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July 07, 1929 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1929-07-07

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SUNDAY, JULY 7, 1929






Carroll and Monmouth Are Only
Colleges Sending Teams; Ohio
and Minnesota Also Play
IOWA CITY, July 7-Iowa's two
football teams, the varsity and re-
serve elevens, will combat repre-
sentatives of six states during the
eleven-game schedule next fall.
Between Sept. '28 and Nov. 23,
Indiana ° will send three teams
against the Hawkeyes, two Wiscon-
sin and Illinois institutions are on
the schedule, and one team each
will uphold the honor of Ohio,
Michigan, and Minnesota.
Purde, Indiana ;university, and
Notre Dame are the Hoosier squads,
but only Purdue will be played in
a first-team contest. From Illinois
will come the state university var-
sity and reserve teams, and the
varsity eleven from Monmouth col-
lege, while Wisconsin will put for-
ward its statesuniversity eleven as
well as the darroll college aggrega-
tion. State university teams will
represent Minnesota, Michigan,
and Ohio.
First Team
Sept. 28-Carroll College at Iowa
Oct. 5-Monmouth College at Iowa
Oct. 12-Ohio State University at
Oct. 19-University of Illinois at
Iowa City (homecoming) .
Oct. 26-University of Wisconsin at
Nov, 9-University of Minnesota at
Iowa City (Dad's day)
Nov. 16-Purdue University at La-
fayette, Ind.
Nov. 23-University of Michigan at
Ann Arbor.
Reserve Team
Oct. 19-Indiana University at
Nov. 9-University of Notre Dame
at South Bend, Ind.
Nov. 16-University of Illinois at
Iowa City. ,
Women Voters' School
Attracting Many Here
Attendance at the Citizenship
school of the fourth region of the
League of Women Voters will be-
yond doubt be a large one. The
League reports that it has received
40 applications for rooms, cover-
ing the days of the convention.
This is a fair indication of an alert
interest in the school.
The continuity of thought and
subject which will characterize the
afternoon sessions of the Citizen-
ship school will be no less a part
of the morning meetings. While
the former will deal with county
government and activities, the lat-,
ter will pursue the methods and
responsibilities of the League of
Women Voters itself.
Beginning with the problems of
organization, the discussion will pro-
ceed to League business methods.
Turning next to the work of the
committees, concerning which there
is at present a great amount of in-
terest, the morning sessions will
then conclude with a discussion
upon the responsibilities of the
League boards.

Ex-College Stars and Prominent
Mid-Western Athletes Form
Own Baseball Team
BLOOMINGTON, Ind., July 7-
Indiana University's summer school
(for coaches will close one of its most
successful seasons next Thursday.
Eighty-three coaches and athletes
from ten different states have been
enrolled in the school this sum-
A popular feature of the school
is the baseball team. The team is
composed of many well known ex-
college stars and athletes promi-
nent in Mid-Western athletics. Last
year the team went undefeated and
scored a victory over the Indiana-
polis Power and Light team, ama-
teur national champions. The rec-
ord made so far this year indi-
cates another successful season.
. Fort Benjamin Harrison's nine
will engage the Indiana players
again 'tomorrow afternoon. The
Soldiers have been the Hoosier's
strongest competitors this season.
Many noted players are included
in the lineup. Heading the list is
Everett S. Dean, Indiana Univer-
sity's head basketball and baseball
coach, who plays shortstop and
coaches the team. Pat Page, I. U.
football coach who once was con-
sidered the greatest college pitch-
er in the country, will be on the
mound tomorrow. He will be as-
sisted by Horace Bell, of Blooming-
ton, former Indiana varsity hurl-
Collyer, former Butler catcher,
will be behind the bat for Indiana.
Wally Middlesworth, assistant I. U.
football coach, will play first base.
Assisting him in the infield ,are
Kingsoliver, ex-Franklin College
player and Sullivan high school
For both day and evening wear,
the harmonious ensemble has sup-
planted the haphazard assemblage

coach, at second base, and Taube,
Purdue three letter man, at third
Crowe, of Markle, and Dorr, of
Huntington, both I. U. baseball let-
termen, will play left and center
field, respectively. Right field will
be played by either Reichle, ex-
Butler star, or Dugan, athletic di-
rector of Sam Houston high school,
Houston, Texas.
The thriller of the season was
the 4-3 defeat handed the Fort
Harrison team by the Deanmen
two weeks ago. The game went 11
innings. Bell pitched most of the
game for Indiana, and allowed the
Soldiers only one hit during his
stay in the game. Pat Page's hit
in the eleventh frame gave Indi-
ana the victory.
Next to baseball in popularity in
the coaches' school has been the
course in officiating. More men are
enrolled in this course than in any
other offered by the coaching
school. The course offers training
in officiating in baseball, basket-
ball, football, track and wrestling.
The classes are taught by Inidana's
coaching staff, which consists of
Pat Page, football; Everett S. Dean,
basketball and baseball; E. C. Ha-
yes, track; and W. H. Thom, wrest-
Intramural sports have been es-,
pecially popular this summer at the
university. Handball, basketball,
horseshoe, tennis and league ball
have been well patronized by thel
summer students. Participation in!
these sports is open to anyone en-
rolled in the university.
The last class Thursday will bring
to a close the fifth school , for
coaches. The school has been gain-
ing rapidly in both attendance and
reputation during its five years' ex-
istence at Indiana University.
"Women in the field of biology
often create positions for them-'
selves," states Dr. Bessie P. Kan -

... . . .. ..... .. ...... .......... _.. .,
The performances of Eddie To-
lan on the Denver cinderpath on
Thursday definitely establish the
Wolverine sprint ace as one of the
greatest dashmen of all time and
certainly on a par with any of the
present generation.
It was indeed unfortunate
that the injury to Simpson rob-
bed the great Buckeye star of
a chance at the A. A. U. crown.
Tolan clearly showed his super-
iority over such great speed-
sters as Bracey, Sweet, and Wy-
koff, as well as a host of others
but it is doubtful whether his
win would have been so clear
cut over Simpson-if he would
have won at all.
At the present time it appears as
if Williams, Canada's Olympic
champion, Simpson and Tolan hold
the upper niche of the world's
"sprintdom." Bracey, Elder, Sweet,j
Wykoff, Lombard and Wildermuth,
as well as several others certainly
are not far out of this select class.
The next feature for sprint
fans to await is the meeting1
of Williams, Tolan, and Simp-
son at Vancouver in the Cana-5
dian invitationals.. Williams
probably will be a slight favor-j
ite-but our money is on To-
The dusky Michigan dashman is
one of the hardest training boys
we know. The midget Wolverine
is a great competitor as he has
proven himself only recently at

...... .... . ............................. CANOE BARGAIN (for sale)-
The City College product's de Phone 3162 or see J. E. Miller at
cathlon pon1oa astehg 540 Walnut St. 10, 11, 12
catlonpoint total was the high-
est ever made in this country. His
total of 7,784.68 points shatters the FOR RENT
former mark held by Fait Elkins of
the University of Nebraska of 7,- FOR RENT-A small furnished
774.42. Kennedy of Missouri fin- front apartment of 3 rooms near
ished second while the Haskell In- Women's League. Phone 3741. 10
dian athlete, Wilson Charles, gain- FOR RENT-TWO large rooms for
ed third place after leading most men students; two blocks from
of the way. campus. Cal! at 917 E. Huron.
Los Angeles' crack relay quar- No. 9, 10
tet of Maurer, Paddock, Goyer, FOR RENT-Single rooms at $2.50
and Wykoff created a new i at 604 E. Washington. No. G
world's record for the 440 yard I
relay on a curved track when FOR RENT-Furnished apartment.
they negotiated the distance in FORNTu rnim.aaneng.
41.9.j One double room. One single
'room. Dial 6979 in the morning
. Ierman Brix, University of Wash- or evening. No. 9, 10, 11
ington husky shotputter, sent an-
other record by the boards when WANTED
he threw the 8 pound pellet 67
feet, 11 inches, in the medley event WANTED-Responsible young man
of 8, 12, and 16 pound shots. Ralphn
Rose, famous Michigan track star for afternoon work at Majestic
of other days held the former mark Theatre. No. 10, 11
which he has retained since 1907.
Another great amateur per-
former turned professional LOST-Black and tan police dog
when Martha Norelius an- with wound on right forearm.
nounced yesterday that she had Answers to name of Pittsburg.
decided to join the "paid" class Reward. George Tremble, 512 So.
According to Miss Norelius the State.21, 12, 13
undeserved action of the A. A. LOST-Between Natural Science
U. in suspending her indefinite- Building and the Boulevard,
ly for unauthorized exhibitions keys in black leather key holder.
in Florida was the reason. Call 7539. No. 8, 9, 10
The New York woman swimmer LOST-A pair of tortoise shelled
holds most of the world's records glasses; library style; in vicinity
from 100 to 500 yards. She was of 418 E. Washington. Dial 21165.
high nnint wmnn nrfnrmrfnr!No. 9, 10

Sideli~ne Chatter


p y V ...,,.j * y g p nJlJ1J.1U VY 'J11 u9I1 1 woman per ormeror
Denver running with painful toe the women's aquatic competitions LOST-Between Natural Science
injuries. Despite the fact' that he at the Olympic games in 1924 and Building and the Boulevard,
held the national interscholastic 1928. Miss Norelius will enter the keys in black leather key holder.
championship, Tolan's perform- Wrigley marathon for women at Call 7539 No. 8, 9, 10
ances have always been improv- Toronto, August 23. .- -
ing. LOST-Sorority pin. Greek letters
Cliff Woodbury, ace car driv- S.A.I. University and Women's
Kenneth Doherty, Detroit's er, who sustained severe injur- League Building and on North
great all around athlete, retain- ies at the Altdona speedways University. Dial 7380; ask for
ed his national A. A. U. de- Flag Day in the same race Helen Gould.

cathlon championship in im-
pressive fashion in the country
wide competition at Denver, on
Thursday afternoon.


which saw the tragic death of
Ray Keech, on his discharge
from the hispital announced his
retirement from the racing

Use This Colunm
Every Day

of other days. The shoes, hat, bag, ouse, Assistant to the Director, and-

and especially the jewelry must
dbearout the color scheme of the
Jewelry has greatly increased in;
importance within the last few
seasons. Great heavy necklaces
and wooden bracelets are being
sent over in large numbers from'
Paris. Inlaid in brilliant colorings
and sometimes fashioned with bar-
baric massiveness, these wooden
pieces are in the same wood as the
nugget shapes still emphasized in
semi-precious stones. Chalcedony
is used in necklaces of the choker
type for either morning or after-
noon wear. Oxidized pearls and
crystals are both popular for pas-
tel frocks.
The waist line in some of the
newest models is distinctly at the,
normal position. In the daytime
models already designed for early
autumn this normalcy is defined by
a line. In the evening the greater
swing toward fitted princess effects
allows us to guess as to the waist-
line. With the latter type of dress,
the large hat and opera pump in
formal material are perhaps the
smartest type of accessories that
may be selected to complete the en-
semble. Although the printed cos-
tume is much admired for sport
wear, the rule for the afternoon
chiffon continues to be-frock of
chiffon completed by a wrap of
harmonizing material. Also, the
old convention of plain trimming'
for printed frocks is still widely ob-
served. For example, one of the
smartest gowns from abroad graces
its decolletage with a triangle scarf

Curator in the University Herbar-
ium. But, of course, openings are
not apparent unless one has far
more than an ordinary interest inj

I Screen Reflections

I -___


- ..®....... ..... __ _ Y

biology and has entered deeply into at the Majestic
some phase of science and can dis- Ai, at last; Mr. Jack Holt and
criminate between the possibilities Miss Betty Compson together in a
within the various fields of spec- Western, and President Lincoln in
ialization." Dr. Kanouse has se- colors. The combination seems to
be the fruit of some kind of an
lected fungi-the water-molds, in art idea invading those sacred pre-
particular-as her field of special- ( cincts- sacred to manliness and
ization. much shooting in the land where
"As to the requirements for an a man'sa man and a woman's a
adequate training in biology, a' a nuisance-of the Western.
thorough scientific training in the Now the Western is an art. It
associated sciences, should form a has a formula, and the formula is
basis; after that, specialization." good for the taste to which it ap-
According to Dr. Kanouse, this peals. But to introduce a color se-
specialization is determined by the quence of Lincoln giving the young
preference and ability of 'the sci- officer his charge-"dead or alive,
entific woman and the opportun- my boy"-and to make the bandit
ity that is afforded for developing villian a lady, is to violate the for-
her subject. mula in such a fashion as to sug-
"It is only when a thorough gest that all the producers wanted
training in some phase of science to do was to show Abe Lincoln in
is reached that a woman is pre- the flesh of the color screen and
pared for a position," Dr. Kanouse to exploit Betty Compson in rid-
continued. "These positions are ing habit-neither is successful,
many and varied, and may be di- Mlle. Compson least of all although I
vided roughly into the following she is lovely in the one evening
fields: teaching biology; work in dress she did wear (as if to prove
the United States Department of she could). R. L. A.
Agriculture where a great many TYPEWRITING
women are employed; . museum andI
work; biological artists' work, which MIMEOGRAPHIN
would appeal to the woman who A specialty for
combines a love and knowledge of twentyayears.,
nature with a talent in art; tech- Prompt service.. Experienced op-
nitian work in laboratories and erators.. Moderaterates.
hospitals; and a limited field for O. D. MORRILL
pure research work. 17 Nickels Arcade Phone 6615
1* 1
i ______





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Saunders' Canoe Livery
On the Huron River at the foot of Cedar St.

Wholesome and
Clean Food

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