F EWEATHER Unsettled. Zlu4 . *.' ummir 1 I _______ ,_ _ -,.___________ ! S~rbig il la MEMBER OF Trr ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. X, No. 25 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JULY 23, 1929 PRICE FIVE CENTS a m. 1 0 111n 3-*rnii - *a a 1ri-"!I SI LUUIS NUHANL HEWON'T RESIGN FLYERS ARE HOPEFUL. OF BREAKING RECORD TOOK ON FUEL AND CHECKED MOTORS PREVIOUS FALL OF DUSK COMPANION PLANE LANDS Hammer and Shelton Claim Oil Line Leak Kept Them From Another Week in Air (By Associated Press) ST. LOUIS, July 23.-Confident of establishing a new world's rec- ord for sustained flight tomorrow Dale "Red" Jackson and Forest O'Brien were flying smoothly high' over Lambert, St. Louis Field, to- night in their trim monoplane "St.. Louis Robin," at 7:17 p. m. Central Standard Time the flyers had been up 228 hours and were less than 20 hours short of their goal. If they are still in the air at 3:01 p. m. tomorrow, they will have ex- ceeded by one hour the present record of 246 hours, 43 minutes and 32 seconds, set July 12 at Culver City, Calif., by Loren Mendell and Roland Reinhart. Just before dusk tonight the flyers took on a new supply of fuel, checked their motor, and reported all was well. The endurance flight will begin tomorrow afternoon the flyers said in a note dropped this afternoon, indicating that they in- tended to pit human strength against mechanical endurance in, their attempt to set a new mark. Jackson wrote in one note several days ago that they hoped to remain aloft three weeks. The St. Louis Robin was without; the companionship of its sister plane, the' Missouri Robin tonight. The latter plane was forced down at 7:51 a. m. today by a leaky oilr line after 117 hours and 20 minutesl in the air. It took off at 10:31 a. m. last Wednesday. GEORGE LOTT PICKED TO REPLACE HUNTER IN DAVISCUP FINAL CONFERENCE CHAMPION WILL SHARE SINGLES BURDEN WITH THE AGEING TILDEN LACOSTE WILL NOT PLAYI Ace of French Performers Suffers From Cold Which Eliminate Him From Play (By Associated Press) NEW YORK, July 22.-Two sig- nificant developments today servea to increase interest and prospects for a real battle, when the United W'T-.-7-lw-Yn "WHIE RSSINS"READY T FIGHT -r- -.- -.- - - . d ~NEUTRAL OBSERVORS DNY CLASH OF ARMS OASIANTERRITORY Unconfirmed Report States Chinese River Boat Is Captured by Russians ALARMISTS GIVE RUMORS REFUGEES POUR INTO HARVIN, WHERE RUSSIANS ARE UNDER GUARD 1 T-3-- n rz nnL _- _ _ I I Juge B. . Thma juog ~.Ii. homs . States plays France for the his- Rocky Mount, N. C., for opposing trtennis trh te Davis the closing of the city swimming toric tennis trophy, the Davis Cup, pool on Sundays was requested to starting this Friday at the Roland resign by Mayor V. S. Watson, but Garros stadium in Paris. refused, and said he would take Following the announcement his case to the supreme court if here of the selection of George M. necessary,. Lott, Jr., 22-year-old Chicago star to replace Francis P. Hunter of New York in the singles for the Ameri- can team, definite elimination of Aiding the Chinese in am; Manchuria-Siberia frontier ar ers, who fled and fought Red the ailing French ace Rene LaCoste tachment of artillery. SC'uIUIIEIH from the forthcoming competition was revealed in Paris. Says Rigidity of College Standards The American team as announc- r Are Denying Education to ed by the United States Lawn Ten- nis Association on behalf of Joseph W. Wear of Philadelphia, chairman 10H CI GA RTT FT of the Davis Cup committee will be! BASES TALK ON SURVEY composed of William T. Tilden II, George M. Lott, Jr., Wilmer Allison Urging that all teachers "It behooves the universities to l and John Van Ryn'. This is the superintendents do their ut take account of the fact that we tenth Davis Cup Campaign for Til- to support the Turner cigarette are losing highly desirable material den, but the trio of younger players bill which will soon be voted u today, and that many young people named are all newcomers to chal- in a referendum, State Supe are being denied an opportunity lenge-round competition. tendent of Schools Webster for a higher education because of The plans call for Tilden and Pearce addressed the Men's inflexible standards," averred Dr. Lott to play in the singles Friday; cation club in the Union last ni J. B. Lillard, President of the Junior and Sunday, with the doubles on The tax bill in effect would fur College of Sacramento, Calif., in a Saturday, entrusted to Allison and money to provide for the sc lecture at the educational con- Van Ryn, Wimbledon champions. system, he asserted ference held at 4 o'clock yesterday The French team as announced all districts would not benefit, afternoon in University High School in Paris by M. Pierre Gillou, con- rgulations ta ould lowe c uditor. lists of Henry Cochet and Jean not but be advantageous to al. Doctor Lillard based his conclu- Borotra Arguing for the equalization sions on a study which he had The selection of these men, all opportunity in education he his institution from high schools. of whom with the exception of Bill gested that the federal gov hisy i stitution efr hhchools.ed Tilden "fresh out of college" and ment might take some of Sity theshorlsfrommhichdthed hardly out of their teens augers money obtained from income camy, thnsh48 wreot.whhTheyn-well for the future of the United and help this equalization recmended groupnot The un States in international play. spreading it over the states. (By Associated Press) 4 PEIPING, China, July 23.--Whir: new moves were made today to - maintain the peace of eastern Asia., ->:China reiterated her desire for peaceful settlement of the discuto . =6with Soviet Russia over the Chinieso - Eastern railway, the Far East con- tinued to produce alarmist report; of preparations for war. Chinese and Japanese news agen- cies carried dispatches giving do- tails of troops movements on the borders of Manchuria and telling of Chinese refugees pouring into assing troops against Russia on the Harvin while Russians in that city re "white Russians," czarist sympathiz- have been' put under surveillance rule. Here they are shown with a de- by Chinese authorities. Despite the rumors there have been no clashes between Russian and Chinese forces according to H EALTH NEGLECTED, information sent tonight by neutral observers. An unconfirmed Jap- a nese news agency message said that a Chinese river gun-boat had been captured by Russians on the SAmurRiver along the north Man- and University Health Service Head Hits churia frontier. most Attitude of Summer Session Observers here estimated that tax Men and Women seven divisions of Chinese infantry apon and one regiment of artillery are rin- STUDENTS ARE CARELESS assembled in the'region of Manchu- H. lia the northwest terminus of the Edu- Chinese Eastern railway. Fifty- ght.j Many summer school students thousand troops are supposed to be nish would profit if they used the sum- gathered in the region of Pogran- hool mer to recover from the strain of ichnaya on the eastern border. teaching the past year, and to Pogranichanya whose Russian ugh build up their health for the com- eans "near to border" is called tebiduthihelhfrthe cm-Suifen in Chinese. Reports of ould ing year, according to Dr. Edith P. trouble have been reported from . Sappington of the Health Service. both these sources. At this strategic n of The majority of summer students point, the Chinese Eastern railway sug- are older than the winter students inets with the Ussuri line which ern- and are concerned largely with extends about 100 miles to Vladi- the l" vostok. tax, "chasing degrees," she said.__ by "Some cases of active tuber- culosis have been found on the SPORTI Joe Hammer, air-mall pilot, and W. Gentry Shelton, Jr., St. Louis air man, who piloted the Missouri Robin, expressed disappointment as they climbed from their plane. "We were good for another week," Ham- mer said. The flight of the Missouri Robin hadhbeen hectic from the start in contrast with that of the St. Louis Robin which has passed a smooth and almost uneventful ten days in the air., Jackson and O'Brien have been able to sleep regularly and they have adhered strictly to a daily routine of piloting, checking the motor, refuelling, eating and sleep- ing. DR. FORRE PREACHES BEFORE [CONVOCATION "Faith is the secret of victory," declared Dr. Samuel Forrer of the Jefferson Presbyterian church ofl Detroit, in his sermon delivered; before the Student Christian Asso- ciation convocation in the Lydia Mendelssohn theater of the Wom- en's League Building last night, Drawing upon historic figures as examples Dr. Forrer discussed the lives of Jesus, Mohammed and Gallileo as outstanding illustrations of men whose contributions to humanity were due to infinite faith. He emphasized the vital im-, portance of having faith in a re-I stricted idea rather than having a broad sweeping belief in every- thing. "The man who glimpses one of the fundamental truths in the Bible is better off than one who tries to believe the whole Bible," he stated. John White of the School of Music sang a solo accompanied by Miss Nell B. Stockwell of the School of Music faculty. The theater stage1 draped with a gray curtain as a ! background formed an impressive setting for the service. According to John Webster, '30, president of the Student Christian Association who acted as presiding officer at the convocation, there have been admitted by the univer- sities but were allowed to enter the Junior College because of a Cali- fornia law. Two out of this group of sixty failed, according to Doctor Lillard and 28 of the unrecommended group failed. I n 01 Swimmers Note The summer school Intramur- al swimming meet will be held Thursday in the Intramural pool at 4:15 o'clock There will be five events in all-50 yd, I free style, 25 yd. back and I breast stroke, diving, and med- I ley. Last chance to enter today at the Intramural building. I S0 RESEARCH TALK SET FOR TODAY Stephen Timoshenko To Speak This Afternoon on "Research in Industrial Mechanics" An outline of the work that goes on behind the wheels of great in- dustries will be subject matter for the second of the Special Lecture series to be delivered this week, when Prof. Stephen Timoshenko, Adjunct of Applied Mechanics and Professor of Engineering Mechanics in the Engineering College, delivers his speech this afternoon at 5 o'- clock in Natural Science auditor- ium. The subject of the lecture will be "Research in Mechanics in Great Industries." Professor Timoshenko has spent considerable time and effort in this field both in his capacity as pro- fessor in the Engineering school in the University and in the Univer- sity of Prague, Poland, of which ha is, n 'rnifi%+P I- I campus this past month," continued Adaptor Of Alice In Wonderland" Lays Her Mips Sappington, "as well as some Success As Writer To College Associations pre-tubercular cases, although the Alice Gerstenberg, playwright,; This was an important step for- general health of students is bet- owes much of her success as a ward in the presentation of the ul- ter than last summer, probablyI writer of playlets to the early as- tra-modern plays of today with due to the weather." sociations she made at Bryn Mawr their unique character portrayels. Periodic health examinations college. The first of these which Miss Gerstenberg's efforts are have been the most important foretold the almost astounding sue- characterized by a brilliant vein of phase of Health Service activity? cess that was to follow were pub- whimsical humor and feelng for this summer. All physical educa- lished in a small collection under carricature which is especially no- tion students and those of Dr. John the titleofALitleorld." ndheerticeable in a recent collection of Sundwalls' hygiene course have - twenty-one act plays published by been required to take examinations. have proved a boon to amateur I Brentano's the most delightful be- Overweight has been prevalent in producers because of their agree- ing "The Potboiler," a remarkably these examinations as contrasted able conciseness and sparkling hu effective burlesque on the profes- to the general tendency, toward mor, ! sional playwright, whom Alice Ger- underweight in the regular winter Playwriting is essentially this wo-. hmAic newegt teIeua stenberg knows so intimately. session.j man's field, although since her de- _ but Miss Gerstenberg has been ac- Author Of "Orlando" Claims Women's Lives credited with two very fine novels. One of these, "Unquenched Fire," Are Obscured By Not Knowing How To Write written under the name of John1 Gaston contains a remarkable word Locked in old diaries, stuffed: a certain court lady, the lady Mur-i study of David Belasco and assur- away in drawers, half-obliterated asaki, writing a long and beauti- stdy ohf avrid e pasc ad assu- in the memories of the aged and ful novel in Japan. Elizabethan' ception on the continent as well as in the lives of the obscure, lies the literature is exclusively masculine.- in this country. answer to a common query con- I Then, at the end of the 18th cen- cerning women and fiction-why tury we find women again writingt It was Alice Gerstenberg's adap- has there been so little writing frequently. tion of Lewis Carroll's "Alice In done by women, and no continuous "Law and custom were, of Wonderland" and "Alice Through writing before the 18th century? course largely responsible for the Lookig Glass" to the stage "Very little is known about wom- these strange intermissions of that won this woman the sincere !en," states Virginia Woolf, Amer- silence and speech,' Miss Woolf approbation of the dramatic critics ican author and writer of "Orlan- continues. "The immense effect of the day. The arrangement of do," in an article in the "Forum," of environment and suggestion, these was so charmingly done, with "for the history of the world is the upon the mind, we in our psycho- such a great deal of tact and keen history of the male line, not of analytical age are beginning to appreciation of the values of the the female. Of our fathers we realize. And it is significant thatl original stories, that the admirers: know always some fact, some dis- of the four great women novelists' of the books welcomed without hes- tinction. But of our mothers, our -Jane Austen, Emily Bronte, Char-l itation the appearance of their fa- grandmothers, our great-grand- lotte Bronte, and George Eliot, notP miliar characters on the stage. mothers, what remains? Nothing one had a child, and two were un- It is impossible to read an ac- but a tradition. One was beautiful, married.j count of this remarkable woman's one was red-haired, one was kissed "In the future, granted time and ,ISDA,,INflTO CLOSE Intramural sports are beginning to come to climax and the final events bring out much added interest. One 'champion has al- ready been decided; the Pygmies winning the softball league and as a result gold medals have been dis- tributed to the team members. The tennis which has drawn the most interest from members of the summer school has been moving along rather slowiy. Quarter final play is now going on in the singles while in the doubles only three teams remain. The combination of Christianson and Hasseltine has reached the finals and will meet the winner of the Shafron-Rosen- thai-Johnson-Swanson match for the doubles crown. This afternoon the final sched- uled games of the School of Edu- cation will take place in baseball. The Principles play the Superin- tendents and the Faculty the Teach- ers. The last three named teams are tied for the lead with three wins and a pair of losses in five starts. Prof. Rankin Speaks Of Modern Poetry In his lecture on "Matter and Manner in Modern Poetry," which he delivered yesterday afternoon in Natural Science Auditorium, Prof. Thomas E. Rankin, professor of English at Carleton college and guest professor of the Summer Ses- sion rhetoric department, cited as the most characteristic and on the whole promising aspect of contem- porary verse was the poets con- scious sense of the importance of sound and movement, their recog- nition of the fact that sound and movement constitute as much a dramatic efforts without being aware of the marked originality of style and production that she, is responsible for. Not the leastI example of this factor is found, in a one act play, 'Overtones," in which of the four characters pres- ent, two of these are the veiled by a queen. "Strange spaces of time seem to separate one period of literary activity of women from another. There was Sappho and a little group of women all writing poetry oni a Greek island 600 years before the birth of Christ. They fall silent. books and a little space in thei house for herself, literature willt become for women, as for men, anE art to be studied. Women's gift1 will be trained and strengthened. The novel will cease to be the dumping ground for personal emo- tions," prophesies Miss Woolf, in