SUNDAY, JUNE 30, 1929 THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE PAGE THREE RUTH BRYAN flWFN THINK, WOMAN'S SOCIAL SERVICE DIRECTOR OUTLINES WORK DONE IN UNIVERSITY HOSPITALI League Will Give Tea IFOR RENT-Two Dial 6379 or call To Honor Dean Kraus t PLACEIis WITH IJ First Southern Woman In Congress Holds That Modern Mother Has Less Limited Scope WAS UNIVERSITY TEACHER When William Jennings Bryan was an unknown lawyer in a com- paratively strange town, and was running for the presidency of the United States, Ruth Bryan Owen (then Ruth Bryan), eldest daugh- ter of "The Great Commoner," was growing famous in her own individ- ual way. She had the largest col- lection of both M'cKinley and Bry- an campaign buttons of any child in the entire county! Today she is Ruth Bryan Owen, the first woman to be elected to Congress from the 13 states of the old South, and the first woman to change the general idea that the state of Florida would not tolerate women in public office. As a girl in college in Nebraska, she was long-distance running champion. In Jamaica, later, living in a tiny mountain bungalow with her husband, a subaltern in the British army, she put on plays for the B itish troops; and she was the only woman allowed to play polo with the British officers' team. In a recent letter to The Daily, Mrs. Owen says of women and their position: "We have often heard that wo- man's place is in the home, and I' believe that that is just as true today as it has always been in the "Care of the sick, court work, parts of the country. Informality will be the keynote public schools, work with defectiv-, "This work proves to be varied,": of the garden tea which the League FOR RENT-Two do es and visiting teaching are only a continues Miss Ketcham, "and the will give in honor of Dean Edward men or will rei HOMI'few of the different phases in the' woman who trains herself for it H. Kraus and Mrs. Kraus from 4 Thompson St. Re ti is useless for me to try to keep wide field of social service that are must be capable of handling every to 6 next Tuesday. The recent com- sthe inside of one house safe and open to women," was the opinion of situation." She went on to prove pletion of the garden makes the FOR SALE-Drug sanitaryif the on thaIe nd Miss Dorothy Ketcham, director of this with an example of a child F eventone of h rgla r mnkes e d and sanitary, if the town that I live minet ne; particular interest, equiped and pr is not a safe place for my boy or social service in the University hos- who was sent from a hospital with as this will be the first occasion store in an excell y girl. pital, in an interview recently. j instructions that he must receive upon which it will serve as the Pecos, Texas. An y realize that it needs no Miss Ketcham went on to sayjmilk immediately. The worker then scene of an entertainment, provid- should w ite for d words of mine to justify an interesthat in order to register in the had to investigate the finances of ing th Bozeman, Pecos, T on modern women American Associal of Social Work- the family, and if the milk could to prevent its use. Ewing, Bellvile, Mi the prt oh in ers it is advisable to have an aca- not be provided, the County Sup- Dorothy Woodrow, '30, summerL. and nation, for President Coolidge, demic degree, and special profes- erintendent of the poor had to be president of the League, is planning Ld Phone m3 speaking before Daughters of the sional training, although many wo- notified to raise the necessary the tea as a means by which all American Revolution in Washing- men do not have these requi e- funds. In this case the delay which women students may have the op- --- ton, made such a stirring appeal Iments. "A degree," Miss Ketcham resulted was so long that it was six portunity to meet each other in- LOST-Sorority pin. that I wish I could give his speech explained, "gives one 'a grasp of weeks before the milk arrived, and formally. The short duration of the S.A.I. Unive sity in full," Mrs. Owen stated. "He general problems and a background the child in the meantime con- Summer Session makes this early League Building said to these women who pride for the work." tacted pneumonia and died, opportunity to become acquainted Helen Gould. themselves on the fact that their In the social field, which is one Here in Ann Arbor the hospital a valuable one. Miss Woodrow HeenGuld. forefathers helped to found our Re- of the three main divisions of so- social work extends to all children hopes that all women students will WANTED-Graduate public, that the very safety of our cial service work, a knowledge of in the Unversity hospitals, includ- plan to visit the garden next Tues- working woman t institutions depended upon every sociology, study of case work, and ing those in the South Branch, the day, to become better acquainted apartment. Ms. woman, as well as every man, us- additional supplementary work in Convalescent hospital and the 6th both with it and with each other. No. 14 Jefferson a ing the ballot intelligently and he that field are necessary. For occu- floor of the main hospital. These;N double rooms. at 1303 Wilmot. No. 5, 6, 7 No. 5 iuble rooms for nt single. 420 asonable price. No. 4, 5, 6 store. A fully rofitable drug ent location in yone interested etails to D. W. exas or George ch. No. 6 ga pin. White 8. Reward. - No.6,7. Greek letters and Women's and on North 7380; ask for student or o share small H. R. Jones, apt. o. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, T 3 r r l ) r I i begged of them to protect, by an pational therapy, the woman should children are tutored, instructed in interest in our American politics, have an understanding of the prob- craft and recreational work, and are the institutions which their fore lem of teaching, then opedic in char- cared for in many ways outside the fathers had helped to found by sac- acter, psychology, and teaching field of medicine. Here is where rifice." methods. women may find a start in social I .L A S S I F I EWANTED-A student to occupy ADVERTISING room in exchange for certain of work a day. 1820 Hill St. Phone --I(7307. No. 5, 6, DINNERS served every evening. I - Good home cooking. 1001 Forest. fOR RENT-Two large rooms for Call 3204 for reservations. men students; two blocks from No. 4, 5, 6, 7 campus. Phone 8160. No. 7, 8 Ruth Bryan Owen made only two campaign promises to the people of Florida: first, to visit every year each of the 18 counties in her dis- trict and report to them in person not only what she has done herself but the whole political trend of the Congressional year in Washington; and second, to take two young peo- ple from each county each year to Washington, to show them all the workings of the federal govern- ment, to build up in the com- ing generation of voters a sense of their powers and responsibilities Miss Ketcham says that for this, service work. Students majoring in a study of institutions and govern- such subjects often find it helpful ments proves invaluable. There are to tutor these sick and crippledI centers of this hospital social work children. Miss Ketcham closed by in all the large cities in the United saying that there are 250 children States, which spreads to nearly all attending the hospital school daily. Captain Hawks Sets Ordinance Committee New Flight Records Refuses Zone Changes (By Associated Press) The ordinance committee of city, years past. I believe that a wo- as citizens. man's place is in the home but that Previous to her election to Con- the modern mother has begun to gress, Mrs. Owen held the position set a different limit on the home of associate professor of public from the limit which the mothers 1 speaking in the University of Mi- of a few generations ago recogniz- ami. She also worked with the ed. Harman Foundation for religious "There was a time when if a moving pictures, which worked with woman kept the inside of her home Will Hays' committee in New Yo. k, clean 'and sanitary, she had done trying to translate into terms of her duty by her family," writes Mrs. motion pictures the lessons which Owen. "But I believe that my home } she thinks are the most beautiful is the place where my family and the world has ever known; served my children live, and I find that as a delegate from Florida to the my children can move about in a National Child Welfare Council; space as big as an automobile can and numberless other positions that travel in every direction from the needed the aid and earnestness of house I live in, and I believe that a woman of Mrs. Owen's type. ROOSEVELT FIELD, N. Y., June council Friday night rej 29.-His weariness forgotten in the proposal to change the joy of success, Capt. Frank M. east of Fifth Ave., nearC Hawks completed a non-stop flight St. from a residential dis from Los Angeles at 1:16:03, day- business zone. light time, this morning, establish- Action on the matter ing a one-stop round trip coast- ferred at the last council to-coast record of 36 hours, 46 At a previous meeting the minutes and 48 seconds flying time. tee had recommendedt acted thel property Catherine trict to a was de- meeting. commit- that thej =.._.. . . SUMMER You Too may become capable by taking our thorough practical training. Be- come prepared for a splendid position with opportunity for advanee- ment. COURSES spectators were given a momen-I tary alarm when in landing his plane darted across the field and struckra fence, damaging its un- dercarriage and fuselage. Hawks was uninjured and climbed out of the plane, to be cheered by a crowd of admirers. He was kissed by his wife. He had taken off from Roosevelt Field Thursday in an attempt to establish three records, and suc- ceeded in each case He made the flight to the Pacific proposition be denied, and Friday night this decision was reiterated. The committee voted to consider as few changes in the zoning ordi- nance as was absolutely necessary,, the members agreeing that there have been too many applicationsI for changes during the past year. f Regarding the requests of manu- facturing concerns that an exemp- tion to their cases be made in the wiring ordinance, the committee deferred actin until a cluase suit- able to all parties concerned could be decided upon. Representatives of the American Broach and Ma- chine Co.attended the meeting Shorthand, Dictaphone, Typewriting,' Calculator, Bookkeeping, Penmanship, Secretarial Training Enter Any Day Write your name and address here for further information. Name ...........................Address............... HAMILTON BUSINESS COLLEGE* 9 4 coast in 19 hours, 10 minutes and MUSEUMS AFFORD WOMEN CHANCE 32 seconds, breaking the record of 24 hours and 51 minutes estab- FOR ADVANCEMENT, SAYS CURATOR 1 a 17,-tn+0 State and William Streets Ann Arbor a "Women who are interested in1 science have an opportunity to go into museum work as well as teach- ing," is the opinion of Miss Cry- stal Thompson, curator of the de- partment of visual education of the University Museums. Miss Thomp- son started work at the MuseumE when it was in the building now used for romance languages, and when there were only four others on the Museum staff; Dr. Alexander Ruthven, director of the University Museums, N. A. Wood, curator of birds, Helen Thompson Gaige, and their secretary. She went to Am- herst College in 1918 to organize a teaching Museum and returned to the University Museums two years ago. "Any woman who wants to go into the work should have a gen- eral college education," she states, "with a knowledge of Greek and La- tin, and a reading knowledge of French and German, and of course considerable science , as a back- ground. "For a woman who has enough interest in the work to learn things, one who has initiative and imagin- ation, there is opportunity along many lines, as museum work is a most varied kind of profession," she added. Of the 35 members on the staff of the museum (not including those doing clerical work) 14 are women,' almost half of the total number. They are in the various depart- ments. Seven are working in the museum of zoology, four in the University herbarium, and one each in the museum of classical archeo- logy and the museum of anthropo- logy. Also one of the artists in the museum of zoology is a wo- man. There would also be places for women interested in any other line of museum work. Miss Thompson, as curator of theI department of visual education, has charge of all the exhibits in the University Museums. She attempts to correlate these exhibits in the various museums, so that they may be a part of the general unified Museum plan. Besides this, she is directly responsible for the exhi- bits in the museum of zoology. WOMEN SWIMMERS All women on the campus may avail themselves of the open hour for swimming from 7 to 9:30 each Tuesday and Thursday night in the Union pool. A preliminary heart and lung examination is necessary. Cotton suits are required. There will be a 25 cent charge for each admission. TYPEWRITERS RIBBONS SUPPLIES for all makes of Typewriters. Rapid turnover, fresh stock, insures best quality at a moderate price. O. D. MORRILL i ned ast year aytuy ateCapt.jand protested against the section E C. B. D. Collyer and Harry Tucker. of the ordinance which requires Delayed on West Coast inspection of motors for manufac- Although he had planned to re- turing concerns. i LT main in Los Angeles only long enough to refuel, he was detained TYPEWRITING seven hours and fourteen minutes and by needed repairs to the plane's ,,MIMEOGRAPHING stabilizer and carburetor. A specialty for Taking off from Los Angeles at twentyyears.e- 3:37:47 a. m. (Pacific time) Fri- Prompt service.. Experienced op- W day, he brought his plane down erators.. Moderate rates. again on Roosevelt Field 17 hours, O. D. MORRILL I 38 minutes and 16 seconds later - 17 Nickels Arcade Phone 6615 RY Mrs. Anna Kalmbach SWIFT'S DRUG STOR -.--- -_---- OPPOSITE LAW BUILDING FOR YOUR * PRINTING and DEVELOPING. All Work Guaranteed * . - One Day Service Eastman Films Carried in Stock EXCEPTIONAL All =Hat Cearnce U All2 -y Branches ALL NEXT WEEK of - $1.98, $2.48 and $3.48 :. fMillinery Section-Second Floor- Beauty Work A Wonderful Opportunity to at= = Save Money A Moderate Price I 1110 South University Dial 7561 - A 17 Nickels Arcade Phone 6615 Want Ads Pay I COOPER'S KITCHENETTE I Continuous Serving From 11 A. M. On = The Real Home Cooking In Ann Arbor 4229SOTHTJISTATE?...TTP QTATRR of