I 40"rc; 4 r lt'u mm r THE WEATHER Fair and Cooler. 4 AUF MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. X, NO. 36 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, AUGUST 4, 1929 PRICE FIVE CENTS STUDENTS WILL VISIT JACKSON TO INSPECT INDESTRIESOF PRISON WILL SEE DINING HALL, CELL BLOCKS, AND RECREATION GROUNDS OF PRISON MAY USE STUDENT CARS LEADS FIGHT CDR, DAVIS DISCUSSES 'UNIVERSITYHOSPITAL SUGAR SENA TOR AIRSHIP !RADIOS "ALL IS WELL" ADVANTAGESOF 6- EDUCA TION SYSTEM JUNI)R HIGH PLAN ALLOWS ECONOMY IN EQUIPMENT, ADMINISTRATION ESTABLISHES CLINIC IN DI[TETIC DVISON NEW DIETOTHERAPY UN.T AMONG FIRST OF ITS I KIND IN COUNTRY IS AGE RANGE IS TOO GREAT WILL TEACH CHILDREN I C Department Has Dealt with 12,000 Is Last of Summer Excursion Daily Lift of Prisoners To Observed by Party Series Be Answers Received on QuestionnaireC The last of the excursions spon- sored by the University for the convenience of summer students will be held .next Saturday. The party will visit the Michigan State prison at Jackson, leaving at 7:45 a. m. from in front of Angell hall, and travelling in special buses chartered for the occasion. Anf students who possess cars and would prefer to use them in the trip to the prison may do so, ac- cording to a communication froml Carlton Wells who will be in charge of the trip. It will be necessary, however, for any who avail them- selves of this privilege to meet the party at 9:00 o'clock sharp at the head of Mechanics street in Jack- son. The trip this year will include the prison industries and it will be possible for the members of the party to gain first hand informa- tion regarding the handling of the prisoners at a large state penal in- stitution. The monument factory! where only long term convicts are employed due to the difficulty of the work and the necessity for highly skilled hands will first be' visited. The textile mill for the produc- tion of courser fabricssuch as overalls and the auto plate plant where all state automobile license plates are made will next be vis- ited. The bindery twine depart- ment should prove of interest since it is by far the most successful of the prison industries. The state l constitution provides that no arti-1 cles may be manufactured in thek prison workshops the chief supply ! of which comes from within the" state. This clause has somewhat restricted the development of pris- on industries and has directly led to the specialization in those arti- cles not etensively manufactured{ in Michigan. Some conception of the daily life of the prisoners will be gained by an inspection of the cell blocks,s dining hall, and recreation grounds.- About an hour and a half in all willj be spent inspecting the prisonI after which there will be given an opportunity for asking questions of the official who has conducted theI party through the prison. The ....m ni1 ",- - 1>;-A- A1- Sent to 100 Superintendens, 1 Patients of Institution; N Basis for Report Will Care for Outsider ' +-"The Advantages and Disadvan- A dietotherapy and health tages of the Six Year High School" has been established at th was the topic discussed last Friday versity hospital under the s night by Prof. C. O. Davis of the sion of the department of di education school in an address at according to a recent ann the dinner meeting of the week ment by Dr. Harley A. Hayn end conference in the Union. rector of the hospital. Th The points presented on both clinic satisfies a distinct sides of the question by Professor which has become manifestc Mantis Van Sweringen Davis were obtained in answer to It is one of the first of itsk Young railroad magnate, who questionnaires sent out to 100 su- be established in the hospi with his brother, Oris, is leading perintendents of schools on the 6-6 the country. the fight for a four system railroad plan of organization. The dietary department h merger in the East. Provides Economies many years dealt with pr Among the advantages provided affecting the health and n by the six year high school is econ- ment of some 12,000 pati MOTHER, SON TO PL omy made possible in building the institution. Heretoforer equipment and administration, the vision had been made fort IN flQIIP MCONCIITduplication of officers and furs- commodation of outpatient Stions often being averted. An en- those referred to the hospita Sriched program of studies can be outside sources. The new cli Final Re- the students, he said, which fill this need in addition tor cital of Summer Includes Selec- can be presented in an. integrated ing other services. tions by ScmrIlat des rainge sequence and continuous curricu- The possibilities for devel tions by Scarlatti, Grainger lum. This arrangement, he point- of the dietotherapy clinic ed out, makes possible better train- educational organization a DALIES FRANTZ TO PLAY ed teachers for the lower gra ?es. most illimitable. The large Moreover, he said, this service is ber of children in the wa The last concert i the series of conducive to participation in many especially susceptible to inst summer recitals given under the t extra-curricular activities which it along this line and may be auspices of the School of Music as is not possible to have in the 8-4 the principles of nutrition an part of the University series of plan.. The plan -also provides for their food habits material better supervision, allowing the roved. Cases of nephritis summer school entertainments, professionally minded instructorse profssinall midedulcer, diabetes, and epileps will take place Tuesday night, Aug. to work in the fields for which they well as rickets, anemia, 'co 6, at 8:15 o'clock, when a program are best suited. ., oe of vocal and piano numbers will Under such a system, he explain- nd and undit maydaoveea be provided by two splendid mu- ed, departmentalization can be ef- and underweight may all b sicians. Mme. Amelie Frantz, dra- fected and promotion is made by dietheapplication of princ matic soprano, whose artistic inter- t h th bAdetotherapy. mai spanwhs atstcine-subjects rather than by years. A Finally the instructiono pretative ability has been enthu- superior school plant can beamain- Fens, te medcat siastically acclaimed by Serge tie o h eet n ihl dents, especially medical stt satcly acaie y eg tamed for the seventh and eighth ;and the members of the staf Koussevitzky, conductor of the grades in the 6-6 plan, making itandthem ersesthe Boston Symphony Orchestra and easier to maintain high standards rtoneofthndapuutec iets heIoDle rnz ration of therapeutic diets a; her son, Dalies Frantz. The finished art of Madame for teachers and single salary. serving of food to normal n Frantz is well known in the United schedule, Dr. Davis said. cases will be the peculiar p States and Germany. Possessed of Centers Responsibility of the clinic. Eventually it i a truly magnificent voice, the like- The need which children of the ned to further extend its fa ness of which to that of Mme. seventh and eighth grade have for to give bedside instruction Schumann-Heink has so often been men teachers can also be taken patients of the hospital. remarked, she has developed this care of since it is much easier to At present there are three natural gift to a degree which, with hire men for tliese grades in the bers of the staff engagedi her years of experience on the con- junior high school. Responsibility), rying on the work of the cert stage, has placed her in an is centered for the program and Edith M. Sauers, director+ enviable position among the fore- results of the school. A stabilizing clinic, a student dietitian, m influence is exerted on both the student nurse, most singers of today.olean yogrpuisnth Dalies Frantz has won distinc- older and younger pupils in-the1 tion as a concert artist and has school plant. This type of organ- Ed t Clubs appeared in many cities of the ization makes it possible to hire , C lonai. United States with great success. better trained principals. School Plan joint Ban Boston, New York, Philadelphia, spirit and morale are promoted; Chicago and other centers have heard him with admiration while the gap between the elementary and The annual banquet of th his numerous appearances in Ann the secondary schools is bridged, Education and Women's Ed Arbor have won for him many making for better retention. Local clubs will be held Tuesday n friends locally. His pride is stimulated. 6:30 o'clock in the ball room friendlocaly.Hisappanceon The enlarged school plant and +to snna,;.,,,r;+b i~ Women's League buildinf vow rs h clinic e Uni- ,upervi- etetics, ounce- nes, di- ie new t need, of late. kind to itals of has for roblems ourish- ents of no pro- the ac- ts, or al from nic willE render- opment as an are al- num- Reed Smoot Senator from Utah, who senting the administration's the "sliding scale" sugar ta gument in the Senate. STUDENT P!LAYS -APPEAR ON, PRD( Original Material To Be Y In Private Presentati of Play Production DIRECTION BY STUD TO AMERICAN STATION. OPPOSING HEADWINDS HAVE RETARDED PROGRESS CONSIDERABLY SPEND THIRD DAY IN AIR Sporting Whales Furnish Amuse- ment for Air-Liner's Passengers Who Miss Cigarettes BULLETIN (By Associated Press) NAVAL AIR, STATION LAKE- HURST, N. J., Aug. 3.-The Nation- al Broadcasting company through its wireless receiving station here at 5:15 Eastern Standard Time to- day received a message from the is pre- Graf Zeppelin giving its position at side of that time as approximately 1,400 ,riff ar- miles from Lakehurst. The message gave the position of - ithe dirigible as latitude 47, longi- tude 37. The message was repeated three times. ILL,~TedrgbeGa eplna (By Associated Press) The dirigible Graf Zeppelin as Sunday approached, was making a beeline across the last reach of the eatured broad Atlantic with the hope of on making New York by noon, at the earliest estimates. The opposing winds which have retarded her during the march of )ENTS her air voyage had lessened but there was a prospect that squally aced by weather with rain might be en- will be countered near the American shore. nal stu- At 9:29 p. m. (Eastern Standard be pres- Time), Saturday, the third whole at the day was completed in the air so a week that it appeared that the total ne per-- voyage would require at least 90 hours. The 1928 flight took 111 esented: hours because of storms. nan, a, As the giant airship narrowed Produc- the gap between her and the shores ng the of the United States, radio con- in dra- tacts with American stations grew nducted more frequent and more and more , assis- often came the message of reas- ; "They surance, "All well." nd "The The passengers, according to di- Hinkley, rect messages to the Associated enrolled Press, were in no hurry to land al- during I though it was :apparent that their rds are The final bill to be prod ruction Play Production this season taught composed entirely of origii nd have dent-written plays and will I ly im- ented in a private program gastric Lydia Mendelssohn theater nsy as from Tuesday night for o nstipa- formance only. rweight Three plays are to be pr e aided "Rockers," by Mrs. Bucha ples of student at present in Play, tion and connected duri of stu- school year with the class udents, matic writing, which is co ff, em- by Prof. Kenneth T. Rowe prepa- tant professor of rhetoric; and the Too," by R. Leslie Askren, a utrition Joiners," by Arthur M.1 rovince both authors having beenE s plan- in Professor Rowe's classes acilities to all mem- in car- clinic. of the and a. iquet! e Men's ucation1 ight at of the g Dr 3 grourp will arrive back in Anni Arborj airon no n. ; . t t l 1 t i t 1 1 1 his occasion with i s distinguishledfnnilsupr emisbte Round trip bus tickets for the mother will add an interesting financial support permits better Boyd H. Bode, professor of educa- Run tr bustaickbet frm the moer ll addh an teatreting laboratory and library facilities for tion at Ohio State university, will excursion are obtainable in room 9 personal touch to the attractivechlrnitejuorigsho. University hall, and should be se- program which is being built for children in the junior high school- be the principal speaker. Dean J. cured before 6 o'clock on Friday. the occasion. Dr. Davis pointed out. The teach- B. Edmonson of the education -___ing load can be more evenly dis- school will act as toastmaster. COLLECTION OF REPRESENTATIVE tributed among the various mem- More than 100 different persons bers of the instruction staff. The have attended the meetings of the PAINTINGS NEEDED, SAYS ROBBINS pupil in the junior high school is Women's Educational club during better prepared for advanced sec- the Summer Session, and the Men's ondary work by being put more or club records a membership of wei Governor Green recently in- Although a water color may be' less on his own initiative. Faculty over 250. itiated a ma'vement for a statd used as a true test q Jan artist's members are able to draw up a owned herd of fine cattle which ability it is still the easiest form more effective guidance program AVERAGE STUDYC would be used as an example for of art for the amaeur to engage in. under this plan than is possible in the farmers of the state in their It is only necessary to get water the 8-4 system. IS SUPERFICIi efforts to improve their own herds. and paint and go ahead. This Junior High Obscured ! What the Uinversity needs at the makes it a very suitable form for IMany of the superintendents re- present time is a 'herd' of water the person who has very little time Most of the people who study paintings which would instruct for art but would like to give some plying to the questionnaire of Dr.psychology college do so very 1Davis reported that they found pyhlg ncleed ovr the student and arouse the interest attention to it. superficially, such is the belief of of the public in this and other Dr. Robbins believes that there and that their organization was Dr. Martha Guernsey, assistant forms of art." Thus spoke Frank is much interest in art in Ann andchatmterlorgay niz atinwas D.Mrh ursy sitn E. Robbins assistant to the presi- Arbor, although this interestis much more closely knit than is professor of psychology here. "Their dent and amateur painter, in an rather confined to certain objects commonly found in the old plan of interest abates very quickly," she interview yesterday on art in gen- such as etchings which are very elementary schooling. Moreover, added, "when they discover that it eral and the Architectural school popular with local residents. Oils ta ho ogenethat this plan permit is necessary to study biology, neur-I exhibit of water colors in parti- and water colors on the other hand dentsology, and anatomy before they can cular. are not so much appreciated. The d pptsd Expressing the opinion that wa- late Carl Braun who was president opposed to the some 23 points have a complete understanding of ter color more nearly shows the of the Ann Arbor Savings bank, reported in favor of the 6-6 plan, the meaning of psychology." artist's technique and is a better was very much interested in art the strongest of these being that , Althugh there appears to be no test of his originality and skill than and had a large and very complete they serngs tese beingd that ,evident difference in the amount any other form. Robbins went on collection of paintings. The pres- many superintendents believed that of class interest and application to explain some of the problems ent; dean of admin tratiori anlt i the range of ages in the junior- anto elate from his ponex acting desidn tiverasin i senior high school was too great, displayed by men students and by and to relate from his own ex- acting president of the university,,,.w ...--...-( 414 the past school year. first demand at Lakehurst would be "Rockers," a fifteen minute study fer cigarettes. The inflamable lift- in the contrasts between the actual- ing gas rates smoking out during ities of life and the spiritual values, the flight. Meanwhile the guests will serve as a curtain-raiser for =muse themselves by watching "They Too", which is a two-act play whales, the Leviathans of the deep, presenting a study in the simplici- sport below them. ties of Middlewestern life and the conflict in the small town milieu betwen the masculine pursuit of ambition and the female effort to EL fulfill the domestic functions. "The Joiners," is the comedy which won the prize d ythe one-act NSERVICE play contest sponsored by the divi- sion of English during the second semester of the past school year. It "The resurrection of a soul ito is a broadly written satire on the a higher life through penitence and fraternal instinct and carries bur- sacrifice" will be the theme of the lesque fun in every line. "The sermon to be given by the Reverend Joiners" also appears in the book Allison Ray Heaps at 8:00 o'clock of "Michigan Plays" which was tonight in the Lydia Mendelssohn published by George Wahr for the theater of the Women's League University two months ago. The building and sponsored by the Stu- comedy has been produced by the dent Christian association. "Resur- Ypsilanti players and by a Play rection," by Leo Tolstoi, the famous Production group in the Detroit I Russian novelist, is the story wAhich Civic theater. will be discussed in this connection. All three plays will be directed I The Reverend Heaps intends to il- by students in the Play Production lustrate his lecture with colored classes of the Summer Session. tdes frjlm the movie bearing the sanie name )F PSYCHOLOGY lHe has made a hobby of select- ming certain scenes from well-known AL-DR. GUERNSEY moving pictures, having them col- ored and then using them as a gaged in the actual teaching of I basis upon which to build his lec- gaged m he "Ofcouaste"cshengx-tures. For several summers the psychology. "Of course," she x- IReverend Heaps has traveled for plained, "this may be due to the chautauqua showing the slides and fact that psychology, being a study telling the story in his own words. of advanced nature, is not taught The attempt is being made to in the secondary school. But wo- discover the type of service which men who have the necessary train- ing can find many openings in psychiatric work and in social serv- ice clinics. However, although thel demand for women psychologists is great, most of the girls entering the field lack the fundamental biological background.' Dr. Guernsey believes that the proposed pre-school will provide an is helpful, stimulating and valua- ble in the religious life of students. Each service is intended to vary in its nature, being built around ele- ments, which those taking part de- sire to have foremost. To this end, the service this Sunday will allow the congregation to express its opinion of what an individual at- tends a service of worship for, and second, as to what constitutes the