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July 02, 1929 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1929-07-02

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04r ftmm~r
ir1g a't Dawrg
Published every morning except Monday
during the University Summer Session by
the Board in Control of Student Publications.
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled toethe use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
lished herein.
tEntered at the Ann Arbor, Michigan,
postofice as second class matter.
Subscription by carrier. $1.50; by mail,
Offices: Press Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Telephone 4925
Editorial Director.......... Howard F. Shout
Women's Editor...........Margaret Eckels
City Editor.................Charles Askrea
Music and Drama Fditor. .R.Leslie Askren
Books Editor............ILawrence R. Klein
Sports Editor............S. Cadwell Swanson
Night Editors



Howard F. Shout
S. Cadwell Swanson
Noah W. Bryant
Edna Henley

Walter Wilds
Harold Warrent
Ledru Davis,

Telephone 21214
..Vernor Davis
Assistant Business Managers
George Spater
Accounts Manager............Egbert Davis
Circulation Manager............Jeanette Dale

federal police, are all signs of in-
creased fatherliness at Washington.
The trend is in the wrong direc-
tion. The French lost their prov-
inces in North America largely be-
cause of too much paternalism. The
strength of the new American gov-
ernment lay largely in its indepen-
dence and isolation from the indi-
vidual; under it the individual was
left to his own resources and he
hewed his way across the continent
to settle the vast area that makes
the United States today.
Undoubtedly a government and a
people are the stronger if the for-
mer does not attempt to take all
the burdens of the latter on its
shoulders. Individual initiative
should be encouraged, not stifled.
The cause for this increased pa-
ternalism on the part of the fed-
eral government is found in the
fact that since the Civil war, when
state rights were definitely subo-
dinated to national rights, the ad-
ministration of government has
tended to center at Washington
and the legislation to pass to the
states. The great increase in fa-
cilities of transportation and com-
munication have made local affairs
That the tendency is unfortunate
is evidenced by the greater depen-
dence of the citizens on the gov-
ernment, by the tendency of local
governments to call in federal aid
on local matters, and by a general
lessening of private enterprise.
A sane "Fourth" has been order-
ed for Thursday. The wisdom of
this ruling needs no proving. There
have been too many accidents caus-
ed by the careless handling of hol-
iday fireworks; too many children
have been blinded, or maimed, or,
othewise injured because of their
ignorance of the dangers in explo-
Of course, it is always argued that
the glorious fun of shooting sky-
rockets, or lighting fire-crackers,
or swinging sparklers is too enjoy-
able to be eliminated from the cel-
ebration. Can we presume to bal-
ance so transient a pleasure against
the injuring of a human being?
The authorities have been be-;
ginning their campaign for safe-
ty by banning very dangerous ex-
plosives only. If accidents contin-;
ue, it may be well to consider those
less dangerous.;
Undoubtedly this should apply
only to the use of fire-works by
those inexperienced in handlingj
them. Adults, who have had suf-
ficient experience, and who take all;
reasonable precautions to prevent
injuries, might very well be per-1
mitted to carry on the tradition forj
the benefit of those who are not1
so fitted.

. o
fMusic And Drama
0 0
TONIGHT: In Hill Auditori-
um, the second of a series of
Faculty Concerts, beginning at
8:15 sharp, and open to the
* * *




The University leas always been
ready to cooperate with the town of
Ann Arbor in any way that it
might. However, the University has
had to keep always before it the
realization that it is not an Ann
Arbor organization, nor a Washte-
naw organization, but a state in-
stitution as important as any sup-
ported by the taxes of the citizens
of Michigan. In some respects it
is even broader, for its influence as
a center of learning and as a train-
ing ground for young people from
all over the nation extends beyond
state, boundaries and even beyond
national ones. This educational*im-
portance makes it imperative that
the University hold its own prob-
lems first. It cannot subordinate
its interests to those of a few
In a sense it is true that Ann
Arbor and the University are in-
terdependent, but the extent of this
interdependence is lessening. The
town of Ann Arbor is attempting
to attract new industries and to
encourage building within its bor-
ders; it is attempting to shake off
its dependence on the University.
However, and this is the gist of
the matter, when the University at-
tempted to branch out also and to
build dormitories in an effort to
shake off its own dependence on
the town, it was met with such a
storm of disapproval that the ac-
tion has been delayed some two
The University must have dormi-
tories for it has been adequately
shown that the town cannot prop-
erly take care of the students. The
town pleads that the University
should proceed slowly so as to give
the citizens time to adjust them-
selves. But the town has known for
months that the dormitories would
be built, and if it is not prepared
by this time, it will never be. Pro-
gress can never the effected if it is
continually battled by selfish reac-
The citizens of Ann Arbor should
realize that the problems of the
University are their problems, that
the losses of the University are
losses to them, and that its pro-
gress is Ann Arbor's progrerss. Al-
though it may seem at the moment
that the University's progress is
Ann Arbor's loss, the final account-
ing will not prove it so. The Uni-
versity and the town will advance
together if they advance at all.
Europe is coming to America. Her
religion, her literature, her art, and
now herpolicies of government are
all being incorporated into the
American scene. Government is
coming over in the form of in-
creased paternalism, a character-
istic of 'European governments for
Evidences of this fatherly atti-
tude on the part of the federal gov-
ernment are everywhere today. For
example, the high tariff, farm re-
lief, irrigation projects undertaken

Wednesday night the Michigan
Repertory Players will present John
Galsworthy's latest drama, in Lyd-
ia Mendelssohn Theater, as direct-
ed by Professor Wallace of the Play
Production department.
Considerable interest attaches it-
self to this offeting of the reper-
tory group for the reason that it
offers a number of unusual prob-
lems for the director to solve while
making demands on the technical
facilities of the theater that prev-
ious productions have not imposed.
Galsworthy in shaping his story
into dramatic form has struck on
one of the most difficult arrange-
ments for theatrical presentation-
the episodic. His theme is the ex-
periences an escaped convict en-
counters in his efforts to find hid-
ing places among the "good" peo-
ple he meets. Necessarily, such a
theme requires frequent changes
of scene and a large number of
characters; and by corollary, de-
mands that the story be told as
simply and yet as exhaustively as
possible. The customary dramatic
climax, reached after 30 or 40 min-
utes of preparation in the conven-
tional three or four act play, is not
possible in this case where nine
scenes are packed into some two
and a half hours of playing time,
so that the author must fall back
on broad characterization and sim-
ple incident, at the same time keep-
ing clear the thread of his in-
tention throughout each scene, in
order to achieve successful com-
munication of his theme ,to the
The theme itself is not Galswor-
thy at his socialogical best; it is
rather the philosophical Galswor-
thy, thinking in terms of "Loyal-
ties," only, outside the social tis-
sue. The drama is psychological-
in itself an extremely difficult thing
to present in the stacato episode
manner-and deals with the prob-
lem a man of well developed char-
acter faces in evading the social
penalty of an act for which he is
not completely responsible moral-
Miss Bonstelle produced "Escape"
realistically in the Detroit Civic
Theater last fall. Professor Wal-
lace has abandoned the effort at
realism in a number of scenes -
by which no doubt he hopes to
bring out more clearly the essential
drama of the situation. For those
who have seen the realistic pro-
duction it should be interesting to
compare the relative advantages.
But the-present production, having
had the advantage of two weeks
for preparation, though any direc-
tor will know how desperately short
that time is, particularly when
working with mercurial amateurs,
at least should be more finished and
carefully molded than the earlier
production was.
* * *
Tonight in Hill Auditorium the
second of the School of Music ser-
ies of concerts will be offered, be-
ginning at 8:15 punctually.
The artists appearing are Mrs.
Mabel Ross Rhead, pianist, Mrs.
Kathryn Strong Gutekunst, and
Miss Louise Nelson. Mrs. Rhead is
one of the most prominent mem-
bers of the School of Music piano
department, and is a concert play-
er of high distinction. She has
given many recitals throughout the
country and has appeared with
several of the leading orchestras as
soloist. Mrs. Gutekunst, sopraio,
has studied with Theodore Harri-

son both in Ann Arbor and Chi-
cago. Miss Nelson, also a member of
the School of Music faculty, will
accompany Mrs. Gutekunst on the
The program is as follows:
Etudes Symphonique en form de
Variations op. 13 ......Schumannj
Mabel Ross Rhead
Sotto il ciel ............... Sibella
A Vauccella ................. Tosti
Aria, "O Mio Fernando" from
"La Favorita" ........ Donizetti
Kathryn Strong Gutekunst
Nocturne op. 15 No. 2 ...... Chopin
Berceuse op. 57 ............ Chopin
Ballade op. 47 ............. Chopin
Mabel Ross Rhead
Through the Silent Night
You in a Gondola........Clarke
Kathryn Strong Gutekunst
Now Like a Lantern.....Kramer

I p,' "'I I,_. _c


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Editorial Commentf
(From the Indiana Daily Student)
What is the matter with the ad-
vertising"agencies that have direc-
tion of the advertising of the mov-
ing picture films? We have been
wondering this for months but hop-
ing, at the same time, that before'
long they would get some light on
error of their ways.
The technique is quite simple:
stress always and eternally the sex
appeal. It does not matter at all
whether the character of the pro--,
duction admits of the usual display
advertising; the illustrated material
carries the same old message, world
without end.
Now good advertising principles
are at absolute variance with this
stupid practice. In the first place,
they dictate that advertising should
convey to newspaper readers the
essential character of the perform-
ance, stressing its best features.
The movie managers, or advertis-
ers seem to proceed on the assump-
tion that there is only one way to
get an audience-make people be-
lieve that the picture is sensational
or salacious. People have become
so accustomed to this state of
things that even were they suscep-
tible to this sort of appeal they no
longer believe in the advertising.
These advertisers, too, violate an-
other advertising principle by not
knowing its public better. While
the rough-neck and the moron
may, in most instances, be ap-
pealed to by a promise of salacious
offerings, the great body of people
are just as strongly appealed to by
what is true and beautiful. Many
and many a time people have been
kept away from good shows by the
advertising that displays kicking
girls, or actors in questionable or
suggestive attitudes.
How long,--iri the name of a
bored public - how long is this

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