PAGE TWO THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAIL\ TUESDAY, AUGUST 6, 1929 PAGE TWO TUESDAY, AUGUST 6, 1929 ip umtmer This method has come over to America and has found a foothold M ir I #a tfl t aat Harvard, Dartmouth, and a fewl of the other Eastern colleges. It has not found its way in any true Published every morning except Monday form into the West. Michigan, the Board in Control of Student Publications. might add to its present prestige The Associated Press is exclusively en- and power in the academic worldj titled to the use for republication of all newsIifins dispatches credited to it or not otherwise iwere to inaugurate this sys- credited in this paper and the local news pub- tem in some of the less success-! heful courses on the campus as an E~ntered at the Ann Arbor, Michigan, {experiment. The resulting benefit postoffice as second class matter.ex ri nt Th rsuigbnft Subscription by carrier. $; by trail might be well worth the trial. $2.0, Offices : Press Building, Maynard Street, 0__ Ann Arbor, Michigan. EDITORIAL STAFF THE LAW PROFESSION Telephone 4925 It has been a favorite indoor .About Books - A CIVILIZED EXPOSITION CIVILIZATION: An Essay, by Clive Bell. Harcourt, Brace & Co., New York. 1928-$2.50. (By Courtesy of The Print and Book Shop.) In a readers experience there are certain writers who compel a read- ng. It is not necessarily the sub- ject matter of their work that en- forces attention, nor the brilliant manner of the presentation througl' style. And yet the charm exists which will command a reading for material that may be quite foreign to the reader's favorite preoccupa- ions. Clive Bell is one of these. To iz entify the attraction as MANAGING EDITOR LAWRENCE R. KLEIN Editorial Director..........Howard F. Shout Women's Editor...........Margaret Eckels City Editor ...........................Charles Askren Books Editor............Lawrence R. Klein Rnrs Edltnr . .-.. --q Car wll Swg~n sport with a great many people for years to denounce the legal profes- sion and all concerned with it as being rotten with graft, crooked- ness, and whatnot. Few have tak- ......or jn en the trouble to examine the rec- charm suggests literary style. In Night Editors ord of the American bar to attempt this case the identification is mis- Howard -o'. Shout Walter Wilds i S. Cadwel Swanson Harold Warren 1to justify their statements. The taken, for although Mr. Bell's style Charles Askren true American legal profession- is a fluent and lively means of Ben Manson ~itns L-.dru Davis excepting always the shysters who communication, the appeal is es- Ross Gustin Margaret Harris are found in every business- has sential outside this field and de- Dorothy Magee William Mahey etbihdfrisl eodo Paul Showers Marguerite Henryestablished for itself a record of serves closer analysis. More deft- Deirdre McMullan Rhea coudy honorable and just dealing that nitely it may be called a point of BUSINESS STAFF might well be the envy of the most view. It pervades his manner of Telephone 21214 saintly of its critics, presentation, and it illuminates his Some years ago a publishing choice of material for presentation, E Ahouse in San Francisco dealing ex- and the title that comes most aptly BUSINESS MANAGER Iclusively in law books and' law of- is "civilized." It is distinctly a com- LAWRENCE E. WALKLEY fice supplies was burned down, all pliment to the subject matter that Assistant Business Manager............Vernor Davis its records being destroyed. A large this is so. Publications Manager................Egbert Davis amount was owing the firm at that For in his analysis of civilization Circulation Manager............Jeanette Dale time by attorneys all over the he begins with a definition of it as Acusage.....-. .country, and the publishing house I an attitude. To quote directly: ____ _sent a letter to them individually "Civilization, if I may risk a not -TUESDAY, AUGUST 6, 1929 explaining the situation and asking easily defensible metaphor, is the ------ them to pay what they owed. A flavour given to the self-expression Night Editor,.HOWARD F. SHOUT year or so later the company pub- of an age or society by a mental at- ---- - --lished a statement to the effect titude: it is the colour given to so- AN OPPORTUNITY I that every cent which had been cial manifestations by a peculiar An outstanding topic of conver- outstanding was, as far as they and prevailing point of view." sation in academic circles lately could estimate, paid in to them in And with this definition in mind, a very short space of time. though he does not enunciate it at has been the satisfactoriness of the The foregoing, of course, is but once from a desire to examine first lecture system of class-room in- one example of the way in which what civilization is not, Mr. Bell struction which is in vogue today. the legal profession has maintain- returns to the Greeks for a study Proponents of other plans admit ed its high standards. But there of their examples. En route, he ex- the historical background of the are many modern instances espec- plores the England of the war lecture system but contend that ially of members on the bench, jur- period for material to illustrate .his changed conditions and new prin- ists. With all the criticism to indictment of individuality. Per- ciples and objectives in education which the Supreme Court was sub- haps his treatment of this phase of warrant a change in teaching jected during the trial of Harry his material more particularly com- methods. Sinclair, oil magnate, it might be mands for him the title of civility It is common knowledge that lec- called to attention that it was the than any other. Certainly it is dif- t'tring as it is practised in most I Supreme Court that forced him in- ficult in matters of such immediate of our colleges today has lost much to jail, and that it was the juries concern to maintain the scale of of the power and effectiveness that of citizens who worked the other values straight. But his analyses of it once had. Several reasons might way. the stupidities the English permit- ioe a d.ned eal r es s bu ightn- Recently the Connecticut Su- ted themselves out of patriotic fer- preme Court of Errors threw all vor-and we all admit now that the essary to mention only a few, for the state's legal machinery into English were not the only dunces- example: that average students in! serious confusion when it invali- are so delightfully done, with the this country are not voluntary dated, through a test case, 1,493 care of a serious mind and the seekers after learning and hence laws then in effect in Connecticut. lightness of a balanced personality must be prodded to the task, that One of the acts disqualified was who realizes the comic danger that professors are no longer "called" the act increasing the salaries of lurks in profundity, that he com- to their work and often have every the very judges who voided it. The mands recognition for his title. other ability except that of giving constitution of the state required Considering the paragons he has interesting lectures, that courses the governor to approve all bills chosen, and examples which are which are not properly lecture within three days after the close generally conceded-the fourth and courses have been placed in that of every legislative session. This fifth centuries B. C. of Athenian category much to the difficulty of had not been done by governors for civilization, the period from 1375 both the instructor and the stu- many administrations, and as a to 1527 in Italy, and from 1660 to dent. Added to these is the fact onsequence all the laws which 1789 in France-Mr. Bell arrives at they had approved after the time his basic formula. of changed conditions in a changed limit were subject to invalidation Iis uir t. civilization. The process of learn- by the courts for unconstitution- uIt is unfair to th formula and ing is no longer the leisurely, ab- ality stkmentobal.yBel te frpace, sorbed one that it used to be; it Instances could be added to the statement baldly: in the first place, has become a serious business to be list, but they would only tend to because the formula is already ac- prosecuted much the same as any; complicate. What remains is the cepted among many people-un- other line of endeavor-always, of actuality of a just, honorable fortunately, however, by those who course, with an eye to the ideals.1American law profession. The crit- do not need it as an ideal but who There is a tension and hurry about ics would do well to seek a field use it themselves as a practical iti brought on probably by the rap- where crooked-dealing really ex- ethics-and in the second place, be- id-fire activity of modern life ev- ists, and not one where the high- cause Mr. Bell presents it so charm- erywhere else. For this reason a est ethical standard has been main- ingly and so richly in his essay that more effective, certain, and affirm- I tained, albeit against constant de- it loses the force of connotation. ative method of teaching would structive influences working from with which he has managed to vit- seem to be necessary. the outside business world. ; alize it. And the net result of a se od anecsamr a sbald statement is just that sort of Oxford and Cambridge, abodes!arato,,hra r Bl' uc both of the lecture system, began EI a reaction, whereas Mr. Bell's func- some years ago to cast about for Editorial Comment tion in writing is distinctly that o a new plan to be used in those of baricrying in the wilderness courses where lecturing was not SOLACE FOR MATH FLUNKERS. The formula is in two parts; the practical. As a result the new sys- (From The Daily Illini) first is a sense of values, and the tem has begun to encroach even second an attitude of reasonable- into those places where the lecture College students who have strug- ness. From these Mr. Bell points method was supposed to have a gled through math courses only to out that in previous eras there firm hold. The plan in operation see Phi Beta Kappa aspirations go haft'beenRĀ° ,,)_1T' o'r givnt th hasj beenJ.C4*i "a fLavu ikVe tok th TYPEWRITER REPAIRING All makes of ma- chines. Our equip- ment and person- nel are considered among the best in the State. The result of twenty years' careful building. Q. D. MORRILL 17 Nickels Arcade Phone 6615 Our Na-me and H istory IS YOUR SATISFACTION OR NO CHARGE 1dh REEN E' G~Cleaner and Dyer Phone 21548 All Work Insured Against Fire and , Theft ii'O h, pleasedo s m t in f do0 soetin! IMAGINE Dix talking on the screen for the first time. Helen Kane singing songs that are posi- tively upsetting. Louis John Bar- tels ("The Show-off") and Ned Sparks furnishing endless laughs in one big comedy that is nothing short of superb! Also KENTUCKY JUBILEE SINGERS BELLE OF SAMOA WITH CLARK AND MCCULLOUCH Get the Wuerth Habit fii Now Showing Wuerth Now Showing I, W- - m u .... ,.. A a fs r ' s,,,,. At J i j .0.A a : ,I . K _ w 1 1} I . 4i L Electric Is( Cooking JOOL 1 , i f amounts to nothing more than by the board when their 'math turning the teacher into a combin- 'grades were announced, may gain ation adviser and reference library; some slight comfort from the re- he does 'not attempt to foist his cent heretical statement of a Pa- ideas onto the student bu't instead cific Coast mathematics professor. directs his disciple's study and re- The Western teacher is creditect search along lines that will be most with saying that educators may as likely to produce ideas. Thus the well concede that there are some result of the university training is excellent students who can never an individual who has gained in grasp elementary mathematics and the course of his study not the who should be excused from col- carefully prepared conclusions and ! lege math requirements. beliefs of the professors under In every mathematics class there self-expression of an age or so- ciety" and that these have been the informing guideposts to that men- tal attitude which achieves civiliza- tion. But unlike Athenian civiliza- tion, which was based on a large population of slaves, Mr. Bell sug- gests a possible social structure which could achieve all of the ad- vantages of the present democratic tissue while enriching it and secur- ing it by application of the criti- cism and rational approach in- herent in the formula given. The missionary spirit is strong in Mr. Bell's writing. In places it be- comes less zealous and more didac- tic, with the result that it becomes tiresome to the reader familiar with his idea and excites at the same time the fear that he foreigner for whom such didacticism is designedC N summer, the heat of an ordinary oven makes thekitchen almost unbearable. Elec- tric ovens are liberally insulated, and the in- crease in kitchen temperature when the oven is in use is hardly noticeable. The heat is kept inside where it is needed-one of the several reasons why electric cooking is efficient. You can enjoy electric cooking in your kitchen now. Con- venient time payments and a liberal allowance for your present cooking equipment make it unusually easy for you to own a modern electric range. Come in and inspect the many attractive models. THE DEROIT '< EDIS ON COMPANY whom he studied but ideas andj principles that he has discovered' and thought out for himself. The merits of the plan are obvious; there is given an added indepen- dence, initiative, ability, and sensi- tiveness. The student emerges from his educational coccoon free from all the swathings of forcibly is usually one student who sor- rowfully informs his instructor that he "can't get mathematics." The cruel disbelief on the part of the professor which greets this wail is a hated memory for many stu- dents. It is reasonable to believe that certain students are not capable of