Fair and cooler.
(fit P
Unofficial Information From Capitol
Says Hatt on Cruiser Building
Assures Conclave
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, July 25.-Likeli-
hood of a preliminary naval limi-
tation conference by world powers
for next spring was being discussed
in governmental and diplomatic
quarters today upon study and com-
parison of the pronouncements in
that connection made yesterday by
President Hoover and Prime Min-
ister McDonald.
Official information on the subject
was entirely lacking. The White
House, state department and navy
department all refrained from com-
ment on a prospective forthcoming
international meeting referred to
by the British Prime Minister. Un-
official. views were expressed fre-
quently, however, that in postpon-
ing the construction of three cruis-
ers, President Hoover was looking
forward to such a gathering well
in advance of the closing of the
present fiscal year, June 30. By
that time the first five vessels au-
thorized by the 15 cruiser law must
be laid down unless an interna-
tional agreement on naval limita-
tions has been reached meanwhile.
The elaboration of Mr. Hoover's
announcement concerning the sus-
pension of work on part of this
year's building program was declin-
ed at the White House. His action
yesterday was in response to a
similar move in London by Mr.
At the State department, Secgre-
tary Stimson defined the principle;
of parity of naval strength as
agreed on in a discussion between
Mr. MacDonald and Ambassador
Dawes to be respected by the
two governments. He said it,
meant an absolute equality of
fighting strength in the fleets of
the two nations, applying to all
categories of ships. It applied on-
ly to capital ships in accordance
with conclusion of the 1922 arms
One other member of the Cabinet
made a brief addition to official;
comment. Secretary Adams said
in response to questions of newspa-]
per correspondents that navy prep-t
arations, of detailed plans of the
cruisers will be continued, and that
no orders for material already
placed had been canceled. He de-l
clined to amplify. I
Deterined Dry
6=- .- *.*
D. F. Widenhouse
Federal prohibition agent of Con-
cord, N. C., whose creed is "Steady
work does it," claims to have cap-
tured at least one illicit whisky
distillery a week for seven years.
Dr. Emerson, Dr. Pratt, and Sally
Jean Are Scheduled as Prin-
cipal Speakers for Today
The sixth Public Health institute
of the Summer Session will be held
today and tomorrow in the west
ampitheater of the West Medica:
building. The principal speakers
will be Dr. Kendall Emerson, man-
aging director of the National
Tuberculosis association, New Yorki
City; Dr. G. K. Pratt, national com-
mittee for mental hygiene, New
York City; Miss Sally Lucas Jean,
health consultant, New York City,
and Dr. Reuben Kahn, originator
of the Kahn test for syphillis.
Dr. Emerson, who is one of the
country's outstanding men in the
field of tuberculosis investigation,
will deliver two lectures, "Tht Epi-
demiology of Tuberculosis," today
at 3 o'clock, and "Prevention and
Control of Tuberculsis," Saturday
afternoon at the same hour.
Dr. Pratt will speak on "The Hy-
giene Movement," this afternoon at
2 o'clock and upon "Mental Hygiene
and the Public Health," Saturday
afternoon at the same time.
Miss Jean will discuss "Health
Problems in the. Philippine Islands'
this 'morning at 10 o'clock and
will speak Saturday at 4 o'clock on
"Health in the Philippines."
Dr. Kahn will speak about "The
Kahn Test for Syphilis," Saturday
morning at 10 o'clock.
Illustrates Talk with Selections
Drawn from Russian, French,
and German Authors
Condensation and staggering con-
centration as opposed to the logi-
cal and traditional treatment in
developing phrases and themes is
the outstanding thing in modern
music was the expressed opinion of
Prof. Earl V. Moore, Musical Direc-
tor of the University School of
Music, in the 5 o'clock lecture
"Present Tendencies in Modern
Composition," yesterday afternoon
in Natural Science auditorium.-
For some people music stops with
Beethoven, for others, with Brahms,
still others concede artistry to
Strauss, while a very few will lis-
ten to Prokofief and Strawinski.
Most people pass off the moderns
with a smile or term them face-
tious authors of "atrocities." There
is, nevertheless, a certain amount
of experimentation carried on at
this time that is commendable and
it is -for this reason that Professor
Moore believes that musical clubs,
such as Pro-Musica, do much to
familiarize the populace with new
ideas and are an aid in further-
ing the experimentation.
Composition and Ballet
In explaining the tendencies of
modernism in the musical field
then, Professor Moore attempted
merely to discover common ideas
and aims, which lead him to con-
clude that modern music "arises
from a desire to express more viv-
idly the complexities of modern life
and to enlarge the vocabulary of
effects." At the same time there
is a growing tendency toward the
architectural design rather than
that of harmony, rhythm, and mel-
ody as is seen by the fact that
the most accredited of the mod-
ern compositions are by those men
who have either composed ballet
music or who have access to a
good ballet. Here the idea is that
the music, in becoming almost an
accompaniment, is able to express
abstractions and moving designs
with more ease and originality. In-
deed the general tendency is the
breaking downy of tradition in har-
mony and rhythm, to get as far
away from them as possible and
yet retain dynamic force and sig-
Daniel Kely, Miss Jean Are Among
Lecturersi for Course; Sundwall
Pearce Will Preside
The health education conference,
a novel program arranged by the
School of Education for its series
of week end meetings, will open
this morning, continuing until to-
morrow noon, and including a din-
ner meeting at tht Union tonight.
Opening at 10 o'clock at the Uni-
versity high school, Frank Cody,
superintendent of the Detroit
schools, will act as chairman. Fol-
lowing introductory remarks by Dr.
J. B. Edmonson, dean of the edu-
cation school; Prof. John Sundwall,
director division of hygiene and
public health in the University, will
discuss "Interest and Activities of
a School Health Program," at 10:15
Not content with breaking all
past endurance records for sustain-
ed flight in the air. Dale (Red)
Jackson, left insert, and Forest
O'Brine, right insert, fly steadily on
above the Lambert-St. Louis field.
Photo shows their. plane, the "Rob-
in," being refueled. .'
Appointment to Hoover's Education
Committee Occasioned Action;
Effective August 1
Having served as a member of
the teachers' retirement fund board
since the enactment of the first
law in 1915, Dean J. B. Edmonson
of the University School of Educa-
.tion submitted his resignation to
Gov. Fred W. Green yesterday.
Dean Edmonson's action was in-
fluenced by several conditions. Pri-
marily though the dean was appre-
hensive that in view of his recent
appointment to the national com-
mittee on the reorganization of the
educative activities of the govern-.
ment as outlined by President
Hoover, he would no longer be able
to devote sufficient time to the
Lansing work. Particularly was
this anticipation to be considered
in view of the recent corrective leg-
islation in respect to the teachers'
retirement fund. The dean feared
Ignn UfliIDQ D[rfmE
JU DU O UI[O Superintendent's Part
Daniel J. Kelly, superintendent
[liof schools Binghamton, New York,
NLIH will give the principal address of
theT morning, speaking on "The
Role of the School Superintendent
Clouds and Showers Cause Flyers in a Health Education program."
to Descend; Other Airships "The Role of the Class Room
Out for Record Teacher in a Health Education
Program," will be the subject of
PLANE RUNS LIKE RACER Miss Ida M. Haskins, director of
health education, public schools,
(By Associated Press) Mansfield, Ohio, who will conclude
ST. LOUIS, July 25.-Approach- the morning program.
ing the end of their second week During the intermission from
of sustained flight, Dale "Red" 12:30 to 2 o'clock, a demonstration
Jackson and Forest O'Brine tonight, of health education material will
were looking toward a new goal of ! be given. Dr. Don W. Gudakunst,
500 hours in their record breaking director of school health service,
performance in the monoplane, department of health, Detroit, will
"St. Louis Robin." open the afternoon session, address-
With their earnings mounting ing the educatrs on the "Relation
hourly and the motor of their plane of the School's Health Program to
running like a race-horse, the fly- the Community." Miss Alice Evans
ers gave no indication of forsaking; of the University physical education
their temporary home in the sky. department will speak on "Methods
At 6:17 o'clock tonight central and Materials in Health Teaching"
standard time they had been up at 2:30 o'clock. The 3 o'clock ad-
299 hours and had beaten the en- dress, "Health of the Teacher," by
durance record of the Angeleno by George Hug, superintendent of
52 hours. schools, Salem, Oregon, will be fol-
Cloudy skies and showers'caused lowed by a discussion and summary
the flyers to drop to a lower alti- of the general protem.
tude as they circled Lambert-St.j Function of SIte Program
1,_ _.L , II , , , . ,
that he would be unable in thed Louis field this afternoon, but they "What the State Department of
future to devote as -much time as toured away tonight after taking Instruction is Doing to Promote
would be demanded at Lansing. on a new supply of fuel. A down-- Health Education in the Schools of
Dean Edmonson's term as mem- pour in, another section of the city Michigan,' will be the topic of A.
! U _ -P 11, U,...-A ,.,1-,,,11 ~,x~1 Ii c.®r +1 - !W Thm cn of thatd tbnn f tn
Foreign Student Says Dormitory
Offers View Of American Life
EDITOR'S NOTE-This is the fourth of
a series of interviews with women on the cam-
pus concerning their views on the forthcom-
ing new dormitories for women. The articles
will appear from time to time during the re-
miainder of the Summer Session.
Discussing the influence which
dormitory life has had upon the
foreign woman who has come to
an American university, Tomo
Tambe, '30, said, "I do not under-
stand how -a foreign student could
get into contact with your life if
she did not live in a dormitory.
"We foreign students have come
to America not only to study in
the classroom, but to observe
American customs as well," was
Miss Tambe's comment. "When we
arrive, we are practically ignorant
of your ways. The dormitory fur-
nishes us a place in which we can
come into contact with many girls,
and gives us an opportunity to
study your mode of living.
"The director of a dormitory un-
derstands our lack of acquaintance
with American life, and takes pains;
to see that we are made to feel at
home, and that we meet girls whoI
will become our friends. In a dor-
mitory, because of the large num-
-ber of residents, one can always
find people who are in sympathy
with the foreign students. In a3
smaller group. such a symnathy
"The gathering of the large
group in the dining room each eve-
ning gives us further opportunity
to learn customs, and to hear the
conversations which go on around.
us. This nightly gathering is one
of the most effectivemethods of
studying American ways at first
hand, and is one of the many ways
in which the dormitory helps us
in establishing ourselves," Miss
Tambe continued.
American national customs, such
as the observing of Thanksgiving
and the celebratiag of Hallowe'en,
according to Miss Tambe, become
familiar when one lives in a large
group which, as a body, joins in
mutual celebration. Faculty din-
ners and house dances contribute
to a more thorough understanding
of American life.
"The dormitory pro-week and its
accompanying initiation gather the
students into the group, and make
them feel a part of the University
life. Those who live in small groups
are less likely to encounter such
methods of assimilation," Miss
Tambe said.
"When foreign students do not
live in dormitories," Miss Tambe
concluded. "there is the tendenev
To replace these losses of the
traditional treatment there is evi-
dent a trend toward the repetition
of small rhythmic or melodic pat-
terns varying in the full tone and
the diatonic scales, streams of
chords as found in Strawinski's
"Fire-Bird," andassymetry, as in
_the "Petrushka" ballet. Even Wag-
ner, forty years ago, innovated byt
the superimposition of motifs,
which is found in the March of theI
Holy Grail in "Parsifal."
Debussy, Strawinski, the enfant
terrible of modern music with his
brutal chord harmonies, Prokofief,
with his fistfuls of notes hurled in-
discriminately through the "Loves
of the Three Oranges," the Jupiter
from Holst's' "Planets" symphony,
and the mellow stream -of chords
of the "Appollo Musagetes," all
were carefully analyzed as types
of endeavor. As a'surprise Pro-
fessor Moore played part of the
symphonic tone-poem by Honne-
ger, "Pacific 231," as the expression
of an experience that was real and
hard, rather than musical.
(By Associated Press)
American League
Philadelphia 21, Cleveland 3.
Chicago 3, Washington 1.-10 in-
National League
Chicago 8, New York 5.
Cincinnati 14 . nston 2.
ber of the board naturally would missed themvv.o. . pn ia eparmen
terminate March 1, 1931, but his O'Brine and Jackson were watch- when he speaks at the dinner meet-
resignation stipulates Aug. 1, as the ing closely the progress of their ing at the Union at 6 o'clock. State
effective date. rival endurance plane, "the Billion Superintendent Webster H. Pearce
In his resignation notice, Dean Dollar City", at Houston, Tex+, will act as chairman.
Edmonson again emphasized his and expressed determination to Miss Evans will continue her dis-
belief as to the value to the teach-, outlast the Texas fliers. The Hous- cussion at 9 o'clock Saturday morn-
ing profession of legislation pro- ton plane, however, was more than ing, followed by Superintendent
viding annuities for teachers. 100 hours behind- them. Kelley on, "The Health Education
Program in Binghamton."
The principal speaker of the
University Geologists Discover morning, Miss Sally Lucas Jean,
f 'ormer director, division of health
Fossils Of Sea-Lite In Rockies j education, American Child Hygiene
association, will talk at 10:30 o'clock
sea-going clams battered by the have yielded some really remark- I on the general topic of the con-
waves of an ancient sea which once able specimens." ference. Dr. Glenadine Snow, di-
reached into the middle of the The find of the fossilized clams rector health education, Michigan
Thtwas one of the many interesting' State Normal school, will discuss,
North American continent! Thatfinds and proved after investiga- I "Interests and Activities of the
is exactly what was found tucked tion to contain a number of well Health Education Supervisor. The
away in the middle of a layer of , preserved specimens. At another summary of the conference at
pure white standstone in an isolat- horizon the geologists were espe- 11:45 o'clock will be led by Dr.
ed spot just ten miles north of cially delighted to discover, "great Sundwall.
Canyon City, Col., by University numbers of beautifully preserved
i Crustaceans of the Ostracod fam-
Summer Session geologists who are ily." These, combined with the Engineers To Discuss
spending the summer studying the Pelecyford clams, it is expected will Research In Mechanics
actual location of fossils. make the University the possessor
The Summer Session in the west- of the best collections of Ordovi- Discussion of the needs of in-
emn state is under the direction of clan fossils from the Canyon City dustry with regard to advanced
Embayment in the United .States. mechanics will be carried on by
Russel C. Hussey, assistant profess- The life of the geologists, writes three members of the committee
or of geology, and is composed of Hussey, is an active one as their of the applied mechanics section
five tudents: Herbert Unsworth, day begins at eight in the morning of the American Society of Me-
Seward Mallory, '29, Robert H. and continues when they are in chanical Engineers at 4 o'clock to-
Zoul, '30, Robert Boyer, '30, and the field as long as light lasts. Lee- day in room 348 Engineer building.
George Perrett, '30. The object of ( tures are interspersed with the field G. M. Eaton, chief engineer of
the special study is to investigate, work and are delivered by Hussey the Molybdenum corporation of
with detailed studies of many spe- right on the spot with discussions America and formerly chief en-
cial formations, the Ordovician of the various phases of geology gineer of the Westinghouse Electric
period in particular. "Fossil hunt- following these. For instanct the company, A. L. Kimball, in charge
ing is our main job," wrote Mr. first of the lectures was given on of research in mechanics at the
Hussey in describing the nature of the peak of Mount Cleghorn with General Electric company, and J.
the work to Dean Edward H. Kraus., the entire Canyon City Embavment M. Lessells in a similar nosition