PAGE FOUR THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, JULY 9, 1929 School of Education: 111 I AL BD L E TI NProfessor W. W. Wright will speak upon the subject "Should We Accelerate by Skipping Grades?" at the Educational Conference to be Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all mem- held in the University High School Auditorium at 4 o'clock today. bers of the University. Copy received at the office of the Dean Thomas Diamond of the Summer Session until 3:30, excepting Sundays. (11:30 a. Lecture on the Stress Analysis of Dams: m. Saturday). The second lecture by Professor Westergaard, which is on the sub- Volume IX TUESDAY, JULY 9, 1929 No. 13 ject, "The Structural Analysis of the Stevens Creek Dam," will be held on Tuesday, July 9, at 10 o'clock in room 311, West Engineering Build- Change in Title of Lecture by Professor E. A. Milne: ing. Please note the change in both the room and the hour. The lec-H The title of the lecture to be given this afternoon at 5:00 o'clock ture is open to all. in the Auditorium of the Natural Science Building by Professor Edward S. Timoshenko A. Milne of the University of Oxford has been changed from "Star )IN Ranging" to "Star Colors and their Interpretation." The lecture will I Notice: be illustrated. Wednesday, July 10, at 3 p. m., there will be a meeting of high Edward H. Kraus school inspectors, principals, superintendents, and others interested in questions concerning the accrediting of high schools in the state of 'We Observatory Nights: Michigan. This meeting which is open to all who are interested will Tickets for Visitors' Nights at the Observatory, July 15, 16, and 17, be in room 4009 of the University High School. may be obtained in the office of the Summer Session from 10 to 12 Dr. George E. Carrothers, a. m. and 2 to 4 p. in., beginning Wednesday, July 10. These tickets are Director of Division of University Inspection intended for students of the Summer Session who will present their of High Schools Treasurer's receipts when applying for them. Students desiring to avail themselves of this opportunity to visit the Observatory should apply for tickets early for the supply is limited. by Salisbury Fields Edward H. Kraus Excursion No. 4: THE COMEDY HIT Ford Airport, at Dearborn, Michigan, including laboratories, air- to be presented by drome, and landing fields. A special plant guide will be in charge of the party while at Dearborn. The party leaves in special motor buses NOW SHOWING on Wednesday, July 10, 1 p. mn., from in front of AngeLl Hall. Reserva- Breathless a d v e n t u r e tions must be made by Tuesday,July 9, 6 p. m., in room 9, University among the raiders who , U a0 4r inru Hall. Round trip, $1.00. scoured the seas from Carlton Wells Shanghai to the Pole! Niagara Falls Excursion: Those who have signed up or intend to sign up to go to Niagara Falls on Friday, July 12, should secure tickets for special street car, boat or gorge trips at the office of the Summer Session (room 9, Uni- versity Hall) Thursday afternoon, July 11, between the hours of 1:301\ and 5:00 o'clock. This is the only time that the agents will be in Ann Arbor to sell these tickets. Those who wish to go and have not yeti signed up may do so in room 2051 Natural Science Building until 5:00 o'clock Wednesday afternoon, July 10. --P.Rw Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre J. P. Rowe I Sale of Bookcases and Cupboards: Seats 75c Phone 6300 Surplus material for disposal-9 cabinets which can be used as BOX OFFICE OPEN 10-9 combination bookcases and cupboards. Call the Department of Build- ings and Grounds. E. C. Pardon, Superintendent Buildings and Grounds Phi Delta Kappa: The weekly luncheon will be held this noon at the Michigan Union at 12:05 sharp. Professor T. Luther Purdom of the University of Mis- souri will speak on "Student Personnel Administration." The luncheon will be over ian time to allow attendance upon one o'clock classes. I CHARLES MORTON Wesley C. Darling iL1tA r AMS August Seniors-School of Education: WARREN 14YMER - All diploma and teacher's certificate fees should be paid before ARTH UR STONE \Sbsc the end of the Summer Session by those students who will have com--j,4 pleted the requirements (during this Summer Session) for graduation from the School of Education. These blanks may be secured at the EDISON MARShALL office of the School of Education. Elizabeth B. Clark, Asst. to the Recorder ----- - _- - August Seniors-School of Education: All students registered in the School of Education who expect to complete the requirements for graduation by the end of the present N/A?-~3P//E Q 'R S0VAE R .Q:, Summer Session will please note the tentative list posted on the Bulletin Board of the School of Education in Tappan Hall. Any person expecting a degree from the School of Education, whose name does not appear on this list, should report in the Recorder's office immediately. -- Elizabeth B. Clark, Asst. to the Recorder P Teachers Certificates: Blanks for the payment of the Teacher's Certificate fees may now be secured at the office of the School of Education. All students who expect to be recommended for the Teacher's Certificate at the end of the Summer Session must pay their fees and return their receipts to the Recorder, School of Education, before the end of the Summer Session. Elizabeth B. Clark, Asst. to the Recorder READ THE DAILY CLASSIFIEDS! DR UG STORKE Takes pleasure in announcing The Michigan League the opening of its 227 South Ingalls Street E NEW Beauty Parlor F FOUINTAIN OFFERS THE SUMMER STUDENTS AND VISIT- ING MEMBERS SOOTHING AND REFRESHING We are now better equipped SHAMPOOS, FACIAL TREATMENTS A N D to Serve you with our MANICURES IN A COOL, RESTFUL ATMOS- H R PHERE. Ul OR Famous Malted Milks Finger Waving Water Waving Marcelling and Scalp Treatment Delicious Sodas Open 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. Refreshing Drinks FOR APPOINTMENTS, TELEPHONE 22595 READ THE DAILY CLASSIFIEDS! SPEIgAL 50 LUon Caf eleri SPECIAL 50c LUNCHEON and DINNER 7 A. M.--2 P. M. The Talk of Ann Arbor 5-7:30 P. M.