_ Published every morning except Monday during the University Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. The Associated Press is exclusively en- titled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or 'not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news pub- lished herein. Entered at the Ann Arbor, Michigan,. postoffie as second class matter. Subscription by carrier. $.-5o; by mail $2.00 Offices: , Press Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. haled again the exhilaration of an educational giant, there is no doubt that the Chief would gladly retire to make way for a younger and more vigorous successor. What fin- er reward could the University of- fer to a man who has contributed so much than the tendering of the presidential office to Dean Cooley? Let the proposal be made, hereby and on behalf of the student opin- ion which this organ represents, that the regents choose at their August 2 meeting the lone tower- ing figure among Michigan's avail- able prospects. If for no other reason than the need for time to consider, the present board ought to award the office to a man of his type. Not since the days of President Angell has the Univer- sity possessed a man of such ven- erable dignity and powerful grip on the student imagination. Never has, a more propitious moment offered itself for the selection of a man THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAIL\ 0 _ 0 J Music And Drama TONIGHT: The Michigan Repertory Players present John Galsworthy's' "Escape" in Men- delssohn Theater, beginning at 8:15 o'oock. * * *A "AFTER DARK" or More Fun Than a Nightmare This play, otherwise know as "Neither Maid, Wife nor Widow," is the big laugh of the year. It is in its fourth week at the Civic The-, ter in Detroit, and if there is any abligation a sober citizen has to his better self, it is to attend this show and laugh himself sick. And that goes for everybody; there wasn't a stiff face nor a single sober stom- ach in the audience last night. In the show-business one of the rarest things and the most valuable is what is vulgarly called a "belly Ilaugh." Last night--well, you shoud EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR LAWRENCE R. KLEIN Editorial Director.........Howard F. Shout Women's Editor.......... Margaret Eckels City Editor.. ..............Charles Askrea Music and Drama Editor.. R. Leslie Askren Books Editor............awrence R. Klein Sports Editor............S. Cadwell Swanson Night Editors i 1 i t t t i Howard F. Shout S. Cadwell Swanson Assistants Noah W. Bryant Edna Henley Walter Wilds Harold Warren Ledru Davis BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER LAWRENCE E. WALKLEY Assistant Business Managers Vernor Davis I George Spater Accounts Manager.............Egbert Davis Circulation Manager..,.........Jeanette Dale Night Editor-HOWARD SHOUT THURSDAY, JULY 4, 1929 COOLEY FOR PRESIDENT Upwards of half a year has now passed since the lightning struck and the University of Michigan was left without a president. Public in- terest, first centering on the resig- nation of Clarence Cook Little, has shifted to a point approaching anxiety over his successor; and the regents, with characteristic effort, have presumably been scanning the field for someone fit to fill the va- cant presidential shoes. Rumors of one kind or another have filled the air from time to time. Ruthven, Kraus, Jessup, and lesser lights have all been hashed over pro and con. It is an open secret that there is no overwhelm- ing unanimity of opinion on the board of regents, any more than there is among local persdns, con- cerning the most desirable succes- sor. This condition is inevitable after the cataclysmic upheavals which have gripped the University during the past four years. It is strange that from this mass of controversy both rumor and the regents have apparently failed to extract the single figure which looms above all pettiness, all jeal- ousy, and all minor political dif- ferences. It is indeed strange that a man who has given all of the most productive years of his life to the service of the University, and who has hewn for himself a record both as an administrator and as a human being which defies compar- ison, should have been overlooked so long. We refer, quite naturally, to Dean-emeritus Mortimer E. Coo- ley. If there is a single thing which the University of Michigan needs at the present time it is a healing potion for the wounds and breach- es of the past four years. Michigan has experienced an energetic type of leadership for some time now, with the result that a slight recess, just ,for the purpose of catching her breath, might be a wise pol- Icy. Even from the material polit- ical side there are few men who could gain higher respect at Lan- sing than Dean Cooley, for Repub- licans throughout the state, and Governor Green in particular, have the highest regard for the man who has on occasion been the standard bearer of the opposition in state campaigns. It is quite useless to extol the virtues of the "Friendly Chief" in a forum such as this. His record in administering the University's second largest college, his popular- ity with the alumni, the unmiti- gated respect with which his name is held throughout the state are too well known to require exposi- tion. His national eminence in the field of engineering, moreover, would restore to the University a bit of the academic dignity which it may have lost in th past dec- ade. It would be asking too much to expect Dean Cooley to take the po- sition for more than a few years. During the period of his adminis- tration the regents could without embarrassment comb the field of available talent for a successor;' nnr when at last the wnnds were very close to the ideal of all Mich- igan alumni and students-a man who is both human and eminent- "Friendly Chief" Cooley. THE REPERTORY PLAYERS The renewed interest in the dra- ma which has been materializing on the campus, represented this summer by the Repertory Players, serves a triple purpose in the life of the University: it is a medium for the artistic abilities of many of the students, it brings the inti- mate enjoyment of the legitimate stage to those on the campus, and it acts as a re-vitalizer of the in- tellectual atmosphere of Ann Ar- bor. To many this tribute may seem unnecessary, but to those who have come to the campus only this .sum- mer the aims and works of this group of student artists cannot but be interesting. What is known as Play Produc- tion is a non-professional organi- zation of students in the regular school year who are interested in the practical application of the theater arts including scenery building, staging, acting, directing, and promoting. During the regu- lar session this group successfully presented a number of plays to a select audience. The productions this summer are being directed by Prof. Chester M. Wallace of the Drama School of the Carnegie Institute of Technology, and the casts include visiting ar- tists from all over the country. In a sense this summer's work em- bodies the results of a year's con- tinued effort and inspiration, com- bined with the talents and distinc- tive contributions of the visiting di- rector and actors. It is to be hoped that the work of the Repertory Players this summer will have a permanent and lasting influence on the development of a university theater at Ann Arbor. FAITH IN AVIATION More deaths than usual have been reported in aviation circles this week, and the public is begin- ning to lose its air-mindedness. From Roosevelt Field in New York comes word of four crashes re- sulting in 7 deaths, and other sec- tions of the country have con- tributed to the list of injuries and fatalities caused by air accidents. Seemingly it is at this time more than at any other that a plea for aviation and all that it means is in order. In addition to commercial avia- tion including regular mail, bag- gage, and passenger carrying, the last few weeks have been featured by a great deal of experimental fly- ing. There have been attempts to break all sorts of records, new mo- tors and planes have been tried out, and several inventions have been tested. All this is extremely haz- ardous and can in no sense be considered ordinary flying; the re- sulting fatalities have been more or less expected, although, of course, every attempt was made to forestall them. Aviation is being made safer day by day through the work and sac- rifices of these flyers who risk their lives in experimental flying. 1 Through it all the regular com- mercial service has been continued with a low percentage of accidents. And remember Lindbergh has flown several thousand miles with- out a serious accident. The pub-I lic can retain its air-mindedness se- cure in the knowledge that avia- tion is slowly coming to be as safe as any other transportation meth- od. 0 Those women who had made no effort to acquire a boyish figure' suffered financially recently when a Fitchburg, Mass., church took up a collection, assessing one penny, for each inch of waistline measure- l t , t have been there. Miss Bonstelle has secured from William A. Brady this melodrama of Dion Boucicoult, written in 1860, and has put it on with exactly the right touch of burlesque. The re- sult is what will send you home aching, and sitting up in bed all night telling how the Lackawana came roaring down the tracks. There's just no sense in reviewing the show; it is an art that surpasses l art; and if you can possibly get into the theatre to see it you'll give birth to so many wise-cracks of your own that you won't need the nit-witticisms of the critic. However, there is just a little moral tacked on to this dear old drama of the days when father had not yet met mother, and was sow- ing his wild oats, high, wide and handsome from the seat of his natty buggy, and that is what will make you laugh. Don't forget that father sat in a fever during the dra- matic scenes of this show, with the pomade oozing down from his cow- lick and the tears seeping into his fiery young mustache; and if you think that's funny, you're just a worm, and your children will be re- venged on you for that by laugh- ing themselves at the things you're crying over. To paraphrase the Latin; sic transit lacryma mundi; and the transition last night was so funny that as far as I'm concerned pos- terity can laugh all they want. I want to do my laughing now. And for all that, it's fun to try to imagine what a touch of bur- lesque could do to some of our pres- ent day tear-teasers. Of course, the Grand Street Follies are built on that ieda, but what fun "Strange Interlude" would be, done in the "talkies" with Dolores del Rio sing- ing the theme song "Those Gordon Gin Blues." But if you don't like that you don't have to wait for posterity to give you a laugh; just see "After Dark' and take your ancestors for a good ride. R. L. A. * * * Ed. Note: "The Harangues of Harriet," so modestly inaugurated in yesterday's column, wil continue to appear at intervals during the summer. After .all, a poor colyumist must have some sort of material. Harriet will go to the plays just like any other good Michigan en- thusiast, but as a general rule she will limit herself to those dull days when nothing is happening. She is at her best when the rest of the world is in a vacuum. R. L. A. . " THE HARANGUES OF HARRIET Harriet said she was going to take an interest in our campus dramatics this summer. She has a sentimental attachment for ama- teur theatricals as she calls them, because they remind her of the charades they used to give in the ancestral home at Concord. She says she'll never forget the time they tried to make the word "pantomime." She was supposed to interpret the first syllable by coming out and breathing hard- sort of panting, you know? And that old rascal, Deacon Brown, thought she meant "pants" because she was doing it so often. She said she reminded herself of "little Audrey" because "she laugh-! ed and laughed." When I asked her why, she explained that in those days they wore long skirts, right down to the ground, and she didn't-well, anyhow, pants were out of the question. Of course they were; you can't spell pantomime with an "s." But I didn't tell her that; only I did come darn near saying that even today, when "skirts" are so short they them- selves are "out of the question," that we still spelt pantomime with- out an "s." But that wasn't really what I meant so I didn't say it. Afte al crainot'o hraniainLna -II F\;1 \" -- ,f- s Electric Cookingss AN ELECTRIC RANGE supplies pure heat, with- out smoke or flame. With an electric range, cooking utensils are free from soot, and kitchen walls and curtains are easily kept clean. The dirt and discomfort of cooking with fuel is now unnecessary. Electric cooking saves labor because of its modern cleanliness. You can enjoy electric cooking in your kitchen now. Convenient time payments and a liberal allowance for yourpresent cooking equtpment make it unusually easy for you to own a modern electric range. Come in and inspect the many attractive models. THE COMPANY 3 I