rt.^ * w' L THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, JUNE 27, 1929 1 0P Owumrt- Published every morning except Monday during the University Summer Session by the, Board in Control of Student Publications. The Associated Press is exclusively en- titled to the use for republication of all new dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news pub- lished herein. Entered at the Ann Arbor, Michigan, postoffice as second class matter. Subscription by carrier. $r.5o; by mail $2.00 Offices: Press Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR LAWRENCE R. KLEIN Editorial Director...... ...Howard 1' Shout Women's Editor............Margaret Eckels C'ity Editor. ..................harles Askrea Music and Drama Editor.. R. Leslie Askren Books Editor............ Lawrence R. Klein Sports Editor...........S. Cadwell Swanson Night Editors Howard F. Shout S. Cadwell Swanson Assistants Noah W. Bryant Edna Henley Walter Wilds Harold Warren Ledru Davis BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER LAWRENCE E. WALKLEY S. Vernor Davis Assistant Business Managers Veor Davi (George Spater Accounts Manager ............. Egbert Davis Circulation Manager...........Jeanette Dale Night Editor- HOWARD SHOUT THURSDAY, JUNE 27, 1929 INTERNATIONALISM College students have often been condemned for what is termed a lack of patriotism. It has been said that they are too critical of their own country, that they think and act in the English tradition or in the French tradition, or in the tra- dition of some other older nation. - Much of this is true, but one does not have to look far to find the reason. In the first place, most of what is classic and valuable in lit- erature, in art, and indeed, in all our thinking existence is a heri- tage from our parent countries. The civilized history of America has been too short to have been productive of much of true and lasting worth in these lines. All this is made apparent when the student begins to delve into the mystery of the past, to study liter- ature, to read the history of sci- ence, and to attempt to learn all the religion and philosophy and truth that have been born of a thousand generations. This natu- rally has a tendency to dwarf in his eyes the institutions and achievements of his native land, and he begins to follow the tra- ditions of countries of wider intel- lectual horizon. However, this tendency to criti- cize and condemn various institu- tions in his own land and to up- hold those of another nation is not such an evil as to deserve the de- nunciations-of the merely nation- al-minded critics of our universi- ties. Indeed, it is beneficial that our own nation should be continu- ally contrasted with others, for it creates an atmosphere conducive to progress, change, new activities. There has been entirely too much talk about nationalism; in this new day the spirit of intenationalism must be fostered and developed to its fullest extent. The fact that this feeling is being aroused in our great institutions of learning means that it will soon permeate the whole land and that the world- state which has become the logi- cal end of political progiss will soon become an actuality. But disregarding all this, the mere fact that students seem to be giving their intellectual allegi- ance to another country is but a passing phenomenon; it means on- ly that they are finding dissatis- faction with certain characteris-.. tics of the existing order in Amer- ica and are attempting, albeit un- consciously, to supplement its de- ficiencies by a study of the tradi- tions of other countries. SKYSCRAPERS AND HEALTH The skyscraper problem, as indi- cated by Dean Lorch in the second lecture of the summer session, is not now so much a problem of art as a problem of law. Its solution will involve the razing of practical- ly every tall structure in our large cities and the the replacing of them by more humane structures. The familiar skyscraper con-a struction of four sheer walls missible when such buildings stood alone. When they became cluster- ed as on lower Manhattan, how- ever, they became also mutually de- structive. The lower strata were made dark and unhealthful. In- vestigators found that they bred eye trouble and tuberculosis. Such exploitation of land values through solid blocks of office cells is de- structive to public health. In time it will become impossible to rent such prisons. They will of neces- sity be torn down and replaced. New York City has already pass- ed laws to arrest their propagation. Every city that sees a vision of vertical expansion should profit by the painful experience of New York. Ordinances requiring set- backs at height intervals, and am- ple light courts, should be passed by all communities threatened with perpendicularity. Such laws will result not only in improved pub- lic health, but also in the encour- agement of more distinctively American architecture. 0- INDEPENDENT THINKERS Stranger than anything done or thought by university presidents, whom the Chicago Tribune seems1 to have a penchant for attacking, are the opinions which that paper voices on them as a class. Be- cause the Tribune has seen fit to disagree with President Little, in' the matter of repeal of foreign debts, it has taken it upon itself to cast reflections on the mental activities and some doubt on the sanity of both President Little and all other university presidents. Be- cause the Tribune itself was not blessed with an opportunity to study economics, political science, or international relationships, it assumes from the start that any- one who has taken time for these pursuits and with them as a basis, voices an opinion, which does not conform to what the Tribune re- presents to be the popular attitude on the question, must be pursuing wild and unreasonable metho4A of thinking. What a refreshingly dif- ferent conception of popular sov- ereignty. "The university president has be- come the voice of unreason in pub- lic life," we are told., "He has schol- arship and knowledge and makes curious uses of them to arrive at fantastic and unreasonable con- clusions." We gather from the tone of the article that "fantastic and unreasonable conclusions" are all such as do not find favor in the eyes of the Tribune and the pop- ular majority for whom they pre- tend to speak. These statements, coming from the source they do, cannot but oc- casion some surprise. It has al- ways been our understanding that one of the chief purposes of a uni- versity is to train men to think independently and to lead others who were not trained to think so clearly or with such a background of knowledge into the paths of right and reason. President Little and his colleagues at the head of other universities have usually been considered as some of the finest products of university training, as men of powerful intellect, great personality, and clear vision, but, because their opinions do not con- form to some of those whih are said to prevail in the minds of the great majority, we are told they are thinking erroneously and fan- tastically. It would seem th'at the' true purpose of the university is to mold the student's mind along the well-trodden pathways of nar- row-mindedness, international sus- picion, and smug satisfaction with everything as it, exists today. Editorial Comment O I 0 TONIGHT: The Michigan Repertory Players offer St. John Hankin's satire on ro- mantic love, "The Cassilis Engagement," in Mendels- sohn Theater beginning at 8:15 o'clock. MORE OR LESS MOVING Some time ago Photoplay Maga- zine announced its annual $2000 Amateur Movie Contest. In "Ama- teur Movies," a special section the magazine has established under the editorship of Frederick James Smith, various notices dealing with the initial elimination results of the contest are discussed. And be it said here and now by an infrequent reader of "Photo- play" that the Amateur section was a surprise. Frederick James Smith is an old friend; in some capacity or other, chiefly as reviewer or editor, he has been connected for a number of years with different movie mag- azines. As I recall his critical re- views and his feature articles he emerges, less a profound critic than a far sighted enthusiast for the moving picture as an art form. His editorship of the "Amateur Movies" section is significant from that point of view. Of course, there are many who will quarrel with Smith at once on the art basis; they would call the silver screen an ar-(t)-musement form, if not something worse. But however 'that may be, in the Smith sec- tion there are notices that suggest an extraordinarily widespread in- terest on the part of amateurs in expression in the motion picture medium. The groans that went up locally when the "squawkies" invaded "The Michigan" must have seemed like incense offered to Thespis, at least to those delicate aesthetes who find the screen a good nar- cotic for the working classes. Cer- tainly the programs offered have not notably combatted this indict- ment; unless the box-office re- ceipts are indication of a need for some kind of narcotic--this one more pleasant that others. Wherefore it will probably seem like some form of heresy to suggest that since George Eastman has done so well by the public in the matter of the 16mm movie camera, and Warner Brothers have done so well by the sound-film, that lo- cal enthusiasts for the movies, or any form of dramatic expression for that matter, take up the min- iature movie and experiment in it. Obviously, too obviously, pro- ducers have not exhausted the field of the silent picture, nor have scenarists over-cultivated the story end. And now with the "talkies" ejaculating the spoken word, the art of pantomime seems definitely to be deposed from its primary po- sition in favor of its more sophis- ticate rival, dialogue. In his recent review of Helen Adler's play, "Puppet," which ap- pears in the collection of "Univer- sity of Michigan Plays," Professor Walter suggested its particular suitability to the moving picture form of projection. The story is a phantasy in which puppet charac- ters and "real" characters inter- act, first on a realtistic work-shop background, then on a decorative puppet stage. It would be interesting if some ambitious amateur should unload. his camera and set out to "shoot" the story, using friends as actors. Undoubtedly a showing of the film could be arranged if it were fin- ished. But Play Production, still the embryonic guardian of dramatic art for the University, has a defi- nite interest in such an activity. Acting, primarily based on panto- mine, could well be improved in the laboratory in University Hall if more attention were payed to the mute interpretation. And with such a course, or rather, graduated from such a course, those inter- ested might profitably take up work in the motion picture field without handicapping their legitimate abil- ities. Dorothy Gish in her recent 9 show, "Young Love" is an example Of course, it seems almost in- sulting to such as a University group to consider a low-brow like ~the movies; it might possibly be more insulting to suggest hat some- where among the students there is intelligence enough to achieve a clever story, interestingly told in the picture form. If that were achieved it might result that here, and elsewhere, the Universities become the store- house of that primitive, pantomine which the talkies now seem to have destroyed. Music And Drama -01 k STATE STREET JEWELERS At Liberty Street Repairing l Special Lu nchboon Parties Teas Served Dinners The Haunted Tavern 417 EAST HURON STREET Telephone 7781 = Dine in the Old Fashioned A tmosphere of our Colonal Days i iunininuunniiunuiLniuulniuuuunurnlnuuniununnni uuiuil Watches Jewelry SPECIAL ORDER WORK I i SUMMER SCHOOL l - BOOKS, NEW AND SECOND HAND FOR ALL DEPARTMENTS- UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 . V- ( NE2122cm- FOLLOW THE MAP TO Saunders' Canoe Livery For Ann Arbor's Most Pleasant and Popular Afternoon and Evening Recreation 4 4 A MONUMENT TO DEATH (From the Daily Iowan) In Venezuela, high up on the Ca- raca La Guarira highway a strik- ingly significant monument has been erected. On a huge cement' base is stationed the wreck of what was once ,an automobile. To a stranger in the locality, the monument would be something of' a puzzle. To a native it is both a' warning and a memorial. It was constructed in memory of many persons whose foot slipped when they rolled over ' the cliffs centuries ago in Spanish times and. those who drove their automobiles too speedily around the curves in recent days. One wonders how the; number who met their death by ac- cident on foot compares with those who were fatally injured in auto- mobile wrecks. -.At any rate it is safe to assume that the numberj of those whose foot slipped on the 71 ®,p / 0 40 M.c.it.R Q f W l O v j 0 F SAVZ30E/2S L Ay cAriar C A PL viii i i / T ATiS ST. 1 n Y- i }L t- d1 DIR.ECC1. ~OVTf:- TO SAL~t4oeR.s-CANOE--IdVLSVI an 1h4 HwP-0m .41V9 IL 0' I U ~ NI A 1N 5 T. -- r--,,Wo4AA . ..... .. ..... .___________________________________q1