rA^B TWO THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILN WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26, 1929 g1.4 'um r r lar to that accorded any law es- tablished by society to better regu- l 41' a it l a t late its own conduct. To attend 11_the crime of breaking the prohibi- Published every morning except Monday tion laws with the same punish- during the University Summer Session by ment that is meted out for the the Board in Control of Student Publications. The A t rss- - crime of murder (an offense TeAssociated Press is exclusively en-agisthpeonorvntoob titled to the use for republication of all news against the person) or even to rob- dispatches credited to it or not otherwise bery (a crime against property) is credited in this paper and the local news. pub- not only contradictory to all legal lished herein.noonycnrdcoytallel Entered at the Ann Arbor, reasoning but also to every ideal Enteed t te An ArorMichigan, postoffice as second class matter. of justice and good conscience. Subscription by carrier, $z.5o; by mail Would it not conform more close- $2.00 Wudi o ofr oecoe Offices: Press Building, Maynard Street, ly to the bounds of administrative duties, and also be much more ef- EDITORIAL STAFF fective, to put a premium on the Telephone 4925 arrest of rum-runners, to limit the i use of heavy arms to cases of ac- MANAGING EDITOR tual necessity or self-defense, and LAWRENCE R. KLEIN in general to make more scientific Editorial Director..........Howard r. Shout the normal enforcement of the law Women's Editor...........Margaret Ecels than to put it on a basis scarcely' City Editor ...................harles Aslkrea Music and Drama Editor.. R. Leslie Askren proper even in time of war with Books Editor............ Lawrence R. Klein Sports Editor...........S. Cadwell Swanson another nation? Night Editors The trend to greater efficiency Howard F. Shout Walter Wilds and systematization instituted by S. Cadwell Swanson Harold Warren Mr. Hoover is one of the most bene- Assistants ficial movements that has come Noah W. 'Blryant ILedrtt Davisabuinfrad nsttos. t Edna Henleya _should be carefully nursed along until it becomes a part of every Telephone 21214 branch of our governmental or- ganization. However, this trend is BUSINESS MANAGER Isomething that can very easily be LAWRENCE E. WALKLEY carried to an extreme, and its lim- AVernor Davis i its are at those places where the AssistantBusinessanagers Gerge 1ahuman element in government be- George SpaterI Accounts Manager............Egbert Davis comes more important than the Circulation Manager............Jeanette Dale scientific. Music And Drama TONIGHT: Michigan Reper- tory Players present St. John Hankin's struggle 'twixt horse- back riding and vaudeville, "The Cassilis Engagement" in Mendelssohn Theater, begin- ning at 8:15 o'clock. * * * A MORE RECENT ENGAGEMENT An egregious error was made in publicity yesterday concerning St. John Hankin's "The Cassilis En- gagement." It was stated that the I play was 50 years old. It is not; it was written 22 years ago. But however old, the essential fact re- mains that the play is good fun, on a background of sounder sense that present day songwriters dis- play when they warble about this or that "weakness now." R. L. A. CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN PAINTING Reviewed by Lee Blaser Has our modern art become lost through the mazes of an over- specialized mind? Two exhibitions in the Cleveland Museum of Art offer an unusual contrast for dis- cussion of the situation. During the month of June the annual show of contemporary American paint- ing and a display of African art will rub elbows. The primitives have no confused searchings for expression, but rath- er a direct march to vitality of form and color which is rarely, and even then, artificially, grasped by; the contemporary field. On the other hand there is much that is good and much that is dull in the modern show. It is an interesting foil for the negroid simplicity; the prevailing freshness is that of so- phistication-coming back to sim- plicity after a long tortuous climb through design forms. It is in- deed surprising how far some of the artists have gotten away from the true feeling of oil and the vitality it should carry. In portraiture this quality of structural strength in recognition of material and medium is parad- ed in Henri's "Portrait of a Girl." SUBSCRIBE TO TYPEWRITER REPAIRING All makes of ma-- chines. Our equip- ment and person- nel are considered among the best in the State. The result of twenty years' careful building. 0. D. MORRILL 17 Nickels Arcade Phone 6615 .r-r v rrr - - - - - - - - - -.-.-.-.--.-.-.-.--.-.-- - - - - r - , _. ; i 1t- V' _.ive .:. _ - - . -_ - f- - - -_.,T - -_- 0 FOLLOW THE MAP TO Saunders' Canoe Livery For Ann Arbor's Most Pleasant and Popular Afternoon and Evening Recreation Night Editor-S. Cadwell Swanson WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26, 1929 PROHIBITION METHODS An experiment in government is being conducted in Washington, where President Hoover is attempt- ing to make administration more scientific. That this is a quality that has long been needed is not to be questioned. The increased efficiency in all departments,. the thoroughness and dispatch with which problems of state are handl- ed, and the order which has emerg- ed from what was a chaos of lob- bying, secret alliances, and under- ground influences attempting to control the chief executive in the exercise of his duties are all evi- dences of the fact that an engi- neer holds the reins. That only the surface of the matter has been scratched is admitted by the presi- dent himself, but the results even at this stage are gratifying. However, Mr. Hoover has disre- garded a very important point in his desire for more effective admin- istration-he has disregarded the human factor in his experiment, which is a mistake scientists are prone to make. Nowhere is this more noticeable than in his atti- tude toward the enforcement of the prohibition law upon which heI seems to have taken the stand than, since it is a law, it is to be enforced rigidly, and with al- most any degree of force. The! desires of a vast number of the people whose destiny he controls are ilot taken into account; the fact that the nation as a whole has shown itself to be in favor of pro- i a ff l i Ff 4 F M I I l i { t( Ei t JAPAN SPEAKS Japan has again expressed its hearty agreement with any plan that would tend to lessen war pre- parations and to make foi world peace. The communication of Premier Tanaka to the American government that his country was ready to support any measures looking toward a further reduction of armaments should give greater impetus to such action. Coming at a time when the dis- cussion of the matter has been re- opened by Ambassador Dawes and{ the British premier, the message cannot but have the effect of mak- ing a new disarmament conference 11 a Q ,o Q v 1 r b F SAUNO6RS fi CA NO L-- 7 A T E-- ST. ____- I t- mi / i6 DiLECT P-OJT. -" TO S A V NOE RS - CANOE-" LV ERF orn 1 e H V I..oN -R S E R.0 'VE I ~- M A i N ST --WA LAke ~ 7, A C &z necessary. It has been obvious for some time that the present situa- i' ,A tion is intolerable, the childishly The painter seems to care more stubborn attitude of both the for this play of his brush than for American and British representa- any other factor. Every stroke is tives at the last conference in the turned to catch the minute light matter of cruisers having created a ridges and to embellish the paint- ing with great solidity and feeling. diplomatic impasse from which On a facing wall hangs Rolf Stoll's there seemed no escape. The enor- "Old Woman of Andarroa," display- mous and wasteful expense involv- ing, it is true, delightful decorative ed in conducting armament com- appeal in treatment, but sacrific- petition might very well have been ing all medial aid in its typical s r n Spanish stylism. This flatness per- put to the better use of relievmnghaps accentuates the skill Stoll dis- economic conditions in European plays in his portrayal of peasant countries. types, but one senses a restrained Disarmament is one of the vital tightness which is lacking in his problems of governments today -'better portraits-say that of Kath-j more important certainly than erine Wick Kelly as Ann Pederstod- squabbling over such incidents as der. the sinking of the I'm Alone. The A highly amusing thing and one' question of whether the nations of which makes me chuckle still is the world will or will not disarm apako oaos ti fmd . a prank of Romano's. It is of mod- is the question of whether the na- ernistic simplicity with carefully tions of the world do or do not modelled forms and designey val- +, ni fn d m f n nn " ~ m IO ac ' I0 ,A Is In Tweeds, Twills, Kashas, Silks and Satin that have been picked from our regular stock as representative of our standard of quality and marked them at exactly E ntena do pooepaeac l hibition without enforcement is U ues.iIt depicts a scene on a street taacopanismi.ote psaimpandille .I.dpcsa enonasre held to be of no importance. He that accompanies it. It is impossible car, with a trusting jaundicey has countenanced the use of heavy to express friendship by clasping maiden of the sweatshops clinging arms in warring against those hands with one hand while the to the sleeve of her equally yellow- whom he calls "international crim- other points a gun. The building ed but vacuously apathetic swain inals," but has forgotten that every of warships to insure peace seems who has carefully button-holed a citizen who buys, sells, or uses the to be stronger preventive medi- shrinking daisy. The whole tab- liquid importations of these men cie that the world can swallow. leau reeks with the shy but un- is as much a criminal as they, and .Ifthe proponents of prohibition in dismayed cooing burdening our as such merits extermination in this country are honest in their public carriers. And the title of the same manner. beliefs, they must also support the this arch wow is "The Girl and the Another of his failures to allow similar principle that to give peace Little Flower." The honest ochrO for the human element in enforce- an opportunity to show its advan- of of the flesh tone pervades the ment is to be found in the fact' tages the instruments of war must gallery. that he has permitted the dry | be prohibited and the prohibition The vivid freshness of Paul Tra.- jI i sleuths to be given the power to take the lives of any who appear to be running rum. In other words, he has created on our international boundaries hundreds of. moving courts of law not with the func- tion of dispensing justice under conditions of calm and reason but with the function of dispensing murder in the heat of swift action enforced. j Undoubtedly much credit for this attempt to arrest a world bent ont j its own destruction in the crucibles of war must go to Japan. The government of the little island na- tion has turned what was a whisper into a shout of determination that' peace must be made certain at all costs. vis' African landscapes is a delight to a jaded soul. He has but re- cently returned from the jungles and has brought with him a widely, varied bag from an unexploited and rich territory for the arts, some of the statuettes in the Af- rican display are from his collec- tion. I rather liked a composition of two pygmies against the sl +, 0 d O i t «, ,. r_ 100 Of our Better Frocks includ- ing Crepe, Prints and Chif- fons are being reduced 1-4 OF THEIR ORIGINAL PRICE The result is not enforcement of 0 dor of their habitat. Travis dwells law but the abolishment of law. An Evanston professor has ex- almost alone in a province where That any violation of the prohibi- pressed himself as being decidedly vigor of form rules. That any violatnote prhisi- against written examinations. We The show is a conservative se- tent in such a manner is made are awaiting womentarily the ho lection of the field, and although mpent basuch ora m arinadeofn rtstwihwilais rminteresting, is unrepresentative; as apparent by a cursory examiation students all over the country at this indeed these exhibitions have a sway of the principles underlying law in attack on their favorite institution.o beins. general. The transportation, buy-o of being. ing, or selling of intoxicating bev- Petitions for a referendum on the erages is not evil in itself (malum Michigan cigarette tax have been (Ed. Note-This is the first of a in se). but is made wrong .by the put in circulation. It's about time series of art reviews from our cor- voluntary act of society (malum some smoke was raised about that. respondent. The remainder of the prohibitum) and in this sense is o _series, will cover exhibits in Detroit, like a violation of parking ordin- Will Hays, the motion picture of which notice will appear in this ances or of the anti-trust laws. As czar, has gotten a divorce. Will column so that those interested such, these violations are subject probably got the idea from looking may keen in touch with Motor Citv I,. . DRESS SPECIAL TWO GROUPS s O and S I El1F