PAGE TWO Ti-IlE, SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, JULY 19, 1928 Published every morning except Monday dur-! ing the University Summer Session by the' Board in Control of Student Publications. The Associated Press is exclusively en- titled to the use for republication of all newsf dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published herein. Entered at the Ann Arbor, Michigan, post- office as second class matter. Subscription by carrier, $1.50; by mail, $1.75. Offices: Press Building, Mynaard Street, An~n Arbor, Michigan. EDITORtIAL STAF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR J. STEWART HOOKER "Editotlal ' Directors ........G. eorge E. Simons Martin Mol City 'Editor ,.............. Lawrence R. Klein! ttre Editor..............Eleanor Scribner Tlsic and Drama Editor.......Stratton Buck Books Editors. , .......... Kenneth G. Patrick Kathryn Sayer I Night Editors Alex Bochnowski Robert Dockeray Howard Shout Margaret Zahm Isabel Charles Martin Mol George Simons Clarence Edelson Robert O'Brien BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER RAY WACHTER1 Advertising................Lawrence Walkley Advertising.................Jeannette DaleI Accounts .................. Whitney Manningt Circulation..... .......Bessie V. Egelan Assistants Samuel Lukens L Lillian Korvinsky Janet Logie THURS.DAY, JULY 19, 1928 Night Editor---GEORGE E. SIMONS MEXICO'S LESSON Mexico, this week, will mourn thej loss of her president-elect, brutally murdered by the hand of a single assassin while seated unsuspectingly! at a banquet table. The people of Mexico, in the quick flush of excite- ment that is so characteristic of Latin; blood, will mourn him deeply for aj while, and then, perhaps, forget. But forget him as they will and as heroes! are wont tosbe forgotten, the inten- sive, indulgent love he forever bore for' his native land will live long after! eveni his memory has died, and will! live in the form of benificent results that mark forward steps in Mexico's; progress. The significance of his death is more deep-seated than the mereI murder craze of a political fanatic. The forces that directed the assass-. ination were not centered in one per- son but in a body of persons. Re-* ligious strife has long been an issue in Mexican politics, and the chief 1 Mexican authorities have every rea- son to suspect that the murder of the! service organization. This utterance centered about the retiring presi- dent's endorsement of the universal draft as proposed by the American Legion. His statement in part reads, "If Lionism is to live up to its lofty ideals of patriotism, it must endoxsz the universal draft law as proposed' by the American Legion. Let not the Government take the time, energy and the lives of the youth alone in the nexttemergency, but let us de- mand that each man and woman on that day give all, freely, whether of bodily strength, or labor, or talent, or wealth." Perhaps Irving Camp, the retiring president here quoted, is justified in his stand in view of the fact that the j an which he endorses would bring about a more equitable distribution of the burden of war. But an utter- ance regarding a measure affecting a nation's conduct during a war is inopportune at such a time as this. No doubt the motives behind Mr. Camp's advocacy of the universal draft plan were of the highest order. In a speech at this time, however, it seems that a discussion of such a problem could well be eliminated in view of the universal desire on the part of peoples of almost all the na- tions of the globe for world peace. From one point of view, the favor- able recommendation of the adoption of the universal draft plan might be considered as a step in the direction of insuring peace-the underlying principle being that if the people of a nation are prepared to assume their obligations at a time when a war seems imminent the opposing nation, knowing the preparation of the peo- ple of the opposite nation are more apt to relinquish the pressing of their cause. This, however, is not a strong argument, and it is in harmony with the theory that international peace can bes~t 'be secured 'and maintained through tile various nations of the world being thoroughly prepared for conflict, which is not now looked upon as the safest channel for the assur- ance of continued peace. Issue is also taken with Mr. Camp in that he states that if Lionism "is to live up to its lofty ideals of pa- triotism" it must endorse this uni- versal (draft plan. It is obvious to only a casual observer of the activi- ties of the Lions organizations throughout our land that it is not imperative that they endorse this plan in order for them to maintain their lofty patriotic idealism. They can maintain it without even passing judgment on the plan. It is doubt- less true that this organization has a right to endorse or reject such a measure. Such a right is guaranteed them, but the charge of the retiring president in picturing the organiza- tion's endorsement of the draft plan Music And Drama "MAKING HISTORY IN THE THEATER" It was with the blaring of trum- pets 'and the beating of many drums that the Rockford Players early in the week descended upon this 'sleepy campus, inan effort to startle it out of Its id-summer lethargy and to make it understand that a scene 'of theatrical history is to be enact- ed in Hill auditorium next Monday 'and Tuesday evenings. Pre'sident Lit- tle paused in his debate with the Daughters of the Revolution long enough to give the affair his official endorsement. Dean Kraus says he is looking forward "with great eag- erntess" to the event. Of course we have reference to the coming produc- tion of Henrik Ibsen's "The Vikings" with the Rockford Players, Professor Earl Moore at the Frieze Memorial organ, and, directing the entire af- fair, Mr. Thomas Wilfred, and his Clavilux. As has already been stated, this is the first time in the history of the theater that music, light, and drama have been united on one stage. "The Vikings" was given with the Clavilux once before, at the Goodman Theater in Chicago, but the introduction of the organ is new with this perform- ance. It is doubtful that another production of this nature will grace this part of the country for many years. The most interesting part of the performance will doubtless be the settings in living light to be project- ed by Thomas Wilfred, with his re- cent invention; the Clavilux. This in- strument is absolutely the last word in stage lighting, and obtains effects never before dreamed of in the thea- ter. Its presentation by Mr. Wilfred has been one of the most talked of events of its kind in recent years. Wilfred i's able from his keyboard to control, color, and shape more light than can otherwise be managed on a fifteen foot switchboard. The Cla- ilux has been hailed throftout the world as the beginning of a new era in the theater. Mr. Wilfred is now in town to per- sonally directstheproduction. One can only imgine how perfectly'a mythological hero play like "The Vik- ings' will lend itself to this sort of lighting. Indeed with the organ to care for the musical part of tihe piece, the Clavilux, and the Rockford Players, who have proven their abil- ities, nothing should be lacking when the curtain rises in IDill auditorium. - ,MADAME X" A Review, by J. Stewart Hooker If you don't mind weeping and be- ing made to like it; if you don't mind having your emotions stirred up un- til you find yourself secretly sym- pathizing with the actors; if you do want to see a marvelous piece, of act- ing, then take a little trip one of these days into the Shubert-Lafay- ette. "Madame X" and Pauline Fred- erick (or is it vice-versa?) will do all that - and more. "Madame X" of course, is an old play, and a play as good as it is old. Little did Alexandre Bisson be- lieve 'when he painted a picture of a woman who "found life a little too serious for her," that it would last like it has to be revived again in 1928. But such ithe case andit is just as good as it ever was, per- haps better, with Pauline Frederick, as usual, attaining the acme in act- Ing. It is said to be her greatest dramatic triumph, and anyone who was able to look !around as the final curtain 'was logwered, could scarcely deny it. The play proceeds rather smooth- ly and interestingly until it reaches the final courtroom scene, where it takes a pluinge from wahich the aud- ience emerges damp, limp at the' cur- tain. Without any doubt it is one of the most dramatic scenes as will be found in any modern play, and it is carried out to perfection by Miss Frederick and every single one of her excellent supporting cast. Right here, it should be said that Charles McCarthy, Jr., as the law- yer-son does a good piece of acting -until his courtroom speech. Some- how, he did not get into his part there, although he was not so much famiss as to detract from the final ef- fect. Perhaps his efforts would have been! appreciated more if the satirical court room scene of "Chicago" had not still been fresh in mind. At any rate, I am quite sure that Mr. Mc- Carthy would never make a good lawyer. Thomas Holding as Louis Floriot was excellent; Louis Morrell ias Laroque wap equally as good; Tina Marshal as Marie was coy; the performance of J. Morry Foster as N'oel wad far above the average; and, as was intimated before, Pauline Frederick walks off with the show. TYPEWRITING and MIMEOGRAPHING A Specialty for Twenty Years Prompt Service Moderate Rates 0. D. MORRILL 27 Nickels Arcade Phone 6615 : I1111ilI1111 11 IIIIlIIlllllll 11 JULY SPECIAL on Eugene Perma- nent Wave $8.50 - Also Monday and Tuesday of each week, we give special prices on Shampoo and Marcel or Shampoo = and Finger Wave for $1.25 , Powder Puff Beauty r~(Oe Shop- (OverGraham's Book Stoie) 320 S. State Dial 6442 I liii l11111111111 111 ~1111111111 t' COOPER'S KITCHENETTE 'FAMOUS GM FOOD" A LMEND I CE R 305 MAYNARD STREET 1444-That's My Weakness Now Tain't So.......................................Whiteman 1448-Come Back, Chiquita Lonesome In the Moonlight.....................Whiteman 1428-I Ain't Got Nobody A Good Man Is Hard to Find;.......................Ted Lewis COLU"M BIA RECORDS - - - _r "OldTown Canoes" USED EXCLUSIVELY IN OUR LIVERY Very Safe and Easy to Paddle SAUNDER'S CANOE LIVERY On the Huron River at the Foot of Cedar St. Clas'stified Ads Pay I 1. 'i T ne. Ay Phone HU8 neatn ome coking in nan Arbor p t5 State )e to the Summer Daily SubsCrib 1 _. _ - _.. d .._ . , .. . ..r..s®® as.rrrsssurwwr riel4ibitili i Ilbiiiiiiit l I I is t r rr r . r , Y . yr r. r r rr rr. i r. . r . r. r ,rr. rr.,irrar: rrrrr.,v. : .i°, .,r.,r. :rrsrr .v. .porr°. ,iir.. . uc. c ~BOOK BARGAINS -ADDITIONS DAILY l TO OR.. Barg*n T ble Look Them Over-See What 50c Will Buy SVNIVERSIT Y O KBOOKSTORE I"% .I Y.J1 rC".J..//11 I"1.Y.11l..C C 00 cc /.1J...//J1/1/l."/..1/J1"1...l.I1dlP«r0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "The Little Store of Big Values" A CLOSING OUT president-elect was the result of de-. as an essential move is decidedly off liberate planning by an anti-Catholicc factinn 'Theocntntrnnh f a color. All Summer Merchandise AT GREAT SAVINGS! -.ww civic A llu . a a aa a v iuc vi la,$u t It is not intended 1to"i dwell at 1pnozth Tuesday is not the first attack that on the merits and demerits, if such has been made upon General Obregon. aediernedand emers rfs The ata assultwas he nly uc-are discerned, of the universal draft The fatal assault was the only sue- plan. The objection raised to the cessful one of several other attempts. prsnt discussion of the Church and state have never met present discussion of the project is I made in view of the possible inhibi- on compatible grounds in Mexico, ofthrpblm of oen even when under Spanish control. tion of other problems of moment having a greater effffect on world The pages of the nationiys history page ofthenatori's istryleace if war measures like the draft have, since the inception of govern- ment, been marred by the excres- plan become the subject of popular discussion. cences of revolution and violence, usually over religious principle and' WEST WINDS supremacy. Not long ago a young lad from the It is a tragic state of affairs in ;'corn fifields of Iowa was found wan- Mexico. And until the Protestant dering around the streets of New and, Catholic sects can meet on com- York. He was questioned as to his mon ground, and meet peacefully, reasons for being there and shortly there can be no brighter outlook for was given a return ticket to his home. Mexico's future.-I When asked why he left home he Too bitter censure must not be told his questioners that he had want- thrust ruthlessly upon Mexico, how- ed to go on the sea and related a ever, for her struggle is nothing more beautiful little story of the circum- than a repetition of the religious j stances which prompted him to go. wars and movements that swept over When he got up early and went to England and Spain and France its i1do his work around the farm he was succession after the Renaissance. The up with the dawn, and every morn- bitter portion to swallow in connec- I ing there came a fresh, cool breeze tion with Mexico's case is that it is ifrom the west. Always it seemed to occurring In the present.. It is a be going to the sea and as he thought simple enough affair! to read of the of it he was fascinated by the idea inquisitions of centuries past, but an of follow-ing its c-urse eastward and entirely different point of view must out onto the sea which has such ro- naturally be taken when affairs are iiumantic glamour. realities in the present. It was an impulse, and he tried to So the present strikes home, hard follow it. Perhaps he has seen the and relentlessly. Mexico, because it sea for the last time, but he has has not yet learned to adjust its state learned that such desires are not al- and church affairs in a civilized fash- ways to be fulfilled. They give color ion, has lost a hero and a leader. to life even though they do not lead Perhaps costly lessons, such as the to immediate fulfillment. More often untimely one that took the life of the than not, such impulses are only for man who was to be the highest ofi- I mental pleasure-they, become part cial in the land, will awake Mexico of the dream world. We may derive to the realization that marked and 'pleasure from brooding over our immediate change in political and wishes and picturing them so clearly religious relationship must be made. to ourselves that the thrill enjoyed in that way is sometimes even more WRY DRAFT TALKI exciting than that of actually doing At a time when most of the world them. Is talking about means of bringing We must go on living a part of our about more peaceful relationships be- lives in the world of imagination, tween nations, a rather untimely ut- realizing that our unsatisfied impulses' terance is made by the retiring presi- serve to relieve the monotony of ,an dent of Lions International at the everyday world, giving color and Des Moines convention of that great spice to life. i t t -i 1 r K / // Two Great Value Givin Groups of Charming Frocks 79 Short Sleeve Frocks of Printed Crepe, Wash Silks, Flannels and Linens - INDISPENSIBLE AND IN- EXPENSIVE- I, 110 Summer Frocks, somne just in, and others taken from higher priced lines - of heavy flat Wash Silk, Printed Crepe, Georgette and dotted materials. 'I Ciow Nek Pulloveor Swestms Whk, Pla , Yehw $1.95 W 529 East Liberty IL- Fan-Pleated White sand Faneles $5.95 Michigan Theater Bldg. POPULAR PRICES ALWAYS