TUESDAY, JUNE 25, 1929 THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY "A"fE bbvWN TUESDY, JUE 25,1929 HE SUMER MCHIGA DAIL PUBLIC HEALTH GROUP{ KING UP GEORGE'S SPE POLICY OF MA rL 1 4 7 LONDON, June 24- Parliamentr convenes Tuesday for the first time since the general election of Mayi 30, which returned a Labor plural-s Public Health Institutes Open With ity to the house of commons andj Record Attendance On First brought the fall of the governmentv Day Enrollment of Stanley Baldwin, Conservative,t and the accession of that of Ram-E say MacDonald, Laborite. TO RESUME MEET FRIDAY The meeting Tuesday will be ac more or less perfunctory matter,k Seventy-three persons attended merely for the purpose of swearing in member=, with interest centered the first of six special Public on next Tuesday's session, whenf Health Institutes held last Friday the speech from the throne, reads and Saturday, thus setting a new by Lord John Sankey, new lordt record for opening enrollment at chancellor, will be read. these lectures. The next Institute This speech is awaited with un- will be given next Friday and Sat- usual interest, since it almost sure- ly will reveal a number of impor- urday. tant subjects, such as Anglo-Amer- Various phases of public health ican conversations, the RhinelandX were introduced at the first ses- evacuation, relations with sovietc sion. Health education and pub- Russia, unimployment measures,. licity were discussed by Miss Mar- May Tackle Housingu jorie Delavan; new public health Among other things, the new1 was treated by Dr. John Sundwall. Labor government is credited withE In the- afternoon meeting, which the intention of tackling the wholeE followed a luncheon at the Union, question of slums and housing, es-i medical and public health work in pecially provisions enabling work- ers to obtain houses within reach disasters, the control of diphtheria of their incomes. This lack in the and the importance of heart dis- past has long been a matter of ease to health officers. complaint. Saturday's meetings were devot- Reform of the present system of ed to school health problems, ma- administering pensions will be an- ternity and infant hygiene, the other item in the government's control of scarlet fever, and other program, with the removal of cer- community and social aspects of tain alleged anomalies and injus- the public health officer. tices with regard to widows and or- 'A Complete Line of Equipment for Every Sport. Racquet Restringing Prompt Service Expert Workmanship GEO. J. MOE "SPORT SHOP" ECH TO CLEAR CDONALD FACTION' phans and old age pensions, the reform to be followed by introduc- tion of a more comprehensive pen- sion scheme. Unemployment in all its phases will be a foremost subject facing the new parliament, with the Lib- erals of David Lloyd George cer- tain to make a bid for their scheme of reducing the number out of work: by increasing public construction. Eight-Hour Day Up The matter of eight-hour days for the miners also is under con- sideration, and there possibly may be some move toward temperance legislation, although this probably will be shelved in committee rooms or with some special commission. While various matters of foreign policy are very much parliament's; concern, in many cases the admin- istration can act without special! parliamentary authorization. The program facing the legis- lators is a big one, and there obvi- ously cannot be much legislative output before the body riss forI its vacation at the end of July. Physics Department 'Presents Symposium Introducing something new in the way of summer campus activi- ties, the physics department offer- ed the first lecture of an eight weeks physics symposium yesterday morning in the lecture room of the East Physics building. These lectures are being given by men from universities all over the world who have spent years in the study of the special branches of physics on which they speak, and are of immediate interest to those whol have done or are doing advanced work in that science. ADVERTISING TYPING-Theses a specialty. Fair rates. M. V. Hartsuff, Dial 9387. c FOR RENT-4 room furnished apartment with bath in an at- tractive home on west side with- in walking distance of campus. Dial 4661. No. 1, 2, 3 FOR RENT-4 room furnished apartment with bath in an at- tractive home on west side with- in walking distance of campus. Dial 4661. No. 1, 2, 31 WANTED TO RENT during sum-' mer session furnished lower apartment or small house. Reply to Edwin M. Boyne, Muskegon Junior College, Muskegon, Michi- gan. WANTED-Graduate student or working woman to share small apartment. Mrs. H. R. Jones, No. 14 Jefferson apt. No. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 WANTED-Married student couple to keep house for an elderly man. Phone 6541. WANTED-Young man desires roommate to share apartment for summer. Convenient to cam- pus. Dial 3671. No. 2, 3, COMPLETELY furnished apart- ment-Also large double room for women. Dial 8544 or 9714. 422 E. Washington. No. 2, 3, 4. TEACHER OF PIANO AND ORGAN -formerly on School of Music Faculty. 610 E. Liberty. Phone 3566. r I i a I L LER'S STATE STREET JEWELERS At Liberty Street Repairing Watches Jewelry SPECIAL ORDER WORK 314 S. State St. Two Stores 902 S. State St. (Cor. State and Packard Sts.) Ih. 'i /O 004ompm "Ann Arbor's Original Sandwich and Coffee Shop" The Den anticipates with pleasure serving its many guests and new- comers and extends a cordial wel- come to all. Discount on Laundry "Cash &5 Carry" White Swan 9 I -ilIIIII -11fIH wlI__Il -rII rrII -III -111li11II11111-11-1111lllllif1111111lII- IIIII-wl-II-rrIrI 1f - 1= = r= 10 M- a =- MICHIGAIM RESTAURAN [Next to Michigan Theatre] . 11 U11111 11 l11111111i11111111111 i l I 1111111111l 11111111111il 111ll i 111ll i 111l 11!' ll r r r w r r Allow Us to Serve You 1108 South University Opposite Engineering Arch LAUNDRY CO. We're Across from the Majestic Theatre 0II,a IL *tl"'I ... ... ... .. ... ... .. ... ... .. ... ... .. .... - --- -- --- --- -- --- --- -- --- --- -- --- --- -- -T - 7 T MICHIGAN UNION CAFETRIA -." :. ., ' . : :.. Where Good Food and Good Fellows Meet 7 A.M. t o"P. M. OPEN TO ALL MEN S to 7:30 P. M. =i 1u