AY, JULY 4, 1920 THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE ~Y, JULY 4, 1929 THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY PA03 THRU 1RS i * RASEY TO ADDRESS CONVENTIONi Vice-President of League of Women Voters Is Nationally Prominent Lecturer UPSON, RIGHTOR TO SPEAK TREATS SOIL WITH ELECTRIC PLOW ScreenR FOR RENT-Single rooms at $2.50 1 '' at 604 E. Washington. No. G eI ections , FOR RENT-Furnished apartment. One double room. One single Mackaill's-what shall I call it?- xoom. Dial 6979 in the morning exhibition, I might add that the or evening. No. 9, 10, 11 technique of creating a picture out of av ery short, short story seems WANTED "HIS CAPTIVE WOMAN" At the Michigan is a corking good show. "His Captive Woman" is taken from a short story by the ill-fated Donn Byrne, and repre- sents that romantic Irish gentle- man writingt with an irony strong - I: to be the latest "talkie" discovery. With the court room scene as a background, the narrative of the storv is s e prm~i a isfe, 1""":.$. .} :'.::O.'Ay p" r mpiVL-JIz/OIe ,~ 4 Ia as - Leading the discussion at the 'ly reminiscent of O. Henry. Di- back. It works out splendidly in Wednesday morning meeting, July rector Fitzmaurice, triumphantly, this case, but still represents the 10, of the Citizenship school to be}~ has kept the bitter element and director experimenting in his me- held July 9 to 11, and sponsored by turned out a splendid picture-ro- dium. the fourth region of the League of mantic to be sure, but not sloppily RLA Women Voters, Mrs. W. W. Ramsey, orh a i-t---- a prominent speaker from outside. Dorothy Mackaill, in this story of the state, will take as her subject -.the South Sea Isles and a square L A S S I F I E F "The Responsibility of the Pro- , cop, is Dorothy a la mode; and as ADVERTISING gram of Work Committee." . . :. . i the picture progresses, what withl Mrs. Ramsey, a Pennsylvanian, is -- .the heat and all which makes the daughter of a leading news- An electric plow is in use on the 13,465 acre Sibley farm in Illinois. clothing such a nuisance, she be- CANOE BARGAIN (for sale)- paper editor. She is nationally The plow is said to treat the soil a nd to kill weeds and insects. comes progressively a la mode-er. Phone 3162 or see J. E. Miller at prominent, and is serving as fifth The climax comes when she goes in 540 Walnut St. 10, 11, 12 vice-president of the National Agnes E. Wells To Be POST INTRAMURAL swimming and is nearly killed by League of Women Voters. She has a shark. If you will believe me, the FOR RENT lately gone to Illinois, where, in Honored At Luncheon TOURNAMENT LIST shark really does not rate next to _______________________ addition to her national work, she Miss Mackaill. If the director had ~FOR RENT-A small furnished is affiliated with the state League Miss Agnes E. Wells, visiting pro- Lists for the following summer not supervised the "cutting" we fIont apartment of 3 rooms near organization. Mrs. Ramsey's subject fessor from the University of In- sports tournaments have been should probably have seen the Women's League. Phone 3741. 10 for the Ann Arbor convention is diana, will be the guest of honor drawn up and posted on the bulle- shark bow, swim to one side and one on which the attention of the at a luncheon to be given by Miss tin board in the Intramural Sports stare in admiration of Miss Mac- FOR RENT-Two large rooms for League is much centered. Grace Richards, adviser to women, building: Tennis, golf, handball, kaill-she being just that way. men students; two blocks from The meetings of the congress are on Friday, July 5, in the League squash, swimming, horseshoes, base However, lest I be accused of a campus. Call at 917 E. Huron. open to both men and women, as (building. ball, and Sigma Delta Psi. All those Freudian inhibition over Miss No. 9, 10 the' subjects discussed will be of' Miss Wells, who is Dean of who have signed up for any of___ --- -- interest to all voters. Students of Women at Indiana during the win- these activities will find their op- the Summer Session who wish to ter session, is offering a four weeks ponents' names and telephone take advantage of the oportunities course here in the School of Edu- numbers on the bulletin board and U offered will be welcomed. cation on 'Admin istrative Work for should make arrangements forI B* W .. ..R The subject for discussion during Deans of Girls in High Schools." playoffs immediately. the afternoon sessions is county' _________________________ government, a topic which will be Our Bargain Table of Text handled by various speakers from Non-resident members of thetN program include Mrs. Ramsey, Dr. Cannot Fail to Interest Yo L. D. Upson and Mr. C. E. Rightor, both of the Detroit Bureau of Governmental Research; Senator Today and Friday Claude Stephens, city attorney of Absorbing! Highland Park; and Raymond At- -n, j iF U N I kinson, of Ohio institute, Colum- bus. Fascinating! BOO WANTED-Responsible young man for afternoon work at Majestic Theatre. No. 10, 11 LOST LOST-Between Natural Science Building and the Boulevard, keys in black leather key holder. Call 7539. No. 8, 9, 10 LOST--A pair of tortoise shelled glasses; library style; in vicinity of 418 E. Washington. Dial 21165. No. 9, 10 LOST-Between Natural Science Building and the Boulevard, keys in black leather key holder. Call 7539. No. 8, 9, 10 LOST-Sorority pin. Greek letters S.A.I. University and Women's League Building and on North University.dDial 7380; ask for Helen Gould. GAINS And 6KS I VERSIT Y KSTORE ASKS PUBLISHING OF COOK LETTER In a recent letter to the Michi- gan Alumnus, Delbert J. Haff, '86L, of Kansas City, suggested that William W. Cook's letter read at the Founder's Day celebration at the Lawyers Club be printed in the form of a pamphlet. He agreed, if this was done, to take five hundred copies for distribution among the members of the Kansas City bar. Mr. Cook, donor of both the Law- yers Club and the Martha Cook dormitory, has never seen either of these buildings. It has been his custom to send an annual letter to be read at -the Founder's Day banquet in lieu of delivering an address in person. You'll Like It! ." JACK MARIi 'BIMlY OMI'SON I ..... .. . / J'4cfi ,z s AFTER THE 4th Clearance STARTS TOMORROW With Positive Reductions OF FROM 1-4 to 1-2 "Love Spats" i"Dancing Town" Paramount Comedy I Novelty I Paramount I Topics News I of the Day SATURDAY "THE FAR CALL" .. U. Weeks of planning, grouping and price cutting have been spent for the occasion in order to offer our patrons the very greatest values in quality merchandise. Because of the magnitue of this event we impsess upon your mind the importance of attend- ing-and that tomorrow. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE ixmn-r 1ru rrr1nrrl 11ir i ntnrll lllrl nnrnrniil ll rrrrrlnll nrrrlllllnlluf l lrl nllrll rll l - .e Values up to $12.00 = Wednesday and Frday 50 ~ 3 A most important event is taking place Wednesday and very latest in Hand Bags . . . all the newest designs = . . . and leather combinations . . . at an exceptional =price. LEATHER GOODS SECTION-MAIN FLOOR It is only through a special purchase that we are = able to put these purses on the market at the price quoted above . . . The collection consists of large and - small sizes . .. Ring Handles . .. back straps... top straps . . . novelty clasps . . . envelope shapes . kids . . . snake . . . imitation alligator . . . combination snake and calf . . . In fact every new style you can -Imagine. %|1111|!11111111!llillfllilillillliillillllillilllliG Coats Here is an opportunity to buy at a fraction of their former worth coats for travel, town and country. Popular ma- terials and a complete range of sizes. Fine Moire, Bengalia, Satin, Broadcloth, Tweed and Mix- tures. Dresses One Regular Stock Group of Dresses Dresses that originally sold at $19.75 and $25. Every de- sirable material, shade and combination. Styles of the moment in a good size range. $500 : .: 0 . 0 0 0 _ } 0 Ki~ $250 OUR FINEST FROCKS ARE NOW REDUCED IN FRICE FROM $1050' E OUR BETTER COATS AT SUBSTANTIAL REDUCTIONS KEEP Yourself In- formed of Campus News YOU MUST Read The Daily Official Bulletin. All Wool Suits and Ensembles WAY YOU SHOULD BUY NOW 1. The reductions are genuine. 2. It is the final cut. . 3. Most of the garments are suit- able for Fall use. All Pajamas and Negligees Their -- Original Price 1-2 Their Original Price Saturdays and August 6 p. m. During July we Close at "'' ".i I i I . - --------------------------------- --- FRIDAY AI GE -at- TO THE POLAR BEARS Dy