PAGE TWO THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILN SUNDAY, AUGUST -11, 1929 PAGE TWO SUNDAY, AUGUST 11, 1929 I jip &'mnur bade the students play the part - of free men and to preserve "in its j t M Un tj integrity your personal life and never (allow) it to be controlled by opinions and judgments forced up- Published every morning except Monday on you from without." during the University Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Doctor Robbins has here made a The Associated Press is exclusively en. pronouncement that should receiveJ titled to the use for republication of al news more attention than it has, a pro- dispatches credited to it or not otherwise nucmn htsol esros credited in this paper and the local news pub nouncement that should be serious- lished herein. - I ly considered not only by the stu- tntered at the Ann Arbor, Michigan, dent going out into active life but- postoffic as second class matter. also by every man and woman. Subscription by carrier. $; by mall I2.00 The power of opinion, the fear Offices: Press Building, Maynard street, of loss of reputation, have con- Ann Arbor, Michigan.'o losoreuain hvec- - -spired to make u slaves of custom EDITORIAL STAFF and thinkers afraid to trust our Telephone 4925 own judgments. The sublime spirit of revolution that imbued Shelley MANAGING EDITOR and Byron with the courage to LAWRENCE R. KLEIN shake their fists at all the "pow-i editorial Director.........Howard F. Shout ers that be," the spirit that mo-; Women's Editor...........Margaret Eckels tivated our ancestors in their de- City Editor _..........................Charles Askrenfan eo th Br is lo ,te p - Books Editor...........Lawrence R. Klein fiance of thq British lion, the spir- Spots Editor..........S. Cadwell Swanson it that makes Upton Sinclair and Night Editors others of his ilk so gloriously ad- Howard V. Shout Walter Wilds mirable today, is beyond the com- S. Cadwell Swanson Harold Warren prehensions and desires of most of; Charles Askren - Assistants us. We are content to go easily Ben Manson Learg Davis on our ways pleased with the ap- Ross Gustin Margaret Harris rvladbc-lpigo u Dorothy Magee William Mahey prvladbc-apigoou Paul Showers Marguerite Henry contemporaries and smugly satis- Deirdre McMullanRhea Goudy fled with ideas that others have dis- BUSINESS STAFF covered and established before us. Telephone 21214 Rather than endure the sneers and jeers of our neighbors we will BUSINESS MANAGER go to any lengths to be in fashio: Lboth materially and spiritually. We LAWRENCE E. WALKLEY are victims of the social malady of Assistant Business Manager-.Vernor Davis over-gregariousness-we are re- publications Manager................ Egert Davis Circulation Manager............Jeanette Dale specting the group to the suppres-i Accounts Manager............NoahBryant sion of the individual. The atmos-I phere of a platitude is eliminated from this when we consider that SUNDAY, AUGUST 11, 1929 the malady is undermining not only our mental selves but is also re- Night Editor-HAROLD WARREN tarding our progress in every other ADI- -way. It is eliminating self-expres- The time is drawing near when sion from our list of abilities. summer school students will say What effect this will have is, of farewell to the Michigan campus. course, problematical. Viewing it With this issue The Daily is sus- from a philosophical standpoint, it pending publication for the sea- is certain to limit the extent and son, and the editors wish to extend I the rapidity of our civilized growth, a farewell greeting on behalf of for we will lose the leadership of the staff to those who are leaving minds that hurried on into the Michigan to take up their work realms of vision and prophecy, elsewhere. We wish also to thank minds that disdained the earthly the students in the University for bounds of everyday life, and we will the support and cooperation which be condemned to suffer our ad- they have given us. It has been vancement to proceed only as the our sincere effort to publish a news- slow-moving, blundering giant of paper which would be truly repre- the masses finds the pathway of sentative of the interests and hap- progress and follows it. penings of the campus, and which The present age-whatever else would carry news of a nature cal-_ it may be-is not one of liberal culated to be of interest to the thought and independent action. summer students. If our efforts It is a pseudo-Victorian age with- have sometimes seemed to fall short out the long skirts, and is singu- of this, it has been only because of larly without men of the higher the dearth of hews around the range of vision who can carry on theneandhbfes afroundrt nee after men of smaller stature have town, and because of our own rahdterlmt hs e shortcomings as news gatherers, rahdterhi.Toefw which we are free to admit. whom it does possess are cast from The summer has been an event- the society of men, and are dubbed ful one in many ways. Two pro-_ queer, visionary, and aesthetic." It jects of major importance were in- is in science only, and this is a troduced-the Physics symposium manifestation Of material minded- and the Modern Languages round ness, that the prophet and the the- table-and both have proved high- orist are tolerated. Elsewhere they ly successful. The university has are outcasts. been honored with the presence of a number of the foremost educa- i Editorial Comment I tors, scientists, and students, teach- ing and lecturing in their special MAKING THE HORSE DRINK fields to the summer students; and the interest and enthusiasm which (From The Daily Iowan) they have aroused have shown their Centuries ago a devout monarch visits to have been worthwhile. The herded hundreds of his subjects usual excursions have been con- down to the sea for baptisn'i. A ducted to points of interest in the few centuries later a determined district and many have found en- government sent out armed forces joyment and instruction by taking to keep Scotchmen from wearing them. Several concerts have been kilts. Another government, much given, including the Hamtramck later, cut all the pigtails off its High School band concert and the male citizenry.I Faculty concert series, and the One of the latest evidences of drama has been represented by The making a population do what is Repertory Players acting in the considered best for it has been, Lydia Mendelssohn Theater. Those Turkey's edict that printing withj interested in teaching and school the old Arabic characters shouldl administration have shown by their be henceforth a criminal offense. attendjance their appreciation of Straightway and at once all Turksj the opportunities offered by the had to learn the Latin alphabet special week end conferences and and characters. This was to be by the regular afternoon education falling into step with European lectures. Outside of all this there custom and progress. has been a diversity of amuse- It has been a source of specula- ments: dancing, canoeing on the tion to many as to how fervently river or nearby lakes, swimming, "Christian" were the hundreds teas, receptions, banquets, not to dipped in the water so many hun- mention tennis and golf and other i dreds of years ago, and how loyal sports engaged in at the Intra- to Great Britain were the belli- mural building and on the athletic gerent and be-trousered Scotch fields: highlanders. The Chinaman with- Through the whole summer the out his queue doubtless felt quite' students have shown themselves to the same after his shearing as he be serious in the pursuit of their felt before. Symbols may change studies-the crowded libraries have arbitrarily, but generations of edu- been witness to that. But at the cation are necessary to make the same time there has been some- change any thing but outward. thing of a vacation atmosphere, a So it is with Turkey today. The spirit of friendliness and freedom government insisted that no books which, sadly enough, is not to be in the old Turkish be sold. All found in the regular school year. books, magazines, and newspapers must be in the new Latin alphabet. REPUTATION The result was inevitable. Turks SAbout Books I THE FASHION PLATE _ T H E ~- Starting Today wiDv wub Starting Today A LACK-GLORY JOURNEY'S END: A Play in three acts, by R. C. Sherriff. Brenta- no's. Publishers, New York. 1929 -$2.00. * * * With publication, the much dis- cussed Mr. Sheriff has laid himself open to the criticism of those avid souls who devour a book for the plot in it and forget, in the pursuit of a suspending moment, that there are characters sketched and at- mosphere created. When this type of reader is let loose on a play- when the objective reality of a cast and the inescapable atmosphere of a set are stripped away-some ex- traordinary opinions and interpre- tations of the material arise. And in the case of Sheriff's play the reader's criticism has taken an un- fortunate turn. "Journey's End' is too well known to require exhaustive synopsizing. Captain Stanhope's unreality psy- chosis, adopted as a defense reac- tion to the horror of his experiences and his inner struggle to live up to the idealism his sweetheart main- tains around him, are too familiar entities to need elaborating. But the transmission of these dramatic entitles to the theater audience, and the subsequent effort to trans- mit them to a reading audience byI publishing the play, has raised a considerable critical issue. Packed houses have attested to Sheriff's dramatiq success. The readers, however, have raised the question of means. And George Jean Nath- an has only recently taken up the cry for them. The charge is es- sentially: "triviality." More particularly, readers have charged that the play is overcrowd- ed with utter banalities about tea, bacon frying, and pepper in the soup. Such is not the material out of which wars are made, and the reader cries his right to authentic matter in a war story. In cold blood, the criticism seems justified. In "What Price Glory?" there were bugles, French tarts, men dying, and lots of profanity: in "Journey's End" there is only tea and jam, and a very quiet death. Unless this is a case- of two other wars, some thing seems wrong. And that may be true. The Anderson- Stallings war was one of well worn materials-heroism, the bugle call to duty, freely giving women, and men living and dying passionately -in other words, effectively done a a s a c a s s v is e d v a x F i t Tailor-made skirts this fall show a real tendency to extend high above the waist; the back of the skirt is usually straight and un- adorned while the front is so cir- cular that flares crowd together and are quite a contrast to the straight cut at the back. Some skirts are trimmed with horizontal, vertical and even slanting machine stitches which give an unusual effect. Collars and high cuffs are fre- quently seen on simple sports dresses. They are made of silk when worn on wool dresses, and are of a contrasting shade, Chinese prints, XVIth century prints, and Roumanian, Spanish and Norweg- Lan embroidery are used to decorate them; Alligator, snake, and other rep- tile leathers are being used to make two identical belts to be worn on one dress. The belts close in opposite directions one buckle on the left hip and one on the right, or else one buckles one in front} and the other in back. Very wide belts, laced up with a round cord and finished at the ends with bright metal edgings are also used. The fashion arbiters are now rec- ommending three-quarters length coats instead of jackets. In order that such a coat should be chic it,'y ~ ' y. must not be narrow in any way. Its allure consists in the fact that it is loose and flowing. These coats are trimmed with a long narrow fur collar running into two bands down to the bottom of the coat without -AND- button or fastening. These coats Clark and McCullough in Holland have to be closed and held in place. ,___ 1 r t I ; . .I i , t + i uu 9 s^ .. 1%,., ll ' j ~-.._- y . 4 ..= . 1 ..~' . ...-7 ..,.- t = ' melodrama for the folks at and so effectively done that home, veter- nv n to rimm l- nrtr7 f 1 e m nrt >t cv -0v -r . I ,) I) I ,1 . ffl 1 i , , ans dijamatized itnemseives into cold shivers of memory. Mr. Sherriff's war is an English war, fought- by men who did not lust gloriously for blood, and who had even forgotten what it was they were fighting for. They were there, mostly, becaule they had been sent there, and their crying need was to carry on in as much the way they had lived at home as possible; otherwise, their exper- iences might have torn them apart and exposed them to a reality that was too shocking for human en- I durance. j If the American dramatized him- self into what he'-would like to be, the Englishman, less imaginative perhaps, was compelled to main- tain himself as he was before the war. And there would seem to be the distinction between the Glory of Anderson-Stallings and the Journey of Sherriff. If Sherriff, in an effort to con- vey the subtle truth of this 'pos- sum-like mentality of the English soldier, is led to the suggestive agency of utterly trivial dialogue it would seem a denial of his whole effort to condemn it on that basis. Undoubtedly the dialogue is trivial. In fact, it is so utterly trivial that a man in his right senses would never speak it. But admittedly the war was not a sane exercise. And Sherriff must be credited with an ulterior and apparently defensible, motive, to judge by theatrical au- diences, in presuming to write it. So, ultimately, the problem must come home to the reader, and the criticism he makes must be tem- pered by the realization that he is not dealing with novel technique. Rather, the material demands im- aginative insight and sensitivity to suggestion that is impossible in plot-hunting reading. It demands reading twice, or perhaps three times; and to Mr. Sherriff's credit be it said that "Journey's End" re- Electric Cooking OODS cooked electrically natural flavor, because e r retain their the natural juices are se are tastier, :aled in. Meats and vegetables cakes and biscuits are lighter, and pies more flaky. Once you have enjoyed electric cooking you will never again agree to cook with fuel. You can enjoy electric cooking "in your kitchen now, Con- venient time payments and a liberal allowance for your present cooking equipment make it unusually easy for you to own a modern electric range. Come in and inspect the many attractive models. COMPANY Dr. Howard Chandler, Robbins,' former dean of the Cathedral of St. John the Divine, denounced the power of opinions and of reputa- tion to sway the minds of men from the paths of clear and in- stopped using books, magazines, and newspapers. At present the only printed matter having appre- ciable sales is textbook material-1 compulsory. Booksellers in despair are asking the government to sub- . 11