4 THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILN FRIDAY, JULY 26, 1929 rei(.kf TWL THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAIL\ 04P itmmer fundamental safeguards of the transportation act." £ C III 4 f It is interesting to note that the Wabash has, by the nature of its petition and by the fact that it has Published every morning except Monday suggestedth inlsnofasxh during the University Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. road, shown itself to be not only The Associated Press is exclusively en- looking after its own interests but titled to the use for republication of all news also to be taking into account the dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news rub- duty to the public which any cor- lished herein. i mon carrier system must hold par- Entered at the Ann Arbor, Michigan, amount. It is the contention of postoffice as second class matter. the composert; of then ew plan Subscription by carrier. $i.5o; by mail $2.00 that the public can be adequatelyf Offices: Press Building, Maynard Street, served only by the six system ar- Ann Arbor, Michigan. _ rangement, and they have given EDITORIAL STAFF strong reasons for their belief. "If Telephone 4925 it is feasible," the document states, "to link with the Wabash a num- MANAGING EDITOR ber of other railroads in such a LAWRENCE R. KLEIN manner ast o create a system com- EdioralDirctr......HoardF.Shutparable in competitive strength Women'* Dirtor..........Hargare Ehkeut with the four other systems now in City Editor............. .....Charles Askren contemplation, (no argument) .... Books Editor............ Lawrence R. Klein Sports Editor...........S. Cadwell Swanson is required to show that public in- Night Editors terest demands that this be done." Howard 2. Shout Walter Wilds ! The tangle into which railroad S. Cadwell Swanson Harold Warren experts have been plunged by the Charles Askren Assistants necessity for a new arrangement of Ben Manson Ledru Davis the Eastern railroad lines under Ross Gustin Margaret Harris tht recent transpotation act should Dorothy Magee William Mahey Paul Showers .larguerite Henry be at least partially unravelled by Deirdre McMullan Rhea Goudy the Wabash proposal. The new BUSINESS STAFF plan has all the characteristics of Telephone 21214 13practicability and public service, which were, after all, what the transportation act was looking to- BUSINESS MANAGER ward. LAWRENCE E. WALKLEY I__ I HALLER S STATE STREET JEWELERS At Liberty Street I Free WE NEED TEACHERS = Free Registration Many Vacancies g WESTMORE TEACHERS' AGENCY = 715-716 Old Natl. Bank Bldg. Spokane, Wash. -"1 " " Repairing Watches Jewelry SPECIAL ORDER WORK I"rr,. °irr. r FREE c Merchandise at SWIFT'S DRUG STORE{ One tube of Dr. West's Tooth Paste FREE with one of Dr. West's Tooth Brush for . .. . 50c One tin Palmolive After S h a v i n g Talcum FREE with one tube Palm- olive Shaving Cream for .........35c 1 One Cody's Compact FREE with 1 Box Cody's Face Powder for .........95c One Colgate's Tooth Brush FREE with 2 Tubes of Colgate's Tooth Paste for 50c 'I *1 4r 4' 1 AT GRANGER' S TONIGHT TO THE Polar Bears . r r- Assistant Business Manager. Vernor Davis publications Manager.......- ....Egert Davis Circulation Manager...........Jeanetterale Accounts Manager......... ..Noah Bryant FRIDAY, JULY 26, 1929 Night Editor HAROLD WARREN Why ASKREN RESIGNED BRACHIOPOD TEACHERS The teaching profession comes in for a great deal of criticism from sources of all kinds. Some of this is justified and some is not, but the statements of Dr. Henry Sloane Coffin, president of Union Theol- ogical Seminary, in addressing the summer convocation at Columbia University are of sufficient interest v i In answer to many queries re- and justification to be worthy of In nswr t mny ueres e-comment. ceived at The Daily office and on Speaking of lowered educational the campus, an example of which Sang otored ecai - is printed in the Campus Opinion standards, Doctor Coffin exclaim- column of this issue, the editors eda: ". ..Brachiopod teachers are have decided that there is justifica- a u. Brachiopods are mollusk- tion for informing the readers of like creatures, the most ancient in- habitants of this planet, which The Daily and especially the many have always reproduced their own followers of Mr. Askren's column speals reprodad aneprtown the reason for his resignation. species, but never had any part in the evolution of other living crea- During the summer months there tures. ...... There are brachiopod is little material suitable for a col- teachers who transmit their own umn of the type and quality which minds butadonot stimulate stu- Mr. Askren conducted, aside from1 dents to advance human know- advances and reviews of Play Pro- ledge." duction activities in the League Possibly Doctor Coffin's comment theater, an occasional book review, may seem a little harsh, but its and the limited opportunities of- se a ittl arsh, buteits essential truth cannot be denied.' fered by Detroit drama. Hence the There are many in the teaching column carried for the most part profession today who have few discussion and criticism of Play prfsintdywo;v e qualifications for the careers they Production and the type of plays have chcen to pursue. All the they. were engaged in producing d thi smmr.weeding-out that energetic andI this summer. . . watchful supervisors and superin- rf Ch a.ett s Wadllaowln e visitinglimnat I Announcing OI Wlw J. & K. Foot-Saver Shoes are now exclusively sold at Mack & Co., these well known shoes for women are shown in the new Fall styles. A variety of unusual color combina- . 1OXFORD -. . Featured i -m.. --black and white or -" : smokedelk sk n-00 -000 o . . :°: :t :;" !deal frYour Su-Activities $ 4 4 r4-.. .... - - -. ~ ..~.. ~Formerly $585 :. $5- - COMPLETE yu pr ensemble with this "'* .. ::'~ '" ='' tailored oxford or one of our other time . . ..lo re xfr *. . .ron.f . -. - .Y tions and novelties. These are our main offered in all sizes, in proso from Crnei h, an rro. uesui vallufc VIO 11 itendents can do will not eliminate' professor from. Carnegie Tech., and the prevalence of these individuals Valentine Windt, of the speech de- and most of them do not them- partment, directors jointly of Play selves realize that they are unfitted Production activities this season, for teaching. felt t hat Mr. Askren's reviews of the proffered plays were unduly Doctor Coffin's charge should "harsh and vicious." Mr. Windt have the effect of putting. new de- asserted this when he carried his termination and purpose into the complaint before the Board in Con- minds of prospective members of trol of Student Publications at the this profession, and of stimulating invitation of the Board. The Board them to further efforts to be teach- listened to Mr. Wind't plea to some ers of ability and efficiency. There length and, after interviewing Mr. is, perhaps, too much aimlessness Askren, left open to him the deci- and inefficiency in this field toqlay. sion of changing his tactics and Doctor Coffin's criticism and others critical standardsin regard to Play of its kind are beneficial in that criicl sanars i rgad t Paythey may frhraclrt rg Production or resigning his office. tey ay further accelerate prog- Mr. Askren chose to resign. and chnge in American edu- Under the circumstances it has'cation. been impossible to find a compe- 2 80 tent man who would care to as-!2,381 motorcycles were imported sume for the remainder of the sum- into Germany last year. We wish mer the post left vacant by Mr. As- they would import a few from over kren. here-the ones with sirens on them. 0I THE WABASH PROPOSAL I Western and detective films have been barred from Bulgaria. Thank A new complication has been 1 heavens, there's some cultured taste added to the proposed merger of left somewhere in the world. railroad lines into larger systems. The plan as it had developed thus far seemed destined to result in Campus Opinion four large trunk systems: the Contributors are asked to be brief, Pennsylvania with a track mileage confining themselves to less than 300 words ii possible. Anonymous com- of 14,585 miles, the New York Cen- munications will be disregarded. The tralBoson &Albn wth amil- ; names of communicants will, however, tral-Boston & Albany with a mile-: be regarded as confidential, upon re- age of 13,324, the Chesapeake & quest. Letters published should not be construed as expressing the editorial Ohio with a mileage of 8,568, and I opinion of the Daily. the Baltimore & Ohio with a track-j age of 8,843 miles. WHY DO WE LOSE ASKREN? Now, however, the Wabash line, To the Editor: which under the proposed arrange- I noticed in Thursday morning's ment was to be divided up among Daily that Mr. Askren, your Music the other four, has petitioned the j and Drama editor, has resigned his Interstate Commerce Commission office. I have followed Mr. Askren's to considr a plan involving six reviews of books and the work of Eastern systems, adding tle Wab- Play Production this summer-es- ash-trackage of 7,044 miles and pecially the latter-with keen in- the Lackawanna-4,839 miles. It terest. I believe his critical theo- has emphasized that the merger ries and standards to be sounder into four competitive systems could than those of the average college not be the best plan. The petition critic. stated, "No four-system grouping It seems rather strange to me of Eastern territory is humanly that a young man so obviously in- possible without such merging of terested in his task and so thor- strictly competitive lines, such sup- oughly capable in its conduct pression of established identities in should decide to give it up. I transportation, service, such distor- should like to - know why Mr. As- 1 5 1 1 1 S 3 "i t floor shoe section. Jacobson 's The Campus Footwear Center --------------- tr1Pa!?I i t latale l? Ialai lat 7l tr?1?t?1?1 1?1' ?fa!ialaI Ila!1?rM a fi t.7 . O 1a1 7t 1 1 1a1' 71a1: i Fle ial'at t71? 1 ' j - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ri 11 i II a e ft For Men's & Women's New Spring and Summer styles that sold up to $9.00 For Men's & Women's Sport Shoes - Dress Shoes and Street Shoes. Worth $6, $7 and $8 Men! Florsheims ARE NOW $7.915& ($8.70 For a large group of s h oe s that formerly sold for $6.00, $7.00 and $8.00 o o ~r RV C PUS 2flA fi TATF ' TR11'T I. rui OJ V't-0* 0 . A A J .d 0 A£ £L .;dA.;d A --i NI w