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July 20, 1928 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1928-07-20

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Probably showers; cooler.

ol 4Y







T Am.FR " INthe people of the United States
ought to realize that the elimination
SAMexico, not only because he was and execution, as in the case of
president-elect but also because he Gomez and Serrano, was a logical de-


Team Will Consist Of Three Men;
Graduates And Undergraduates
Are Eligible
Plans for the re-organization of thej
Western Conference Debate League
have been almost completed,'it was
announced yesterday by Prof. James
L. O'Neill, head of the department of
speech. The program as outlined re-'
quires but the final approval of the
various universities. The new league
will include nine of the schools of the
Big Ten Conference, these being?
Michigan, Miinesota, Wisconsin,
Iowa, Ohio State, Indiana, Northwest-,
ern, Purdue, and Illinois.
The purpose of the arrangement is
to provide a rotating debate schedulej
with four contests annually for each
school. These contests have been
planned so that each member of the
lealgue will meet every other member
at lea'st once in two years.
Secretary Only Official
The secretary will be the sole offi-
cial of the league. This office will.
rotate among the member universities
in alphabetical order, MichiganI
having the office the fourth year. The
duties of this secretary will be to
receive suggested propositions for de-
bate, to notify the member univer-f

Metallurgist Gives Lecture On Use Of
High Temperatures In Industry;
Gives Practical Examples
"Perhaps the most important use
of heat in modern industry is as an
agent for separating metals from their
ores," said Prof. William P. Wood
of the metallprgical engineering de-
partment in an illustrated lecture on

was considered the one man likely
to complete the restoration of amic-
able relations with the United
States," said Professor Herbert
Priestley in an interview yesterday.
Doctor Priestley is Professor of
Mexican History at the University of
California, is librarian of the Ban-
croft Library of Spanish-American
history at the same place, has spent
much time in study and travel in
Mexico, and is the author of a half
dozen books on the country and its
"In my opinion the assassination

velopment of the economic conditions
of Mexico. The peaceful election of
Obregon, followed by his'speedy as-
sassination, are part of the same,-sit-
uation. It doesn't represent a poli-
tical feud, but a deep-seated condi-
tion, which is not likely to change
materially until the people of Mexico
are raised in economic condition to
such an extent politics becomes sub-
ordinated to economic development.
"Obregon had promised before his
election to try and effect a com-
promise on thedreligious question.
Therefore his death is as much a
loss to the Catholic as to the Na-
"The Nationalist laws have unset-


William T. Tilden
Who was dropped from the Davis
Cup team because of alleged viola-
tions of the amateur rules.

'The Use of High Temperatures In was not part of an organized revolt tied business in Mexico to some ex-
Industry" yesterday afternoon in Nat- against the Nationalist party, but tent, especially that in which Ameri-
c aditoriurather the work of some fanatic in- can capital is invested, There is a
tendency among American residents
"Iron is one of the easiest metal spired by some feeling of personal re- in Maxico to attempt to control the
to reduce," continued Professor Wood. venge. I do not believe it will mean politics of the country. This inter-
"The aim is to dissociate the oxygen a return to the older policies nor an ference of foreign interests in a na-
which is in combination with it. This overturning of the government. The tional election is very unfortunate,"
is done by having some substance revolution which put the Nationalists concluded Professor Priestley.
A lecture, illustrated by motion
present which has a strong attraction in power has advanced to the point pictures, will be given by Professor
for oxygen, such as carbon, and by where it has fulfilled most of the de- Priestley July 25, at which time he
applying high temperature. Probably mands of the common people, and has will describe the arts and industries
iron first was discovered by primitive given more rights to the working of Mexico.
man on a site where many camp- nin
fires had been built and where a slight " t hft.t s
reduction had taken place on account A o w b h x eIMli, lOlB
of the charcoal (carbon), present. dent, that is uncertain. Under the U
Iron Reduces Easier Than Copper Mexican constitution Calles cannot
"Iron is much easier to reduce than succeed himself at this time. But he
copper, as is shown by the fact that might be requested by Congress to
iron costs one cent per pound while contiue i office until another elc-
copper costs fourteen cents, and itLecturer Says Students Need Advice
therefore seems reasonable to 'sup- i tion can be held. There are several Aturer Eay Auen Avice
At An Early Age In Planning
pose that the Iron Age, contrary to people who could conduct the gov-
our present theories of prehistory, ernment satisfactorily it elected butTr
was contemporaneous with, or per- they have not had the experience of
Iaps even preceded, the Bronze Age. Calles and Obregon, TEA hER BEST ADVISOR
"The Romans were quite skillfulC


sites of these, and to tabulate their -
votes on the propositions, He will Wrote About Tournament At Wimble-
then send out word as to the subject don While Playing There; Rules,
that wlas finally chosen. Another of Are Violated
his oflicial duties will be to receive!
reports of the judge's decisions, and WEAR RESIGNS POSITION
to report these to the various schools.: -
Will Rave Expert Judges (By Associated Press)
Expert judges are to hear the de- PARIS, July 19-William T. Tilden
bates. The visiting university will was dropped from the American Davis
submit a list of four names from cup tenn4s team today, announced Jo-
which the entertaining university willsA
I seph Wear, chairman of the Ameni-
select one as the judge. The judgeE
will give his decision before the audi- can Davis cup committee, because he
ence, if that is the custom of the en- had violated the amateur rules in
tertaining university, and will later, writing about the Wimbledon tennis
explain his decision to the members tournament while playing in it.
of the teams and their coaches. The announcement was concurred
Each school is to be represented in in by Samuel H. Collum, president
the debate by three men students.
Membership on these teams is to be of the United ,States lawn tennis as-
open to both graduates and under- sociation.
graduates in good standing. How- Tilden's removal caused a complete
ever, it has been requested that, when change of the American team. Fran-
any of thetmember universities are cis T. Hunter and John Hennessey
debating at Purde University, they.wl ersn h Ui ttsi h
shall use under-graduate students will represent the Unitl States i the
only. Each institution is left free to singles and George Lott and Hennes-
determine itl owi eligibility rules, sey in the doubles.
and may use freshmen if it desires. Chairman Wear of the Davis cuV
It is recommended that any one stu- committee cables his resignation be-
dent shall debate only once each year. cause of Tilden's removal. He de-
manded that it be effective as soon'
OBREGON FUNERAL as the team returned to America.
RBIG CROWD Today's de.velopment puts the Davis
DRAWSBI CR WD cup committee in the strange posi-
Ation of dropping the captain of the
(By AcAmerican team. Tilden,veteran of nine
NOGALES, July 19-The people of I Davis cup campaigns, was appointed
Mexico were gathering today for the- captain of the American team in
funeral of their chosen leader,,'Gen- March of this year. Led by the Phil-
eral Alvaro Obregon.tH adelphian, the American team advanc-
Dispatches from Navajoa to the Her- ed in sensational style through Amer-'
ald here told a graphic story of gen- icaln zone opponents, including Mex-
eral influx there of men, women and ico, China, and Japan.
children representing every cla'ss of i__
Mexican life from humble peon, comr- 'DEAN BA TES TELLS
ing afoot, to officials and merchants CONFRONTING W
of great influence. A growing stream
of humanity exhausted all hotel ac- Women in the law profession have,
commodations in the little villages, according to Dean Henry M. Bates,
where at ahm announced date, Mex-
ico's president-elect, will find his a difficult role to fill.
final resting place. "Women," says Dean Bates, "are
just as capable of mastering law as
BASEBALL SCORES a body of knowledge, las are the men,
- Pss)and thoutgh the practice is difficult,
(By Associated PressI have a ood it f admiration for

in using heat," declared the speak-
er. "They used 'lay much as we do
and had cement of the same sort as
we have,"
Three Scales For Measuring
"There are three scales for meas-
uring temperature," Professor Wood

"Foremost among these, and per-
haps the most logical choice, Aaron
Saenz, former Foreign Minister, gov-
ernor of one of the states, and man-f
ager of Obregon's campaign, and a
man thoroughly qualified to take the

"Vocational guidance is absolutely
necessary in both the junior and sen-
ior high school,' declared Prof. Thom-
as Diamond in a lecture delivered at
4 oclock yesterday in the auditorium
of the Vniversity High School. "Such


.. 4


said, "the Fahrenheit scale with which # nrguidance should not be limited to the
we are all familiar,' the Centigrade higher grade of students, but should
sciale which is much more logical, and P'be conducted for all. It is just'as im-
a less well known scale invented by 1a r t tt i
Rteaumur, based on change in volume111 ". UII L\'TL portant to find the right po'sition for
lieamurbasd onchane i volmeshe boy or girl that does not intend
of a mixture of alcohol and water 1IINGSIIUUIILSJie
raised from zero to the boiling point. to go to college or to train for a pro-
"In industry, where temperatures Wilfred Plans Many Beautiful Scenic fessional career, as it is for one that
are much higher than under ordinary Effects By Blending Color And does.'
conditions, the usual thermometer will Light On The Clavilux The lecture was opened with a
not operate, and so science has had
to invent new measuring instruments, MOORE T PLAY O ORGAN sketch of the present position of vo-
called pyrometers. Of these there areI TO ON cational guidance in schools, and with
two kinds: the thermo-electric, con- Igtt a discussion of its merits. "The pur-
structed of strips of platinum and'I aigoe tedrcin o
Isben's "The Vikings," to be present- pose of a vocational counsel for guid-
rhodium welded together, which when ed by the Rockford Players Monday ance is to provide the student with
inserted in the fire whose temperature and Tuesday, at 8:15 o'clock In Hill information upon which he can base
it is desired to measure generates a adI Tusy a o'lock n iinfh
faint electric current, whose magni- Auditorium, Thomas Wilfred brings his plans for selecting a vocation, to
tude indicates the amount of heat; to the play a knowledge of the orig- peaetesuetfrpaeet
tud inicaes he mout o het;inal Danish in which it was wrtt, prepare the student for placement,
and the optic pyrometer, which Judg- inlDnshi.hc iwswitten,,
and the results of his diligent study and to assist him in fulfilling his am-
es heat by the color of the fire." Pro- o' the editions and criticism of the bitions," said Professor Diamond.
fessor Wood showed slides illustrating author's time. Mr. Wilfred is a grad- "Some schools have only. vocational
both instruments. iuate of the University of Copenhagen, placement, bureaus today, and others
"Other practical examples of our where he was for a time a teacher In offer only vocational information
ability to use high temperatures," con- the department of Physics. It was courses. The best system is that whichi
cluded the speaker, "are the manu- hare that he did much of his work in combines these two things, but, if
facture of lime, requiring a tempera- Light which finally resulted in the it were necessary to make a choice,
makir of gs plaserrheqirin most perfect control of electrical the vocational counsellor would be
7kdgreesa of ortplandr, cmerntg energy for plighting purposes, the considered the most important."
,degr" m Clavilux, the color organ which plays "We have but three possible sourc-
requiring 2800 degrees."'Zr ci ngidanc" theseak-

Battered Corpse Discovered Floating
Near Cape Brinez By Pilot-
Ships Maria Eaugraud
(By Associated Press)
BOULOGNE, July 19-Finding to-
day of tihe body of Captain Albert
Lowenstein, missing Belgian million-
aire cleared up most of the grim mys-
tery surrounding his disappearance
from a cross channel aeroplane on
July 4.
Suicide Question Not Solved
French and Belgian authorities will
still have to determine whether Cap-
tain Lowenstein accidentally fell from
the plane as it flew 4,000 feet over
the English channel, or deliberately
wrenched open the exit door and
plunged to his death. But the ugly
rumor thlat the financier had premed-
itated a hoax and was still alive were
definitely set at rest by the finding
of the body. The battered body was
found floating ten miles from Cape
Brisnez and was taken aboard the
pilot ship Maria Eaugrand. Identity
wias established by a wrist plate bear-
ing the banker's name and addres.
Decomposition had set in but the fea-
tures were still sufficiently recogniza-
ble to permit recognition by Captain
Lowenstein's relatives.
Official Inquiry Expected
it is believed here that now that
the mystery of the financier's dis-
appearance has been bared, the
French government will begin an of-
ficilal inqufry to establish whether the
death~was accidental or a suicide and
if any of Captain LowenIstein's fel-
low passengers in the plane will share
any responsibility for his death.
One.of the first results of today's
find will be to permit immedately the
preliminary work of winding up the
vast estate of Europe's greatest "mys-
tery" financier. Had the 'body re-
mained undiscovered legal experts
feared that it would be years before
this work could be completed and
that the Captain's great holdings
would be tied up indefinitely.
Professor Bradley M. Davis, of the
Botany department, will deliver a lec-
ture on "Jamaica' in Natural Science
auditorium at 5 o'clock this afternoon
This lecture is one of the regularly
scheduled University lectures arrang-
ed during the summer under the di-
rection of Dean Kraus. In his lec-
ture this afternoon Professor Davis
will explain interesting information
regarding Jamaica, having devoted
considerable study in this direction.
As an added feature of his lecture
he has arranged to exhibit a large
collection of water-color sketches
which are exhibited in Room 2003, and
will be shown following Professor
Davis' address.
Exhibits of health posters from
many countries, portfolios of school
project work done by children in
America and abroad, and other ex-
amples wof the ways in which the

ideals of the Junior Red Cross mo-
tivate class room work are on view
in room 135 of the west medical build-
ing today and tomorrow, according to
an announcement made yesterday.
The exhibition is in charge of Miss
Edith M. Peckham, assistant director
of the American Junior Red Cross.
The three-fold purpose of the Jun-
a ior Red Cross-physical and mental
fitness, service to the community, and
world friendship among children-
and its relation to the work of the
teacher are exemplified in the exhibi-

. . I



_ight insteaa of souna.
OF DIFFICULTIES He will be at the console of his
)MEN IN LAW WORK famous invention painting in living
_______________ _____ light the settings for the production.;
es. Women understand the family There is no"limit to the possibilities
cases better, and are doing splendid of stage lighting with his instrument.
work in courts dealing with delin- He can throw light of any color, or of
quent children of both sexes. any intensity wherever he wants it.
"Not that women don't succeed evento He has designed the settings, which.
the highest positions. There is, for are painted a drab, and will be col-
instance, Florence Hunt, Justice of ored and shaped with light.
the Supreme Court of Ohio, and MrS. With the same equipment he can
Mabel Willebrandt, who is at present also create any figures or images he
assistant Attorney General of the liesires, so that the illusions usually
United States. so nearly impossible will be achieved
"Many of the women students, how- with ease and complete artistry.
ever, are finding general practice so In addition to the performance byF
difficult, that they are going into le- the Rockford Players, and the set-
gal departments of various trust com- tings in light by Mr. Wilfred will be
panies, and some into teaching. Many the musical accompaniment by Prof.
of the courts, you see, are so nerv- Earl V. Moore on the magnificent new
ously and physically exhausting that Frieze Memorial Organ.
it is a standing question whether the The performance will be a World
woman can be as successful as a Premiere, bringing together for the
man - at least while courts are the first time the three forms of art,
scenes of battle that thev are now." Light. Music and Drama.

er explained. "These are the parent,
the employer, and the school. None
of these are satisfactory advisors for
the child. The parents know many
things about the boy or girl that are
of value in plotting the course of
his life, but they have little know-
ledge of business and industrial con-
ditions. The same may be said of
the teachers in the 'schools. The
employer is not a satisfactory adviser
because he is more interested in get-
ting the right person for a job than
in getting the right job for a per-
son. It is obvious that the choice
of 'a life-work cannot be left to the
child, since he has had so little ex-
perience, and it is just as obvious
that none of the others will do. The
only logical 'scheme seems to be to
establish some central bureau that
can collect and tabulate all the infor-
and make them available for the study
mation from these various sources,
and use of the student."


American League
Detroit 9-2, Washington 3-7.
Boston 3, Cleveland 2.
Eleven innings.
New York 6, Chicago 4.
Philadelphia 2-4, St. Louis 0-3.
National League
St. ,Louis 6, Philadelphia 5.
Boston 9, Cincinnati 4.
Brooklyn 3, Pittsburgh 0.
New York. Chicago, wet ground.

those who Ore courageous enough
to tackle it as a life work. The main
difficulty for the women will be in
getting started, partly because of the
prejudice and partly because of the
nature of the work and the demandsS
It makes.
"There are certain branches, how-
ever, in which women are being par-
ticularly succe'ssfull. That is, in the
field of probate work, the care of
minor orphans and such similar cas-

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