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July 07, 1929 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1929-07-07

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Generally Fair with Possible


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Clinic Administration Is Moulded
About Nursing Staff; Medical
Services Independent
To obtain and hold the confi-
dence of the patient was the chief
point stressed by Dr. R. E. Dixon
of the Detrot department of public
health in his lecture yesterday af-
ternoon in addressing the third
Public Health institute, now in its
third season, on "Modern Methods
of Veneral Disease Control."
The modern clinic has been or-
ganized with this purpose in mind
since it has been found by past
experience that the administration
of public health service is most
valuable to the community when
based on this principle.
Acting upoW this theory the doc-
tor's work has been limited to t;e
purely medical portion of the serv-
ice. All the routine work is placed
entirely in the hands of a nursing
staff. By this means the clinic or-
ganzation is built around the
nursing staff entirely independent
of the doctor examining the
patients. It has been found vitally
important to obtain a nurse at the
reception desk whose personality is
able to convey friendliness to the
client, and to win his confidence.
While the patients are waiting
in the reception room it has been
found useful to use various meth-
ods to acquaint the patients with
the essential facts about public
health. Ths has to be conducted
in a rather careful manner in
order to avoid arousing antagonism
in the individuals' minds. Once he
has lost his hostility toward the
clinic, and has become acuainted
with the true facts involved in his
case, the application of the proper
treatment will be comparatively
Petty Thefts Baffle
Local Constabulary
Eleven dollars was stolen from
the Main St. poolroom, North Main
street, Friday by 2 men who walked
away with the money in a cigar
box while the proprietor was
sweeping off the sidewalk in front
of the place.
Police have obtained no further
clews to the robbery of the drug
store of William Parker, 1100
Broadway, which was broken into
the night of July 2. Parker oper-
ates a postoffice station in connec-
tion with his store and also col-
lects bills for the Detroit Edison
The thieves took $40 from the
Edison envelope and $92 from the
postoffice money. The money wa
locked in the safe.
The second of the Summer Ses-
sion .teas will be given Wednesday

July 10, from 3:30 to 5:30 p. m. The
tea will be given in the garden oi
the Women's League building anc
is in honor of the Library Science
faculty, including Miss Margaret
Mann, Miss Gertrude Maginn, MisQ
Hilda Evans, Mrs. Drury, Mr. F
Goodrich, and Prof. C. E. Joeckel
First round play will be com-
pleted by Tuesday in the single,
and doubles competition of the in-
tramural summer tennis tourna-
ments it was announced by Intra-
mural authorities. All entrants wh4
have as yet not taken part in the
'the initial round play will do si
Tuesday under penalty of default
With fifty-nine entrants listed it
the quest for singles laurels and 1
teams entered in the doubles tour-
ney it will be necessary for the in.
+toavai thnritie to riidlv en

The Universitys condmain. **%.

suit again Alvin Pommerening, in-
stituted for the purpose of obtain-
ing title to 10.553 acres of land out
South Main St., between this thor-
oughfare and State St., which is
desired as a part of the site for a
University golf course, went to the
special jury hearing the matter
shortly after noon yesterday.
The jury will determine whether
there is necessity for taking the
land and, if so, what is a fair and
just compensation for it. The Uni-
versty is offering $1,000 an acre for
the land it desires while the re-
spondent is asking $2,500 plus dam-
Cyrus C. Sturgis and Clinton Harris,
Ninth Graders, Study Subjects
Under Lichty, Hodges
In this age of prodigies it is in-
teresting to note that the Universi-
ty is not without its quota. Upon
investigation it has been found that
two boys, namely Cyrus C. Stur-
gis, Jr., 719 Church street, and
Clinton How Harris, 324 Jefferson,
aged 13 and 14 years respectively,
are enrolled in the University Sum-
mer Session. Both are studying
chemistry under Prof. David M.
Lichty, while in addition Sturgis is
taking a course from Prof. James
H. Hodges.
Both boys are former members of
the University high school. Harris
will be in the ninth grade and Stur-
gis, who is the son of the director
of the Simpson Memorial institute,
also designates himself as an un-
dergraduate of the same school.
The boys have private labora-
tories where they may pursue their
experimental work without inter-
ruption, in addition to carrying the
regular classroom work. A special
clause on the rules of the College
of Literature, Science, and the Arts
which allows those not regularly
matriculated to be admitted with
the consent of the Dean enables
the boys to study in the summer
Poincare Is Backed
By French Cabinet
(By Associated Press)
PARIS, July 7-The French cabi-
net, meeting again today in spec-
ial session, stood firmly upon Pre-
mier Poincare's decision that rati-
fication of the American and Brit-
ish debt accords must be unquali-
fied. Any reservations must be ex-
pressed separately. The ministry
I was unanimous in its attitude.


"The New Germany" will be the
topic discussed by Prof. James K.
Pollock of the political science de-
partment at 5:00 o'clock Monday
afternoon in Natural Science audi-
Professor Pollock, an authority
on comparative party politics, was
in Europe during the academic year
of 1927-28, spending more than
four months in Germany. While
there at that time the last Reich-
stag election was held, and also the
Reichstag was dissolved.
In speaking of the new political,
social, and economic aspects of the
new republic, Professor Pollock will
attempt to clear up the popular
misconception that Germany is
still virtually under the guidance
of the old monarchial cliques.
To Be Buried Tuesday at Arlington
With Full Military Honors After
Cathedral Service


Pictured above is J. Ramsey Mac-
Donald, who was recently elected
to the British premiership. Mac-
Donald is known throughout the
the British Empire as the Working{
Man's Idol, having been chosen for1
the office while he was running on
the Labor party ticket. His chief:
aim for his term of office is that ofj
At a recent meeting of the Men'sf
Educational club, Coach Fielding-
H. Yost discussed the athletic pro-1
gram of the University and out-
lined the growth of the athletic
plant since 1921.
He explained that in 1921 he setj
out to build an athletic plant and
a physical exercise program which!
would equal or surpass that of any
other university in America. "II
began this job with the motto,
'Make Athletics for All a Reality.'"
In order to do this it was neces-
sary to establish a program of
exercise to meet the needs of all
students; to provide } adequate
grounds, buildings, and other ath-'
letic facilities; and to engage a
competent and adequate staff of

t - -

alleviating the unemployment pro-
Premier MacDonald is seen above
in his flying togs discussing the
weather with a British Army offi-
cer. He is intensely interested in
the future of avation and employs
it as a means of getting to number
10 Downing street, from his coun-!
try home.

Electrical Storm Only Twelve Hours
Before End of Flight Fails
To Halt Airmen
(By Associated Press)
CLEVELAND, Ohio, July 7-Hold-
ers of a new world's record for en-
durance -flights of 174 hours and
59 seconds, Pilots Roy L. Mitchell
and Byron K. Newcomb today rest-
ed their wearied bodies after re-
maining in the air from a week ago
Friday afternoon until 12:39:50 this
morning, when they brought their
plane to earth at Cleveland Air-
They exceeded-by 1 hour, 28 min-
utes, and 58 seconds the old mark
set recently in Fort Worth, Texas,
by Reginald Robbins and James
Kelley, who remained aloft 172
hours, 32 minutes and 1 second.
Weariness brought the airmen
to a landing and the riotous ac-
claim of 75,000 persons, one of
whom was killed, after a flight
which became more hazardous as
the days aloft cut down their phy-
sical endurance.
Survive Severe Storm
The climax of the attempt came
bait a few hours before it ended,
and the two men said it nearly
killed them. They survived a severe
electrical storm which damaged
their refueling plane in a forced
landing and stopped all other air
traffic to fight on for the record,
attained 12 hours later.
Exhausted, the airmen im-
mediately were taken under guard
to a hotel, to sleep throughout the
day if they desire. They were spent.
"We broke the record. That's
enough. All we want now is sleep,"
Newcomb said.
Resting with them was Ernest
Basham, pilot of the refueling
plane, who completed 24 contacts
during the flight to replenish the
supply of gasoline, oil and food.


(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, July 7-Rear Ad-I
miral Walter Eberle, U. S. N., re-
tired, one of the outstanding fig-
rures in the development of the
UAO Hfl present day navy, died today at the
Washington Naval hospital, after
Ea long illness.
MONROE, Mich., July 7.-(AP.) He will be buried Tuesday at Ar-
lington with full military honors,
--Sail boat races, speedboat cn olwn evcsa h ahn-
tests and the annual Detroit rivei I following services at the Washing-
yachting association race to Put-! ton Episcopal cathedral.
In-Bayn makeupthen pogramtof- He is survived by his widow, one
he Monroe Yacht club today. A son, Lieut. Edward R. Eberle, and
colorful ball at the club house also two grandchildren. The Admiral
is being arranged for guests of the was 65 years old.
club. At the time of his retirement last
August Admiral Eberle was rank-
Inasmuch as the regatta is in the ing officer of the service in sen-
nature of a home-coming for all iority, and he had held the tem-
yachtsmen who ever sailed into the porary rank of full admiral for
old Monroe harbor, it is expected seven years, filling three of the na-
the entry will be large. Sloops, vy's highest commands: command-
schooners, yawls, Marconi rigged er in chief of a battle fleet, chief'
catboats, gaff rigged catboats, club- of naval operations, and chairman
owned and privately owned cats, of the executive committee of the
class V boats, speedboats, fast navy's general board.
launches, and large pleasure craft The ailment which caused his
will throng the course. death, an acute ear infection, had

coaches, instructors, and leaders. When the Monroe Yacht Club
Since embarking on this program was located on the famous govern-
of expansion eight years ago, the ment piers, built out over Lake
~rie1- erwasr.ue scene i'u many gay

its source in an injury received ear-
ly in his career, and resulting com-

department staff has been enlarged
from eight full time teachers and
one administrative officer, of which
number but one was a faculty
ranking instructor, to 34 full time
instructors and 10 administrative
officers, 27 of which asre now facul-
ty ranking instructors. In place of
the five intercollegiate sports in
1921, there are now 11, and the
number of buildings then available,
three, has been increased to seven
In addition to all this, the new
stadium, with a seating capacity
increased 63,000 over the old one
has been erected.

S!Erie, it was the scene of many gayI
and colorful regattas. The clubGre Pan Cut g
was surrounded by an impenetrableGeenT
marsh land and could only be Of Prison Sentences
reached by a trolley line, and Mon-- (By Associated Press)
roe Harbor lost its commercial sig- LANSING, July 6.-Gov. Fred W. NEW YORK, July 7--The new
nificance. When the club house Green today asked Parole Commis- style of small currency which will
was moved to its new location two sioner Arthur D. Wood to furnish be put into circulation next Wed-
years ago, interest immediately him a list of all persons sentenced nesday was described tonight by
picked up and those acquainted to life imprisonment in Michigan Ogden L. Mills, Under-secretary of
with the early history of the insti- under the criminal code with a the Treasury in a talk over the
tution began to live again old view of equalizing sentences involv- Columbian Broadcasting company
scenes. ing violations of the liquor law to chain.
Sail boat races were hell Satur- conform with the revision of the "With your cooperation and good
day afternoon, while the regatta code as passed by the last legisla- will," he told his radio audience,
ball was held in the club house. ture. "it is probably that a year from
now old size currency bills will be

UCeylon, according to Rowe. Re- of the force with which the gov- authorities of Germany, and classe
J. P. Rowe of the geology depart" taining ones equanimity while ernment of Mussolini is exerting were conducted in the Universit
ment, recently returned from the crossing this strait in a none too itself-the swiftness of justice, and of Berlin-just across the moa
round-the-world cruise of the seaworthy ferry was a feat for the of apprehension of malfaiteurs. from the former Kaiser's palac
Floating university, having told of ablest seafarer of the group. Recalling an incident occurring on The education administrators gav
their near encounter with Chinese Again on the boat, they sailed a street car between Naples and'them a trip to Potsdam, and San
river pirates, and reception by the across the Arabian sea, through Pompeii. One of the young men Souci.
royal house of Siam spoke of the the Red sea and Suez canal. Com- of the party had unthinkingly put The almost legendary Heidelber
opportunity extended to him by menting on the canal passage, his foot upon the seat opposite. with its students and drinkin
one. of the American educated Rowe stated that the Suez canal Immediately the conductor called bouts was visited, followed b
guides in Bangkok, of playing a is nothing more than a large scale his attention to the sign, written Mainz, and a trip down the Rhin
round of golf on the king's private desert irrigation project as com- in Italian, forbidding such action. the most beautiful river in - th
course. pared with the remarkable engin- Although the student at first re- world, to Cologne. From ther
From Siam the group went to eering feat accomplished in the fused to pay, nothing would ap- they went to Paris, being show
Calcutta, visiting the famous pago- construction of the Panama canal. pease the +justice-dealing official through the University of Par
das and catching glimpses of the More than ten days was spent in but a fine of ten lire. Nine were buildings, including the Sorbonn
funeral pyres of the Indians. Pass- Cairo and its environs. A trip up fined on the same charge, and and were permitted to hold class(
ing across India, they went through the Nile took them to Luxor, the when one boy attempted to leave E at the University. Here too, edu
Benares, and on to Delhi where Sphinx, pyramids, and King Tutan- the car without payment of his cation officials gave the studen
the famous Gondi stopped the kahmens' tomb. fine, he was unceremoniously de- trips to Fontainebleau, Napolec
i train for 15 minutes while he ad- Shortly after Easter the college tained by a policeman waiting at and Josephine's home, and Ve
dressed the students and faculty. group arrived in Palestine, visiting the point where the car stopped. sailles.
At Agra, they inspected one of Jerusalem, Nazareth, and the Dead He paid his fine. Through an artist in the part
the most renowned architectural sea-where a number of the party After seeing Italy, the university 20 of the students were ente
achievements in the world-the went in swimming. King Solo- ! students proceeded to VienneaI tained at tea at the home of Ro.
Taj Mahal. The next leg of their mon's cave, the home of Free where they were received by Am- Bonheur, the famous painterk
journey took them across the lava- Masonry, was also visited. bassador Washburn and Mrs. Wash- horses.,
formed plateau of the west coast of More than ten days was then burn, and the Minister of Educa- After visiting Geneva, the Un
India to Bombay, and then to passed in cruising the Medi- tion of Austria. While in the city, versity sailed from Marseille
Madras. terranean sea, calling at the va- all classes were held in the build- arriving in New York, June 8. "
It seems that the English chan- rious ports of Turkey, Crete, Cyprus ings of the University of Vienna. a finishing school, the Floatir
nel has a potential rival in the and Italy. In Berlin too, the party was university is unequalled," Rove

a rarity, and in a short time there
after will arouse as much curios-
ity as our new bills will on Wed-
s i nesday.
y The under-secretary said the re-
it duced size of the new money will
e save the government about $1,500,-
e 000 a year and that the bills will
is last longer because they will not
be folded as much as the present
g currency. The bills will be one-
g third smaller that the present ones.
is (By Associated Press)
ie, LOS ANGELES, July 7.-Lieut.
es Karl Lange, western representative
U- of the Luft Hiffbau Zeppelin cor-
ts poration of Germany announced
n the recejpt of a cablegram today
r- from Dr Hugo Eckener, com-
mander of the Graf, Zeppelin, in-
y, forming him that the dirigible
r- would leave Germany on July 28 on
sa a round-theworld cruise.
of, All arrangements for the flight


of the famous trans-oceanic flying
vessel have been completed, Lieu-
tenant Lange said he was inform-
ed. The proposed cruise is expected
to require 28 days. A stop will be
made here. No other details of the

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