TUESDAY, JULY 9, 1929 THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE TIU= GOing WI I The Pelton "Brassiere-in" bathing suit gives to women the flat, boyish figure they desire so much. We have them in all sizes and colors and at all HOLD OFFICIAL OPENING OF CITIZENSHIP SCHOOL Is Held Under Sponsorship of League of Women Voters; State President, 85 Guests Present At a reception at 8 o'clock last night at the home of Mrs. G. W. Patterson, 2101 Hill Street, the Citi- zenship school sponsored by the fourth region of the League of Wo- men Voters had its official opening. Mrs. Patterson is president of the Ann Arbor League of Women Vo- ters. Mrs. Patterson, with Mrs. Siegel W. Judd, state president, Mrs. Z.' Clark Dickenson, publicity chair- man, and members of the State Board informally received more than 85 visitors. C L A S S I F IE ADVERTISING THE RAGGEDY ANN BEAUTY SHOP OFFERS A Marcel at 75c; Finger wave at $1.00; Permanent wave at $8.50. Dial 7561. MACK TUTORING AGENCY Open for Summer School 310 S. State St. Phone 7927 TYPING-Theses a specialty. Fair rates. M. V. Hartsuff, Dial 9387. LOST-Black and tan police dog with wound on right forearm. Answers to name of Pittsburg. Reward. George Tremble, 512 So. State. 11, 12, 13 LOST-Black and tan police dog with wound on right forearm. .Answers to name of Pittsburg. Reward. George Tremble, 512 So. State. 11, 12, 13 _,,.,._ 1007o PICTURE MARI PICKFORD prices. See them! Calkins- Fletcher 1l"/Y./"./l.I1lJ./l 1l./Y./.lJl./1. .PJ./l./1Y111l. .I.dlJl1l.Il. , DRUG COMPANY 324 S. State East and S. University State and Packard Sts. I A Large Return or Safety Too often the investor looks only for a large return in an investment and not safety. And too, often this results in his losing everything-not only a large interest return, but the principle as well. Before you invest your hard-earned dollars make sure that the proposed investmerrt is a safe one. Consult one of the officers of this bank before putting your money into any enterprise. fi titi ti fi ti ti ti fi ti titi titi ti CANOEING Every Afternoon and Evening Saunders' Canoe Livery On the Huron River at the foot of Cedar St. c l I ti ti ti ti ti ti ti _i. -A SAM TA % P.0O 0ULC You'll laugh, you'll applaud see Mary Pi Coquette, danc through the m youth into the of a woman's ordeals. NOW S11 E A'Y L O R v.I ' - Lyou'll cry, t when you 'ickford as ing with you erriment of heartbreak most crucial OWING RTH II i --- FARMERS & MECHANICS BANK ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN During July and August We Close Saturdays at 6 p. m. ANN ARBOR Merchant' Day FINDS MANY MATCHLESS VALUES AT Footwear . All Colored Member Federal Reserve System Golf Hose GOLF HOSE REQUIRE GREAT CARE IN LAUNDERING. OUR TREATMENT OF THEM, WITH CONSIDERATION FOR Ai 0 I I Turkey Red Menet Blue Rosedew Pink Char. Green , the pair customer buy- second pair on this day EXTRA SPECIAL JULY SAVINGS THEIR DELICACY OF TEX- TURE, INSURE SOFTNESS AND PRESERVATION. OUR EQUIPMENT INCLUDES SPECIALLY DESIGNED FORMS W H I C H PREVENT SHRINKAGE AND GUARAN- TEE COMFORT TO THE WEARER Phone 4219 T H E 3N a , LIBERTY AT FIFTH We Use Ivory Soap Exclusively I , ,I From the values listed in this column you gain only a small idea ofuthe many opportunities that await you. DRESSES Snappy Frocks inwash- able crepes and flannels. All nicely made for $5.00 NEGLIGEES and SILK PAJAMAS 1-w4 Their Regular Price HOSE NUDIES-A sock and hose in one ..............$1.50 SPORT. HOSE in fancy weaves .............$1.95 Discontinued lines of hose formerly $2.50 and formerly $1.95 ......$1.00 SWEATERS Of wool. In many colors. Have Crew and V necks. In the popular slip over style. $1.95 SCARFS In brilliant colorings and a dashing note to many a costume. $1.95 0. . " O 1 0 *O * ~O C.. s C.. " ®* a0°" m~ r. Our Collection Includes the Very Finest of Spring and Summer Apparel July 10th marks a day of special values that Ann Arbor merchants offer to their patrons. In our desire to co-operate with this movement we have placed very desir- able merchandise on sale. Every woman and miss will want to take advantage of these offerings for the reductions make great savings possible. PRESSES GROUP 1 $ ] To ing, Sport and Dress Frocks are featured in this group. The materials include tub suits, prints, crepes and georgettes. $10.00 FIVE . EIGHTY . FIVE Many Formerly $19.75 GROUP 2 An over whelming variety of muslin prints, crepes,'d The diversityof their lines is pleasing. Many Formerly $29.75 GROUP 3 All Blondes and Whites Reduced to This price gives no indica- tion of their style value. The group includes dresses suitable for miss and ma- trons. the the $24.75 Many Formerly $59.00 COATS Millnery Special Summer Hats Including White Felts $2,OO 200 Hats At This Price We advice early shopping as this offering is out of the or- dinary. The styles are up-to- the-minute and the hats are fashioned beautifully. They will go quickly. ALL SALES FINAL GROUP 1 Real values in Street, Sports and Dressy type Coats. See them! You'll be interested. $19e50 GROUP 2 Kashas, Broadcloths, Novelty Weaves and Silks make this group of outstanding importance. Here aretcoats forrevery occasion-Sport-29 .5 fl Travel-Street and Dress.29 5 GROUP 3 An unusual collection of Cloth and Silk Coats- Many are trimmed with fine furs. A good size29.75 range. . Exceptionally fine Suits of SgjtS Tweeds and Twills with short jackets. L4,J5 Ensembles T woGu a'Splendid - I i l 11