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August 07, 1929 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1929-08-07

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Ir 'urmmer
Published every morning except Monday
luring the University Summer Session by.
he Board in Control of Student Publications.
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
itled to the use for republication of all news
lispatches credited to it or not otherwise
:redited in this paper and the local news pub-
ished herein.
Untered at the Ann Arbor, Michigan,j
postoffice as second class matter.
Subscription by carrier. $z.5c; by mall
Offices: Press Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Telephone 49251
Editorial Director........Howard P. Shout
Women's Editor ...........Margaret Eckels
:ity Editor ...................................Charles Askren
looks Editor..........Lawrence R. Klein
Sports Editor..........S. Cadwell Swanson
.d , Night Editors
loward 2. Shout Walter Wilds
. Cadwell Swanson Harold Warren
Charles Askren

en Manson
oss Gustin
orothy Magee
aul Showers
eirdre McMullan

Ledru Davis
Margaret Harris
William Mahey
Marguerite Henry
Rhea Goudy

Telephone 21214
Assistant Business Manager............Vernor Davis
Publications Manager........................Egert Davis
Circulation Manager............Jeanette Dale
Accounts Manager..........................Noah Bryant
Night Editor - Lawrence R. Klein
Willis J. Abbot, contributing edi-
tor of the Christian Science Moni-
tor, has declared for modification
of the Kellogg peace pact in a
speech made at the Institute of
Politics limitation of armament
round table at Williamstown, Mass.
His resolution suggested that the
nations "put teeth into the pact by
refraining from supporting war as
well as from entering it. He offered
two points to enforce this: by with-
holding exportations of armaments'
to belligerent nations and by with-
holding money loans to them.
It would seem that the learned
editor has mistaken the purpose
and meaning of the Kellogg pact,
at least in-so-far as it was origi-
nally drawn up. The peace pact
was intended to be a bond of hontr
between nations-not a mandatory
treaty to be enforced by offending
powers but a promise and under-
standing that all war would be
It has shown its effect in the
staying of the outbreak of war be-
tween Russia and China, and those
two nations have shown them-
selves desirous of maintaining
their honor and prestige as nations
of the world. There was no im-
position of force to bring them to'
the decision, and no great or imme-
diate fear of war in either part.
Their armies and their resources
were approximately equal, but so
also was their recognition of the
uselessness and ineffectiveness of
war to end their problems.
The acceptance of the principle
of no support for belligerent na-
tions -would be superfluous. The
learned editor declared that "it
gives effect to the proposition that
to support a war is just exactly as
much a violation of the spirit of that
pact as to engage in a war." He has
overlooked the fact that an agree-
ment whereby the powers of the
world join in outlawing war in a
spirit of friendship and under-
standing and under the realization
of the destructive nature of inter-
national conflict must include the
elimination of all support ana
recognition of war.
A conference of great impor-
tance to, the United States is now
under way in Medaeval Binnenhof
at The Hague, where the creditors
nations of Germany are attempting
to iron out the reparations difficul-
ties. While Uncle Sam is repre-
sented only by Edwin C. Wilson of
the American embassy at Paris who
is acting as an observer, the prob-
lems which it is hoped will be solv-
ed there have a great bearing on
the European attitude toward this1
country and on the economic wel-
fare of. the conferring nations. !
However, the meeting promises
to be a stormy one with every gov-;
ernment represented ready to, con-
bend for a different arrangement I
of reparations payments. Great,

Britain, speaking through Phillip
Snowden, foreign secretary, will
fght for a modification of the
Young plan which is expected to

Plan as "grossly unfair" to his
country in that it will give-pecu-
liarly enough-the lion's share to
France and Italy and subject Great
Britain to a much greater loss if
the German debt is reduced in any
way. Italy naturally sides with
France in this matter, although at
the same time battling with the
latter nation for control of the
Mediterranean. England is also
contending for immediate evacua-
tion of the Rhineland by all Allied
troops with the other two half-way
assenting but holding out for secret
control of the district. Germany,
becoming more independent and
I self-assertive every moment con-
siders the return of the Saar Val-
ley and the withdrawing of all
domination and control from the
Rhineland part of the price she
must pay for acceptance of the
Young Plan. And the smaller na-
tions represented as one by Eleu-
therios Venizelos, minister of R
Greece, are wavering between com-
plete acceptance of the Young pro-
posal and its modificatitn, with a
tendency toward the former.
All this would seem to indicate
that a deadlock is in order. It is
almost certain that Snowden will
not back down in his determined
fight for modification, but it is
more than a possibility that the
French and Italian delegates may
relent sufficiently in their pursuit
of the spoils of war to accept a.
slight modification in exchange for
permission to maintain the greatly
desired "secret control" of the
Rhineland. Germany, it is almost
certain, will cling tenaciously to
the demand for the return of the
Saar valley.
The United States, according to a
fair survey of the situation, will
benefit most by a complete accept-
ance of the Young plan as it has
been offered, for the benefit to
France, Italy and the smaller na-
tions will make more certain their
economic prosperity and the prompt.
payments of their war debts to
America. On the other hand, it is
thought that the American au-
thorities favor Britain's contention
in the matter both because of the
seeming fairness of modification
and with an eye to the coming
naval disarmament conference be-
tween the two English speaking
nations. The return of the Saar
valley to German control and the
complete evacuation of the Rhine-
land by allied' troops would also be
of advantage to American interests
since private capital from this coun-
try has been invested in large
amounts in industrial projects on
German soil.
However, it is probable that Uncle
Sam's representative will be an
observer and nothing else, and thatJ
no attempt will be made to influ-
ence the decisions of the confer-
ence beyond that of protecting the
interests of the United States where
they are involved in a very direct
way. This has been the policy in
the past and there is no warant
that there will be any change.
They're tearing down the- old
Majestic hotel in New York, and
Count Von Luckner is sorry for
the simple reason that he is inti-
mately acquainted with the door-
knobs. It was his job, 27 years ago,
to polish them-every one.

About Books
Dhan Gopal Muktrji has been
fortunate in the cooperation which
he has had from the various artists
who have illustrated his books.
Both "Gay-Neck" and "Ghond
the Hunter" were selected by the
American Institute of Graphic Arts
as among the best illustrated books
of their year. BotA were illustrat-
ed by Boris Artzybasheff.
The fine work of Mahlon Blame
in "The Chief of the Herd" will
undoubtedly win the recognition it
deserves. Mr. Blaine has illustrated
two books, "Vathek" and "Salambo"
which were selected by the Amer-
ican Institute of Graphic Arts
among the fifty best illustrated
books of their' year.
"Hindu Fables for Boys and
Girls" is illustrated by Kurt Wiese
with many excellent interpretive
black and white drawings.
Both "Kari the Elephant" and
"Jungle Beasts and Men" are illus-
trated by J. E. Allen with many fine
half-tone drawings of the tigers
and elephants of the Hindu jungle.
"Hari the Jungle Lad" is illustrat-
ed by Morgan Stinemetz with eight
excellent half-tones.
"Visit India with Me," Mr. Muk-
erji's October book, will be illus-
trated with 24 half-tones taken
Aug. 1-Murder in the Laboratory,
Davidson, $2.00.
" 16-The Copper Bottle, Mill-
ward, $2.00.
" 23-Short Stories Out of So-
viet Russia, Cournos, $2.50.
Aug. 9-The Patriot, H. C. tnd A. E.
Walter, $1.00.
" 9-Face Value, J. L. Camp-
bell, $1.00.
" 9-Green Apple 'Harvest,
Maye-Smith, $1.00.
" 9-The Dreadful Night, Ben
Ames Willims, $1.00.
" 9-The Man Who Was Good,
Merrick, $1.00.
" 9-The Shadow of the Bogue,
Clement Wood, $1.00.
Aug. 2-The Wild White Woods, R.
D. Smith (New Ed.) $2.00.
" The Flint Heart, E. R. Phill-
pots (New Ed.), $2.00.
" The Cow Next Door, Bul-
lard, $2.00.
" 16-Alice in Wonderland,
Illus. by Willy Pogany,
$2.00. Lim. Ed. of 200 sign-
ed copies $10.
" 16-A Busy Day, Beatrice To-
bias, $2.00.
" 23-Sonny Sayings, Fanny
Cory, $2.00.
23-Vaino, Julia Davis Adams,
Today and Tomorrow Series
Aug. 2-Breaking Priscian's Head,
or English as She 'Will Be
Spoke and Wrote, J. Y. T.
Greig, $1.00.
"f 2-Fortuna, or Chance and
Design, Norwood Young,

Aug. 14-Carlyle to Threescore-and-
Ten, David Alec Wilson,
" 14-The Wall of Weeping, Ed-
mond Fleg, Lim. Ed. of 250
copies only, $12.00.
" 14-Holy Night, a Mystery
Play, Martinez Sierra,
" 16-Scraps of Paper, Marietta.
Minnigerode Andrews, $5.
" 28-Hills and the Sea, Hilaire
Belloc, $5.00.
" 28-Country Auction, Marion
Nicholl Rawson, $5.00.
" 28-American Pistol Shooting,
Major Wm. D. Frazer, $5.
" 31-BridFge Puzzles, Methey
and Hallahan, $2.00.
Books o n Special Subjects
Aug. 1-Pr actical and Literary
English, Jones and Yates,
" 14-- he Physiological Mech-
anics of Piano Technique,
Otto Ortman, $6.50.
" 21--A Concise Summary of
Elementary Organic Che-
# mistry, F. H. Constable,
" 21-Spectra, R. C. Johnson,
95 cents.
21-The Physical Principles
of Wireless, J. A. Rat-
cliff e, 95 cents.
Pubhlinatinn dates and nrices sub-


Ruffles and flares are back in
the fashion picture again, says Pa-
ris. But under a new guise!
What we have heretofore known
as ruffles are distinctly back num-
bers, but there is a new Paris way
of ruffling the summer frock and
even the coat, which is decidedly
In the first place, the new ruf-
fles are restricted, and not scatter-
ed aimlessly all over the surface of
the dress or coat. And there are
many ruffles which are really not
ruffles at all. Swarms of chiffon
butterflies on the skirt of an eve-
ning dress look as delicately allur-
ing as the most aristocratic ruf-
fle. Drooping leaves of chiffon give
the newest Paris frocks a sort of
ruffled allure. Circular tiers around
the bottoms of smart coats recall
but vaguely the ruffles of yester-
And all this is affecting the fem-
inine silhouette. The slim, straight-
up-and-down outline for women is
passing on. All of the really smart
clothes from Paris offer flares of
one sort or another. But these
flares, whether they be ruffles, cir-
cular stripes, godets, gores, or
plaits, are only used when they fall
so low as to begin ab least halfway
down the skirt. Silhouettes are still
slim as far down as the hemline.
But they are molded to the figure.
And the much-abused waistline has
at last been restored to its rightful
By the way, if you-have not yet
taken your summer vacation, Patou
has arranged the ideal equipment
for a week end trip. It pivots on
the skirt as a basis of change. By
combining afternoon and evening
blouses with the same satin skirt,
and by allying sweaters and sport
blouses with the same crepe skirt,
he has provided a dazzling variety
of change- that may be accommo-
dated by a single suitcase.
Coats and jackets also play an
important part in the wek end
wardrobe. The sports jacket may
be reconciled with all sorts of crepe
and cotton sports frocks, if it be
chosen with care. Similarly, chif-
fon gowns may become delight-
ful afternoon dresses by the addi-
tion of a jacket.

1 -w- -.r I




Get the Wuerth Habit

Editorial Comment



! I

(From The Daily Iowan.)
Each man has his own concep-
tion of success and each man's con-
ception will vary as his own person-
ality. Power, wealth, love, happi-
ness are all goals towards which
most of us aspire, but the success,
of our apiration depend upon the
intensity of desire. If we but want
anything greatly we can attain it;
for success depends upon the in-
tensive of our desire.
Dr. Hugo Eckener, skipper of the
raf Zeppelin, has cherished a desire
to make transatlantic passage by
air a success. He has labored con-
sistently with that thought in'
mind. After once having crossed
the Atlantic ocean on a round trip
flight from Friedrichshafen to Am-
erica, he willed to do it again.
Faulty motors interfered with the
second flight and- he returned to
the base of the zeppelin after a dif-
ficult flight against the elements,
man's best friend and worst enemy.
Dr. Eckener has again set out for
America and will achieve his goal.
The world is anxiously awaiting
for word of the arrival of his ship.
The skipper of the Graf Zeppelin
has displayed a type of courage
and persistency which is commend-
Success is in the blood of optim-
ists, who are the makers and tak-
ers of th e ntunPa which is+ta.

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