Published every morning except Monday during the University Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. The Associated Press is exclusively en- titled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited inthis paper and the local news pub- lispled herein. Entered at the Ann Arbor, Michigan, postoffice as second class matter. Subscription by carrier. $1.50; by mail Offices: Press Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR LAWRENCE R. KLEIN Editorial Director.........Howard F. Shout Women's Editor...........Margaret Eckels City Editor................:..Charles~ Askrea Music and Drama- ditor.. R. Leslie Askren Books Editor...........Lawrence R. Klein THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAIL\ banquets, club meetings, and a, la ge number of other activities to occupy the attention of the sum- mer students. All this makes up a really im- pressive program for eight short weeks, more undoubtedly than could possibly be attended by any one student. However, there is no reason why the interest and sup- port of every man and woman en-I rolled this summer should not be given to these projects. Their im- poi tance in the educational world, in the development of new thought and a progressive spirit in the col- leges of America, cannot be over- emphasized. This is true experi- mental education, the testing of new aims and ideas by practical application, and more advantage should be taken on the campus of the benefits offered. 1- o1_r il11111i1ii11Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii111111iII;- Music And Drama SUNDAY 'ONIGHT: The Michigan Rep- SERVICES ertory Players present "The Cassilis Engagement," St. l I1 SATURDAY, JUNE 29, 1929 T Shortsi Editor............S. Cadwell Swanson I - Night Editors PROHIBITION PROPAGANDA Howard F. Shout Walter Wilds When Pi esident Hoover banned S. Cadwell Swanson Harold Warren Assistants the .use of government money for Noah W. Bryant Ledru Davis flooding the country with prohibi-, Edna Henley tion propaganda, he made one of, ---__--the sanest gestures of his presi- BUSINESS STAFF dential career. If such an employ-I Telephone 21214 ment of funds had been an implied recognition of the right of the an- BUSINESS MANAGER ti-prohibitionists to use almost any LAWRENCE E. WALKLEY measures to force their own prop-1 st r Vernor Davis aganda on the people. It would George Spater i have been a licensing of underhand Accounts Manager............Egbert Davis methods. Circulation Manager...........Jeanette Dale Btw But without this, the whole prin- ciple of such an action would have been wrong. There can be no jus- Night Editor - WALTER WILDS tification for the forcing of any - --Idoctrine on a large class of people! SATURDAY, JUNE 29, 1929 without their own consent, unless' AN EDUCA'IONAL ACHIEVE- some very vital purpose is being! AT NAL Aserved. Wayne B. Wheeler and his' MENT machine combined with the agents, Eight weeks cowded with un- of the big bootlegger rings are en-1 usual and important educational tirely adequate to keep the people projects that are duplicated no- of America informed of the dangert where else in te world, lectures by in allowing a modification of thel men of international renown, and prohibition law to go into effect.' symposiums and conferences that Government funds could be much) involve discussion of problems of more effectively spent in an impar- immediate interest, all are the gift tial effo.. t to find out the true sen- of the University to the summer timents of the majority of thej school students. It is in the sum- American people on the subject of mer, more than at any other time, the eighteenth amendment. that Ann Arbor is a true center of The fifty thousand dollars which learning, a Mecca for serious stu- has been appropriated to supple- dents. ment the regular enforcement fund,! Among the innovations on the will be used to make a survey oft campus is a symposium cn theo- the enforcement situation through; retical physics. This is undoubted- the United States instead of thek .y one of the most outstanding de- distribution of propaganda as firsts velopments of the cay, for it brings planned. The wisdom of this course together men from every corner of is obvious, and the assistance which' the earth who have spent their I it will render the crime commission" lives in research and study in the will be of sufficient worth to makel science of physics. While the main the money well spent.1 purpose of the symposium is to al- - iow these individuals to exchange .rotes and to discuss among them- Editorial Comment|I selves ne wdiscoveries and theories, John Hankin's amusing me- lange of good 'breeding and vulgarity, in Mendelssohn Theatre, beginning at 8:15 oclock. A STURDY HISSER At the Detroit Civic Theatre about the only show in town worth seeing goes into its fourth week of re'cord breaking fun. It is Dion Boucicault's "After Dark; or Neither Maid, Wife Nor Widow, which from its very opening struck Detroit's funny-bone such a crack that the theater-going public is still laughing. Miss Bonstelle is able to present "After Dark" by special arrange-,. ments with William A. Brady who owns the producing rights, and who so far has only released them to Christopher Morley for his Hobo-, ken Theater. In this Subway-cir- cuit relic of the gay nineties, very much plush-and-gilted, Morley has been earning a national reputation for the way he has been making fun of these hoary landmarks of the dramatic art. The ominously titled "After Dark" was written in 1860. Morley put it on very much in the spirit of good natured fun. It turned out just' raucously. In a curtain speech delivered every night he asked the audience to re- vive that good old custom of hiss- ing the villain and cheering the hero. They do say that the audi- ence took the rotund "Kit" more than seriously, with the result that your seat-mate frequently turned out to be worth the price of ad- mission all by himself. But how- ever that may be, and everybody has heard one or another of the wisecracks that have been hurled at'the anachronizing actors, De- troit is taking the presentation somewhat more seriously in the' comic vein-if you fathom the par- adox-and the show is genuinely! good fun. An amusing sidelight on this show, considering the recent suits of one sort or another charging plagiarism, 'is connected with the bit of business, now proverbial, where the hero frees the heroineA from the railroad tracks just as a great big express train is about to I crush her to a bloody death. The huge locomotive actually does ap-. pear on the stage-though they re- port, somewhat dilutedly, the Bon- stelle Stage carpenter's remarks made during the process of con- structing the cardboard-and-lath engine. At all events, Boucicault was the inventor of this particular "thrill." It went so well when first, produced that a rival playwright' copied the thrill outright and wrote a whole new play around it. Taken to court, the new play was ad- judged plagiarism and Boucicault was awarded full proprietary rights' GONGREGATIONAL CHURCH State and William Streets Aeeleson Ray Heaps, Minister 10:45--Morning Worship. Sub- ject: "Freedom and How to Achieve It." Mr. Heaps will speak. I I. PORTABLE TYPEWRITERS We have all makes. Remington, Royals. Corona, Underwood Colored duco finishes. Price $60. Read the Summer Daily Classified Ads! RESERVE A SEAT IN U c ma 11$ ining Roomn 200 CHAIRS One Block North from Hill Auditorium Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner $7.50 per week Dinner, $6.00 per week and Lurch ST. ANDREW'S EPIS UPAL CHURC The Fifth Sunday After Trinity June 30, 1929 8:00 A. M.-Holy Communion. 11:00 A.M.-Morning Prayer and Sermon. Preacher-The Rev- erend Henry Lewis. O. D. MORRILL 17 Niekels Arcade Phone 6615 _* mir PRESBYTERIAN Huron and Division 10:00 A. M.-Student Class in Auditorium. Taught by Dr. Anderson, 10:45 A. M.-Sermon on "Presi- dent Hoover and the Problem of Lawlessness." i, .: :iji". 1 a' ti + 4 ' j ', i 1 r f 5:30 P. M.-Student and Supper, 6:30 P. M.-Student plc's Meeting, Social Hour Young Peo- $8.00, $9.00 and $10.00 A woman's greatest critic is not the image in her mirror-but the "re- flections" in the eyes of other women- and men. So she may win that priceless nod of sophisticated approval-Mack & Co. suggests footwear like this. Shoe Department-Main Floor +" 4,4N 1f+f1 fO0 FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST &'P. the lectures are also thrown open to the public so that students of sufficient scientific knowledge can attend. Thus new ideas and new points of view on theoretical phy- sics are instilled in the minds of hundreds to be passed on by them to hundreds more. It is an ex- TRAVEL AND STUDY (From the Indiana Daily Student)j For many years after the World{ war, there was a great slump in the number of European tou s. Now, students especially, are taking ad- vantage of the summer vacation I 10:30 A. M.-Regular morning service, Subject: "Christian Science," 11:45 A. M.-Sunday School fol- lowing the morning service. 7:45 Wednesday evening testi- monial meeting, The reading room 10 and 11 State Savings Bank wilding is open daily from 12 to 5 o'clock except Sundays and Holidays, t > .I A 0! peniment worthy of serious atten- monthi soL tour thie oia countries to his "thrill" business. That put tion and of the strongest support. and add new depths to their know- the kibosh on thrills for a time-at Another worth while paoject ledge of the progress of civilization, least until that ingeneous gentle- which was also originated at Mich- Educators always have considered man invented the sawmill carriage I igan is the series of week end that a European tour is an in- thrill, with the heroine riding to' a conferences for teachers, superin- valuable supplement to a college hamburger finish under the whirl- tendents, and principals. who are training. Many have gone so far ing teeth, which "Judge" carica- unable to attend classes regularly. as to profess that more real know-! tures weekly above its movie re- These conferences consist of lec- ledge may be gleaned from sen- views. tures by authorities on education sible globe trotting than in perus- But with thrills is sentiment in and of discussions by the whole ing text books. this pot-pourri of the dramatic art. group. The exchange of ideas and In line with the various views, Scenes are introduced with music expe fences here, and the consid- sailing universities with their own suitable to the mood-though it eration of-new methods is of great- faculties have become popular- may be added that Vitaphone er value than can be estimated. that is, with the wealthy. This technique is employing an exactly While still in the field of education, form of education has not been similar trick-and the love scenes I we might mention the regular ed- practiced long enough yet to prove are played to the, muted obligato weao m conftrention ed ai of a violin playing such topical fa- ucation conferences held daily its worth. vorites as "Hearts and Flowers" through summer school for the ben- voieas"arsndFwr"; trogh hsmer schoor the Te Reading about the sources of and similar rococo tear-teasers. A efit of those on they campus. The many of our customs and habits of' number of songs, old time favorites, lectures in this series include talks culture gives a student only a' are revived practically in the E on best teaching methods and new vague idea of the true situation. theme song manner; they include developments in teaching in gen- It is through actual observation "Ta Ra Ra Boom De Ay," "McSor- oral, . along with study that the student ley's Twins" and "The Passing Po-; Occuying an important place!gains a true insight into situations. liceman." The show boasts a fe- in the summer curriculum is the Of course the European study_ male band, conducted in character ublis eries of l stitute.and confe- tours are yet in their infancy and by last years graduate, Phyllis ences in which the discussion of still are too expeanive for most 'Lmo ;n prize fight; and last problems arising in public health students. As means of transporta- but not at all least, an assortment! tion become simpler, it would seem i is led by research scientists, nurses, t of splendid moral "tags" which teachers, and doctors. These meet- that students will have greater'should help somewhat to elevate ings are of interest to everyone for opportunities to avail themselves the depraved moral nature of this they involve the consideration 'of of the advantages of foreign trav- day and generation. health questions and of preventive '-Than this, there appears to be doctoring. It is well that the narrow-mind- nothing of any importance in the Further detail of the advantages ed attitude prevalent following the legitimate way in Detroit. Dreiser's of summer work would be useless. World war is passing and that the "An American Tragedy," a scene- Almost eve yone knows of the reg- people as a whole, again is realiz- after-scene dramatization of his; ular university lecture series made ing that the seat of much of our immense novel closes Sunday, andc up of addresses on a wide variety Eculture is in Europe. ; with it the Shubert offering of of subjects by both visiting and In years to come it may be that doubtful merit, "Broadway Nights." resident specialists. These include a European tour will be an intrin- iOnly the Civic Theater is holding almost every conceivable suoject sic part of a college education. If up in attendance in spite of the hot from "The Psychology of Religion" such becomes the case, we feel I honlyhalf-hearted patronager b to "The Future of Aeronautics." assired that students of the fu- ts-p Then there are concerts, excur- ; ture will be far more broad-mind- the not so civic-minded populace. TI [ N Sunday, 10:45 at the ? y T T u +T f' ? 1 a, m. 7l #T UNITARIAN CHURCH Dr. Hugh Cabot Dean of the Medical School will speak on "PROFESSIONAL ETHICS" Have you sonietimes been puz- zled as to the ethical procedure for yourself or the other person? Dr. Cabot speaks with authority both from the standpoint of the teacher and the Doctor. "Ann Arbor's Original Sandwich and Cpffee Shop" The Den reminds its friends both new and old that it serves breakfast all morning. Also LUNCHEON 11;30 to 2:00 DINNER 5:30 to 8:00 ~ FIRST METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Allow Us to Serve . J + A M i ,j 1 1 Corner S. State and E. Wash. Arthur W. Stalker, D.D., and Samuel J. Harrison, Ministers. SUNDAY, JUNE 30, 1929 10:30-Morning Service. Dr. W. H. Phelps, editor of the Michi- gan Christian Advocate, will speak on "Uncommon Truths for Common Folks.'? 12:00-Class for summer stu- dents meets in Wesley Hall, Dr. Carrothers of the School of Education will speak. 6:00-Wesleyan Guild Devotional Meeting. Leader: Miss Ruth Magee. i Opposite Engineering Arch You 11 I1108 South University U 11