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Published every morning except Monday
during the University Summer Session by
the Board in Control of Student Publications.
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
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Offices: Press Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Telephone 49252
Editorial Director..........Howard F. Shout
Women's Editor............Margaret Eckels
City Editor............,......Charles Askrea
Music and Drama Editor.. R. Leslie Askren
Books Editor............Lawrence R. Klein
Sports Editor............S. Cadwell Swanson
Night Editors
Howard F. Shout
S. Cadwell Swanson
Noah W. Bryant '
Edna Henley
Harold Warreni
Ledru Davis3
The increase in the prestige,
drawing power, and beauty of the
University, and incidentally of the
town, caused by the erection of the
new dormitory will certainly main-
tain property values at their old
level and will add to the income of
the town a sufficierlt amount to be
balm for all real or imaginary in-
juries. State taxes will, of course,
be increased if there is any deficit
which has to be made up at Lan-
sing, but the addition proportioned
among the population of Michigan
would amount to little compared to
the quantity of objection being
Continuing its advocacy of a
waiting policy, the News suggests
that dormitory building is a hang-
over from the administration just
past, and that it would perhaps be
better to' learn the views of the
new president before carrying out
the project. The views of the new
president will, it is to be assumed,
be as constructive as were those of
President Little, and there is lttle
reason to doubt that he will indorse
the carrying out. of a progressive
building policy.
Dormitories have been a part of
English universities, for centuries
and are to be found at most of the
important colleges and universities
in this country. There has never
been any thought in these institu-
tions of isolating the building of
dormitories from the building of
laboratories, or lecture halls, or li-
braries. If, in the opinion of our
leading educators, the environment
of college men and women is bet-
ter in dormitories, why should we
insist upon :Keepiig them in scat-
tered rooming houses? Of course,
the News insists that with so, many
more important matters to occupy
the attention of the university au-
thorities "it seems almost ironical
for the regents to be getting excited
over the subject of 'rooms for
girls.'' On the contrary, it seems to
us that the well-being of the young
women who come to Ann Arbor
from cultured homes, expecting to
find conditions of comparative,
comfort, is as important a consider-
ation as any that can come before
the regents.
Telephone 21214
.Vernor Davis
Assistant Business Managers Geor Davis
George Spater
Accounts Manager.............Egbert Davis
Circulation Manager............Jeanette Dale
Night Editor-S. Cadwell Swanson
"It was unfortunate,"says the Ann'
Arbor Daily News, "that the Ob-
servatory St. dormitory plan was
taken from the shelf, dusted off,*
and again made a subject for ac-
tion by the University regents."
However, it is more unfortunate
in our opinion that the News has
seen fit to take a definite stand
against the University in this mat-
ter, although we appreciate the fact
that they have at last taken a
stand, The taking from the shelf Editorial Comment
and the dusting off are, of course,
nothing but the products of a fer- H
tile mind in the throes of pseudo- WHO'S GUILTY
creation; the dormitory plan has (From The Daily Iowan)
never for a moment been anywhere The day of mourning in Germany
but under the active consideration on the tenth anniversary of that
of the regents. That it has not country's signing of the Versailles
become an actuality before this is treaty and the subsequent resolu-
due merely to the patience with tion of the reichstag denying sole
which the governing body of the guilt for the starting of the war
University has waited for the makes a very good excuse for a
chamber of commerce and its co- taking of stock.
horts to advance some really good Immediately following the war,
reason why the project should not Europe was divided into two camps.
go "through. That is, Wilson was in Europe re-
The general trend of the article p=esenting a newer and more ideal
which the News has published type of diplomacy, while the war
0_ -_-
Music And Drama
Dear Josephine:
A theater note from Cairo, Egypt,
mentions the fact that during the
past theatrical season the Con-
stantinople Civic Theater cast pro-
duced "Hamlet," by one, William
Shakespeare, translated from the
original English into Turkish.
"Hamlet" was a considerable suc-
cess; so they say.
As further proof of their vir-
tuosity the players interpreted the
scene between Hamlet and "the
players" entirely in pantomime.
The exhortation against "mount-
ing" lines and "sawing the air
with gestures was delivered without
the help of a single line of dia-
There would seem to be some
kind of fallacy in the very exist-
ence of, a group known as "The
Constantinople Civic Theater"; it
sounds like something that just isn't
but Waring's Pennsylvanians have
done their bit for Art and made
the country Constantinople-mind-
ed with, that jazz number, "C-o-n-
s-t-a-n-t-i-n-o-p-1-e"-and if you
don't think it's maddening to
d-a-s-h - every letter you're
Pity the poor linotype operator.
Yes, Josephine, a linotype is a
columnist's typewriter. You feed
paper into it, concentrate on the
personality picture of your great
aunt Harriet-and there's your col-
umn for the next day.
I Only, on damp days poor Har-
riet's picture doesn't come through
so well. Static don't you know.
Harriet can be quite amusing on
clear days. We enjoyed quite a
protracted "contact" the other day,
in the course of which the dear
girl remarked that Life was a
short-circuit. I asked her if that
had anything to do with the "burn-
ings" I'd been suffering lately.
She explained that what she
meant was that everything-by
which she really meant "every-
thing"-anyhow, everything, is
electricity-spirit world, physical
world, and everything like that.
Wherefor, Life as we know it-and
of course, as Harriet once knew it;
to which she herself adds, And
How! (Gay old devil, that girl)-
I well, Life is a short circuit with
You can easily imagine, Jo-
sephine, what a thrill "contact'
with Harriet would have, now can't
Harriet said she quite enjoyed
the Constantinople Civic Theatre
production. Ophelia was such a
nice girl; such a such! I remarked
that she was probably a Circassian,
brown haired and blue-eyed, but
Harriet didn't pay much attention.
I guess, because she was thinking
about that young man who played
Hamlet. I guess Harriet learned
more than I'd given her credit for.
Anyhow, that "mouthing" business
bothered her. It made her wonder.
And- being played in pantomime!!
Bless her old insulation, she
said it stepped up her frequency
a couple of thousand volts. You'd
never have thought that of great
aunt Harriet, would, you?)
But she keeps right in touch with
our world; and she can, because
what's to stop a frequency? Now I
ask you. That is, barring young
men from Constantinople with pli-
able mouths.
She said she nearly had a fit dur-
ing the flight, recently of The Yel-
low Bird, that French trans-At-
lantic plane. She was playing con-
tract-bridge at the time they were
starting (Harriet tells some won-
derful ones about the games with
those "current" cards. Imagine
holding a hundred amperes in no-
trump?), and she missed seeing
Arthur Schreiber sneak on board.
My, she was mad! I worried -for
her frequency (it corresponds to
blood pressure, you know). But
she got even with him for doing
that trick, and how she enjoyed
telling about it. Young Arthur,
you know, was in the tail of the
plane, all curled up. Harriet just
followed him out over Nova Scotia
and prodded him, where he was
in the tail with her psychic finger.
When you figure the amperage of
the vengeful Harriet you can un-
derstand the shock that was to
Harriet says that was why he
came forward and discovered him-
self to Assolant and the rest of the
crew. Anything to get away from
Assolant told him to sit on a
cracker box. It was in self de-
fense, and it worked, because Har-
riet in later life had developed an
aversion for crackers. She had had
trouble with her teeth, you see, and
of course cracker crumbs under the
"plates" are just as bad as crumbs
in the bed.
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amounts to one word, "wait." The
reason or the advantages in wait-
ing are not made clear. It is pre-
sumable, however, that what the
News hopes for is that the pro-
cedure will be delayed until it is
forgotten. It is indeed regrettable
that so highly esteemed a newspa-
per should choose to be so react-
They tell us, for example, thatj
a waiting policy may result in a
donation from an alumnus large
enough to build a dormitory. It is
difficult to see why an institution
with the prestige and importance
of Michigan should have to hold up
its progress for a ' distant and
doubtful gift from an alumnus. It1
is difficult also to find a reason why
an institution that is state-sup-
ported to the extent that this one
is should not look to the state forj
the resources with 'which to con-
lords of the allies stood for another.
Of course it was the natural re-'
action after a victory.. Wilson suc-
ceeded,in embodying in his famous
"Fourteen Points" a statementl
which led everyone to believe therel
would be little said about the guilt!
for the war.
Wilson was overruled by the Eu-
opean statesmen. As had been
done in every treaty for centuries,
Germany and the other Central
powers were forced to accept sole
responsibility for the war.
Much research has been done inj
the 10 years just past. Books have
been written. Controversies havel
arisen. The most recent and the
most dispassionate treatise on the
guilt is that of Bernard Fay. View-
ing judiciously as he does the avail-
able facts and existing conditions
before the war, Mr. Fay makes some
startling conclusions.
tinue its development. And will an Heretical as Mr. Fay's thesis
alumnus-built dormitory have any seemed at first, it has come to be
different effect on city or state tax- generally accepted. Mr. Fay places
es than one built with other funds? the guilt for the World war in this
It will be as tax free as any other fashion: Russia is most guilty be-
building on the campus, and, al- cause through the ignorance and
though the tbuilding expense may incompetence of the czar she began
not come out of the citizen's pock- mobilization when arbitration could
et, the upkeep and increased tax-
value on land will.
The An Arbor Daily News and,
for that uiatter, all of the citizenry
of Ann Arbor seemed very much
upset over the financial tangle
which the regents got into over the
dormitory building project. Un-
doubtedly the regents have been
in a tangle on finances before, and
it is not remembered that it oc-
casioned such an uproar. Perhaps1
we must seek the reason in some
other direction. Is it possible that
Ann Arbor is so state-minded that
it is worrying about the feelings of
the people up in the northern .pe-
ninsula on the subject of a dor-
- mitory for girls at the state uni-
versity, or is it merely that Ann
Arbor is afraid of increased taxes
and decreased property values? If;
it is the latter, we should like to
I have been possible.
France, the country that held out
I for the German acknowledgement,j
of guilt, is held by him to be second
most guilty because she, too, mo-
bilized and took steps which made
it necessary for Germany to attack.
Germany is third in the list of!
guilty parties. She is placed there
by the fault of the kaiser who sent
the famous "blank check" to Aus-
tria. Serbia is given a rank because
of the Serajevo incident and Eng-
land is placed fifth.
A word can be said for Mr. Fay
in that he did not attempt to rank
or absolve his own country, the
United States. Perhaps we are more
guilty than we ourselves are aware;
but that is beside the point.
The clause in the treaty which
fixes the guilt solely upon Germany
and her fllies is now entirely out