PAGE TWO THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAIL\i THURSDAY, AUGUST 8, 1929 . .. - - ,. . # mmig Published every morning except Monday during the University Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. The Associated Press is exclusively en- titled to the usefor republication of all ne dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news sub- lithed herein. hatered at the Ann Arbor, Michigan, postoffice as second class matter.j Subscription by carrier. $; by mall Offices: Press Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR LAWRENCE R. KLEIN Editorial Director........Howard F. Shout Women's Editor..........Margaret Eckes City Editor..... ...........Charles Askren Books Editor..........Lawrence R. Klein Sports Editor........... .S. Cadwell Swanson Night Editors Howard 2. Shout Walter Wilds 3. Cadwell Swanson Harold Warren Charles Askren Assistants 1 I I, : 1, i I + gance and his "bright cracking" and dancing ability, the "avenue of fashion" and the great white way should join in his support. The question is will this combin- ation be sufficient to slide "dap- per" James back into office. He has two rather formidable oppo- nents in swarthy, stubby Fiorella H. LaGuardia, Republican congress- man, who has been actively engag- ed in running New York even be- fore he had aspirations for the mayoralty, and former Mayor John Francis "Red Mike" Hylan, whose volubility made him predecessor to Mayor Walker and also lost the of- fice for him. Congressman La Guardia has a large local follow- ing and no little national influ- ence, while Hylan's power is more or less confined to his own con- stituency in the big city and to in- surgents from both Democratic and' Republican ranks. Of the two, La Guardia is conceded the best chance of a victory. But no one can be certain of the trend of opinion in the sleek, smil- ing New York metropolis. The be- wildering mixture of all races, na- tionalities, and creeds will vote as they chance to combine. The man who offends the least number with his religion, politics, and character- istics will receive the most votes, and it would seem that Mayor Walker is the least offensive of the three. i About Books ALL-LINCOLN SUSPENSE Blair's Attic, by Joseph C. Lin- coln and Freeman Lincoln, 1929, Coward-McCann, New York.-$2.00. Publication Date-Aug. 24. (Cour- tesy of the Print and Book Shop) Freeman Lincoln, after the cus- tomary apprenticeship with the Ladies' Home Journal, goes into business with Papa Joseph and takes up literature at the old stand. This first collaboration is sure-fire: it follows the Lincoln-Cape Cod tradition, with plenty of Down East dialect and sea chatter; it has an old house susceptible to midnight screams and pilferings because of its attic full of antique furniture with secret drawers; it has a hid- den "thing" worth $100,000, with fragmentary clues and directions which are followed up by schem- ing villagers and the rightful own- ers. It's sure-fire, and Freeman Lincoln, to borrow a phrase ap- plied to Cornell Children-of-the- Ritz Woolrich, seems "safe in the arms of Croesus." The person in this book most worth knowing is Iantha Hallett who furnishes the comic relief and is the only character who contin- ues throughout the story. Here's the set-up: rll./.S.oii" ,', ,/Y11.1°.I". ".I. . 'd,. . . . . '' . ""J.I".I"1ll I.I^././,/./1./ ./3; TONIGHT . ; . j !i' 1 , ..,; r illllll i I a ti i ° Every A f o n and Evening Saunders' CanoeLivery On the Huron Rgser at the foot of Cedar St. El I , Ben Manson LdruDavis Ross Gusti Margaret Harris Dorothy Magee William Mahey Paul Showers Marguerite enry Deirdre McMullan Rhea Gudy1 BUSINESS STAFFl Telephone 212141 BUSINESS MANAGER LAWRENCE E. WALLEY Assistant Business Manager............Vernor Davis Publications Manager............Egbert Davis Circulation Manager..........-Jeanette Dale Accounts Manager...............Noah Bryant THURSDAY, AUGUST 1929 Night Editor.. ..C. H. BEUKEMA BLUE BLOOD AND SALT HERRINGS Diplomacy requires peculiar shifts and strategies sometimes for the maintenance of its dignity. Both the United States and Great Britain have been embarrassed in trying to communicate their offic- ial ideas to Soviet Russia. Secre- tary of State Stimson was desirous of "reminding" the Russians of their acceptance of the Kellogg pact when an outbreak of war over the Eastern Manchurian railway seemed imminent. There was no representative of the Moscow gov- ernment at Washington nor was there any official connection be- tween the two countries at all. But Stimson, lawyer-like, found other ways. He called in the French am- bassador, Paul Claudel, and ex- pressed his wish. Claudel sent word to Paris, and the French govern- ment obligingly informed the Sov- iet authorities that America wish- ed to remind them of their re- nunciation of war. Again more recently Great Brit- ain found herself desirous of re- establishing relations with the Sov- iet government. To that end it was found necessary to use an in- termediary since no direct com- munication was possible. The final choice of *Norway was due to its geographical location, and to the good terms existing between it and the two larger nations. The Mos- cow government was especially sympathetic toward the ice-bound country to the north because the Norwegians have faithfully fed the Soviet food monopoly all the salt herring that it needed. England also was rightly inclined toward its Scandinavian neighbor, for Nor- way's king is the only living broth- er-in-law of George V. So it would seem that blue blood and salt herrings were the final reasons for the choice of Norway as the scene of the handclasp of Russia and Great Britain. Nor- way, it might be added, is also not apt to turn socialist with its staid conservatism to hold it in check, nor is it so blind to the economic advantages of maintaining friend- ship across the Baltic that it will do any more than its reasonable duty in aiding in the renewal of these international bonds-all of which are valuable qualities to find in an intermediary and interpre- ter in addition to blue blood and salt herrings. JAMES "JOHNNY" WALKER New York is preparing for anoth- er mayoral election, but then, its preparations are none too exten- sive. What it is looking for if the past is a criterion is a candidate who can amuse it the most clever- ly, flatter it the most diplomatical- ly, and represent it socially to the best advantage-a Prince of Wales without the frown. Of course, both Fifth Avenue and Broadway want their say in the selection of the man, and if all reports are true both of them will be satisfied; Mayor James John Walker has an- nounced his candidacy for reelec- I i 77 -.P- 1 4" - -- --U I Editori LO o mm t In her girlhood, back in 1883, Iantha was Captain Freeland HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS Blair's housekeeper, in East Olney, SHOULD PREPARE STUDENTS Massachusetts, on the Cape. Cap- FOR COLLEGE tain Blair had retired and was the (From The Daily Illini) guardian and trustee of his or- Without question there are a phaned, nine-year-old niece, Mary, and her $100,000 legacy. He lost large number of high school teach- the fortune on the stock market. ers on the campus this summer Full of remorse, and wishing to who can do their students a world prevent exposure, he entered into of good next year-particularly some mysterious dealings with Cap- their seniors who are prospective tain Crossley of the Pride of the students at the University of Illi- Fleet. He fretted himself sick nois or elsewhere-by taking a awaiting word from Crossley who kindly interest in them in at least was on an eastern voyage. A let- one way. That way is in talking ter came which he concealed. informally to them on the "ins and Shortly thereafter the Pride of the outs" of life at a large college or Fleet washed ashore opposite the university. Blair home. Crossley had died of Each fall there are hordes of so- fever on the voyage and ,had be- called "green" freshmen who come queathed his cabinful of Chinese into the Twin Cities with little chests, idols, furniture, sandalwood knowledge of what the University, boxes, pictures, and desks to Cap- and particularly life here, is "all tain Blair. These were stored in about," as the collegiate under- the attic by Iantha, but Captain graduate would put in campus ver- Blair persisted in rummaging nacular. Definite attempts are be- through them, against doctor's or- ing made to remedy this condition ders, and died from his exertions. through Y. M. C. A. camps, such Then came a delayed message from books as "Facts for Freshmen," and Crossley-"look for one foot one other similar means. The "Y" hand." Iantha wasn't interested, camp, however, can reach only a claiming there was a "curse" on select few, the chosen leaders of the stuff. the incoming group. There are the In 1927 the defrauded Mary's ones, who, though needing it bad- daughter, Marian, and her fiiance, ly, often do not need it as much Bill Thornton, go to the old Blair as those others who have not al- home for the summer. Sprightly ready come to notice. It is the lat- Iantha is still in charge and has ter group, then, who obviously need a fat, bald roomer, Samuel Gregg, attention, and need it greatly. Any a lover of antiques. Samuel and one who has seen a home-sick Marian begin ransacking the attic, freshman struggling along up here which is stuffed with much old in what he considers the lonesom- furniture besides that of the de- est place in the world, will not dis- ceased Crossley, for antique items. pute that point. They sell a clock to Blodgett, an While, as has been pointed out, unscrupulous millonaire collector, the University is making serious some chairs to Jenkins, the shifty attempts to get in touch with these local antique dealer, and a Chinese men-the dean's office, for instance, chest to Jonas Jones, a quaint fig- sends them a concise little book on ure who is fond of Iantha and "Facts for Freshmen"-these at- arithmetic. Then Iantha tells Ma- I tempts can be made much more rian, Bill, and Samuel of the effective, much more far-reaching, strange history of Crossley's be- by having the "good old personal longing's and the "thing" presuma- touch," as the barber would say. bly concealed in them which would The high school teacher, fresh have been enough to repay Captain from a summer at one of the ma-aeeee me.aylahan jrinstitutions of learning which Bars embezzlement. All hands are excited, especially Samuel. The America boasts, is the logical per- next day he refuses to sell more son to fill this role of the "kindly dayc he reB usdge t o d e nkins, informant, the interest friend," or pieces to Blodgett and Jenkins, whatever you choose to call it. By both of whom have been allowed some "heart to heart" talks with toexain the contents of the at- these incoming students, the lat- t. That night an idol is broken ter can be made to understand and evidence points to Samuel A much more clearly what it is they few nights later he disappears and are coming to, and consequently is found dead with a sandalwood can be much better prepared for box beside him. some of the exacting and often- But the depredations continue: times discouraging tests which they the house is broken into; nothing meet. is stolen, but adesk anda cabinet Whether your previous training are taken apart. lantha vows a before enrolling for this summer curse is on the stuff. Blodgett and session has been at the University Jenkins refuse to sell back their here, at some other large univer- items and appear to be conspiring. sity, or only a smal school, you are Bill and Marian call on their friend fairly well acquainted with what Jonas Jones and he allows he'll conditions are generally at any col- solve the problem by arithmetic. lg.It becomes your duty, then, How are they going to find the lege. htscomeacyr duearhn, "thing" without smashing a lot of as a high school teacher preparing vlal nius i a rg students for further education, to valuable antiques? Did Sam Gregg make an effort to counsel them on die of heart failure? Someone else the problems which they will meet. seems to know of the "thing" and So when you go back this fall to tohavehinformation which they your teaching posts, make an effort lc: the list of sley's belong- to become a real friend to each of ings. All they have is the cryptic your students who plans to attend message "look for one foot one college, and then become his coun- hand." Now go ahead. sellor. He or she will certainly ap- B._K._W._ precate, during those first few weeks of his college career, the fact If the "Gloomy Dean" of St. that he had some one to guide him Paul's keeps worrying about the mha+ is rnan. in number of buttons on his church L 1 BdOy Powders April Showers ....$1.00 D'Or-"y Tourjours F- Cappi . $1.00 dele .$1.50 fHoubigant's and Jade . . ....00 Coty's $1.50 Silver Poppy $1.00 Violay's Niobe $2.00 Squibbs Rose Buds $1.00 D'Orsay Le Dande. $2.50 Purse size perfume, and small vials for traveling, in fragrant odors, by these fanous m'akers. D'Orsay, Ciro, Houbigant, Coty, from 0c up. MAIN FLOOR ThP HAVE MANY Michigan Repertory Players. LYDIA MENDELSSOHN THEATRE 8:15 Also FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Tickets 75 Cents Phone 6300 BARGAINS TO OFFER at 1-2 Price Dresses, Coats, weaterSkirts, RobsPajamas and N gees are going at one half their original price. This sale marks a house cleaning time for us and will continue until we have cleared away all our spring and summer merchandise. LINGERIE SPECIAL READ THE DAILY CLASSIFIDS