PAGE 'SIX THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, JUNE 25, 192° PAGE SIX TUESDAY, JUNE 25, 192~ THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY tI The Blue of Yale seemingly never, to be denied in competition with the Crimson of her traditional ri- val, Harvard. The men of Eli have turned in another year of athletic achievement with the balance in her favor. Despite a bad start marked by the loss of the football game to the strongest Harvard team in years Yale has gained an overwhelming majority of wins over their Cam- bridge rivals in dual competition.- With the close of the school year Harvard was able to add only ten-; nis and polo victories to her suc-T cess on the gridiron.# By sweeping the annual re- gatta on the Thames river from her Crimson rivals the Eli. oarsmen have compiled a rec- ord of 18 wins in 21 races since E Coach Ed Leader took over the c coaching duties at the New I Haven institution in 1923. INTRAMURAL BUILDING POOL UV.IIANNOUNCES IN USE DURING SUMMER MONTHS . __ _ 111 SPORT BRIEFS 1 1 V 'LETTER AWARDS Captain Roberts Of Varsity Nine Receives Ninth Major Honor In Violet Sports " A total of 111 letter awards to, members of New York University Springs athletic teams was an- nounced yesterday by Albert B. . . . ' Nixon, graduate manager. Of this number, major letters went to sev- ;':} :enteen members of the varsity baseball team, twenty-nine to var- .: ,'sity track men and the captain of -..' the varsity tennis team. Minor awards were made to seven members of the tennis team, seven- Athletic activities on the campus will be open daily with exception teen lacrosse players and four var- during the summer session will be of Sundays from 8 a. m until 9:30 sity cheer leaders. Thirteen fresh- centered in the comprehensive "all- p. m. The swimming pool will be men received their numerals for sport" program which is being open to all between the hours of p.rticipation in baseball and nine- teen for their work on the track. planned by the intramural depart- 10 and 12 in the morning, 2 and Captain Arthur Roberts of the ment. The'summer's program will 6 in the afternoons and 7:30 and 1929 baseball team received his be in charge of Paul R. Washke. 9:30 in the evenings, ninth major letter, having been Summer students will have the Lockers may be obtained for the honored in football and basketball Summe stuentswillfor three successive years and in use of the newly erected Intramu- first time at the cost of $1.75. basre swcee p iy. d ime e cs o 1.75 Ofbaseball twice previously. tal Sports Building, erected last this amount $1.25 will be returned! Arthur Norton, Beryl Follett, Ed- fall, the cost of which was defray- at the end of the session. Merely ward Buckley and Kenneth Strong, ed by the profits gained in the sale A payment of 50 cents will suffice varsity football men, were also list- of tickets to Michigan's intercol- in the case of students wishing to ed for the baseball major award,I legiate competition. continue their locker privileges while Dave Meyers and Harry The mammoth swimming pool, Schneider, also football regulars, reputed to be the most attractive f m the regular session. were among the track men. Professor Miller Huggins and his World Champion Yankees failed in tendant psychological advantages, and the play of the Gothamites in th- iV b lit. lirr k thM P" f their first attempt to recover lost 'ain±I wcIo n wIAA, Une Mllni Mack were able to stay with the ground in their quest of the 1929 champs all the way and finish one American League bunting. Instead up on the boys from the Bronx. of carving away the very sizable Dopesters are beginning to favor margin the Mackian clan had been the Mackian entry. There is surely able to garner over the first third plenty of reason for the specula- of the pennant campaign the tions of the Quaker supporters. Yanks were only able to turn a per- Most any team with a hurling corps centage of .400 in against their comparable to that of the elon- leaders. gated Connie Mack, hitting Sporting enthusiasts will npt fail strength, of the same calibre to remember the gallant fight the should have little to worry about A's made for the pennant fight last with eight and one-half game lead year. However, despite a much over the remainder of the pack. better showing against the other , The Philadelphia, American teams of the league than the Yanks League club boasts unquestionably were able to make, when the two the strongest staff of moundsmen teams met the Philadelphia entry in either league. With Grove, lost a great majority of games. Quinn, Rommell, Walberg, Earn- This year the Quaker fans are shaw, Ehmke, Orwoll and others more sure of the outcome, however. available for service in the box the Despite the brilliant comeback of Macks are well fortified in this de- Ruth after a layoff, with its at- I partment. The Favorite Rendezvous The defeat of Johnny Malloy in college natatorium in the country,' the finals of the district golf tour- will be at the disposal of the men ney in the hands of Chris Brinke summer session students. The came as a distinct surprise to local handball and squash courts will, golf follower s. However with the in all probability rival the swim- former Kentucky champion better- ming pool- in popularity. ing par with regularity the Ann Tennis will undoubtedly hold the Arbor links star proved a ready favor of a great number of out- victim, 6 and 5. door sport enthusiasts. 35 well- LANE HALL TAVERN of The Ann Arbor lad, twice win- ner of the event and runner-up last year to George Von Elm, was unable to show his custom- ary form on the greens, and it was this unsteadiness which lost for him. However on the fairway and at the tee Malloy was easily a match for Brinke. conditioned clay courts and 4 hard surfaced courts will be available for play. At the present time no regulation has been required to institute the procedure of signing up for courts by the hour but it is expected that the increased num- ber of players will force the ten- nis court keepers to install such a procedure. The Intramural Sports Building I1 The Choicest of Wholesome Foods Mrs. Anna Kalmbach ,I The Human Element in Banking There is more than money and credit involved in present day banking. The human element enters. This personal contact of our officers and employees with the public, we have tried to have not only friendly and courteous but truly helpful. This endeavor, we feel is in part responsible for the success and growth of this bank. We believe you will find the service in any department satisfactory and invite you to test it. FARMERS & MECHANICS BANK ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN Member Federal Reserve System Welcome Summer Students July Clearance Sale is now in full swing. Now you can buy $40 to $55 Adler Suits for $2.975 HE I CVARSITY I I . 11 Most of these suits can ,be worn now or for Fall FURNISH-INGS-SAVINGS $7 and $8 Knickers ...... $6.40 $5 Linen Knickers.....$4.00 $1.50 and $2 Golf Hose $1.35 White and Colored Shirts.................$1.95' Straw Hat Clearance Value to $5 at................$2.45 Corenz Bathing Suits $1.50 to ... ............... $5.00 Large Stock of Solid Color Ties..........$1.18 to $1.50 Liberty 213 E. Liberty We Use Ivory Soap Exclusively I