SUNDAY, AUGUST 4, 1929 . THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY 7 . PAGE THREE WAGNER ENDS TWENTY t _ _ WORLD CRUISE PLANNED FOR GERMAN ZEPPELIN - -.-. y . . . YEAR S' OK ON NOVEL Of OLD SPANISH ERA CRITICAL EDITION OF OLD BOOK TO BE PUBLISHED THIS MONTH USED THREE MANUSCRIPTS Texts Found in Madrid Archive Used in Preparation of 'El Libro del Cualler Zifar' As a result of research covering a period well over twenty years and representing an outstanding achievement of its kind, the first part of a two-volume, critical edi- tion by Prof. Charles P. Wagner, professor of romance languages, of the earliest known Spanish novel, "El Libro del Cauallero Zifar" or "El Libro delnCauallero de Pios," is now in the final stages of prepa- ration and will be published with- in the next three weeks. This first volume, which contains the text of the early work, is not yet bound, but has left the printer as unbound' copies of the book are proving very popular with an advanced class of graduate students which is being conducted by Professor Wagner during the Summer Session. ' Although this is not the first edi- tion, of the old work, it is by far the most complete, being based up- on the three extant manuscripts of the medieval tale, the oldest of which was unknown until it was brought to light by the investiga- tions of Professor Wagner. Working on a clue which he found in a note, Professor Wagner earthed in the archives of the li- brary a manuscript dating from the fourteenth century, the earliest known copy of the old romance of chivalry. After this discovery there followed years of intermittent la- bor, the task being carried along J July Failures Show _I Increase Over June Bradstreet's for August 3 reports that July failures in number show only a slight increase over June and over July a year ago, but a number of bank suspensions in Florida swelled liabilities to the largest aggregate since January, 1924, when western bank suspen- ILASS IFIE ADVERTISING TYPEWRITING AND MIMEO- GRAPHING promptly and neatly cone by experienced operators at moderate rates. College work a specialty since 1908. E. D. O. D. MORRILL 17 Nickels Arcade I 0-- * o" a pss "'a+ena . *"' STA R T FAAKi 'LOSANGELES, Us US. Map showing route of proposed around the world cruise of the G any's air fleet, now on its second journey to this country. The tou r TEXAS STUDENTS HELEN WILLS ADVIS TO HEAR HUANG PRACTICE FOR. (Special To The Daily) "A simple life and tennis three AUSTIN, Texas, August 4-Sum- or four times a week are certain mer students at the University of to make one extremely healthy-_ Texas will have an opportunity of I that is, if one has no physical dis- hearing a Chinese Lindbergh on ability that prevents him from tak-j August 6, when Major Tien Lai Hu- ing exercise," said Helen Wills in ang will deliver two lectures on the: a recen* article in the Saturday campus, according to I. I. Nelson, Evening Post magavine. "If one is chairman of the public lectures beginning to play, one should start: gradually and allow the muscles committee. At five o'clock Major that are unaccustomed to the new Huang will talk on "The Mass Ed- exercise to limber up," she con- ucation Movement in China." His tinued.+ subject for the evening address at Miss Wills makes it a rule never the open air theater will be "Chi- to play more than two sets of ten- sions were a feature. THE RAGGEDY ANN BE '.... .. THERAGGDY AN BEUTY The total number of failures, as' SHOP OFFERS A reported to Bradstreet's Journal Marcel at 75c; Finger wave at $1.00; for July, was 1,581, which marks an Permanent wave at $8.50. Dial 7561. FRIEDER HAFEN.increase of 8.6 per cent c 'r July a MC U R AE year ago and of 3.5 percent over eMACK fTUTORING AGENCY *i, i July, 1927, but a decrease of 4.5 per 310e h t { cent from July, 1926. Liabilities to- 310 S. State St. Phone 7927 taled $102,093,490, which was 59 per TYPING DONE--English, French, cent in excess of June and three German, or Italian. Mrs. F. F. times those of July a year ago, Isbell, 426 S. Division. Phone while 14 percent in excess of July, 6946. 32, 33, 34, 35, 36 1926._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ raf Zeppelin; the pride of .Germ- There were considerably more TYPING-Theses a specialty. Fair will start from Lakehurst, N. J. failures in the southern group than rates. M. V. Hartsuff, Dial 9387. w in July a year ago, and slightly - -- . ;more than a year ago in the cen- LOST 3ES CONSTANT : tral west, in the northwest and in WANTED-At once, an agreive BEGINNING PLA YER the Pacific coast and Mountain states, while there were slightly salesman for new business. Ex- nis a day. This prevents over-fa- fewer in the middle-Atlantic group cellent opportunities for a pro- tigue and staleness. Aside from and the same number in New Eng- ducer. For mformation and in- following a simple diet which ex- land in July of both years. Liabil- terview write, Box 209. eludes alcoholhand tobacco, and ities were considerablyaheavier in FOR SALE getting nine hours of, sleep five the south and the Pacific coast _________ __ nights a week, she has no definite group, and slightly heavier in all FOR SALE-Canoe. in good condi- training rules. other groups. For seven months tion. Price reasonable. Call 3509 "Tennis is a game that one plays of this year, failures number 12,151 for information. pleasantly and agreeably when one and liabilities aggregated $404,083,- FOR SALE-A 7-passenger '25 finds players with whom one en- 862, a decrease of 3.2 percent in Marmon touring car. Excellent joys playing," she explained. "If number, but an increase of 22.2 condition. Very cheap. Mrs. it is taken seriously so that train- percent in liabilities over a year Harold Trosper, 924 Baldwin. ing seems necessary, then it seems rago. Telephone 9824. i t that the game has assumed an im- portance that is not in keeping with the sport." . . na's Contribution to World Cul- ture." Major Tien Lai Huang is enroute to California where he will confer with a committee planning a trans-Pacific flight to China with him as pilot. A year ago Major Hu-I ang began his world tour in his " " rvn « ri*to " wt r l i n - L 4 HALLE R S STATE STREET JEWELERS At Liberty Street LANE HALL TAVERN The Choicest of Wholesome Food's in addition to the regular duties of plane, "spirit 01 canton, uoig av- the class-room. The work consist- iation research work. He has been in ed in comparing this oldest text South America, Mexico, and Eur- with the well-known manuscript ope as good-will ambassador. At in the library of Paris which dates the end of his flight in California from the fifteenth century and is recognized as one of the finest ex- he will have completed 50,000 miles. amples of illuminated manuscript When his tour is ended, Major Hu- -having probably been made for ang will write a book on aviation. a member of the royal family-and Besidbs being one of the most with the only extant copy of this noted representatives of modern same text which was printed in Seville in 1512. The problem was China and a leader of the new gen- to approximate as nearly as possi- ( eration, Huang has been an officer ble the writer's original text by in the Chinese Army, a director of comparing the differences existing the Chinese mass education move- in the three existing copies. To ment, an adviser o! the Chinese do so, much more work than a good roads movemen,, chairman mere transcribing of the best pass- and director of the movement for involved, for, since each copy was promotion of public health, an or- ages of each of the three texts was ganizer of industrial education in separated from the other two by a North China and a delegate to the period of a century, each one re- League of Nations at Geneva. He is presented a distinct stratum of the an alumnus of Peking, Syracuse, language and rhetoric of the people. and Columbia universities. ti .( ' E i t 1 1 E _ I Repairing SPECIAL Watches Jewelry Mrs. Anna Kalmbach ORDER WORK II It !1 l NOW PLAYING Greater Movie-Now Lets Go --f High in the Mountains Alone! A BLIZZARD RAGING AND Here aestory that promises you a new form of entertain- ment. Appointments WHAT A DAY AESOP'S FABLE PARAMOUNT NEWS A NOVELTY POT POURRI 1 SOON NORMAN KERRY in "'THE WOMAN I LOVE" 7:1 9:00 35Sc 4 50c 10c Special Chicken Dinner WIL L N OT ONL Y P LE A SE Y OU, B UT Y OU R F RIE N DS A LS O yii '1 11 11l 11 1 l 111111 111111111111 111 11l 1111Ullt i l ll i ll 1111111111 11111 11111' lli l lil iilil 1 1 1111111 111 111 1111 il l !! 1111 lllllillllll lll ll ll l THE SPECIAL EVERYDAY SPECIAL Luncheons and Si CieDinners Served Dinner STEAKS and CHOPS Served from 11:30 to 8:00 "Only the Best" r t wr ' r. . i m m