PAGE FOUR THE SUMMER MICHMAN TIATT V THURSDAY. JULY 11. 1929 PAGE FOUR - - --.a a AavvA(LL '4 vLd'C a.LLsv . T H_ .J M P M_ _I A V A T [DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all mem- bers of the University. Copy received at the office of the Dean of the Summer Session until 3:30, excepting Sundays. (11:30 a. m. Saturday). Vol. IX THURSDAY, JULY 11, 1929 No. 15 Teachers of French: On Friday afternoon at 4:00 o'clock in Romance Languages Build- ing, room 108, there will be held the first of a series of Round Table discussions by members of the faculty and graduate students in French. The subjects to be discussed will be problems confronting the teach- ers: methods, text-books, literature (survey course), summer school, etc. All graduate students in French are cordially invited to take part. H. P. Thieme Education: Professor Arlee Nusur will speak on the subject, "Correlation of Elementary School Subjects," at the Afternoon Conference to be held today at 4:00 o'clock in the Auditorium of the University High School. Thomas Diamond All-Campus Forum: Dean Humphreys will speak on "The History of our Religious Lit- crature" at 4:15 in the Lane Hall reading room. The talk will be fol- I rwed by open discussion. John Webster, President, S. C. A. Observatory Nights: Tickets for Visitors' Nights at the Observatory, July 15, 16, and 17, may be obtained in the office of the Summer Session from 10 to 12 a. m. and 2 to 4 p. m. These tickets are intended for students of the Summer Session who will present their Treasurer's receipts when applying for them. Students desiring to avail themselves of this op- portunity to visit the Observatory should apply for tickets at once for the supply is limited. Edward H. Kraus Niagara Falls Excursion: Those who have signed up to go to Niagara Falls on Friday, July 12, should secure tickets for special street car, boat or gorge trips at the office of the Summer Session (room 9, University Hall) Thursday after- noon, July 11, between the hours of 1:30 and 5:00 o'clock. This is the only time that the agents will be in Ann Arbor to sell these tickets. J. P. Rowe Extra Excursion: An extra excursion is being arranged to the Ford Motor Industries to provide for students unable to go on the earlier Ford Plant trip. The party will leave in special motor buses Saturday morning, July 13, at 7:45 a. in., in front of Angell Hall, State Street. Round trip ticket ($1.00) must be secured by Friday, July 12, 6 p. in., in room 9, University Hall. Carlton F. Wells Library Science Elections, 1929-30: All students now enrolled in the Summer Session who wish to elect tibrary Science courses next fall should consult a representative of the Department and fill out the questionnaire required for admission, unless t111I1111 lI l1111I n11111111111U111l 111i N1111111111111111illlilii111 I I1111111111 1|1Nf POM BASEMENT TO 3RD FLOOR ~ It' Our A nnual Event ' f IdaI SEnding July 31st BUY IN THIS SALE AND S AV E MON E Y ;i~ 4,i 11illH d:l iiii~ ll'Bt I~ llf ii tl ll l 1lilli llU ili1 til11 li1 l l1 zill1 il:1; LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS HAS. carried out in all state and local NATION-WIDE PROGRAM OF ORK leagues, aided by tFle cooperation of the national departments and To form a strictly non-partisan large convention held last year in ational standing committees of Tor n the N. L. W. V. Efficiency in gov- organization having as its first Chcago, the League adopted an in- ernment, public welfare, education object the desire to increase the tensive progra mof work for 1928- eminnt, pbd we lgre euation of youth, and the legal status ofI numbertof responsible voting citi- 1929, which has since grown to women constitute the main lines of zens is the purpose of the National enormous proportions. igthe League's work. Committees on League of Women Voters. In a Four main lines of work are being child welfare, living costs, and TOURISTS TAGGED (By Associated Press) MANISTEE, July 11-All tourists visiting this city this summer are to be "tagged" by the police. But the tag will be headed "Wel- come" and contain the message: 'Our parking laws do not apply to tourists or visitors. Park where you can and as long as you want to. We request that you do not park near fire hydrants or street corners and please observe traffic signals. Don not speed through out streets. Come often and stay a long time." such action has already been taken. Immediate compliance with this notice is essential in order to receive consideration, since the number of students in the undergraduate Library Scien-e courses will be limited to fifty, and information regarding all applicants must be in hand as soon as possible. Notices will be sent about August 1st to all students whose applications for admission have been approved. A representative of the Library Science Department will be in room' 311, General Library, for consultation from 2-3 p. m., July 11-12, and July 15-19, inclusive. C. IR. Joeckel Lecture on the Future of Aeronautics: The illustrated lecture on "The Future of Aeronautics," by Pro- fessor Felix Pawlowski will be given this afternoon at 5:00 o'clock, as scheduled, in the auditorium of the Natural Science Building. Edward H. Kraus k TYPEWRITERS RIBBONS SUPPLIES for all makes of Typewriters. Rapid turnover, fresh stock, insures best quality at a moderate price. O. D. MORRILL UM 17 Nickels Arcade Phone 6615 Read the Summer Daily- Classified Ad s!__ a - -1Z-a r n e a n S f l social hygiene have also been ap- pointed. The special committee on educa- tion has as its object the increase of knowledge of school systems throughout America. The N. L. V. W. would have public school education fit the youth of Amreica to live ef- fectively in self-governing commun- University of Iowa-Two gradu- ities, ready to assume responsibility, ates of the University of Iowa, Ain- and to cooperate in the processes of slee E. Hickerson and Elvin J. Til- organized government as soon as ton, put out a 76 page edition of their legal majority is established. the Grownsville Telegraph recent- The vitality of this extensive pro- ly. This special edition, in seven gram issues from the strong belief sections, commemorates the anni- in the training for citizenship and versary date of the joint manage- legal administration of the women ment of these two men. M ER FICTION Tiles at 50c each R UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE e .. , STATE STREET JEWELERS At Liberty Street I C ~ TA ING I Repairing SP" 2IA Watches XVit , I pp. a . 1 -e-_ m nia NCV SHOW ING S AIL with Dane and Arthur on the high seas of misadventure, in a full gale of laughter! It's nautical, but nice! You can start guff awing now! 1-1! < "A 6N 100, with Josephine Dunn KARL DANE GEORGiE K Also SMITTY Paramount Ancient Topics And His Pals in News Art Df the Day "C C CQI J CITe ASA A Y LOI~ .a P.. O Q*U C 1 t SON You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll applaud when you see Mary Pickford as Coquette, danrcing with you: through the merriment of youth into t he heartbreak of a woman's- most crucial ordeals. NOW SIIOWING I READ THE DAILY CLASSIFIEDS! r , _, a , . . . -_ ; TT' , . .: r , i ; { .Y s r f, ,;, TONIGHT at Box Office Open 10-9 Phone 6300 Tickets 75c PLAY PRODUCTION'S MICHIGAN REPERTORY PLAYERS "Wedding lls" BY SALISBURY FIELDS Present The Comedy Hit Hours of Laughs TONIGHT, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY NIGHT LYDIA MENDELSSOHN THEATRE ,L= fr ichiqan UnCafeterla SPECIAL 50c LUNCHEON and DINER, s '!i 7 As Mo--2 P* M* The Talk of A nn Arbor 5-7:30 P. M. 1111 f 111 ItIt I I[]I t ffIIII II ti l) I I I 1