&iL # ummr EATHER nerally fair with rising eratures. l3~ilia x l ASSOCIATED MEMBER OF THE PRESS I X, NO. 38 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 7, 1929 PRICE FIVE CEN RTISER'S CRAfT ISPLACEDC SAY E MM IN LECTUIRE' They War Over Young Plan ?POSITION OF USES MOST OF ADVERTISING BODE FORESEEIS NEEDrNE F NEW DEVELOPMENT IN EDUCATION THEORY NEW MODES OF LIVING DEMAND MORE COHERENT IDEAS - AND PRINCIPLES TALKS AT JOINT MEETING Present Age of Science Takes Away Our "Props" and Leave Us To Form New Philosophies r Visitor Soon VICTIM BAD LIKENS HIM TO HUNTER ndividual Differences Make Impos- sible Same Response of MI Persons to One Stimulus That most of our advertising is ad because it presupposes a vic- im was the conclusion of Prof. oohn L. Brumm, head of the de- artment of journalism, in his lee- tre on "The Strategy of Advertis- ig," yesterday afternoon. The ractice of stalking the prospect- with all the huntsman's cunning mploys a misconception of human ature. In an attempt to accom- lish its aim of evoking in the rospective buyer a desire and en- ouraging this desire to action, ad- ertising has forsaken its proper ole of a handmaiden of truth for he tactics of the highwayman. Faulty Stimuli Advertising today is neither an adustry nor a business. It is a iode ol behavior. It is assured of to audience, but must work on lind faith. Prospective buyers be- ome "sales resisters," reluctant, rary, for whose capture strategy iust be used. 50,000 prominent dvertisers spend. annually $1,000,- 00,000 and employ 600,000 persons n the effort to persuade 90,000,000 onsumers to buy their articles. Yet heir entire theory is based on the alse assumption that man is by ature instinctive, and that there- ore all men will respond in the ame way to the same stimulus. Treaties on advertising go so ar as to enumerate the most im- ortant instincts, listing definite esponses that can be confidently redicted for them. But nature nd experience have not simplified ian's behavior to that extent. In eality instinct determines only the east important of his reactions, for .e lives not in a world of nature ut one of an artificially set stage. We learn -most of our behavior, nd because what we become de- ends on our capacity to learn, it esults that the nervous adjustment t every -individual produces a dif- Brent response to a definite stimu-' us than that any other indivi- ual would produce. For this rea- On the selling appeals so'adroitly evised to call forth a response ave many of the prospects en- irely unstimulated.N Information Is Gratis Furthermor e,the practice of nitating what has already been one keeps the fruitless methods in se. Results of certain types of dvertsing over a certain period f time are examined, and those eemed successful are repeated. ut who can say which, if any, of he many factors entering into the lan were the cause of its success? The explanation of all this lies i the fact that the position of ad- ertising is much the same as that f the newspaper. It must inform he patron yet he is not required o support it. Because the con- imer does not pay for the service can not be orderly and informal. rignal Plays Bill 1 Not To Be Mounted UITlED STATE ENR IN SCHNE10IER TROPHY RACE RESTS ON TRIAL PLANE CAN DEVELOP SPEED OF MORE THAN 300 M. P. H. WILLIAMS TESTS PLANE New World's Record Must Exceed 318 Mi'esj Per Hour Mark Made Last Season (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, Aug. 6.-Whether the United States will have an en- trant in the International Sea Plane Schneider Trophy race in England will be determined lastly within the next few days at Annapolis, Md., in test by Lieutenant L. Wil- liams, Navy speed flyer, of his little Mercury racer. The plane is known to have a speed of more than 300 miles an hour and just how much more will be ascertained in the test. It has 'been indicated that Williams will not take the ship abroad unless he Ican exceed substantially the pres- ent world's record of 318 miles an hour. Aristide Briand Phillip Snowden Opponents in the controver sy over the proposed Young Plan. Briand, the Frenchman, opposes it outright and Snowden favors it with modifications. Fires Rage Through 30,000 Acres In States Of Far West I on Approximateiy 1,000 Men Volunteers Battle Flames in Northwestern United States Three new fires were burning on Timber Wolf Creek and large crews were attempting to bring them under control. QmI1cnftarrih hfro ntha (By Associated Press) U1411scaz~ereaIou L nres in tine SPOKANE, Wash., Aug. 6.-Fire Deschutes Forest were the only raged through the forest of Wash- forest blazes reported in Oregon. ington, Idaho, and Montana again While lightning has caused the today, leaving behind more than largest number of the 619 fires this 30,000 blackened acres, while ap- year in Montana and Idaho forests, proximately 1000 men fought to' there has been a marked increase control the fire. in man-caused blazes during the In northern California a serious past 10 days, federal forest officials fire had burned over 700 acres in in Missoula, Montana, reported., the sugar hill district of Modoc During the year the records show National Forest. Scores of men 367 lightning fires, 54 of them dur- had volunteered to fight the flames. ing the past 10 days. Sparks from Forest Air patrol planes sent from railroad locomotives caused 35 Spokane to spot new fires werel blazes during the period, while hindered by dense clouds of smoke. smokers were blamed for the same number. Campers caused 21, lum- The planes chartered the new fires.d to which crews were dispatched by bering operations, 8 brush burners, truck and pack train. Hot weather, land incendiaries 12. no humidity, high winds, and thun-I der storms all fostered hundreds Thelma Lewis, Concert of new blazes not serious, but .all .T.I straining the resources of the for- Soprano, To Visit Italy esters and Timber Protective asso- For Further Training ,. s a r ciations. Old fires crept onward and addi-! tional fire fighting recruits were' sought. Citizens of some regions feared a conscription where volunteers were not available. Across the line in north Idaho the Pack River fire raged over near- ly 10,000 acres. New blazes were, reported in Clear Water, SelwayF and Nezperce Forest of Central Idaho. In Washington the Chelan fire 12,000 acres in extent, was the most; furious. Scores of fires burned! further east of this place, but re- ports indicated most of these were; not serious., Two new fires, each of 150 acres, were reported on Remmel Lake in Washington. No valuable timber was threatened. Members Of Faculty To See C.M.T.C. Campt Members of the Faculty of the University have been invited to at- tend the visitors' days at any of the various Citizens' Military Train-r ing camps in the Sixth Corps area through the courtesy of Major Gen- eral Frank Parker. These camps are being conducted t Miss Thelma Lewis, who appear- ed on the second of the summer Faculty Concerts, is one of the well known singers in Ann Arbor. In an interview with Miss Lewis she said of her musical training, "My first training was received in my home under my father." Miss Lewis comes from a musical family, her father being a choral director and her sister an organist and pianist as well as a teacher. The voice training of this young singer has been under Madame Bi- dola in Cleveland, under Earl G. Killeen, of the University of Minne- sota, and with Theodore Harrison, of Ann Arbor, for the past five years. The voice of Miss Lewis is a dramatic soprano and she appear- ed as the High Priestess in Aida when it was presented during the May Festival of 1928. She also sang in "Elijah" in 1926 and again on Sunday night, August 4, at the outdoor bowl at Interlocken. Miss Lewis received her Artist's Diploma and Bachelor of Music de- grees in voice in 1927 and 1928, and is now a very successful teach- er in the University School of Mu- sic and soloist in the Congrega- tional Church as well as doing much concert work. She was soloist at the First Congregational Church of Akron before coming to Ann Arbor. BASEBALL SCORES (By Associated Press) American League Washington 13-0, New York 9-8.1 St. Louis 8-3, Philadelphia 3-11. Detroit 5, Cleveland 6. National League New York 5, Pittsburgh 3. Brooklyn 5, Chicago 4. Milwaukee 5-6, Toledo 6-9. Kansas City 6, Columbus 2. Minneapolis 3, Indianapolis 2. "The next step in education must be to develop a coheent philosophy of life and education," said Dr. Henry Boyd Bode, professor of edu- cation at Ohio State university in an address before the Men's and Women's Education club's banquet last night at the League. Dr. Bode, who spoke on "The Next Step in Education," received his bachelor of arts degree at this University in 1897, and since that time has been professor of philos- ophy at the University of Wiscon- sin, and University of Illinois. He is one of the foremost exponents and critics of philosophies of edu- cation in the United States today. Explaining that today we live 'in an age of science, Dr. Bode pointed out that this very science has taken away the props of au- thority and tradition and leaves us to confront a spiritual situation to which we must adjust ourselves. Some time ago, he said, the church furnished a philosophy of life which resembled a yard stick and was adequate for man in all of his living and even into his dying hours, and through this philosophy, man's whole life found expresssion. Complexity of Standards Today, he continued, we have a complexity of standards by which' we live, no one of them accurate and all of them being confused. There is that type of person now on the wane, who appeals to divine authority for their philosophy of life; there is the person who justi- fies his action on the grounds of personal rights and liberties; and then there is the type of individual who looks only to the common or social good to guide his course. But, Dr. Bode points out, no one of these predominates. It is the duty of the school, he maintains, to ac- quaint the student with these con- flicts so that he will later be able to choose a definite philosophy for himself. Organized Curriculum Needed Man's ability to control his en- vironment through science is not due to any change in his itelligence he asserted, but that intelligence has learned to devise certain con- trols, differentiating between the sound and unsound inference. "Educators must take more ac- count of the need for a guiding philosophy of life," he emphasized. The curriculum should be organiz- ed, Dr. Bode said, so as to contrib- ute to the formation of a philos- ophy of life. Schools today have no program, no objective, and they do their best to cover up this in- sufficiency, he asserted. Psychologist of Little Aid In devising a plan of education the psychologist, who should be constructive in its organization, is of little assistance inasmuch as he is constantly changing his mind as to what the process of learning is, and moreover, he continued, whatj he has told us of learning is wrong or at most worthless. Comparing the American and foreign views of American euca- tion, Dr. Bode pointed out that James T. Adams criticizes that in- stitution for teaching no philos- ophy, while Count Hermann Key- serling, admits that there is a phil- osophy, but that it is wrong-it is the philosophy of behaviorism; we admire above all, technical efficien- cy. Adams, he showed, declares that America is obsessed by utilitar-. ianism which is the foe of advance- ment. He also states that the Am- erican youth learns nothing, and that what he does learn is wrong. Dr. Bode believes that Europe might stop "heaving bricks at Am- erican education," and diagnose the situation and tell us what is TEN, FLYING COURSES Students Will Take Eight Months Course at Nava! Air Station, Pensacola, Florida INCLUDE SCOUTING, RADIO Ten courses in naval aviation will be offered in the College of Engineering during. the fall semes- ter. These courses will be under the in'struction of professors of that college and Naval Reserve of- ficers of the VN Squadron 9, RD9, Detroit. There will be classes meeting two nights a week and giving two hours credit in the following subjects: structure and rigging, theory of flight, aerology, aviation history, aviation engines, air navigation, sea navigation, scouting, United States Navy regulations, and radio.- The nine months training period inculdes one month of preliminary training at the Naval Reserve Avia- tion base, Great Lakes, Ill., and I eight months advanced training at the naval air station, Pensacola, Fla. By the end of this time the student will have done more than' 200 hours of solo flying, and will be eligible for a transport license.E Seniors and graduates will be given . preference in selection. John W. Davis Secretary of Labor, will lecture here later in the month. Tenta- tive arrangements have been made by the local chapter of the Loyal Order of Moose. UNIVERSITY TO OFFER I Has 24 Cylinders It was sent from the Philadelphia navy yard to Annapolis today and at that time general details of its construction were revealed here. The tiny blue racer is a middle blue wing monoplane of 26/ feet wings. It is powered with a 24 cylinder engine which develops in excess of 1,100 horse power. The twin floats of the seaplane have been utilized as radiators to cool the engine which develops an excess while it is taxiing on the water. It is the first time such a cooling method has ben empowered on an American seaplane. Finished planes have used it in modified form, but on William's plane about 80 percent of the surface area of the float has been utilized. Utilizes 48 Spark Plugs The hot water from the engine passed between the double walls of metal floats is cooled by the sea- water upon which the plane taxis. Taxiing is one of the most danger- ous undertakings for high speed racing seaplanes because the wing radiators furnish insufficient cool- ing area at low speed. The Packard "X" engine has undergone, radical changes to re- duce the funnel area and make it more efficient. Its four carburators and intake manifold have been placed in the V's between the upper and lower bunk of cylinders. The propellor has been geared down and the compression ratio of the engine raised to about 7 to 1. There are 48 spark plugs and 4 distribu- tors. Mie. Frantz And Son Conclude Concert Series In Brilliant Piano, Voice Recita an interview with Valentine Vindt yesterday afternoon re- ing the production of the three nal plays, "The Joiners," by ur Hinkley, "The Rockers," by R. B. Buchanan, and "They by R. L. Askren which it was >unced would be presented in a Mendelssohn theater next day by the classes in the Play uction department, it was de- ely stated that the plays would be produced. was, in the opinion of Mr. it, "that the students had ed too hard all summer to be d to put on another produc- that it is too close to the ex- ation period to ask them for a work, and that it would be in this area for the purpose of giv- ing selected young men throughout the states of Illinois, Michigan and Wisconsin an opportunity to re- ceive a course of military instruc- tion and training, as well as to pre- pare them for greater civic re- sponsibilities. Frank criticism byj civic reWsentatives, clergymen, educators, and others is invited in order that these camps may be made Qf the greatest possible value not only to the country but to they individual attending. Camp Custer, at Battle Creek, will hold visitors' day on August 14; Fort Brady, at Sault Ste. Marie,l By C. Alexander Askren Last night's concert in Hill audi- torium closed the summer session series of Faculty concerts with a recital by Dalies Frantz, pianist, and his mother,- Mme. Amelia Frantz, soprano. The first part of the program was given over to an "opener," a very dainty and delicately toned Scarlatti number, Pastorale and Capriccio, which showed clearly the influence of the early period of the piano. In its delicacy and insignificance of tonal and sub- ject matter it proved itself to be written for the harpsichord, and Frantz's interpretation of it ag was sympathetic and restrained. The more important number of the re- cital was the Brahms arrangement of the Variations and Fugue on a theme by Handel. In itself the Va- riations was rather a bad number; it was a trifle boring and not quite as coherent as it might be. Of course a certain amount of inco- herency is to be expected in such a number from its very concep- tion, but there was lacking the tra- ditional treatment by connecting adjacent episodes. The fault for this does not lie so much in Frantz's interpretation as with the compo- sition itself, although the recital- ist's attack of the subject served to heighten the effect. Frantz at- variations too much so that the essential content, the continuity, suffered because of his too dyna- mic and bold interpretation. There was power in the pianist's concep- tion of how the composition should be played and this he showed by his blunt and well struck notes in the bass and the left hand throughout. Indeed this was the distinguishing feature of Frantz's technique during the whole pro- gram. It makes for power but at the same time it becomes a bit wearirome and monotonous. The vocal numbers by Mme. Amelie Frantz justified thoroughly her wide reputation in the East; in fact, she was the "hit" of the concert being recalled to give three encores. The choice of selections were admirably suited to Mme. Frantz's high soprano voice, es- pecially so the first number that she sang, the "Care Selve" from Atlanta by Handel. She is possess- ed of a register that is much high- er than is usual on the concert stage and which becomes purer and more beautiful the higher she goes. Her deeper songs were just a trifle strained but were possessed of a sincerity for tones that make the strain forgivable. Next to the "Care Selve" the Strauss selection, Aller- seelen, was the best of her songs, August 17; Fort Sheridan, Ill., August 12; and Camp McCoy, at