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July 27, 1929 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1929-07-27

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r___________________{IL{1{V 1 "' '

Explains That Refusal of Clearance
Papers to Liquor Boats Would
Not Stop Rum Flow
(By Associated Press)
OTTAWA, Ont., July 26-Solutior
of the problem of liquor smuggled
from Canada into the Unite
States, in the opinion of W. D. Eu-
ler, minister of national revenue
rests entirely with the Americar
Declaring that virtually 100 pe
cent of the smuggling is by Unite
States boats, he suggested in a
statement published today that the
most effective means of combat-
ing the situation would be adopt-
ed by the American government of
clearance regulations for all boats
leaving the United States shore.
If this were done, the Canadiar
government would be "quite read
to consider any further reasonable
measure of co-operation."
"If Canadian citizens and Cana-
dian boats engaged in the traffic,"
he said, "the Canadian government
would be prepared to enact legis-
lation dealing with the matter, but
surely some responsibility for the
actions of their own citizens rests
with the government of the United
Clearance Required
He pointed out that all vessels
leaving Canadian ports carrying
merchandise, including liquor,
must obtain clearances and that
clearance to liquor boats cannot be
refused except by act of parlia-
He declared he opposed the -n-
actment of such legislation, as it
would not'stop the smuggling, but
merely tend to corrupt Canadians.
"As a matter of fact," he said,
"according to evidence from the
United States enforcement officers
themselves, only 2 per cent to 5
per cent of the liquor in the United
States comes from Canada.
"If prohibition of clearances
-would stop this relatively small
:flow it would make little material
difference in the enforcement of
prohibition in that country. But
the refusa of clearances by Cana-
da would not stop the traffic.
Tempt Canadians
"Liquor could still be purchased
legally in fairly large quantities in
every liquor store under provincial
control. The large profits would
,probably tempt hundreds and per-
haps thousands of Canadian citi-
zens who are not now engaged in
the traffic to obtain liquor from
the stores for shipment surrepti-
tiously to the United States by
truck, automobile, camouflaged
railway cars, airplanes, and in boats
from znany places along the boun-
dary without taking clearances.
"Thus our citizens would be cor-

rupted, the traffic would be dif-
fused instead of being concentrated
in official and comparatively few
customs ports where it can be ob-
served and seasonably controlled.
The Canadian law would then be
violated if liquor-laden boats de-
parted for the United States with-
out clearance, and the duty would
.be laid on the government of Can-
ada to maintain a largely augment-
ed preventive force along the whole
.frontier to prevent and punish the1
1yiolation of the new law, a law
.ilch, after all, would only be en-
act ed to assist in the enforcement
of fule law of a foreign country."
The minister pointed out that
Canada' already had a serious liq-
uor-smuggling problem on its1
hands along the Atlantic coast.




(By Associated Press)
dent Hoover left late today for his
GOLF UARMTER-INALS camp for the Virginian blue ridge
mountains, where over the week
F. W. RYAN, UNIVERSITY STAR end he will consider the personnel
ENTERS A DECISIVE of the commission to be created in
WIN OF 3-2 the army general's to study what
economies may be effected in the
military establishment.
He took with him Secretary Good
and Assistant Secretary Hurley and
Bredin. of Detroit Wins over Cumn- iDavison of the War department.

mlinsky, and Hayes Downs
John Foley, Jr.
(By Associated Press)
DETROIT, July 26-Johnny Mal-
loy of Ann Arbor, defending cham-
pion, won his way to the semi-
finals in the state amateur golf
tournament here this morning by
defeating Russell Beaupre, Detroit
public links player, four and two.
Johnny played rather indiffer-

General Charles T. Summerall, the
chief of the staff of the army and
Col. Campbell Hodges aid to the
President also will participate in
the Conference.
GRAPHING promptly and neatly
done by experienced operators at
moderate rates. College work a
specialty since 1908. E. D.
17 Nickels Arcade

en gl ut ws nt forced to ex-
tend himself at any time, He was
ni trouble wtih his ir
is putting was exceptionally
Airplanes are the only machines pleted a record run from Cher- mer record of the Mauretania by His medal score was three over
that have crossed the Atlantic fast- bourg, France, to Ambrose Light, eghthhours ad: minutes. In- par for the first nine and five over
er than the new 50,000 ton German New York, of four days, 17 hours, catapulted from he deck of the lHe was to meet Ross Hayes of
liner, The Bremen, which just com- and 42 minutes, exceeding' the for- liner unloaded ,of its cargo of mail. Detroit in the semi-finals this after-


Detroit's much heralded advent
into the world of championship
pugilism with the staging of the
Dundee-Fields welterweight tussle
Thursday night proved something
of a fiasco. The challenger, Jackie
Fields after gaining a wide margin,
walked into a right hand punch to
the groin in the second round and
fell into the championship when
Dundee's low punch was called foul.
This much advertised battle
went just one round 1 minute
and 55 seconds. As far as we
could figure out Dundee spent
most of that time rolling about
the canvas in a manner most
unbecoming to a defending
Close to 27,000 people paid large
prices to see the title change hands
in such an unsatisfactory manner.
Contrary to expectations it was
Dundee and not Fields that had a
close shave in making the required
weight. Fields tipped the scales
at 145, while Dundee found himself
without an ounce to spare at 147.
Four University of Michigan
men willJ journey from Ann Ar-
bor to take part in the annual
state championship track and
field meet which will be held on
Belle Isle in Detroit this after-
noon. Of this number Chuck
Waldo, varsity high jumper, is
the only letterman'entered.I
In addition to Waldo, Eardley,
pole vaulter, Johnson in the high
jump, and Wolfe in the mile run.
Eardley won his AMA in his spe-
cialty, while Johnson and Wolfe
were star performers on this years
freshman track combination.

B.Dave Ward of Big Rapids, for-
THE imer title holder and medalist inthe
PO E S E Epresent tournament, was eliminated
F A S H I 0 N this noon. Francis W. Ryan of De-
(TP L A T E troit beat the former University of
(special To The Daily) Michigan sharpshooter 3 up and 2
ANN ARBOR, Mich., July 27.- to -go in the semi-finals.
Michigan produces and uses more With the Paris designers conduc- R
ting their fall openings this 'week,
than half as much electric power m University of Detroit golf team this
as all of Great Britain according forthcoming decrees which wil year, was two up at the turn.
to a comparison of Michigan power guide them in matters of fashion Ryan had played par golf up to
statistics with a report sent to the through the next months. The Ithe ninth, but shot into a bunker
U. S. Department of Commerce by most striking departure, accordin at the turning point and needed a
U. S Deartentof ommrce y gdeA , acoringsix Ward took a birdie four on
Trade Commissioner Homer S. Fox to Miss Rena Schmid, buyer of six. ar th airdie fu on
at Lndo an jut mde ublcatready-to-wear clothing for Mack'sI the ninth for the first hole he had
at London and just made public at dntr won. He captured it by running!
Swomen's department, is the ito
Washington, states Arthur W. Stace, duction of the princess silhouette down a 40-foot putt.
director of the Michigan Public in dresses and coats. Ryan got a birdie three on the
Utility Information Bureau. Advance models being shown at 336-yard sixth hole.
Consumption of electricity in Jacobson's also feature these lines. Lewis L. Bredin of Detroit shot
Great Britain in 1928 totaled 7,- Fitted waist and hip lines are se- par golf in his 18-hole match with
602,000,000 kilowatt hours, says the cured by means of bows which con- M. T. Cumminsky of Detroit andl
report. This was an increase of fine excess fullness, shirred seams, got to the semi-finals with a 1 up
10 percent over 1927. During the or slantingly cut ones. Elaborate score for the 18. He was 1 down on
past six years Great Britain's con- I treatment of skirts will continue the sixteenth, squared it on the
sumption has more than doubled,' and will also be seen on the sleeves seventeenth and captured the,
the 1928 figure comparing with 3, and cuffs of afternoon dresses. eighteenth with a four while Cum-
645,000,000 kilowatt hours in 1922. The long-predicted lengthening minsky was taking six.
In Michigan in 1928, electric pow- of skirts will be no more evident Hayes won his way into the semi-
er produced by public utility plants than in the past, except in even- final round by winning from John
totaled 4,346,637,000 kilowatt hours, ing dresses, which will develop still Foley, jr., of Detroit, 2 up and 1
according to the United States farther the uneven hem line so to play.
Geological Survey, or 57 percent as popular at present. Decolletes will
much as all the power consumed probably be more extreme. r T
in Great Britain. During 'the past For sports and campus wear RinPreventsTigers
six years, Michigan's use of electric knitted two piece outfits will again From Winning Series
power has also doubled, the 1922 be offered, with one piece wool _
por asals ou bed, the4, dresses of the type that can be (By Associated Press)
000 kilowatt hours.r NEW YORK, July 27.-Rain spoil-
Total power production in the Fall. Touches of vivid color in ed the Detroit Tigers' last oppor-
United States in 1928 was 87,849,- buttons, bows, and ornaments will tunity to end their string of de-
579,000 kilowatt hours. be much in evidenct. Velvets, too, feats at the hands of the New York
The larger use of electric power willremain in good tastesandtare Yankees here yesterday, and the
in industry in the United States l expected to be less expensive than Tigers went to Boston to engage
is ascribed as one of the outstand- formerly. the Red Sox in a three-game series.
matria isPerhaps the most radical change
ing reasons for the greater material.in hats. As a radioagaing Bucky Harris hopes the three-
-prosperity of this country as com-sm a. As a reaction against 'game series with the tailenders will
pared to that of Great Britain. enlivened costay colors that have furnish his pitchers an opportunity
__________________to strengthen their averages after
- - -(sions the past year, blacks and their string of defeats by the Yan-
browns will be in evidence shownhdy
NEWS FROM this fall. However, the browns will Ikees and Athletics
appear in many new rich shades
OTHER COLLEGES which will atone for the absence
of other colors. Two of these are
copper sheen, a lively revival of the
INDIANA.-Students of Indiana former henna, and Indian sun, a I
University have enjoyed better lighter shade merging toward or-
health this summer than ever be- ange. Few brims will be worn;
fore according to J. E. P. Holland, a few turbans and many with the
University physician. Not even a long side and back lines introduced Courueous
sign of an epidemic or a contagious this spring will be prominent. -

L 4l

Marcel at 75c; Finger wave at $1.00;
Permanent wave at $8.50. Dial 7561.
Open for Summer School
310 S. State St. Phone 7927
TYPING-Theses a specialty. Fair
rates. M. V. Hartsuff, Dial 9387.
FOR RENT-Forest near Hill; 14
rooms party furnished. 3 baths.
Double garage. Phone 5740.
FOR RENT-Large one-room com-
pletely furnished apartment for
two girls or young couple. Also
I newly decorated double for girls.
1 422 E. Washington. Dial 8544 or
FOR RENT- Unfurnished apart-
ments-upper and lower. Southeast
section. Modern. Call 5929.
FOR SALE-Late Model T Ford
Sedan. Good tires. Excellent
condition. Price $75. See owner
540 Walnut. 28

LOST-On State street between
Huron and M. Hut, gold pin
valued as heirloom. Reward.
Phone 21566.
LOST-A brown notebook with im-
portant notes and two letters
with a brown pocketbook. Re-
ward. Call 4918.
LOST--Shaeffer'shLife-time foun-
tain pen without cap. Finder
kindly telephone 8069 at 730
Arbor Street. 22, 23, 24
LOST-Dickinson's Excursions in
Musical History. Phone 6654.
Reward. 1217 Baldwin.
YOUNG MEN for advertising cam-
paign. 220 Nickels Arcade. Thurs-
day from 1 to 3.


Judge Emil Fuchs is still the
manager of the Boston Braves
according to an announcement
from the National league head-
quarters. The judge merely
passed the reins over to Rab-
bit Maranville, while he is tak-
ing a tour of the minor leagues
it was said. Maranville has re-
fused the mangement of the
team unless he is offered a two
year contract.

disease has .developed, and even
summer colds are fewer. Dr. Hol-
land attributes the fact to a good
filtration plant and chlorinated
been selected as the first assistant
coach of football at the University
of Kansas. Getto signed a years'
contract. The Pitt star prominent-
ly named on the majority of the
all-American teams as a running
mate of Otto Pommerening, the
Michigan star, in the selection of
the tackle positions.

All makes of ma-
chines. Our equip-
ment and person-
nel are considered
among the best in the State. The
result of twenty years' careful
17 Nickels Arcade Phone 6615

Main at Huron 707 North University Avenue

Mike Getto, star tackle last year
at the University of Pittsburgh has


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