TUESDAY, JULY 2, 1929 THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THRU TUESDAY, JULY 2, 1929 PAGE THREE ___________________________________________________ m UEMN VOTERS PLAN CITIZENS H I P SCHOOL' F'OR FOURTH REGIONi PURPOSE WILL BE TO STUDY MODERN FORMS OF GOVERNMENT REED SECURES SPEAKERS i BRITISH PLANE CARRIER RESCUES SPANISH AVIA TORS NEAR AZORES PICKED UP BY BRITISH AIRPLANE CARRIER /AR ' ADR\D AZORRALTD 15A-X The annual home run contest among the select of the slugging CLASSIFIEr ADVERTISING DINNERS served every evening. Good home cooking. 1001 Forest. Call 3204 for reservations. No. 4, 5, 6, 71 store in an excellent location in Pecos, Texas. Anyone interested should write for details to D. W. Bozeman, Pecos, Texas or George Ewing, Bellvile, Mich. No. 6 WANTED WANTED-A student to occupy room in exchange for certain of Representatives from Other States Will Be Present to Hear All Prominent Speakers The Michigan Legue of Women Voters is sponsoring a three dayI Citizenship school for the fourth: region of the National League of Women Voters at the new League building here from July 9 to 11. Working in cooperation with the! University, the League will meetj the delegates of the states of Ohio, Indiana, Ilinois, Kentucky, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Michigan on three successive afternoons. The purpose of their meeting will be to study the problems of county I 3 I k( I{{i (k i tt 7 7 i }4t 4 . 1 I : i : , ._. w i J Commander Ramon Franco and three companions, Spanish avi- talent in major league baseball ators who started for America and were given up for lost, were found domsa inafigure whoehas near the Azores by the British airplane carrier Eagle and taken to c omirated this feature of every Gibraltar, with their plane. Dashed line shows route of flight; the baseball season since 1922. Return- ing from a forced layoff a weeck straight line, return route of rescue ship. ingCfrWma forced laofa ek FOR RENT work a day. 1820 Hill St. Phone 7307. No. 5, 6, FOR RENT--Two double rooms. Dial 6379 og call at 1303 Wilmot. LOST No. 5, 6, 7 No. 5 LOST-Between Natural Science No. 5 ___ Building and the Boulevard, FOR RENT-Two double rooms for keys in black leather key holder. men or will rent single. 420 Call 7539. No. 8, 9, 10 Thompson St. Reasonable price. Tg I No. 4, 5, 6 LOST-A Chi Omega pin. White Gold. Phone 5938. Reward. FOR RENT--Two large rooms for No. 6, 7. men students; two blocks from LOST-Sorority pin. Greek letters campus. Phone 8167,8 S.A.I. University and Women's FOR RENT-Two largerooms for League Building and onNorth men students; two blocks fromI University. Dial 7380; ask for campus. Phone 8160. No. 7, 8 Helen Gould. FOR SALE-- Classified Ads government, county activities, and the relation of county, city, and. state. Round table discusions are being arranged for every morning1 by Miss Florence Harrison, secre- tary of the Fourth region. These discussions by Miss Harrison, Mrs.7 W. W. Ramsey, and Miss Edith Rockwood, will pertain to problems of organization in the League of Women Voters and will be of in-1 terest primarily to League mem-1 bers. At 6:30 o'clock, July 10, a dinner1 meeting of the League will be held with Prof. Jesse S. Reeves, of the -- ago, George erman tRun is acx I among the leaders in quest for .America's mazing A tvt AndDe lo en 1929 circuit drive 1-onors. Must Be Seen To Be Believed, Says Oxonian Alt Among the leaders in this home "America must be seen to be be- the others in England is in hav- run chase are a number of names lieved," was the declaration of Prof. ing the collegiate system, that is, :entirely new to followers of big E. A. Milne of Oxford University, an organization into a number of- league baseball. Klein, the Phillies' visiting lecturer in the symposium separate colleges, each of which has right gardener, a Central league on theoretical physics, in an inter- its own grounds and buildings and product, has made himself felt in view recently. "The country is so in each of which the students live his first year in fast company in large, so scientifically developed, together, eat together, and study clubbing out twenty-one long swatsj and so dynamically active in every together. This makes for greater to date. section that a newcomer is filled poise, celerity of expression, and with amazement." open mindedness. Fraternity life Speaking of 01' Man River Professor Milne, who is a brilliant over here very possibly has the rolling along-we nominate one and interesting conversationalist, same effect, but is otherwise quite Robert Tyre Jones, Jr., as his sketched an outline of his impres- different." golfing counterpart. Three Na- sions since coming to America and s tional Open golfing titles is to Ann Arbor, comparing what he Professor Milne pointed out that practical,y enough for any man. both Oxford and Cambridge were had seen over here to his own Eng- in part' supported by state funds, land. "Ann Arbor to me is an in- but that, despite this, the state had! The Atlanta barrister who takes tensely interesting place," he said. absolutely no hand in the adminis- time off his legal chores several "The spaciousness of the lawns and ateno handoin the ni- times a year to swing a golf stick,; tration or the policies of the uni- the absence of any dividing hedges versities. "I do not exactly under- certainly handed the boys who! or fences between the dwellings stand how it is here," he said, really take the Scotch game seri-; makes it seem very different from "but it is my opinion that a state ously enough to make it a vocation, I England where every house is I supported institution shold be ab- in lieu of an avocation, an em- boxed off from every other one." solutely free from all state con- phatic right and left hand beat-' The University he saw as a mag- trol, unless it be merely to see that jng. nificent institution with marvelous the money appropriated is not fnol~fp~ fn vfiilcrani rC~aohis ot Ac wwen nn tn bnv eforr I FOR SALE--Drug store. A fully} equiped and profitable drug -mmummommome, ul yFourth Pelton Brassiere-in Bathing Suits Bathing Caps, Slippers and Beach Coats Unguentine for Sunburn Mosquito Cream-Hand Lotion Gold and Tennis Balls (new stock) Thermos Bottles-Thermal Jugs We're Headquarters For Eastman Kodaks and Films! CALKINS-FLETCHER "Tie Dependable Stores" Bring Results poi±tical science department, as iaciu es or suy and research guest speaker. His topic of dis- "Michigan and Oxford or Cam- cussion will be "The Pan-American bridge would seem quite similar in Arbitration Treaties." the size of the grounds and build- The programs and speakers ings," he averred, "but the regularo were arranged for by Prof. Thomas attendance at either of the two1 H. Reed, of the political science English schools would probably not1 department, who has acted as gen- exceed the number enrolled heret eral director of the convention. He for the summer course.F has arranged for several promi- "Oxford and Cambridge stillx nent speakers to address the gath- j maintain their ancient prestige in1 ering, among whom are included England," he continued. "Studentso Dr. Lent D. Upson and C. E. would much rather attend one ofc Rightor, of the Detroit Bureau of them than any of the other univer-; Governmental Research, Senator sities, though the expenses are Claude Stevens, Highland Park, and much greater; the standard of "en- Raymond Atkinson, of Ohio insti- trance scholarships," which are tute, Columbus, O., besides several competed for, is in general, higher members of the University of Michi- at these ancient universities. The gan faculty in political science. advantage of these two schools over wasted, and left to guide that thedinstitution be its own destiny." Professor Milne now holds a chair of mathematical physics at Oxford University. Before that he had lectured for a considerable time at both Manchester and Cambridge. He will give two lectures in the physics symposium, one on "Pwrob- lems in Astroyphysics" and the other on "Vector and Tensor Meth- ods in Statics and Dynamics." AS we we n oi W say Dlue, George Uhle is having a tough time of it this. year. The former Cleveland hurler has a fine looking average but has been unable to show a creditable per- centage against his former mates in the spangles of the Navin man- agement. The big Detroit right- hander claims he would rather beat the Tribe, than any other club in the league. 324 South State State and Packard South and East University Z a , rr r, r r r r. r r r r. i. r. r r r r. r r. r r, r r r. i t r. ii - r r r, r~ s r. r r. r r r r. r r r r. r .OCY 'I 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 h 1' ti +j _ '- , - 4-4'- CANOEING Every Evening i lI 4 4it 4i 4i 4i ti 4i 4i 4i 4 4t ti, fit for STY LE Extra Trousers $5.00 Others $18.75 to$33.75 Greatest Values We Ever Offered lX AN ARBOR SMrEI89 The Foremost Clothing Store in the City 322-224 South Main Street Assemble Your ardrobe for the 4th Here Where you spend your day Canoeing-on th Sunkist Tennis Courts --in t h e sttugglin2 1 Saunders' Canoe Livery On the Huron River at the foot of Cedar St. . .._. _ ._ .._ .. .. _q 'v :1c i. O C O C C rr i~ rrrrrrrrrrrr. err r vr. r. rrrrii-rrrr+r. .r. rrr."t r 0 I " i 1{1!Illllil 111111 I {111111{111 {1111 lililll [ 1 111111N 111lill illillll11111{ii111i1 1ill t111111111 i WAYNE INN All Night Dancing JULY 3rd _ (The Evening of July 4th) _ IN THE _ Spansh Garden (A Rendevous For Students) Make Reservations for the Afternoon = Froli, July 4th Phone Wayne 32 416W. Michigan Ave. -- _ i. b 1 Your First Need One of the best ways of saving money is to spend it wisely. The wise careful spender provides for his needs first and his wants later. I e 9 r r The first need of everyone is a bank account. Golf Gallery-or sip- ping cool drinks - you'll do well to be clad in one of these frocks or ensembles designed with just the proper amount of casualness to subtley make the most of you. See that you have a growing a.ccount in this strong bank. FARMERS & MECHANICS BANK ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN Member Federal Reserve System Moderately Priced The Shop of Personal Service i( f it I i '11