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June 27, 1929 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1929-06-27

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June 27: Generally fair
with possible showers expect-

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VOL. X, No. 4



Inadequacy Of Environment In-
duces Dependence On Pleasure
Through Make-Believing
Declaring day dreaming to be
dangerous if not confined to cer-
tain definite limits, Prof. James
Drever of the University of Edin-
burgh, set forth the aims in child
-training intended to prevent a de-
velopment of a phantasy, consider-
ed morbid, in the adult, yesterday
afternoon in Natural Science audi-
Children should be kept in touch
with concrete situations rather
than solely those of imaginary ap-
peal. Secondly, the courage to
face the facts of life should be de-
veloped, and above all, the bearing
of responsibility should be shifted,
to the child by degrees in order to
make problems appear less ap-
palling later in life.
Artistic Thinking
"Artistic thinking or day dream-
ing," Professor Drever said, "has
no reference to reality outside of
the individual. It is a method of
avoiding unpleasantness and diffi-
cult situations. It renders the in-
fant omnipotent."
Professor Drever stated that
many people live in a continuous
state of day dreaming and illusions.
This is the type who are thinking
of "what might have been," or how
that which has been might have
been different.
The earliest day dreams follow
some pleasant line of activity. The
child imitates speech and names
objects because of the satisfaction
at his success, and later revels in
power over objects by naming
them. %
Inadequacy of the individuals en-
vironment gives rise to the com-
pensation type of artistic think-
ing. By it the dreamer escapes in-
to another realm and himself be-
comes the principal actor. Thus
he is afforded recreation and play
for his egoistic traits. Although
such dreaming may seem harmful,
it is nevertheless the starting
point of many of the greatest so-'
cial reforms, according to Profes-
sor Drever. Fiction and the cinema
are pleasing to the human being
because in them he experiences
the same impulses which he has
encountered or desires to meet.
However, the more remote the sit-
uation, the greater is the joy
which the young find in it..
Dreaming As Escape
In the escape type of dreaming,
the individual finds relief from re-
sponsibility and difficulties. Always
fraught with danger it develops on
the eve of critical danger or some
great change in the person's life.
Visiting Authorities
Give History Courses

Four visiting specialists are
teaching courses in coiection with
their specialties in the history de-
partment during the Summer Ses-
sion. Prof. William K. Boyd of
Duke university, an authority on
Southern history, is giving a sem-
inar in that subject.
Prof. William T. Laprade is of-
fering a seminary in the history of
public opinion in England, with
special reference to the eighteenth
century. Professor Laprade, who
has devoted much time to the as-
pect of history he is teaching, is
also of Duke university.
Prof. George M. Dutcher, Wes-
leyan university, and Prof. Edgar
H. McNeal, of Ohio State univer-
sity, are teaching advanced courses
in modern and in medieval Euro-



Paul Burroughs' orchestra will
furnish the music for dancing aft-
er the reception for the Summer
School students and faculty to be
held from 8:30 to 11:30 o'clock,
Friday night, in the League build-
ing. For those who do not care to
dance, there will be bridge in the
main dining room on the second
floor. Refreshments will be served.
The'receiving line, composedof
the administrative officers of the
University and their wives, will
form in the Concourse directly at
the head of the stairs.
A group of University women will,
assist Dorothy Woodrow, '30, sum-
mer president of the League, as1
aides and guides. They will con-
duct guests to the receiving line,l
and will show those who are newi
to the League over the building.
This event not only furnishes
students who have not had a pre-
vious opportunity to inspect the
new building and grounds an op-
portunity to do so, but it also pro-
vides an entertaining means of1
bringing the faculty and students
together, so that they may be-,
come better acquainted. Similar
gatherings held during last year's
summer session were found to be,
highly popular with both the stu-
dent body and the faculty, and in-
dications point that tomorrow
night's affair will prove equally'
ProfessorWorrell Will Welcome
Delegates At Opening Session
In Lane Hall This Morning.
Avukah, American student Zion-
ist federation, will officially open
its three day session in Ann Arbor
at 10:30 o'clock this morning in
Lane hall with thel introduction by
Max Rhoade, national president, of
Prof. William H. Worrell, of the
Semitics department, and past
president of the Michigan Academy
of Science. Professor Worrell has
been delegated by President Clar-
ence Cook Little to deliver the for-
( mal welcome on behalf of the Uni-
Registration of delegates is tak-
ing place . from 9 o'clock until the
opening of the first session at the
Hillel Foundation, 615 E. Univer-
sity avenue. Representatives from
chapters in the large universties
of the East and Midwest form the
bulk of the group.
Continue Next Morning
The discussion of this project
will carry over to the next session
at 10:00 o'clock tomorrow morning.
General business will occupy the
afternoon session at 2:00 o'clock.
The outstanding event of the
conference will take place at 7:30
o'clock tomorrow evening in the
Women's League building. Stu-
dents and faculty interested are in-
vited to join the delegates at a
banquet at which the chief speaker
will be Nahum Sokolow, noted
writer and president of the World

Zionist executive. Other speakers
will include Max Rhoade, Maurice
B. Pekarski, Samuel Blumenfield,
the president of the New York
chapter, and Rabbi Mitchell Salem
Fisher, of New York, who will act
as toastmaster.

Summer Students To Be Conducted
Through Foundry, Assembly
Line And Glass Factory
The second of the series of sum-
mer excursions sponsored by the
University will leave from in front1
of Angell Hall Saturday morning
at 8 o'clock. Special motor buses
have been chartered for the visit1
to the Ford River Rouge plant,
which will include the assembly
line, foundry, blast furnaces, and
the newly installed glass plant.
The glass manufacturing plant at
River Rouge should prove interest-I
ing to those taking the trip. The
system in use is unique in that the,
glass is produced by a continuous1
process, passing in a molten state
directly under the rollers and
emerging as plate glass.1
Similarly, the conveyer system
in use in the assembly line illus-
trates the newer manufacturing,
methods now in vogue. In the
early days of automobile manufac-
ture gangs of men performed by'
the use of trucks what is now ac-
complished by means of a contin-
uous system of rollers.
Various phases of activity in the
manufacture of motor cars will be
witnessed. The conversion of 'ore
into iron in the blast furnaces, the
casting of foundry iron into pigs,
the machine operations conducted
in the foundry building, the assem-
bly of the different parts and the
motor, and the final shipment of
the finished product.
Last year about 100 summer
students visited the plant making
the trip in four specially chartered
buses. Due to the increased enroll-
ment and the increased interest in
automotive developments at a
motorless University, the number
taking the trip this year will prob-
ably exceed that of last year.
The price for a round trip ticket
will be a dollar and the excursion
is scheduled to start promptly at 8
o'clock, returning to the city short-
ly after noon. Only a limited num-
ber will be taken in order to insure
capacity filled buses.
At 5 o'clock this afternoon, Prof.
William H. Worrell, associate pro-
fessor of semetics in the College of
Literature, Sciences, and Arts, will
deliver an illustrated lecture on
"Magis and Medicine in Early
Christian Egypt" in the Natural
Science auditorium:

Campus Romance Results In Union
Of Ethel Prescott Dunn, '27,
And Ex-Football Captain
George E. Rich, '30L, of Lake-
wood, Ohio, captain of the 1928
Michigan football team, late last
night, announced his marriage toI
Miss Ethel.Prescott Dunn, '27, of
Syracuse, N. Y. The couple were
married in Bowling Green, Ohio,
last Jan. 19, but the ceremony was
maintained a secret until last
The marriage 'of the two was the
climax of a college romance. The
twe fell in love during Rich's fresh-
man year, when he first began to
tote a football around on Ferry
Field in a Michigan uniform.
Ethel Dunn Rich was a graduate
of the class of 1927, and after her
graduation retired to her home in
Syracuse. Rich graduated in the
same class, but remained at the
University and entered the law
school the following fall. He will
graduate next year.
The marriage was a complete
surprise to the multitudinous Ann
Arbor , friends oft he couple, and
even the parents of the bride and
groom were not apprised of the
event until just recently.
Rich for three years has been a
star on Michigan football teams,
and last season piloted the team
from a half-back position.
In addition to football honors,
Rich is a member of Michigauma,
literary honorary society and for
two years he starred on the Var-
sity wrestling squad.
The couple have not as yet an-
nounced their plans for the future,
but Rich intends to remain in
school until he receives his law de-
He has completed several semes-
terl of law but has not announced
the place where he intends to prac-
Rich was the main-sttp of the
football team last fall and his ab-
sence will be sorely felt this com-
ing season. However, it is certain
that the 'team will always have his
support from the sidelines.
It is expected that friends of th!
groom in Lakewood, Ohio, will be
as surprised with the news as the



Colonel JamesdC.aRoop, Nebras-
kan engineer, and banker, who has
been appointed by President
Hoover as the new director of U.
I S. Bureau of the budget, taking the
place of Brigadier General Herbert
M. Lord.
Organization Will Invite Speakers
To Address Members During
Summer Session
Meeting for the first time this
summer the Woman's Educational
Club gathered at 7:15 last night in
the cave room of the Woman's
League building to organize for the
summer session.
Miss Cleo Murtland, associate
professor of vocational education,
presided at the opening of the
meeting. Mrs. Bolles of the Mich-
igan League welcomed the mem-
the members, expressing her desire
that they use the building freely.
The following officers were elect-
ed to serve for the session: Pres.,
Miss Henrietta Hauser, Dearborn;
vicepresident, Mrs. Rose M. Pauline,
Breedsville; secretary, Miss Lyda
McHenry, Bay City; treasurer, Mrs.

15,000 Fans See Boen, Merrill, And
Mallory Drop From Play; Bundy
Returns After 21 Years
(By Associated Press)
WIMBLEDON, England, June 27.
-With an even more decisive de-
feat of Jacques Burgnon today than
of Francis T. Hunter yesterday,
young H. W. (Bunny) Austin was
well on his way to being acclaimed
England's leading tennis.star.
Displaying an improved all-
court game, coupled with deadly
cross-court volleying, the youthful
English Davis Cup meet net ace
further tangled the Brtish cham-
pionship outlook as he eliminated
the veteran Frenchman in straight
sets 6-3, 6-4, and 6-0. From the
very first Austin held the upper
hand, setting a pace that grew
faster as the match progressed. As
a result of his sensational victory
over two of the United States and
French stars in as many days, the
former Cambridge University stu-
dent appeared certain to be one of
the semi-finalists.
While nearly 15,000 English fans
cheered numerous British victories,
the Americans continued their pa-
rade through the single and dou-
ble play, losing only Wilbur Boen
among the men and, Margery Mer-
rill and Mrs. Mallory of the woman
invaders. The Kansas City young-
ster dropped his match to Christian
Bousses of France, 6-1, 108, 7-4.
Miss Morrill lost her second round
match to Mrs. Helen Bennett, Brit-
ish star, in straight sets, 6-3, and
Big Bill Tilden, playing in as
fine form as he has ever shown at
Wimbledon, had his German op-
ponent, D. Trenn, at his mercy as
did Mrs. Helen Wills with her Ger-
man girl opponent, Mrs. Shrom-
burgh. Tilden won 6-0, 6-0, 8-6,
while Miss Wills ran her wins to
twentyfour consecutive games with
a 6-0, 6-0 victory.
Little Fraulein Aussen partly re-
venged the defeat of her fellow
countryman as she forced Mrs
Molla Bjurstedt Mallory of the
United States to accept defeat, 6-4,
6-1. It had been twenty years since
Mrs. May Sutton Bundy, California
veteran of many tourneys, tried at
Wimbledon, but none of her skill
and very little of her speed was


Joseph Roemer, Gainesvlle, Fla. lacking as sne raced bacK and
A Review By R. Leslie Askren ' of emotionalism that is genuine; so Tr forth across the court to defeat
"The Cassilis Engagement" is a genuine that it bordes on the The club will carry on a varied frhars h or odfa
program this season. Speakers will Ermyntrude Harvey, British wo-
hurry-up job, to start off the rep- painful, for which Hankin is to present talks covering a large field man's ace, 6-2, 4-6, 6-4.
ertory season, with only two veter- blame, not Miss McMillan. of interest, ranging from pre-
ans from the original production in The remainder of the cast were school to adult education. This Dawes Spurns Custom-
major roles to furnish a nucleus, merely adequate; with Shirley King phase of the program will differ
The play shows it, distinctly, but considerably "down" from the ri- from the type under consideration Appears In Full Dress
for all that it is pleasant entertain- gidity of restraint that character- in the regular academic work. In
ment with some high spots of act- ized her original performance last addition one or two social meet- L Ny. June Press)
ually barefaced clowning. But fall; Florence Tennant magnificent ings will be made a part of the Liny Jfte ord Thr Ame
taken in the run of Play Produc- until she speaks, when the phantom summer's activities. dgnity of the ordinary American
tion offerings, and in view of the of Jordan on Lundy Isle rises to re- ..evenng dress worn by United
sort of thing which may reasonably mind her of "Granite;" and Charles The club plans to invite Miss Ag- States Ambassador Charles G.
be expected of Professor Wallace Holden, for all his quite defensible nes Wells, Dean of Women at In- Dawes tonight made him a strik-
when he takes hold next week, it interpretation of Geoffrey, with diana University, to address its next ing figure at the third royal court
is notably lacking. It lacks polish, mannerisms that no director meeting, to be held next Monday of this brilliant social season held
naturally; more importantly, how- should allow beyond line-rehearsal. evening. Miss Wells is a graduate at Buckingham Palace.
ever, it does not solve the direc- But the play was dreadfully dull, of this university. I The dress he chose in place of
torial problem of high-comedy on at least in the first two acts. And The first meeting was attended the customary silk knee breeches
the Cassilis side. The Borridge there was one of thie major prob- by forty-four women. Ten states, prescribed by court customs and
family is excellent. lems of the play. Certainly Hankin Illinois, Kansas, Iowa, Ohio, Mich- adopted by his two immediate pre-
The outstanding performance is did not write-in sure fire drama. igan, Pennsylvania, Missouri, Indi- decessors was accentuated by the
Edna Mower's as the harried Mrs. But the "lines" are distinctly in the ana, West Virginia, and Florida brilliant uniforms and glittering
Herries. Miss Mower has a genius parlor comedy vein and can be were represented. medals of other diplomats repre-
for broad characterization that played for laughs, or at least gen- senting nearly every country in the
only just, delightfully, verges on teel chuckles. The failure to l Baseball Scores world. As he stood in the diploma-
caricature, and her comedy sense, achieve more than dullness must j tic circle with Mrs. Dawes after
particularly in matters of tempo, be shared equally by director and I Chicago 5, Detroit 3. they had paid their respects to
is splendid. Mildred Todd, as "mu- cast, and the shortness of rehearsal Her Majesty Queen Maryhtall
sic "all" Ethel, gives a keen inter- time mitigates considerably, but St. Louis 6, Cleveland 2. commanding figure of the General
pretation of the pretty little cock- this production is merely another ,N. Y. 7, Washington 6. was the cynosure of many eyes.
ney vulgarian who has snared the example of what is a truism, that N. Y. 3, Washington 4.-Eaht meang
romantic Geoffrey, and a well bal- high comedy is practically unat-1Philadelphia 6, Boston 5. were presented by Ambassador and
anced one. She is completely self tainable locally. Philadelphia 6 Boston 7 Mrs. Dawes. They were Mrs. FranA
conscious, and intelligently so-a Which makes "The Cassilis En-Msr-
skillful rather than artistic per- ( gagement" pretty good fun, though Philadelphia 5, Boston 0. cis M. Barclay of New York, Rose-
formance. Freda McMillan as the spotty, and mounted on a yellow New York 3, Brooklyn 2. I mary. Baur of Chicago, Dorothy
occasionally respectable Mrs. Bor- and pink creation just too elaborate6 Pitb h 4 Chase of Waterbury, Conn., Nata-
ridge is equally in the cast with to be impressionistic and not incinna , lie Coe of New York, Pauline Sen
Miss Todd. Her scene, however, in enough to be authentic, but very Chicago and St. Louis not sched- ne of Boston, Lillian Sanger of New

which will be
still be made
writing Isaac
Avukah, 615 E.'

for the dinner,
$1.50. a plate, may
by calling 3779 or
Hoffman, care of
University avenue.

Saturday, the fiial day of the
convention, will be featured by a
picnic in the afternoon, and the
formal adjournment of the confer-
ence after the election cf officers
at 7:00 o'clock. The delegates will
then proceed to Detroit for a dance
at the Statler during the same
evening, at which they will be the
guests of the Zionist Organization

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