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August 08, 1929 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1929-08-08

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# u mmrx


Generally fair with rising


47 U t






Plans Call for Folowing Great Circlej
Route on Flight; Sail to
Cape Race First


Dean's Office Will Issue Permits
Only After Making Full




Ten-Percent of Children
Be Classed as Speech

Speech correction in the educa- (By Associated Press)
tional program of America today NAVAL AIR STATION, LAKE-
reaches from the kindergarten to HURST, N. J., Aug. .-His long
the university, asserted Prof. Rob- aHURd Ja, Ag. 7is log
ert W. West, visiting professor from . f humored face lighted with eager-
the Department of Speech of the ness for the adventure of follow-
University of Wisconsin, in his lec- ing far horizons, Dr. Hugo Eckeneri
ture yesterday on "The Place of turned his eyes eastward today
Speech Correction in Education." ralongan air trail that loops around
This is due to the gradual emer- the world.
gence during the past decade of
the science of speech correction, Sen. Walter E. Edge In late afternoon, before the pas-
he said. New Jersey legislator, who will sengers had arrived, the comman-
Formerly when a community be- leave in October for France, to be- der of the dirigible, Graf Zeppelin,
came interested in speech correc- come American ambassador to that received the reporters at the Navy
tion a few teachers who were tired country. He will fill the post left flight office. Questions were hurl-
of routine and willing to undertake vacant by the death of Myron T. ed at him from 50 mouths at once
an experiment were told to take a Herrick. and he had a joking answer for
group of speech defectives and almost every one.
make them talk better. As the f fWill Be Loaded
community grew older and wiser it 01 A DUCBAZ S I "How many passengers are you
realized that the teacher should going to have as far as Friedrichs-
have some education, so she took a fllI1rf l If fyhafen?"
course in a summer session and re- "Twenty-one."
turned feeling better qualified. But to know "But the Graf has berths for on-
the need of professionally trained Caused by Pyromaniac Who Used ly 20. Where will the other two
workers who had made more than Firepots, Candles, sle?
a superficial study of the field. Is Report Dr. Eckener shrugged, grinnedl
Carefully worked out courses were and pointed upward, "On the roof,"
instituted, which brought to a focus he said.
the necessary knowledge gleaned FEDERAL PROBE HINTED { "Suppose," one of the reporters
from the fields of anatomy, neur- (By Associated Press) said, "that there is some mishap
ology, psychology, languages, so- SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., Aug. 7 while you are flying between, Ger-
ciology, physiology, vocational ' many and Tokio. Have any pro-
guidance, and most important of -A pyromaniac, said to have used visions been made for emergency
all, mental hygiene. improvised firepots madeo candles, repairs?"
Correction of speech deficiencies oil-soaked rags and tin cans, was "Provisions," Dr. Eckener repeat-
is most helpful in the elementary blamed by forest service officials ed, "What provisions could be
grades. A few exercises at an early here today for nine fires in the made? That is a wild country. It
stage will gradually shape the . is not like New York."
child's speech habits without great Sierra national forests in Mariposa
effort. In the case of stuttering county, California. What would happen,"William
alone nine out of every ten in the Rangers declared the candles hadVon Meister, Americantesen
elementary . grades are curable, been of varying lengths so the fires that the ship would have to be
while one out of every three in the would break out simultaneouslyt.d
universities attain a cure. after the firepots had been planted brought down to earth and aid
The problem to be faced is the miles apart. A hunt for suspicious habitants the country might have
education of the public to fully characters was started. ,Russians, Mongols or savages.
understand and cooperate with the Sweeps 3000 Acres "ut yo ol no have
k h fedi n xesv But you do not have tof,,l
workers. The field is an expensive The forest service officials said anxious for us about those savages",
one, since it deals with individual a fire burning under control near Dr. Eckener cut in with a sly raising
problems. Although 10 percent of Jersey-Dale had swept 3,000 acres of his eyebrows. "We have great
our school population comes with- both inside and outside the Sierra big guns in this ship and .if those
in the class of speech defectives, forest. This was one of the alleged savages try anything with us it will
It is impossible to get a class of incendiary fires. be too bad."
the same type. Little can be done Federal investigation indicated a No Aerial Arsenal
by general exercises, and time and hunter's campfire was responsible Fo1 oetth eotr
care are needed for individualhuersamfewsrspnil For a moment the reporters
are afor the burning over of 1,700 acres thought they had stumbled on a
l in the Piney creek county, about story, but then they remembered
BASEBALL SCORES 20 miles west of Soledad. that the Graf Zeppelin was a com-
__In Calaveras county rangers re- mercial ship which could not by any
(By Associated Press) ported a stubborn fire three miles possibility have a hidden arsenal
American League north of Railroad Flat, mountain and Dr. Eckener joined in their
Detroit 14, Cleveland 4. settlement, 25 miles northeast of laughter.
Washington 4, Boston 2. San Andreas. The Graf commander said that
New York 13-2, Philadelphia 1-4. Cabin Starts Blaze if the wind now predicted develop-
Only games scheduled. A burning deserted cabin in Eliz- ed he would follow the great circle
abethtown, north of Quincy, started course over the Atlantic. At any
National League a fire in Plumas national forest. rate he planned to proceed to Cape
Pittsburgh 4, New York 3.-Only It was brought under control after Race, Newfoundland, and decide,
game. sweeping 300 acres. upon a basis of weather reports re-
ceived there, on a course for his
IN DORMITORY CONTRACT REMOVED]"If we can follow the great cir-
INcle," he said, "we should cross from
(By Associated Press) not to mention part of the citizen- coast to coast in not more than 50
LANSING, Aug. 7.-The Univer- ry of Ann Arbor, appears to have hours. We should probably sight
sity of Michigan today approved been sent on a straight course to- land first at the southern shore of
the elimination of a clause in the ward a definite goal as the result England."
contract between the University of Wednesday's conference in Lan-

Following a summer during
which great leniency has been
shown in the enforcement of the
regulation, the automobile ruling is
to go back to its former basis again
when the fall term of the univer-
sity opens. Issuance of permits and
< enforcement of the ban will be
stricter next year thanb 'thas been
in the past, according to Walter B.
Rea, assistant to the dean of stu-
These tiny cars, designed to sell for $200, have no chassis, and dents.
are capable of running 50 miles on one gallon of gasoline. Each wheel Mr. Rea's statement is based on
is independently mounted. The car has an air-cooled four-cylinder the action taken by the Board of
T motor and an electric starter. I Regents at its June meeting, when
it was decided to retain the ruling
that has been in force during the
Stricter Watch Planned
It is felt that a stricter watch
[ULwill be necessary than in the past,
rIGH SMO T P4N T [G l [ SLGHTdue not only to the leniency shown
this summer, but also to the fact
sgsBEthat many students at the end of
{Witnesses for Sugar Interests Hold:1 Great Britain To Support Egyptian ! -, . .-NU_,

Out for House Plan of Fixed Candidacy i
Protective Tariff1Leag

for Mebershi In _ last year harbored the impression
Le of Nations I that the ban would be lifted or at


11lIC UVI U . " il .+ccc c VS 1 a ivia least modified this year. This im-
pression, evidently gained either
CALL PLAN EXPERIMENTAL TROOPS TO BE WIThDRAWN from the lack of severity of disci-
plinary action last year or from tho
(By Associated Press) (By Associated Press) change in administration which in
WASHINGTON, Aug. 7 - TheI LONDON, Ang. 7.-King Fuad of itself brought about a certain
Smoot sliding scale sugar tariff Egypt and his premier, Mohammed amount of relaxation of discipline,
plan was subjected to a rapid fire Pasha Mahmoud, have won cer- is mistaken, it is pointed out.
of criticism by more than a dozen tain concessions from the British Investigate Applicants
representatives of domestic and Issuances of permits among all
American possession sugar interests government tending to uphold classes of students will be attend-
at a lengthy hearing today before Egyptian national sovereignty, but ed by thorough investigation, it is
the Senate finance committee. little laxing of the hold Great Brit- promised by Mr. Rea. Special at-
Both growers and refiners of beet ain considers necessary for protec- tention will be paid to students re-
and cane sugar attacked the pro- tion of her communications with siding in Ann Arbor and to those
posal declaring it would amount to h rasking permission to drive for bus-
price fixing, provide inadequate far east mess reasons, it being the impres-
protection at current prices, and The concessions, embodied in a sion that more permits were grant-
at best was only an experiment draft treaty which the King and ed for the latter purpose last year
which the domestic industries his premier carried with them to I than was necessary.
could not afford to try out. Claro today, included withdrawal Enforcement will be stricter in
Most of the witnesses opposed Br every sense, although emphasis will
any sliding scale plan and endors- be placed on that phase dealing
ed the rate proposed in the house from within the Suez canal zone. with night driving. It is planned
bill. Great Britain, in addition, engages to not only have automobiles at
The proposal before the commit- itself to support Egyptian applica- fraternity and rooming houses
tee was framed by Chairman Smoot tion for membership in the League watched and license numbers tak-
as a substitute for the house bill of Nations and to come to Egypt's! en, but also to seek out the oper-
calling for duties of 3 cents a pound aid in the event of conflict with ators of these cars. This plan is
on Cuban raw sugar. It would di- another government. deemed necessary in view of the
vide rates ranging from 1 to 3 Definite counter concessions by fact that the attempts to trace
cents a pound with the usual 20 Egypt to the British government student drivers of cars through 1i-
per cent deduction granted Cuba are contained in the treaty also, cense numbers found on machines
which would fluctuate the whole among them being provisions for parked in front of homes were in-
scale price of refined sugar at New British supervision in many of the effective last year.
York. The duties would advance affairs of the country. Seek Student Cooperation
as the price declined and vice ver- The military alliance contained ! Mr. Rea's firm belief that strict
sa. Smoot has predicted that Pres- is double-edged, the Egyptian gov- ; enforcement and severe disciplin-
ident Hoover would sign a bill that ernment agreeing in the event of ary action in a few cases will be
would contain the sliding scale. war or menace of war to furnish most effective in bringing about
S. L. Crawford, Secretary of the Great Britain on Egyptian territory student cooperation, and that stu-
Toledo Sugar Co., testified the scale all facilities and assistance, includ- dent cooperation will be the surest
proposition involved great uncer- ing the use of forts, air-dromes means of hurrying modification by
tainty to the industry. He said his and the means of communication. the regents.
company had lost $3,250,000 in the
last four years and had failed to GRADUATE SCHOOL'S MONOGRAPH
appear before congressional com-, TO FORM SUPPLEMENTARY TEXT
mittees until today because of the
fear of disclosing the financial con- A monograph, composed of pa- There has been no attempt to edit
dition. pers written by graduate students the chapters in such a way as to
"The National City Bank of New in the School of Education enrolled Isecure unity of treatment or a


York," he said, "had broadcast bul-
letins to banks all over the coun-
try that the companies he repre-;
sented were about to fail and that;
fear of the consequences of thisI

and the Guaranty Trust Company
of Detroit for a proposed dormitory
that met the objection of the state.
A redraft of the contract is being
made and will be submitted shortly
to the attorney general for ap-
The attorney general last week
vetoed a clause in the contract
which would have pledged state
funds as a guarantee -for annual
construction payments to. the bank-
ing institution. The contract calls
for construction of a $950,000 dor-
mitory by the Guaranty Trust com-
pany which in turn will be repaid
in from student rental.
The dormitory question, a foot-

sing. Dean of Administration Alex-
ander G. Ruthven and Secretary
Shirley W. Smith represented the'
University in the conference.
As the result of this conference,
according to Mr. Smith, not only has
the University eliminated the clause
in its contract with the Detroit
Guaranty company which is objec-
tionable to the state, but it has ap-
parently finally smoothed the way
for construction of the dormitory.
Despite the objection which At-
torney General Wilber Brucker
raised a week ago and the comment
made by Governor Fred Green rel-
ative to the financing plan, work
on specifications has gone forward.
The program will be carried

MEADER TO CIVE VIEWS scale made it all the more apparent
his factories needed a slight in-
ON TOLSTOY AND RUSSIA I increase in the duty guaranteeing
better times.
"Tolstoy and His Relation to the
Present Russian Government" will TO GIVE READINGS
be the subject of the 5 o'clock lec-I
ture today in the Natural Science ,A program of interpretive read-
auditorium by Prof. Clarence L. ings will be given at 8 o'clock Mon-
day night, August 12, in the Lydia
Meader of the Russian literature Mendelssohn theater, by Earl E.
department. Fleischman's advanced class in in-
In light of the universal interest I terpretation. This will be an in-
in everything Russian today, this l formal public recital presenting the

in Dean J. B. Edmonson and Prof. uniform standard of excellence.
Joseph Roemer's courses in the ad- The contribution of the instructors
ministration and supervision of has been to select the problems to
secondary schools, has just been be treated in the Monograph and
published and will be used as a counsel and guide committees in
supplementary text in Dean Ed- the preparation of chapters.
monson's classes next fall, as well The instructors, according to
as in Professor Roemer's classes in Dean Edmonson, have been much
the University of Florida. pleased with the enthusiasm. dis-
The monograph, containing 40 played by the students in the prep-
chapters and 310 pages, has been aration of the volume. It is hoped
prepared entirely by students and that the preparation of the Mono-
financed by those purchasing copies graph will tend. to magnify the im-
which are priced at $3.00. portance of the contributions of
This is the second time that the , graduate students as giyen in their
instructors have organized the term reports and will also strength-
work in this course in such a man- en the desire on the part of stu-
ner as to secure the preparation of dents to study intensively certain
a Monograph. This plan has been problems in secondary education.
followed in order to make avail- Among the more interesting sub-
able to students the work of their jects treated, are the following:
associates who have been studying The Legal Status of the High
intensively the literature relating School, Fundamental Principles of
to specific problems. Administration, Disciplinary Con-

topic should attract even more than
the usual number of hearers. Pro-
fessor Meader's adequate knowl-
edge of the subject through its
connection with his field of in-
+..w.+- Y.^- ..,1.. h.. i- - --------11 -r rrnl

regular work done in class through-
out the semester. The program
will include selections from modern
poetry, scenes from Shakespeare,
and cuttings from modern plays.

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