4P tuIImer
Published every morning except Monday
during the University Summer Session by
the Board in Control of Student Publications.
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pb-
lished herein.I
entered at the Ann Arbor, Michigan,
postoffice as second class matter.I
Subscription by carrier, $i.5o; by mail
$2.00 - - -
TUESDAY, JUNE 25, 1929
Offices: Press Building, Maynard
Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Telephone 4925
Editorial Director..........Howard F. ShoutI
Women's Editor ...........Margaret Eckels
C'itv Ed :toi ...................harles Askra
Music and Drama Editor. .R. Leslie Askrn
Books Editor...........Lawrence R. Klein
Sports Editor............S. Cadwell Swanson
Night Editorsj
Howard F. Shout Walter Wilds
S. Cadwell Swanson Harold Warren
Noah W. Bryan n Ledru Davis
Edna Henley
Telephone 21214
Vernor Davis,
Assistant Business Managers )
George Spater
George SpaterI
Accounts Manager ............. Egbert Davis
Circulation Manager...,.......Jeanette Dale
ight Editor - WALTER WILDS
TUESDAY, JUNE 25, 1929
Dr. Clarence Cook Little, retiring
President of the University of
absence that will terminate when
Michigan, has begun the leave of
his resignation takes effect next
September. Meanwhile his person-
al connection with the University
has ceased.[
The generation of students whoj
passed through the University dur-
ing the four years of his regime will!
be conscious of his influence for
years to come. They will long
remember the time, when, as fresh- 1
men, they first came into personalt
contact with President Little at ar
freshman meeting, and he told
them that he, too, was a freshman
in the University and that to a1
great extent their problems wouldr
be his. His friendly frankness wont
them and his sincere eagerness en-
deared him to them. Later, a fewX
weeks ago, at a testimonial ban-
quet g4Ten in his honor by the
students, he displayed his great-.
ness by his directness and simplic--t
ity of words and thereby fortifiedc
the esteem he had won four yearse
truly quite sad. As a matter of
fact the Washtenaw Tribune itself
was once considered a good train-
ing ground for students of the de-
partment. Whether or not certain
policies in the publication of that
paper actuated the department tc
forego the privilege is mere con-
jecture. After the severance of
relations, however, the department
took upon itself to publish ,its own
weekly paper, the Michigan Jour-
nalist, a really creditable weekly
newspaper, printed through thc
courtesy of the Booth Publishing
company. It acts as an inspiration
for better work in the department
and for a training ground which
in spite of certain handicaps that
a paper not run as a business pro-
position must endure, is thorough
and sound.
Meanwhile The Daily and the
department have their hands of
the trigger, battling only in good-
natured rivalry and in helpful cri-
ticism of each other.
As a new session of the summer
school opens, The Summer Daily
extends a greeting to those teach-
ers and students who are new to
our campus. They are fortunate in
seeing the walks and commons of
the University at the time of year
when it most conforms to the tra-
ditional peace, quiet, and dignity
of a great institution of learning,
and when there is an atmosphere
most conducive to concentrated
study and research.
The summer session has come
more and more to be an outstand-
ing and important part of the uni-
versity organization, drawing an
ever increasing number of serious
minded students to the campus.
The registration lists are a cross-
section of all the trades and pro-
fessions that make up life outside
the University. For this reason, if
for no other, summer students
should find their few weeks on the
campus of great interest and profit,
for they will make contacts and
friendships of a sort that would not
have been possible under any other
conditions.- Representatives of al-
most every nation in the world will
also be enrolled, and their relation-
ship with each other and with
American students on the campus
may very well furnish added force
to the striving for international
amity and understanding which
permeates the hopes and feelings of
all the peoples of the world today.
The University has been able to
secure the services of a large num-
ber of eminent teachers and edu-
cators from other colleges for these
eight weeks, as well as a long list
of lecturers who are leaders in their
fields. Excursions have been ar-
ranged to points of interest in the
listrict which will not only be of
reat educational value but will 'al-
o serve to break the monotony of
tudy in the hot weather. Enter-
ainment in the form of the drama
will be furnished by the Michigan
.epertory Players, and several con-
erts will be given. All' in all this
ummer session promises to be re-
lete with interest and opportuni-
;y and will make it possible for the
ndividual to do something more
;han merely spend a vacation.
o 01
Music And Drama
Tomorrow night the Michigan
Repertory Players will consecrate
this, the 36th, recurrence of the
Knicker-Session of the University
of Michigan. The ceremonies will
be inaugurated in "the beautiful"
Mendelssohn Theater at 8:15 when
"The Cassilis Engagement" goes in-
to "first night."i
For the information of those who
have not shared the privileges ofI
the student body in the Regular
Session-and what a privilege, boys
and girls-the Lydia Mendelssohn!
Theater is so called in honor of the
mother of Gordon Mendelssohn,
chief contributor, with Robert W.
Lamont, to the building fund of the
theater in the new Women's League
Building. It is an intimate play-
house of some 700 seats, and well
equipped for production needs; its:
nickname, "the beautiful" came as
a result of an earnest advertising
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It is needless and vain to print
a tardy list of President Little's
few faults and many splendid vir-
tues. He has won both friends and
enemies, but everywhere admira-
tion. Far too much has been said
about him, anyway, and much of
that ballyhoo.
To the University he has left a
heritage-the memory and influ-
ence of a fearless fighter, the lev-
elling reaction of a great human-
ist. He has been a romantic and
progressive figure, a lover of action
and conflict. As he himself stated
at his testimonial banquet, he much
preferred the "arrow flight of wild
geese to the careless, rather easy
swopp of a sea gull."
But this, as we said, is vain. It
remains only to say that when he
balances his ledger of experiences
at Michigan, on the credit side he
may with free conscience write
"Confidence of the student body."
The Washtenaw Tribune, in an
editorial printed in its columns a
week ago, stated baldly and in no
uncertain terms that the University
of Michigan presented the "anom-
oly of a University newspaper
which apparently is not even on
speaking terms with the school of
journalism" and that "the sneers
that occasionally find place in its
columns" indicate quite clearly that
The Michigan Daily holds itself in
splendid isolation and coldly aloof
from the department.
While The Daily is in no man-
ner connected with the department
in matter of policy or control, the
truth is that 70 per cent of the staff
members take work in the depart-
ment and 30 per cent of that sev-
enty are specializing with the jour-
nalism faculty.
The lack of a laboratory that
onil lurnlr r in -n n nv -n-in, r1+,
TUESDAY, JUNE 25, 1929
Jreenan $o
One Block North from Hill Auditorium
Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner
$7.50 per week
Lurch and Dinner, $6.00 per week
The play offered is St. John Han-
kin's fifty-year old treatise on love
as the romanticists do not practise
it. Hankin kicked the slats out of
the Victorian cradle of the gentle
passion by suggesting that suitabil-
ity, including such little things as
mutual tasts and training, should
be the guiding factor in marriage,
rather than heavy breathing and
soulful sighs of infatuation. To
that end he wrote a delightful play
in which a nothing-more-than-nice
young Englishman of the landed
gentry falls in love with a glitter-!
ing young thing from "the music
'alls." Inevitably he brings her to
his country estate to meet his
mother, and then the fun begins.
There are two beautifully written
mother parts, to say nothing of at
least four lesser but equally well-
written character parts, and the
excitement in the small country
community over young Geoffrey's
folly makes delightful entertain-
ment of a distinctly modern type
for these Ann Arbor evenings.
Director Windt is staging the
play with a nucleus of regular stu-
dents who appeared in the cast
when it was given on the University
Hall Stage last fall. The reason
for Mr. Windt's directorship of this
first offering becomes obvious when:
the hullabaloo of registration is
considered as a distracting force at
rehearsals. Prof. Wallace, achiev-
ing familiarity with the locale, will
direct the second offering next
week, "The Good Hope," and will
cqntinue in charge of production
for the remainder of the seven week -
season, with Mr. Windt handling
the laboratory end of activities in
University Hall.
The personnel of this new group,
The Michigan Repertory Players,
is drawn from the knicker-crowd
of regular students who use the
summer session to patch the
breaches of the school year, and!
from the palm-beach crowd of
teachers who find the summer va-
cation a useful period for further
work in a particular field. The
proportion of the serious minded,
palm-beach crew to the dilettante
knicker crowd seems to be about
60-40- which suggests Play Pro-,
duction going "serious" by a large
Audiences for the plays to be of-
fered should be similarly ratio-ed
wherefor an attempt will be made
in the reviewing of productions to
achieve a similarly proportioned
moral tone. It will be difficult, very
difficult, in view of the starry sum-
mer nights to come, but at least we
can thank what dramatic gods
guard the Repertory group that
though "serious," they have not
gone "arty." Oh no, not with
George Kelly so well represented on
the play list.
In other directions, meaning
News, the editing will be very cath-
olic. We shall overleap the bounds
of Ann Arbor and Detroit, and with
the help of "Variety," "Theater
Magazine," and similar trusties, we
shall "cover" the world of amuse-
Than which nothing could be
more serious minded, now, could
"Reckless use of firearms alarms
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Editorial Comment
(From the Daily Iowan)
Too proud to accept charity-
that was why a 70-year-old man
died in Chicago, He left a home
for old folks and had no money
with which to buy food. As he
stood and gazed in the window of
a delicatessen store he fell in a'
faint and died without regaining'
Although a physician said his
death was due to starvation, police'
said it was pride.
Most of us have heard Sunday,
school sermons on the subject of
pride ever since we were little tots.'
Here is a practical example of it.
For it really was pride that caused
his death. He was foolishness per-,
sonified. He did not know how to
accept defeat gracefully.
Pride is the cause of much
trouble and misunderstanding. Itl
is the result of supreme egotism
and self-consciousness. It is an un-
desirable quality in a human being.
No' man should hi toonroud to a-.
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____________________ U - I -
drys," says headline. So does the
reckless use of firewater.
A recently produced talking
movie has been banned in Chicago
on +h e rminds nf nr nn-, rl-u
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