PAGE FOUR THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, JULY 7, 1929 PAGE FOUR SUNDAY, JULY 7, 1929 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is c6'nstructive notice to all mem- bers of the University. Copy received at the office of the Dean of the Summer Session until 3:30, excepting Sundays. (11:30 a. m. Saturday). Volume IX SUNDAY, JULY 7, 1929 No. 12 Dean's Advisery Committee, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: A meeting of the Dean's Advisery Committee is called for Monday afternoon, July 8, at 2 o'clock in this office. John R.Effinger Niagara Falls and 'Vicinity, Excursion No. 5: The Department of Geology will conduct an excursion to Niagara Falls this summer for the benefit of the Summer Session students as it has for many years. The excursion will start at 2 p. m. on Friday, July 12 at Packard and State streets, and continue until Monday, July 15, at about 11 IWOMEN'S SINGLES TO BE PLAYED AS SPECIALTY IN TENNIS TOURNEY In addition to the men's city ten- 10, set as the last day. The win- nis tournament, which is now in ner of the women's division will re- progress, a special singles tourney ceive her choice of any tennis rac- has been announced for women. Any quet in the Moe shop. There are 60 players in the sin- woman or girl residing in Ann Ar- gles and 22 doubles teams enlist- bur during the summer may enter ed in the men's tourney. Last the competition. Registration will year's singles champion, Earl Glo- take place at Moe's sport shop on cheski, 31L, has not enrolled to de- State Street, with Wednesday, July fend his title. School of Education: Professor S. A. Courtis will speak on the "Scientific Study of Edu- i cational Problems" at the afternoon conference to be held at 4:00 o'clock on Monday afternoon at the University High School Auditorium. Thomas Diamond I HAm LLER-S. STATE STREET JEWELERS At Liberty Street Repairing Watches Jewelry SPECIAL ORDER WORK i; i a ., " , - . .. - ,'- , - - a. m. I This is an especially fine trip for those interested in Geology and also a splendid trip for those interested in the wonderful and beautiful sights of nature. The University of Michigan is fortunate in being among the very few institutions of higher learning reasonably accessible to this most fascinating and inspiring scene. In addition to seeing the falls, the gorge, the whirlpool, the "Cave. of the Winds," the "Rapids," and many other interesting spots in con- nection with the gorge and falls trip, visits will be made to the Carbor- undum factory, the Shredded Wheat factory, the hydro-electric power plant, and the very accurate and instructive model of Niagara Falls constructed to scale. The excursion will be made by street car and boat and is open to all Summer Session students. On Wednesday, July 10, at 5 p. m. all names of those intending toI take this trip must be in the hands of Miss Wilson, room 2051, Natural! Science Building, in order that proper accommodations and other ar- rangements may be made. The date of the ticket sale will be announced in this column in a few days. A copy of the itinerary will be handed! each member of the party at the beginning of the trip. Please make Women's Education Club: The Women's Education Club will meet in the Committee Room of the Women's League Building (second floor, near elevator) on Monday evening at 7:15 o'clock. Dean J. B. Edmonson of the School of Educa- tion will speak on "The Place of Women in Education." Henrietta Howser, President August Seniors-School of Education: All diploma and teacher's certificate fees should be paid before the end of the Summer Session by those students who will have com- pleted the requirements (during this Summer Session) for graduation from the School of Education. These blanks may be secured at the office of the School of Education. Elizabeth B. Clark, Asst. to the Recorder Teachers Certificates: Blanks for the payment of the Teacher's Certificate fees may now be secured at the office of the School of Education. All students who expect to be recommended for the Teacher's Certificate at the end of the Summer Session must pay their fees and return their receipts to your reservations early. This is one of the most outstanding and I the necuuuer, bLuuuo uu muuuu, oeior ena of 0 he Summer Session. du ato , efre t delightful excursions of the Summer Session. Session. J. P. Rowe wuzueI . M arx 1, sLU Lo Lne N~ecorauer Men's Education Club: August Seniors-School of Education: The Men's Education Club will meet at the Michigan Union All students registered in the School of Education who expect to Monday evening at 7 o'clock. on I complete the requirements for graduation by the end of the present Summer Session will please note the tentative list posted on the Bulletin B dn r l f the ~ S.hnl roEd f'ca.ntion in Tana an T-H H11. Anv erson ex ecting Thomas Diamond e.. %./ %1 %1 IC Pl- Y. r i.01-1 re.-K xoara of ue c uoo1 of ul uun11- ppi~l 1u. y piuyl U.Pu-1'" a degree from the School of Education, whose name does not appear on this list, should report in the Recorder's office immediately. Elizabeth B. Clark, Asst. to the Recorder Lectures on the Stress Analysis of Roads and Dams: 3 Professor H. M. Westergaard of the University of Illinois, the well' known authority on the theory of structures, will be here for two lec- tures. The first will be given on Monday, July 8, at 11 o'clock in Room 307, West Engineering Building, on the subject, "The Structural Analysis of Concrete Roads;" the second on Tuesday, July 9, at the same hour and room on the subject, "The Structural Analysis of the Stevens Creek Dam." -The lectures are open to all. S. Timoshenko Exhibitiou ef Water Color Paintings: A c ,I tetn of water -color; i now on exhibition in the giound floor ,lhry of . ie Arc ite urAl Buildin 'Among ;he oxhibitors are some _ she ng America mpaint rs. TM exhibition is opun daily from 9:v0 until G:00, cxceptiig Su.nday6. Thc public is cordially invited. Emil Lorch- Excursion No. 4: Ford Airport, at Dearborn, Michigan, including laboratories, air- drome, and landing fields. A special plant guide will be in charge of the party while at Dearborn. The party leaves in special motor.buses on Wednesday, July 10, 1 p. in., from in front of Angell Hall. Reserva- I tions must be made by Tuesday,July 9, 6 p. in., in room 9, University Hall. Round trip, $1.00. Carlton Wells TRY SWIFT'S DRUG STORE OPPOSITE LAW BUILDING FOR YOUR PRINTING and DEVELOPING All Work Guaraiteed One Day Service Eastman Films Carried in Stock ti ti ti I I ti I 0 _E_ t =1 STARTING SATURDAY Breathless ad v e n t u r e among the raiders who scoured the seas from'. Shanghai to the Pole! CHARLES MORTON LEllA HYAMS WARREN HYMER ARTHUR STONE efiory by EDISON MARSHA"L 1 1CKORD: U I ichiqan Union Cafeteria SPECIAL 50c LUNCHEON and DINNER 7 A. M.--2 P. M. The Talk of Ann Arbor 5- 7:30 P. M. ________________________________ E