eAO TWu THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAIL\ TUESDAY, JULY 23, 1929 4mOnig a single-standard, half-completeo 0 education or to take only the few Music And Drama who come here "in search of learn- _ _ _ _ _ ing" and to give them a liberal ed-~ Published every morning except Monday ucation or a basis of high stand- TONIGHT: The fourth Fac- during the University Summer Session by ards, individual treatment, and ulty Concert program Will be the Board in Control of Student Publications, careful selection; either to turn paesented in Hill Auditorium by The Associated Press is exclusively en- out graduates in uniform masses, g, titled to the use for republication of all nows us rit rmYslni e dispatches credited to it or not otherwise or to create an "intellectual aris- I credited in this paper and the local news pub ginning at 8:15 o'clock. lished' herein. tocacy.*** Other universities have faced and * Entered at the Ann Arbor, Michigan,"KC ,, postoffice as second class matter. are facing the same problem. Gen- KICK-IN Subscription by carrier. s.so; by ma erally speaking, Wisconsin and Chi- Wednesday night of the week The Offices: Press Building, Maynard street, cago are examples of universities Michigan Repertory Players present Ann Arbor, Michigan. who are attempting to stem the the fifth of their series of plays in EDITORIAL STAFF rising tide of Fordism in education, Lydia Mendelssohn Theater. The Telephone 4925 while California, Columbia, and play offered is Willard Mack's fa- Pennsylvania seem to have thrown mous melodrama of gangland, MANAGING EDITOR off all pretenses of being anything "Kick-In". LAWRENCE R. KLEIN but factories seeking the largest Mack has become synonymous in Editorial Director..........Howard F. Shout output. Most of our newspapers, the amusement world for plays that Wmty E itor . ...........Margaret Eckel: and of course, all of our business have tremendous drive and excit- Music and Drama Editor.. R. Leslie Askren organizations favor making a busi- ing situations, two factors which I Books Editor.... ,....... Lawrence R. Klein Sports Editor............S. Cadwell Swanson ness of education, but the balance almost invariably guarantee a Night Editors of logic as well as tradition is pleasureable evening in the the- Howard 2. Shout Walter Wilds against them. ater so long as the material is ac- S. Cadwell Swanson Harold Warren Aeiaa eeytikn ii Charles Askren HAmerica, as every thinkg citi- cepted at its face value. And Assistants zen realizes, is dangerously mater- "Kick-In" is no exception. Since Ben Manson Led:u Davis ialistic. Science and business eftic- its first production, around 1910 or Ross Gustin Margaret Harris *inisfrtpoutoaon 90o Dorothy Magee William Mahey iency are worshipped almost to the so, it has been called the Mack Paul Showers exclusion of everything spiritual. masterpiece of adroit manipula- For this reason, if for no other a tion of surprising situations, and BUSINESS STAFF force on the opposite side must be it has maintained that reputation Telephone 21214 created to maintain the balance. ever since in the numerous stock Material progress is to be recogniz- and amateur performances it has1 BUSNESS MANAGER ed as a benefit, but the innate been given subsequently. It has be- LAWRENCE E. WALKLEY spirituality of man must be fed come one of the wisecracking tra- Assistant Business Manager............Vernor Davis also or the whole civilization will ditions of the stage that a play Circlations Manager...........Je anette Iaetopple over. The university as a which will bear being cast from Accounts Manager..............Noah Bryant thought center is one of the great- members of a Ladies Drama Club - - -----est influences the country contains, is a good play, and "Kick-In" has _ _If it continues to radiate liberal survived this ordeal of sex. It is! TUESDAY, JULY 23, 1929 thinking, new ideas and philosoph- sterling stuff in the amusement _- ies, and the spirit of individualism, way. NIGHT EDITOR the high degree of our advance- The plot briefly, one of the early S. Cadwell Swanson ment will be firmly established and examples of such realistic por- - - - - the way to future progress open- traits as "Broadway" and "Under- THE REAL DECISION ed; if the university falls in with world," develops out of the hard- Through all the discussion which the general trend, the permanence ships Molly and Chick have from; is seeming to increase as the mystic of our civilization is made doubt- police persecution. Chick once "did meeting of August 2 draws near, ful. a stretch" in the penitentiary, A the current of the true decision Michigan will soon make known burglar friend of theirs is shot in which the University is facing has its policy for the future when it the pursuit of his duties and takes been little marked. While osten- selects its new leader. Will it con- refuge with them, and the play is sibly the choice is to be of a pres- tinue to be a center of learning and an answer to the question; What ident, it is actually to be of poli- culture and a thought stimulant to happened? cy. Briefly stated, it is this: Is the the middle-west, or will it become The splendid production given University to be based on educa- a "corporation" engaged in the "Children of the Moon" promises tional ideals, to be the abode of business of educating young men a very pleasant evening's amuse- liberalism where men and women and women? nent with this play. can find a broader intellectual and * * * spiritual horizon, or is it to be a PELION ON OSA DUTTON DENIES preparatory-to-business school, a It would seem that the farm bloc In view of the large amount of play ground for modern American in congress and the agitators for publicity that is being circulated by youth where a large number will the debenture plan are now try- book clubs of one sort or another receive a small dose of learning and C ing to add the protective tariff for it is pertinent to print a; statement culture? It is a choice-broadly farm goods to the relief which is from a letter by John Macrae, Pres speaking-between the practical to be given the nation's agricul- ident of E. P. Dutton & Co., Inc., and the ideal. i turists. Not satisfied with their which has been sent to this office. The Nation, in its issue of July 17 loss on the first point, they are, Mr. Macrae writes: "I have de- expressed itself as favoring the re- while still trying for its inclusion termined that so far as E. P. Dutton cognition of the majority of Amer- in the farm relief program, now & Company is concerned we will ican universities as institutions of attempting to raise the tariffs so have no dealings whatsoever with big business. "The sooner this fact high that considerably more than any book club," is admitted," the editorial stated,Ithe required or necessary amount The vigor of Mr. Macrae's letter1 "the sooner we shall be able to of aid is to be thrust upon the "sons is an interesting commentary on gauge the demand for universities of the soil." There is little reason the controversy that is raging in the true sense of the term, i.e, to doubt that the farmer would around these latest short-cuts to institutions devoted to scholarly I soon see a way into a paradise of literary selfrespect, the book clubs. and creative pursuits." We appre- prosperity if all the movements for R. L. A. ! elate by this that The Nation his assistance were to go through. accepts the true purpose of a uni. Fortunately, the administration is FACULTY CONCERT versity to be devotion "to scholar- keeping a sure control on the course For the fourth concert of this ly and creative pursuits," and we of legislation, and paternalism is series the School of Music has ar- approve this definition without re- j not to become too rampant in ranged for the appearance of a serve. "Already the distinction is Washington. True it is that Mr. number of interesting artists from being made between those who go Borah gets out of control occasion- the Ypsilanti Conservatory of Mu- to college for general background ally and Mr. Watson is addicted to sic. Carl Lindegren, basso, and and contacts-valuable and worthy throwing bombshells at administra- head of the department of vyice purposes both-and those who go tion policies, but for the most part j at the Conservatory will be the for learning," the editorial contin- the legislators have lined up be- voice soloist. He is a one-time stu- ues. "Colleges designed for the first hind the White House suggestions. dent in the University School of type of person should be open to all At any rate we can be reasonably Music, after which he studied wvide- who come and headed by compe- certain that the farmer will not get ly in New York City, tent executives who need not pre- any more "indirect subsidization" The program; tend to be scholars." than he should have. Mr. Hoover Quartet in G, Op. 60, No, 1 In general we have only agree- recognizes that private enterprise ( _R, Rohn ment for the foregoing opinion. We can never flourish under too much Andante con moto, allegro dissent only on the point that any nurturing. moderato college should be designed for the 0 -IAndante person who desires nothing but a! DEPARTING TROUSERS Allegro background and contacts, and most The "saner dress" movement for Double Quartet of all that Michigan should be men is beginning to assume large Oh, Isis and Osiris (from Magic made such a place. Technical' proportions both in America and I Flute .........,.,.,Mozart schools, business schools, profes- in other parts of the world. A Le Tambour Majour,.,,..,.Thomas TYPEWRITER REPAIRING All makes of ma- chines.kOur equip- ment and person- nel are considered among the best in the State. The result of twenty years' careful; building. O. D. MORRILL 17 Nickels Arcade Phone 6615 lb Crushed Bond Pound Stationery 39c White stationery with crushed weave, a finish that makes letter writing a pleasure, sheets are flat in the box that holds a pound. A vacation suggestion, pound box 39c, envelopes to match, packet of twenty-four, I I c. Now We Have Rice Beads Yes, they're really made of rice-in the tiniest shapes, in single or multiple strands. White, blue, rose, as well as blue and white and green and white. Priced for July at $1.25, for one strand, and $5.00 for many strands. our Name and History IS YOUR SATISFACTION OR NO CHARGE REENE' Cleaner and DyerS I! VACATION CAMERAS Summer cameras, 2-A Hawkeye, these cameras take pictures 2%2x42. Smart leather covering. July Price, $1.39. convenient box black imitation Films developed, 1Oc a roll, one day service maintained or no charge for the work. That means that if your film is not ready within twenty-four hours after you leave it, there will be no charge for the work. Ask for Special Price Coupon. MEN Here they are right at the time you need them, Genuine B. V, lDs in their famous barred patterns B. V. D. style. 2 button on shoulder at the JULY SALE PRICE 95c. M!ACK' MAIN FLOOR 73 YEARS SERVING WASHTENAW COUNTY Phone 21548 i All Work Insured Against Fire and Theft Want Ads Pay II I wig --- _. . rrr . r.r If I 1I, Every Correct Summer Fashion IN THIS SaleoveyFok of 0 Right in the heart of the seasqn we offer this great sale of Just the type of frocks you want to wear right now, They are all exprtly made of ine quality fabricsin styles you'll see at the smartest exclusive resorts, There are frocks of printed chiffon-sleeveless tennis frocks of tub sills in smoqth and rough textures, fternQon frocks bihsiness frocks, sorts f roks in fact all s ortsof daytime froCs in dozens of styles, GROUP ONE Vqlues to $29,7$ $1500 GROUP TWO $00 l t c t sional schools, all we admit can ! comparison of the relative weights afford to ignore the larger purpose ' of men's and women's clothing has of an education and to adhere to shown the ratio to be about sixteen their own aim to give technical and pounds to one and one-half, and specialized training; a college or a this is spurring the organizers of university cannot ignore this and the movement on to ever greater continue to masquerade in the efforts. The attack is concentrat- guise of an institution of "learn- ed against the weight and the bun- ing." glesome character of trousers, Our universities are facing much coats, and shoes. Silk clothing of the same problem that America as a scanty nature is recommended a nation is facing: whether to fol- and light weight shoes are on the low, as Andre Siegfried cryptically approved list. puts it in "America Comes of Age," Certain it is that men are in "Ford or Ghandi," Michigan must need of a revision of dress as much decide, and will decide in the choice as were women a score of years of its president, either to take all ago. All the dictates of health and' the young men and women, who comfort point to the abolition of wish to enter it, into its classrooms flopping trousers, tight-fitting Serenade ............., .Brahms Sing ye a joyful song ..,., Dvorak Mr. Lindegren Londonderry Air ......., ,,Krelsler Zigeurnerweisen .....,. Sarasate Miss Mutter Aftonstanning (Evening Song) Swedish).......Peterson-Berger Ter.Svinherde . Swedish Folk Song Clorinda ...................Morgan Barrack Ballad (Kipling) ..... Bell Mr. Lindegren Mi viejo amor (Arranged by Maddy).............Oteo The Rosary (Arranged by Maddy) ...................Nevin The Hallelujah (Messiah) ar- ranged by Ernest Fritsche) -Handel SPECIAL!1 COATS OF ALL TYPES AND SIZES $19.75 and $24.50 Kett ' 2$" ~ DURING JULY AND AUGUST WE CLOSE SATURDAYS AT 6 P. M. 11 If n:"N': Irl nnt+:s ..rnr5na Chin to crttra i#hnwl f errn icrf ninnf v nv. r7.'M a . . r""" .....v a...