PAGE EWO THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, AUGUST 1, 1929 w 121ittpxmediate and serious must be met1 with quick and drastic action. The 1r4i ga n v ad'government must intervene. The trouble arose out of a threat- ened wage reduction of twelverand Published every morning except Monday a half percent which the organized during the University Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications, workers refused to accept. The em-I The Associated Press is exclusively i ployers on the other hand, state titled to the use for republication of all news that unusual depression in their dispatches creditedrto it or not otherwise business necessitates the reduction. credited in this paper and the local news pub- lished herein. i Both sides have their points in the ntered at the Ann Arbor, Mih iright, and on this account, the de- Michigan,- postoffice as second class matter. cision will be all the more difficult. Subscription by carrier. $x.5o; by mail However, if the action taken by Offices: Press Building, Maynard Street, the new party is as well plannedI Ann Arbor, Michigan. and constructive as were those which the party has taken already, EDITORIALTe eSTAFFithere is little reason to expect any- Telephone 45 thing but a solution and a wise MANAGING EDITOR one. 0- LAWRENCE R. KLEIN Fditorial Director.........Howard F. Shout UNOFFICIAL ADMINISTRATION Women's Editor..........Margaret Eckels CitykEditor.... ............Charles Askren President Hoover has shown him- Books Editor........... Lawrence R. Klein self to be a progressive adminiis- Sports Editor..........S. Cadwell Swanson Night Editors trator in his recent move for the Howard 2. Shout Walter Wilds investigation and betterment of S. Cadwell Swanson Harold Warren child welfare in America. The pro- Charles Askren arsssn ject is to be supported almost ex- Ben Manson Ldru Davis' Ross Gustin Margaret Harris Dorothy Magee William Mahey Paul Showers Marguerite Henry Deirdre McMullar Rhea Goudy clusively by privately donated funds, and for that reason the in- tervention of federal authority in- to the affair makes it an experi- BUSINESS STAFF ment in social legislation. Telephone 21214 Not since the time of Roosevelt has anything in the nature of so- BUSINESS MANAGER cial legislation been attempted.t LAWRENCE E. WALKLEY The famous Bull Moose platform of Assistant Business Manager ........Vernor Davis 1912 was the last advocation of so- Publications Manager.... .......Egbert Davis cial welfare work by the federal E Circulation Manager...........Jeanette Dale I government. Accounts Manager..............Noah Bryant This is undoubtedly one of the <400- 1most unique steps in recent admin-s THURSDAY, AUGUST 1, 1929 istration, and much good can bep expected to come of it. America since the war has been charged1 Night Editor-S. Cadwell Swanson with /scientific concentration on -- ignoring its social responsibilities. THE RED AND GREEN However, such activity on the part Once more the state is closing its of the federal government is op- books for the fiscal year with a posed by many as being an invasion number of large red letters on the of state rights. The chief execu- left side of the ledger. According tive has very adroitly sidestepped to the auditor's report, the next this question by financing the in- legislature will again be asked to vestigation from outside sources pass a deficiency appropriation while at the same time giving it such as the one two years ago when the background of government au- Gov. Fred W. Green was given an ,thority,,. extra $4,660,000 for a deficit in his There can be no disputing th, administration. - fact that child labor, congestion in The auditor general said that he cities, and poor health conditions had no idea where the money would: all over the country have created be found, and then added, "But we a definite and serious probiera in will get it somewhere. We always child welfare which could not be have." The truth of the last state- adequately taken care of by any ment can be testified to by any individual or private enterprise. An one of the state's tax-payers, but official status had to be given the they have no doubt as to the lo- affair and the chief executive wast- cation of the somewhere. ed no time in furnishing that. The However, there cannot but be enterprise deserves recognition as some doubt as to the efficiency of one of the first constructive move- a state government which for sev- ments on the part of the federal eral successive periods has been un- ? government purely for the public h dll the fir of the welfare. About Books THAT PHANTASM, THOUGHT THE ART OF THINKING, by Ernest Dimnet, 1928, Simon and Schus- ter, New York.-$2.50. (Courtesy of the Print & Book Shop) April of this year Simon and Schuster issued the ninth edition (10,000 copies) of this panacea for intellectual ills, thereby bringin the total number of copies to 76,000 and posing some interesting ques- tions about the American mind. Perhaps the most important of these questions is the reason why so many Americans bought the book. 76,000 copies puts a book in the best-seller class. It would seem too strange to think that so many people bought the volume for the amusement to be found in it. The alternative remains; that Ameri- cans are becoming very thought-, conscious. A cynical mind might be tempted to add that this con- sciousness is similar to all the re- cent advertising fads, like the two- car idea, of~ the linoleum floor craze. A little acquaintance with the best-seller-reading public pre-, cludes the possibility that America has suddenly gone intellectual in earnest. That would, in fact, be a trifle premature considering that justification for American foibles such as gang wars and Zane Grey has emphasized that this country is in its budding youth and not responsible for all its actions. What seems to be the charm that sells the book lies in two things. One of these is psychological. Its beginning is in these vague cranial rumblings that the serious minded pioneer notices soon after supper when he is at leisure. Further ex- perience suggests that perhaps he is on the verge of thought. The Romanticists have taught that thought comes spontaneously, out of a pure life. Its birth becomes a matter of importance, and M. Dim- net is hurriedly sought to act in the capacity of midwife. The trouble is that what hap- pens thereafter is not that thought is born, but that a phantom takes its place, a trifle illegitimately. This obstreperous usurper is the child of man thinking about thinking; not of a man thinking. The poor Am- erican has became conscious now, both of what Mr. Fleischman's yeast will do to him and of what M. Dimnet's book promises-with the inevitable result that Mr. Fleischman is more successful than Mr. Dimnet, for the phantasm is persistent and crowds out thought in favor of merely thinking about i. "Maybe the audience would be grateful if I stepped to the footlights some night and voiced the above protest about the 'coughing chorus' down in front. "But that wouldn't be kind and it wouldn't be just. The cougher doesn't cough in public on purpose. He can't help it. It embarrasses him as much as it annoys his neighbors. "What he needs, to avoid that throat tickle; is an introduction to OLD GOLDS." (SIC .ED) **4j, Why not a cough in a carload? OLD GOLD Cigarettes are blended from HEARTJEAF tobacco, the finest Nature grows. Selected for silkiness and ripeness from the heart of the tobacco plant. Aged and mellowed extra long in a temperature of mid-July sunshine to insure that honey-like smoothness. ------- - 1111 _ _- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i University of Michigan Plays By UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN STUDENTS With introduction by Prof. Louis A. Strauss and edited by Kenneth Thorpe Rowe of the University of Michigan, S1660 "Tolks, how can I make Whoope, up here . . . when down in front the coughers' are whooping?" WAHR'S UNIVERSITY BOO KSTORE __________________________-.____ I MI ,,. yI. I.; -1 T~\f ii I*__ _ _ _ .' able to nnaiinn e e a people withoutsinvolving them in a: financial tangle. Auditor-General Fuller blamed the present deficien- cy and also those of the past fewt years on the accounting division system and on the administrative board. It seems strange that Gov- ernor Green has not seen fit to alter the arrangements for super-! vision of finances at the capitol for it has been well known that the state has been "in the red" with few interruptions since 1921. Il rnntrom nf. csranditr n t. Campus Opinion Contributors are asked to he brief, confining themselves to less than 300 words it possible. Anonymous com- munications will be disregarded. The names of communicants will, however, be regarded as confidential, upon re- quest. Letters published should not be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of the Daily. FINIS To the Editor: It seems to me that in the welter of discussion regarding the recent, action of the Board in Control of A prgra oL x eaitir n ' Student Publications .a fundamen- state institutions has already been tal fact is being overlooked and started and is expected to cost $6,- the discussion is taking an unfor- 000,000. While there is nothing on! tunate turn. the list of proposed repairs and ad- With the publication of Prof. ditions to the institutions which Rowe's well tempered, letter the is- seems unnecessary there is certain- sues raised by my resignation seem- ly some basis for wondering that ed completely dealt with. What the legislature should make its i1has come up for discussion re- theregisalatureprcently has merely been that which original appropriations for state is after all a question for personal expenses from $6,000,000 to $10,000,- opinion and decision-my compe- 000 less than what was needed. tence as a critic. I fear that this There must be waste or extrava- question is not one that can be de- gance somewhere, and, as Auditor cided in the public prints. General Fuller intimated, the But I am certain that an effort source of the inefficiency seems to to do so, inevitably recriminating lie in the accounting division sys- as ittends to be, will work ius- tern and the administrative board. ? tice to the major. parties involved o _in the original issue. I believe that we must not forget that Play Pro- THEIR FIRST PROBLEM duction, under the guidance of Mr. Premier MacDonald and his La- Windt, has risen from comparative bor government have been faced obscurity and very real poverty to with their first national crisis - Ija position of great respect and con- half a million cotton-trade workers siderable financial power, and this ar tancasnire have gone on strike, rise has been honestly won. With Whether or not the government it has also come a new cooperation will be able to heal the breach be- between the Speech and Rhetoric tween the workers and their em- departments, and for the first time ployers, and the methods which it in years student playwriting has will take in the attempt are the been coordinated with student pro- difficulties now confronting the ,ductions. party in power. Such development will continue Unquestionably, unemployment regardless of the minor personal and poor working conditions were problems that arise in its course. the matters occupying most at- For that reason it seems to me the tention among the national prob- better part of theatrical enthus.- lems of the Laborites, but a con- asm to forget partisan tirades and structive and gradual program had direct the energy toward support- been expected to remedy the situ- ing the splendid progress Play Pro- ation. Now all this must be thrown duction has made this year. lt. The other appeal in the book is much more legitimate. It is in the delightfully flexible and rich style that M. Dimnet has brought to his volume, and in the rich se- quence of well chosen incidents he has collected to make his points onI the mental activity. In fact, M. Dimnet is so skillful in these departments that un- doubtedly much of the sales-ap- peal must be -laid to this factor. His most abstruse paragraphs are as readable as a novel. And the in- cidents are chosen from the simple life, written so unobtrusively, that they make the simple man feel himself in communication with a philosopher who is giving away, gratis, the secret of his success-! which has always proven a succes- ful lure to the aspiring. It would be unfair to M. Dimnet to explore the doctrine of psychol- ogy, and philosophy which he ex- pounds so helpfully. Essentially it is Romantic. Thought is a natur- al function; it comes, God given, as the result of a pure life, and can be stimulated by further pur- ity. Much of this purity can be attained by going to bed early and exercising regularly. And so the pronouncement goes on. But in fairness. to M. Dimnet it must be said that there are some good things brought out in the coui'se of his dissertion. He makes some very penetrating analyses of popular ideas and idea systems. Education, both in this country and abroad, comes in for some very level headed criticism; the popular attitude toward books is decried for its unthinking amusement seek- ing; and the intellectual attitude is anatomized for its persistent triviality. Electric Cooking Is So otiless ,. . A: N ELECTRIC RANGE suipplies pure heat, with- out smoke or flame. with an electric range, cooking utensils are fr ec from soot, and kitchen walls and curtains pare easily kept clean: The dirt and discomfdrt of cooking with fuel is now unnecessary. Electric cooking saves labor because of its modern cleanliness. You can enjoy 'electric cookingfin your kitchen So w, Convenient time payments and a liberal allow cnce for your presen. -,cooking equipment make it unusually easy foryou to own a modern ..electric range Come in and inspect the many attractive ridels. THE DElaTROIT- E ILI S ON ( 3 I