THE WEATHER Showers and Continued Warm. ol000, 4 r # 'ummr x ~t3Iirbig jDIaiti MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. X, NO.35 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, AUGUST 3, 1929 PRICE FIVE CENTS 1. MICHIGAN SCHOOL OF MUSIC CLOSES DOORS' A S SEPARATE SYSTEMi MARKS COMPLETION OF FIFTY YEARS AS DISTINCT INSTITUTION i HOLDS RECORD GERMAN DIRIGIBLE EX TRA{CURRICULAR, IS REPORTED OVER ACTIVITIES USEFUL, EASERA lroC SAY SPROF GLASS GRAF ZEPPELIN WILL CARRY ROLLINS COLLEGE EDUCATOR MANY MAP PORTFOLIOS EMPHASIZES SUCCESS OF FOR WORLD HOP SOCIAL TRAINING NAVY FURNISHES CHART ELIMINATES SELFISHNESS Navigation Maps Cover Every Foot To Give Practice in Art of Living IsI i SPONSORS MAY FESTIVAL First President Was Henry Frieze to Whom the Hill Auditorium Organ Is Dedicated When the University School of Music closed it's doors yesterday it completed 50years as a separate unit and becomes a part of the University of Michigan in Septem- ber. The University Musical Society was organized in 1879 and since that time has carried on two lines of musical endeavor, namely, in- struction through the University School of Music, and providing concerts. This organization has also sponsored the Choral Union and the yearly May Festival. All the functions of the Musical So- ciety will continue, under the same management as heretofore except- ing the School of Music which, while under the general direction of the Society, will be subject to the approval of the Board of Regents. The first president of the Society was Henry Simonds Frieze to whom the organ in Hill Auditorium was dedicated. During his presidency he was also head of the Latin de- partment of the University. The succeeding president was Professor Alexander Winchell, also of the University faculty whose famous octagonal home was located on the present site of Hill auditorium. In 1890, Professor Francis W. Kelsey became president and served until his death in 1927 when Charles A. Sink came to the presidency which was at this time made an active office. Has Had Three Directors Three musical directors have been in office since the beginning of the School of Music. Calvin Cady was the first person to act in this capacity followed by Dr. A. A. Stanley in 1889. Upon his death in 1921, Earl Vincent Moore was ap- pointed acting director and in 1923 became musical director which post he now holds. Beginning this fal-l, there will be two types of students, the matri- culated and non-matriculated or special students. The first class must 'meet all the requirements of the regularly enrolled student in the University and will be candi- dates for degrees of Bachelor of Music and Master of Music and will also be entitled to all the privileges of the University as the League, Union, Athletics, etc. The special students are not candidates for graduation and will include profes- sional musicians from other cities who come here for special work, and who cannot devote all their time to study, and younger stu- dents not of university age who will bear the sam relation to the Uni- versity as pupils of the University High School The regular tuition fee of the University covers all ex- cept the work in applied music, which is greatly reduced from that formerly paid. Regular Faculty Continues The faculty of the School of Music has been appointed to the University faculty as follows: Chas. A. Sink, President; Earl V. Moore, Musical Director, and Professors Al- bert Lockwood, Theodore Harrison, Samuel P. Lockwood, Palmer Chris- tian, Hanns Pick, to assistant pro- fessorships, James Hamilton, Mabel Ross Rhead, Maud Okkelberg, A. J. Whitmire, and to Instructorships Nell B. Stockwell, May A. Strong, Nora C. Hunt, Edith B. Koon, Mar- tha Merkle Lyon, Donna Esselstyn, Margaret MacGregor. Nicholas Fal- of Ground To Be Traversed in Circling Globe x:. ::::; :;:;(By Associated Press) The huge air liner Graf Zeppelin was hitting a rapid clip as she sped across the Atlantic on her second voyage to the United States today. At 7:30 this morning (eastern time) she reported to the radio d station at Casablanca, Morocco, that she was 600 miles west of Gi- Mlle. Maryse Bastie braltar. Of France, has secured the wo- She was headed toward the Azor- man's continuous flight record by S staying aloft 26 hours and 46 min- es, but it was not certain whether utes at Le Bourget air field. she would pass over them or would skirt them on a northwesterly course. The last previous report was at 2 o'clock this morning, when the dirigible reported her position to and said that weather conditions Report Showing Specialization of were "good." Graduates, Places English, Histor NextWASHINGTON, Aug. 2-On the Graf Zeppelin flight around the HAS 98 MORE THAN 1928 ~vorld which is to begin at Lake-! hurst next week, the airship's pilotj released yes- cabin will contain three portfolios According to figures reisdys of maps, charts and guides to nay- terday at the office of the Summer ogapsnchrshadyhe yde - Session showing the department of igation furnished by the navy de- specialization of students registered partment which will cover every in the Graduate school, the educa- foot of land she may traverse from tion department is the largest with the time she strikes the American 468 students, an increase of 98 over coast and until she leaves New last year. The English department England for her final return to with 119 is followed closely by the Germany. history department with 109. The At the request of the Zeppelin latter department records an in- company, the hydrographic office crease of 26. of the navy, collected in two days Mathematics, with 80 graduate a total of 120 maps, these includ- students, is among the leaders. ing 62 aerial strike maps, the maps The speech department has 75 of thirty-seven states, a relief map graduates enrolled in its courses of the United States, and 20 navi- and shows a gain of 22 over last gation charts. One portfolio con- year.Sixty-two persons are special- tains lighthouse and radio beacon izing in zoology. Other of the larg- guides, and new navigation tables er groups are chemistry, botany, for mariners and aviators which Latin and Greek, rhetoric, library are considered the last word in science, physics, psychology, physi- their line. ological chemistry, romance lan- guages (increase of 23), sociology, economics, hygiene, bacteriology, geography, and German. Those departments with only one graduate student classified are art, classical archaeology, physiology, roentgenology, and semitics. Valuab;e Aim in Preparing Boys and Girls for Citizenship Expressing his belief in the suc- cess of the junior high school in its program of social and citizenship training, Prof. James M. Glass of Rollins college in speaking at the School of Education's week-end conference yesterday, stated that this type of school is effective in breaking down the selfishness .of children and accustoming them to accept sacrifices. The school holds its greatest in- fluence in conducting extra-curri- cular activities which are also known as allied or collateral activ- ities, he said. These activities com- prise the second or objective factor in training, coordinating agencies in the secondary school, he ex- plained, the other being the sub- jective factor in which literature and the social sciences are taught, developing the attitude of mind, an ideal which is to be translated into action by the objective branch. In a very great degree, Professor Glass stated, the junior high school has been able to' change the con- sciousness of its pupils from a "my" and "mine" attitude to "our," by giving practice in the art of living, its comparatively easy success being attributed not to the youth of its subjects, but to the degree of dif- ference between the two ages. 'An activities pilogram relieves the new professionally-minded teachers of routine to do better the work they are trained to do.' Pro- fessor Glass said. Stressing the importance of placing responsibility on students to make them realize that they are a necessary part in an important system, the speaker said that thc home room is the "greatest institu- tion of free self government, great SONG HIT CAUSES E RIOT IN CHELSEALEADER AE SGRGAESF Hits and more hits and not a home run in sight, however, in this1 case hits are not applicable to the popular American sport-but, all. came about through the song "hit" I S HEL ON IN ATE -"Sonny Boy."'-C The song,'Sonny Boy," made a LEADERS ARE SEGREGATED FOR hit with Frank Reed, Chelsea, who ; PREVENTION OF forthwith applied the appellation MORE RIOTING to his young son. In a similar manner, Irwin Wagner, also of MAINTAIN HEAVY GUARD Chelsea, step-father of Reed, chris- tened his pet dog, Sonny Boy.' ; Broken Windows in TwoCel;-Hlouses The cognomen made a "hit" with:; Act as Silent Evidence of both dog and boy and the twoi Convicts' Wrath would respond when their "name"' was called. Sometimes Wagnerl (By :Associated Prsess) would get his stepson's son when LEAVENWORTH, Kan., Aug. 3.- he called his dog which wasn't so Unrest among prisoners smouldered bad, but when Reed called his son, under the surface here today, but Wagner's dog would put in an ap- was held in check by stern measures pearance. of prison authorities who announc- When Wagner refused to change ed no further outbreaks were ex- the dog's name, Reed extended his pected to follow yesterday's mutiny arm and "hit" Wagner in the optic. in which one convict was wounded. Justice Jay H. Payne in court yes- Leaders of the convict uprising terday got across the final "hit" of were singled out and placed in the series when he "hit" Reed's close confinement to prevent con- pocketbook for $10 and costs, after tinued action. Wagner hailed his step-son into j Under surface there was little court on an assault and battery evidence of the spirit of the revolt charge. which flamed yesterday but an un- i .i ;1 When last heard from both boy! and dog were still "Sonny Boys.'I TH. REED TO CONDUCE1 ROUND TABLE MEE1TING Leaves for University of Virginia Where He Will Lead Speaking On American Democracy TO CONTINUE TO EURIOPE. Prof. Thomas H. Reed of the political pcience department and director of the bureau of 'govern- ment left Ann Arbor yesterday af- ternoon to go to Charlottsville, Pa.,I where he will conduct a round tablel at the University of Virginia dur- ing the next two weeks. The round table, sponsored by the Virginia Institute of Public Af- fairs, will have as its topic, "Dem- ocracy as Operative in America." Prof esor Reed is to be the leader. dercurrent of unrest invaded the institution. A heavy guard was maintained throughout the day. Broken windows in the two large cell-houses flanking the main en- trance were the only visible signs of the damage wrought by the riot- ing convicts who fought with their guards yesterday and vented their. feelinga by destroying prison prop- erty. Convicts Suffer Real suffering again was ex- perienced among the convict popu- lation from the extreme heat which was believed to have been a factor in causing the yesterday's flare-tip. Built to accomodate 2000 in- mates, the prison houses more than 3700 convicts. Prison officials ex- pressed a belief that over-crowding was the underlying cause of the outbreak. Sanford Bates, superintendent of Federal prisons, said in a statement at Washington, that the congestion in federal penal institutions had resulted in a grave situation Ap- I propriations from Congress were in its simplicity, great in selfishness-the voluntary der of some selfish motive common good." its un- surren- to some C Z a S T REQUESTS_ORROM The session next Monday will be needed, he said, to relieve the situa- concerned with "The Nature of tion and to extend prison industries Democracy," followed on Wednes- so that convicts could be put to day with "Democracy as a Means of work. Selecting Rulers," The third ses- Austin H. MacCormick assistant sion of the round table will discuss ( superintendent of federal prisons, "Democracy as a Means of Settling was ordered here to conduct the in- Issues." vestigations into the mutiny. Opening the second week of dis- Meanwhile a demonstration broke cussion the subject of "Democra- out in the laundry. This was cy and Administration" will be con- quelled without great difficulty sidered. The last two meetings of and the men were locked up. the series will study "Alternatives Rioting In Mess Hall to Democracy: Monarchy," and The heaviest rioting occurred "Alternatives to Democracy: Dicta- later when the first group of pris- torship." An open forum on Tues- oners were brought into the mess day, Aug. 6, will have as its topic, hall for the evening meal. Table "Has the Majority a Right to ware was hurled around about the Rule?" room and there was a general up- Profesor Reed will not return to roar. Some of the convicts seizing Ann Arbor before he sails for Ant- knives and forks for weapons while TO HOLD CONVOCATION The second All-University service will be held in the Lydia Mendels- sohn theater, Sunday at 8:00. The service will be carried out accord- ing to a definiteatheme built around the famous story of Tolstoy and named "Ressurection." The serv- ice will include singing by the con- gregation and by Mr. Theodore Trost of the Congregational church. Mr. Nichols of the Methodist church will render the music. Slides from the motion picture in- dicating the philosophy graphically will be shown while the message is delivered by Allison Ray Heaps of the Congregational church. This type of service is new and offers an opportunity of worship through inspiration and thought. BASEBALL SCORES (By Associated Press) American League Philadelphia 11, Detroit 10. Boston 3, Chicago 2-(10 innings.) Cleveland 9, New York 8. Washington 5, St. Louis 3. ' National League. Cincinnati 3. New York 2. The six meetings of the Univer-- Though applications for footban sity's third annual Health Institute tickets are being refused at thet series brought 228 different persons athletic offices the demand for' to Ann Arbor during the summer rooms to be occupied during foot- expressly to attend the health con- ball week-ends at the Union indi-F ferences. The institute's sessions cates that the 1927 crowds will be were open to all persons enrolled in matched this year. the University in addition to those Applications for 100 more roomsN paying the special fee for the se- than are available have already ries. The gross attendance, those I been made for the week-end of coming solely for the lectures, was November 9, when Harvard comes 368. to Ann Arbor, and it is likely that I One hundred and fifty members hundreds more will be received. A attended only one institute, 48 long waiting list is also in prospect were at two, 17 at three, three at for the Ohio State game during four, one at five, and nine indi- the October 18 week-end, applica- viduals attended the entire session. tions to date being double the Of these nine, there were three men building's capacity. Demands for and six women. accommodations will also be beyondt The number of nurses attending the Union's capacity on NovemberI far exceeded any other profession 23, the date of the' Iowa game, only| represented there being 143 nurses two rooms being left now for that] enrolled. Of the other professions, date. there were 41 members of depart- Expectations are that the Har- ' ments of health, eight food inspec- vard game, the outstanding battle tors, seven nutrition workers, five on this '~year's schedule will bring directors, and tuberculosis associa- to Ann Arbor even more visitors tion members, instructors, superin- than attended the Illinois game tendents of schools health super- last fall. At that time every avail- visors. able room was filled and many One hundred sixty-one of those were forced to go to nearby towns attending came from Detroit, eight to obtain overnight accommoda- from Flint, six from Lansing, tions. The unusual early demand Northville 5, Pontiac 4, Battle Creek this year is being made largely by 4. Highland Park 3, Saginaw 2, Ann pastern visitors, although many we~rn from New York on August 17. others tore off legs of tables to use [ 1 T C t I k While in Belgium, he will formally as clubs. receive the Order of Leopold, re- Warden P. B. White appeared cently conferred upon him by King and attempted to reason with the Albert of Belgium. rioters, finally succeeding with the On the Virginia trip, Dr. Reed i aid of guards, in getting them in- was accompanied by Mrs. Reed and to the prison yard. The majority son, Eugene. of the convicts went to their cells voluntarily. Those who refused SAILS TO EGYPT were driven into cell houses. by guards armed with shot-guns. There was pandemonium i h Sailing from Boston promptly at!g T e wa s ae p in tlre noon Sunday Mr. Enoch A. Peter-j two big cell houses as prisoners tore non ofUniv y o. EMchian er off fixtures from the cell galleries, son of University of Michigan Nearsmsd widg prd oA East Expedition, will leave for Eng- smashed windoh3, pried loose lan onhi wa t Egpt hee h Ibricks which they hurled at the land on his way to Egypt where heguards and fought hand to hand p la n s to ta k e u p th e w o rk as D i- ! u t h ,t h eurtkneprs r f the irity with their keepers recorof hUniversitv Dig and I Camp p at Karanis in the province of the Fayoum. Peterson has been connected with the University Expedition for the last three years, serving last sea- son as director of the operations. In England it is his plan to com- plete the most of his preparations' and then continue on to Egypt in the early part of September after ROAD NEARS COMPLETION (By Associated Press) SAGINAW, Aug. 3.-Construction work on both ends of the Saginaw- Bay river road is virtually finished and only a three mile gap remains in the road, which will probably be completed by Oct. 15, according to an announcement made here by