TUESDAY, JULY 17, 1928 THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY _ Architectural Beauty And Efficiency L A SS IFIE Tn R p Oiifcnndina- IIn Women's Buiddin j ADVERTISING 1 V LL VU.l. 7t. Qtl\.Alll _ __ ' By Eleanor C. Scribner Many a person's fame consists only iqs being able to say, "I knew him when" or "I was the first person to do or see this." I must confess that I, too; have claim to fame on a sim- ilfar basis for I am the first women to "climb" to the very top of the new Women'a League building. I have to add the word "climb" in order to be strictly honest for Mrs. W. D. Hender- son, who was instrumental in raising the money for the Women's League building, has been ini the tower, which is the highest part of the building. On going to the contractor's office on North Ingalls street I met Mr. Loverinig of the firm of Lovering and Longbotham who are the general con- tractors of the Women's League build- ing. We looked at the blue prints ofl the building, which are bound in sec- tionis, viewing the various rooms, the different !floors, and the different ex- w Il1'.1 Vi11. 1 , . l.P.i.Alii " " " - "" pleted. In answer to my questions TYPING-Theses a specialty. Reason- concerning them Mr. Lovering statedj able rates. Dial 9387. M. V. Hart- that some of the best stone carving suff. Everyday which he had seen had been) done! on these columns. RESERVE your booth at Rushmer's From there we journeyed to the for the Wednesday night dance. assembly room where the Friday and 18, 19, 20, 21 Saturday night dances will be held. The ballroom is not only especially FURNISHED one-room kitchenette large but also has one unusually fine apartment. Jefferson Apt. Aug. 1. feature- an open balcony which can Call 2-1868. 18, 19, 20 be reached by going to the floor ----- ------ - above. The women's lounge and the FOR SALE--One cabinet radio, day lounige for both men and women are bed, screen book cases, curtains, the same height as the assembly. With dishes, kitchen utensils. Call 2-1868. fireblaces at the ends of these lounge's, 18, 19, 20 tall windows at the sides, their twoN stories of height will add 1greatly to WANTED-Student help, part time. the impressiveness of this part of the The Port Cafe, 108 E. Huron. Dial bidn.6813. 19-20 building The cafeteria, which is just below, MY "Old Kentucky Home" Tea Shop, is the% ame size as the a Ict, , 11 T- +-MY LOST-Dunhill lighter on West side of town. Call Ray Wachter, 21214. Reward. OUND-Sigma Alpha Delta Frater- nity Pin. Dial 22217. 20 LOST-Blue suede pocketbook con- taining several bills and a house- key, on State betweeni Nickels Ar- cade and Liberty. Finder ,please call 6498 between 6 and 8 p. m. Reward. LOST-Blue suede pocketbook con- taining several bills and a house- key on State between Nickels Ar- cadeand Liberty. Finder please call 6498 between 6 and '8 p. m. Re- ward. 20, 21 PICNIC ICE CREAM POISONS EIGHTEEN IONIA, July 16- Eighteen persons were made ill here Sunday by food eaten at the Gould-Currier reunion at Reverside Park. It is believed the poisoning will be traceable to ice cream eaten there. Those ill are: Government prohibition of diamond Establishment by the Canadian gov- prospecting in South Africa is said to ernment of a meteorological station have cut the production of the gems in Windsor is again asked by the city one-half. council. ' " " i ~"" ti. + r ' .r (j , J _ t r (( t f L t " + , VV " I teriors, tour o and we then started on inspection. our Vietws Interior We went first to the basement where the main kitchens will be installed. Tile floors and walls will be used here. The service room, where hair dryers and hot soft water will be in- stalled, are also lodated here. On reaching the first floor I dis- covered some of the beautifully sarv- ed stone columns which will not only be useful (as they help hold up the floors!) but ornamental, already com- ; l t J 1 as y. 1216 S. University. Open every sun- M There are a number of small dining day evening. 19-25 son, Nel- I rooms which will be popular for pri- -______------ - son, of Kalamazoo. vate parties, will beautify to a very great extent Mrs. Nettie Hatner and daughter, Climbs To Tower the exterior oif the building. While Grace, Jack Perkins and daughter From the balcony of the assembly we were looking at a panoramic view Lois, of St. Johns and Mrs. Shir- we went into the club room. Although of Ann Arbor from the tower Mr. Lov ley Sadger hand son Alvin of Albion. ering said that although the brick Mrs. Hazel Winn and Miss Beatrice this room is not large, yet it is for the building came from Indiana WInn, a daughter; Mrs. Charles Cur- fourth floor room and the view isfothbuligcm frmIda, especially good and its curved ceil- and the stone from Pennsylvania, the rier and Mrs. Stanley Robertson, of ing makes it an ideal club room. The marble came from Italy. And as Mr. Lansing. arrangement of the fans which regu- Lovering concludes, "It is especially Mrs. George Gould of Ionia. late the heat of the building are 10- suitable that these materials from all Mrs. Dora Gould, Mr . Deo Horrock cated tnearby. over the world should go into the fin- and Samuel Horrock of' Eastom. As we went to the tower, Mr Lov- est building of its kind that has ever Stanley Robertson and son Lyle, of ering showed me where the beautiful been produced." Lanslng. hand carving would be placed which ICE COLD -Drinks . \I The new, hats arrive-authentic forerunners that tell of the great chic of the Fall mode-each one revea'irg new details that will es- tablish the new millinery. Trans. parent i elvet is outstanding, in just s -" models as we are llstrating f oday, withI the one-sided brim and i he fatterin. trim of contrasting voloh. These are extremely smart hats from Paris models. -- "Old Town Can oes USED EXCLUSIVELY IN OUR LIVERY Very Safe and Easy to Paddle SAUNDER'S CANOE LIVERY On the Huron River at the Foot of Cedar St. I 11111 1i1i I I I iIItlll ill lll 111 .111111 ili111111 I IlII ill lill illIllIsIh Mbmo 'N QUICK SERVICE AT THE Betsy Ross SHOP z5 Nickels Arcade 2 WV Ine Reds Red Browns I M upernatral an am as Fashion now says- 290T5 Buys Any Adler Suit in the Store Values to $40 to $60 Including a large shipment of Fall Suits that just arrived. You don't know half about this offer until you come in to look them over, try then on, examine the fine tailoring, the exclusive styles, finest fabrics. Then you too will agree that we are sell. lng much below cost. 213 E. LIBERTY = ii li1I llililill llllt11i 11111111illil w w MICHIGAN PINS FOUNTAIN PENS ALARM CLOCKS HALLER'S STATE ST. JEWELERS ! ill11lillliltlilliliil111111111111lillll1111 r'wy~r WEAR A PANAMA HAT. We suggest you buy i genuine "SUPERNATURAL" Panama because of its supreme style, soft finish and the comfort and satisfaction it will give you. Good stores sell these hats with pride. ECUADORIAN PANAMA HAT COMPANY 297303 Mercer Street New York, N.Y. L - ,,,.-,.-.-. + What Shakespeare says about Coca-Cola g. A -" .0' & * MOBT 0g 1 c1 N Delicious and Refreshing Fill full. I drink to the general joy a' the whole table" Certainly Macbeth meant the same thing as when we say: Refresh Yourfse no Cos-.os Colpaay, Atanta, Ga. You have money You have money for luxuries only by buying wisely such necessities as your fountain pen- Buy a Lifetime*. Inferior pens can easily cost, during college days, many times the price. Yet its $8.75 alone will give flawless writing- guaranteed to last, not merely for college dayf, but for your lifetime. No repair charges at any time. It is the pen that spends the most days in the writing hand and the least in repair shops. It costs more because it is worth more. "Lifetime"-pen, $8.75 Lady "Lifetime", $7.50 Others low Lifetime" Titan oversize pencil to match, $4.25 At better stores everywhere 3H EAF FE ' P E N S-*P ENC IL S- S K R P W. A. SHEAFFER PEN COMPANY - FORT MADISON. IOWA U.S " ft 0 - 8millionaday- IT HAD TO 1B GOOD TO GET WH ERE IT IS