values up to $35.00. Extra special. Sizes 16 to 44 500 We have, then, two alternatives: either to make the degree mean added value as a teacher, or to make the holding of a degree sec- ondary in selecting teachers. The first is obviously unsatisfactory un- der present conditions. In the time when colleges were small, and ev- ery individual applying for a de- gree was more or less personally known by the faculty, the words, "degree for which you have been recommended" meant something. Today, everything personal in the matter has been done away with, and it is seldom that the instructor himself has any more than a nod- ding acquaintanceship with the students in his classes. Conse- quently, the only way in which a degree could be made to mean more would be by increasing the require- ments for study and research. This is leading in the opposite direc- tion from the needs of the teach-) in nrnfesinn- it is not more aca- Stories of one kind or another about prohibition agents continue to fill the front pages of the nevr- papers. In Illinois two dry snoop- ers were arrested, ctharged with transporting and giving away li- quor to minors. They made a so- cial affair of their duties and had a general good time. The amusing part about the situation is that the complaint was made by an alleged saloon proprietor. His declaration was to the effect that there is nothing in the dry law which permits snoop- ers to violate the law for their own good time to trap liquor violators., If questioned these two detectives would probably say they were only engaged in the discharge of their official duties. These men were not only violat- ing the nation's law but also the spiritual law. Leading youth astray is an offense that cannot easily be rnonednn.r S o 00 CHOICE OF THE Regular REMAINDER OF OUR 1-2 ENTIRE COAT STOCK AT Price IA COJISOIVS DURING JULY AND AUGUST WE CLOSE AT 6 P. M. 1 -" "