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July 19, 1928 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1928-07-19

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Prehably showers; cooler.

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VOL. IX, No. 22.



:.: t".:.,: 'y.L.lri., "i'.".y_..::=:=2.viously difficult, and lf dsic-
SHOP l(ORK REQUIRS 's* .ly favorable impression with the gad-
TAT . .°.This is the year in which all the ience for the conclusion of Mrs.
musical world ays tribute to d's part of the concert. The in-
GREAT INT LIENCE :Brahms. The Sonata in F Minor was "riatermveents were perfectly
is's.:"i"s '''"". ;: .=;;u;=".:;r certainly a fitting tribute in last I' aSterd o an (encore Mrs. Rhead
RECOMMENDS USE OF PICTURES night's concert, for both Brahms and played the lovely Nocturne by Grieg.
TO SUPPLEMENT REGULARRhead were at their best, in this After a performance such as last
ROUTINE WRK Lfamous composition. The Allegro night's, we realize more than ever
Maestro was an impressive move- that Mrs. Rhead's place !among the
ment, calling forth technique rather artists is assured, and we appreciate
TRACES HISTORY OF SHOP than emotion on the part of the play- the privilege of hearing one who has
IndustrIal Arts Teachers Must 'Lke er. In places it semed somewhat distinguished herself as artist with
Boys And Be Interested i Wagnerian. The Andante Impres- the Detroit, Chicago, and St. Louis
BosubAectByr ase tItnrahsrlmottnvaia Otis0..'to ,Teog.aut
sivo contained the beautiful tones and orchestras.
Subject, Byrn Says~~~~~ melody that Brahms lalmost invaria- !r~tsO Pto1,Tnr laut
bly obtains. The Scherzo Allegro of the University School of Music,
Intelligence on the part of the Chukhnovsky Energico showed the tremendous en- and soloist of note, did very well in
pupil in the shop is as necessary as Russian air ace who located and ergy of the artist, and the Intermez- the concert. The Puccini number, E
it is in any other subject taught in brought .about the rescue of the Italia zo Andante Molto reminded us some- Lucevan Le Stelle, was a dramatic
school," declared Prof. Marshall L. survivors, Captains Zappi, and Ma- what of the Liebes Lieder in its (soft- song well fitted to his voice. It was
htrian, was himself forced down on ness. The Finale, Allegro Moderato, in Tirindelli's Primavera that Mr.
Then nhsleral rho nt lckfthe ice. ma rubato, was a spectacular con- (atton distinguished himself. -This
The General Shop"' given at 4 o'clock uthe the. I
clusion to the long Sonata. number showed off the "remarkable
yesterday afternoon in the auditorium l r o niun Mrs. Rhead's second (group con- qualities of his voice which have al-
of the University High School. "The sisted of three short numbers. In ways won his audiences. Stikles,
idea that shop work in school re- horale "Jesu, Joy of Man's Desir- Ah! My Beloved was sung with feel-
quires nothing but manual labor is ing,c a by Bach-Hess, we heard themingeo . "To a Hill Top" byCox was a1
a~solutely false and ridiculous. The O Supplication and praise' of men. Cho- !ood number for his voice, showing
bol te false id ridiclou. Te- UL pin's Etude Op. 2 No. 3 was sur- its flexibility as well as tonal qual-
boy that can build a model of an aero- - prisingly short, but delightful as ity. The last group, consisting of
a gasoline or electrical motor cer- Miss Kelly Is Cast As Hjordis, Bohnen Chopin always is. It was well play- light song's, hardly
As Gunnar, Browne As Ornulf, ed, giving evidence of Mrs. Rhead's a chance to do itself justice. And
tainly must have , a high degree of in- And Henderson As Sigurd fine touch. The Polonaise E. major, after all light songs are quite appro-
telligence." ' by Liszt, was interesting though ob- iat
"Nine boys out of ten like me- ' enco w a summer concert. Mr. Pat-
chanics and building if those things TO COMBINE THREE ARTSI on's encore was "Lift Thine Eyes,"
are presented to them in the right' by Logan. This was exceptionally
ay"h wntn." werte Bringing together for the first time we'l done. lie was verg enthus-
way," he went on. "However, tsihey eeie ndcmeugtgh
teacher of shop must have two char- in the history of the theater three Ihlastaddreceivedandcameauptoh
acteristics if he is to handle his forms of art, Light, Music, and Drama,ihigh'standardpthatfs b hhosyswteeirl
course prop~erly. He must first be the Rockford Players will open t.heir hLUef"
interested in his subject and believe presentation of Henrik Ibsen's "The Miss Donna Esselstyn as accom-
that it is of value to those he is Vikings" at 8:15 o'clock Monday eve- Leaves Details Of Campaign Against panist, also deserves favorable men-


McMullen, Of Nebraska, However, Is
Unsatisfied With Results
Of Meeting
(By Associated Press)
NORTH PLATTE, Nebr., July 18-
For more, than 5 hours today Herbert
H over discussed the farm relief
question with Republican leaders as
his special train sped toward Cali-
fornia through the corn belt where
this issue is the most acute.
Governor John Hamill of Iowa,
left the Repu'blican candidate con-
vinced that under the Hoover lead-
ership a real plan of agricultural aid
would be offered, but Governwr Adam
McMullen, of Nebraska, indicated
very clearly tht he wa'sn't tat all sat-
sdied that his party was prapared
to mnet the issue, although he did
ly that Hoover had "a comprehen-
5ive understanding of the agricultur-
al issue."
Emerging from the candidate's pri-
vate car after a conversation' of half
an hour, Hamill, who opposed Hoov-
er in the pre-convention fight, said
that in his judigment the party stand-
ard bearer was going to offer "a plan

Elberta Trowbridge
Who won popularity in the role of
the woman feature writer in the
Rockford Player's presentation of
"Chicago" last week. She is appear-
ing this week as Janet in Harry
Wagstaff Gribble's light comedy,
"March Hares."
Amount Exceeds Figures Of Previous
Summer Tag Day By Margin
Of Forty Dollars

teaching, and second, he must. like
boys and enjoy being with them. If
he has these two things and is aI
good organizer, he will have the prim-
ary requisites for shop teaching."
Byrn Traces Development I
Professor Byrn began his lecture:
by tracing the history of the develop-
ment of the gene'al shop in schools
of the country, showing how it ad-
vanced step by step from simple
manual training to the more inter-!
esting and useful industrial arts
courses of today. Following this he
outlined the objectives of the present
teaching of general shop, stressing
especially its function in giving the
pupils a closer understanding of theI
world of industry, in giving them a,
training that will be useful in their
everyday life, and in testing their in-
terests and aptitudes.
At the close of the speaking an
industrial film of the manufacture of
steel was shown. This use of pic-
tures to supplement regular shop
work was strongly recommended by
Professor Byrn. A number of those
present at the lecture also visited the
shop-room of the University High
School where a number of drawing
exhibits and demonstrations of shop
work had been placed on view.
Diamond To Speak Today
The next lecture on the special
education series will be delivered by
Prof. Thomas Diamond at four o'clock
this afternoon - in the auditorium of
the high school. The subject will be
"Vocational Guidance in the Junior
High School." Educators have been
studying and learning about this sub-
ject to a considerable extent in re-
cent years, but have been applying
their knowledge largely to the Sen-
ior high school. Professor Diamond
will point out the ways in which this
type of program can be extended
down into the junior high school and
made an integral part of the organi-
Visits to the home of Henry Ford
at Dearborn and to the Buhl resi-
dence in Bloomfield Hills will form
a part of the last excursion to be
made this summer by students in the
Landscape Design department. The
trip will be made this Saturday and
will probably take up most of the day,
it was announced by Prof. George P.
Cone, of the Landscape Design de-
partment, who has charge of the ex-
pedition. While the excuirsion was
planned chiefly for those interested
in landscape work, there will be room
for about six or seven persons in
addition. It is advised that, if anyone
else should desire to accompany the
party, he should see Professor Cone

ning in Hill auditorium. The settings Dry Sentiment To National I tion, for she was all that an ac- more sound and intelligent than any
will be projected in living light by Commteemen companst should be. Rver offered to the "American peo-
the Clavilux, with Thomas Wilfred, 1AE le
its, inventor, at the console. TheUFaTigAT0.0f"uotalovn, r 'o clle th
musical accompaniment will be DISCUSSESNT ISEN1 ''""'' e Falling short of the $500.00 quota The Iowran, who called the first
played by Prof Earl V. Moore on the (By Associated Press) set for the summer campaign, sulp- c'rn belt conference and.who ha
new Frieze Memorial organ . TBY Aport to the extent of $257.68 was giv- fought for the equalization principle
sic for the production is an entirely ALBANY, July 18.-Governor Smith ICTORY FOR HOOVER en by the Summer Session students of the McNary-Haugen bill, would not
or t oductin iaentire is showing little concern over the and faculty to the University Fresh go into details, saying that Mr. Hoov-
oiiaadiinhaigbewokddeter mination of some loa eo'i'cn i h aD
out by Mr. Wilfred and Professor tocal Demo- Air camp in the Tag Day campaign er would elaborate 'the plan in his
Moorecratic leaders, particularly in the (By Associated Press) held yesterday on the campus. This acceptance address at Palo Alto on
"oe kgSouth, to oppose his Presidential can- CHICAGO, 'July 18.-Senator J. amount exceeds last summer's tag August 11. He did say, however, that
"The Vikings" though generally didacy. He feels that the friction Thomas Heflin of Albany today pre- day figure by [41.02 the equalization fee was out of the
Ibsen's plays, has seldom been pre thi sort constitutes a problem for dicted the' election of Herbert Hoover Contributions yesterday were taken relief picture.
Isen'd plas as tsedon en de- the Democratic National Committee and Charles Curtis, "beyond a doubt." in by a group of fifteen boys from the Hoover will make the farm relief
sented because of the unusual difi-" toacope with, and he indicated today Senator Heflin was in Chicago for the :amnp who were selected on basis of the first principle of his administra-
culty in producing technical effects. that le would leave it to the Com- annual Klonzkatlon of the Knights leadership displayed in camp life. { tion. He regards it as a moral and
Te aetdit rar tvate mitteemnen to work out competitive of the Klu Klux Klan. The boys were accompanied by three positive obligation of the party and
be attempted with ordinary theater ! nmethmods.
The 'trdt' of tihe The Democratic Senator said the student counselors, C. J. Wheeler, '31; of himself. He recognizes that there
Icolor organ, however, does away i s y conference with news- South, "the stronghold Gibraltar of James R. Pollock, '29, and John Held- is a problem and that it is an ob-
color or oe ve y aay wx- paper men, the Democratic Presi- the Democratic Party" has had all it man, '28, Oberlin. l'gation resting upon the whole pe-
these problems to a very large ex- dential nominee was asked to com-
tent. Its additions to the effects of t o s s as, w - can stand of the present manage- Homer H. Grafton, business man- ple to solve it.
the theater open up new worlds in e on te situation in Texas, where ment of its party affairs, as the Sen- ager of the camp, expressed apprecia- Hamill boarded the train at Mis-
n gani-ith movement has been ator referred to the appointment of tion yesterday for the support render- souri Valley, Iowa, before breakfast,
of Mr. Wilfred in Ann r bor Hill organized, its eaders say, on the John Raskob as campaign manager ed the camp. "This encouraging re- and rode as far as Omaha, where he
auditorium will be the best equipped rfor Al. Smith's Presidential candi- sponse," Mr. Grafton said, "coupled left for Council Bluffs to make a
I don't know anything about it," dacy with a few further large gifts that aer 4lane flight to Des Moines to
theater im the world electrically. Smith counter'ed "That is for theI
Clavilux Here Before N t 1Comtee t wi aot." "If a Republican can be put at the will be forthcoming before the sum- report t the Republican Convention
The Clavilux has been seen twice ait al Com itee to worry about. head of Republican affairs, the Sen- mer is over will enable the camp to there the result of his talk with
before in recital here. Only once in . dator added, "why can't the South se- entertain the full summer's quota of HIoover.
this country, however, has Mr. Wil- jet lect a Republican. This would be no 400 boys." elfMulen Joins Canddate
fred used his invention to furnish en e nidt more inconsistent than voting for a During the past year more money 1 McMullen joined the candidate at
the seis ackgron ofaris While the nominee is disinclined to Tammany nominee whose campaign was raised from the student body Omaha and rode across the state with
te eica rouenter into any discussion of opposi i being managed by a Republican." of the University in support of the him to North Platte. He introduced
mateheaT ion within the party to his candi- "There is no enthusiastic support of operation of the camp than durin hoover to crowds that gathered at
occuredwslast gnspring, twhen e"The VikClvu-dayhifresanavsrsee
T I- dacy, his friends and advisers here the ,Democratic party Nominee in the any other year of the camp's exist- Omaha, Fremont, Columbus, and
at the Goodman Memorial theater, hold the view that the secession in the South," Heflin said. "The very ence. The total sum contributed by Grand Island as an able American
Chago Thidma prod ionas ateatr, South will not jeopardize Democratic stronghold of the party is most dis- both regular and summer session statesman, and an outstanding figure
Chicago. This production was a great success in that section next Novem- turbed." students is $2,227.18, which is $300 and the Republican Presidential can
successn i ber, and that while votes may be more than was ever raised luring didate."
KftheRock Kery eding cady bought there and in other localities any previous year.Mrs. Hoover appeared with *her
the ole of Hjodis wiil y wher the-e is a preponderant "d'y" C ANGLE The average age of the boys in husband on the rear platform at
sentiment, Smith will more than make FOR FIVE TROUT cam this year is 13. Mostof the boys maha, receiving the Womens om
tion. Her husband, Gunnai', will be f ~ ~ ~ lewl am 5a pti eri 3 ot-fteby me andevngth oe' on
up fri nsrnghh ilg icm
tio. Hr usbndGunar wil upfo itin trngt hewil ginwho made solicitations -on the cam- Ittee n basket of flowers from
done by Roman Bohnen, with Lillian in other doubtful states. (By Associated Press) who yesoliaion on tham-thit the Girl Scouts, but after the train
Bronson cast as Egil, their son. E. There has been no iidication here SUPERIOR, July 18.-The Brule pus yesterday were older than this,t r s t the
Martin Browne will play Ornulf of the as to just what method managers of River today claimed once more the however. death of her father, C. G. Henry, at
Fjords and Paul Stephenson assumes; Democratic campaigns will utilize in undivided attention o President Ilacerville, Calif., and kept to her
the role of Thorolf. Robert Hende-E their efforts to hold Southern and Coolidge. GIVE STATISTICS. c'mpartment for the remainder of
son, director of the company wh other Democratic states in line, but Two days of entertaining Herbert ON SPECIAL W K the day.
has made the event possible, will be the prediction is made that as soon Hoover, Republican Presidential nom- Mr. Hoover spoke briefly to the
seen as Sigurd the strong. as a complete campaign organization inee, forced the Chief Executive to According to statistics given out crowd at Fremont and expressed his
Advance sale of tickets will con- is perfected the problem will be slight somewhat his angling, but with yesterday by the office of the Grad- appreciation of their gathering at the
tinue at the State street bookstores given exhaustive attention. the departure last night of the Sec- uate School regarding the subjects station to meet him. He shook hands
until the day of performance. Leaders Plantampaign retary of Commerce, the full fishing of specialization among graduate with the engineer and fireman who
~- -Party leaders, including John J. schedule was resumed. students, there has been a marked hmauled his train from Omaha and
SEARCH IN ARCTIC Raskob, Chairman of the National He came back from the forenoon increase in the number of people tthen posed for pictures with them
WILL BE RESUMED Committee are working out campaign ;session with five trout. specializing in education this year. on the rear platform, placing his
details in conference in New York. Mr. Coolidge wished for Secretary A noticeable increase has also been arm around the shoulders of the en-
(By Associated Press) They are consulting w: ith Governor Hoover the same rest he has enjoyed shown in several specialization sub- gineer.
MOSCOW, July 18.--Soviet rescuers Smith by telephone but he is showing in the North Woods the last month, jects.
today continued their efforts to clear' an inclination to have practically no for it was said he believed the nom- This year there are 1196 students BASEBALL SCORES
up the fate of Roald Amundsen and hand in planning, except in the shap- inee showed the effects of the warm specializing in the various subjects
his five missing companions. Pre- ing up of general diplomacy. weather and the strain he has been offered through the Graduate School (By Associated Press)
parations also were made to begin For a while today at the Governor's under. The President's appearance as compared with 1030 last summer. American League
an extensive search for the six men Office at the Capitol Mayor Thatcher which has improved has been re- Of this number, 370 are specializing Philadelphia 5, Detroit 1.
who drifted off to the east over the of Albany discussed with the nominee marked upon by the newspaper re- in education as compared with 294 New York 9, Chicago 8.
ice field in the bag of the Italia after plans for his notification ceremony porters who twice a week call upon of last year. The two other sub- Cleveland 6, Boston 5.
its crash north of Spitzbergen. here next month. Citizens' Commit- him at his office here. jects which show the greatest in- Washington and St. Louis not
A special conference of scientists tees are to be named to handle the His program for the remainder of creases are Speech and Physics. On scheduled.
reiterated their belief that Amund- crowds expected for the ceremony, the week contains nothing of import- the list of subjects of specialization
sen had joined the balloon group. It the date of which has not been dis- ance. Secretary Wilbur is expected are forty-two courses, including sev- National League
was pointed out that Amundsen's closed, although it is expected to be for a visit to Cedar Island Lodge eral kinds of engineering, languages, Pittsburgh 16, Boston 3.
pilot could easily have taken Amund- held shortly after the middle of Au- Monday, and the latter part of the sciences, medical subjects and cul- Cincinnati 11-2, Brooklyn 10-1.
._..- v.,winn?.afw -. k .tural courses. No other games scheduled.


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