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July 17, 1928 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1928-07-17

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TUESDAY, JULY 17, 1928

Mrume r

Published every morning except Monday dur-
ing the University Summer Session by the
Board in Control of Student Publications.
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all news.
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news
published herein.
Entered at the Ann Arbor, Michigan, post-
uffice as second class matter.
Subcription by carrier. $i.so; by mail, $1475.
Offices : Press Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Telephone 4925
Editorial Directors.........George E. Simons
Martin Moo
City Editor.. ...........Lawrence R. Klein
Feature Editor..............Eleanor Scribuer
Music and Drama Editor......Stratton Buck
Books Editors............ Kenneth G. Patrick
Kathryn Sayer

unlimited and only a person who has __
a substantial income could under the A
present order afford to aspire to the MUSiC Andl Drama
office of chief executive of our state.
Regarding the remaining adminis-
trative offices, the situation is more LOOKING BACK


Alex Bochnom
Robert Docke
Howard Shou
Margaret Zah
Isabel Charles

Night Editors
erav (
it Cl

Martin Mol
George Simons
arence Edelson
tobert O'Brien



Telephone 21214
Advertising...............Lawrence Walkley
Advertising.................Jeannette Dale
Accounts. ................. Whitney Manning
Circulation ................Bessie V. Egelan
e .........Assistants
Samuel Lukens Aillian Korvinsky
Janet Logie
TUESDAY, JULY 17, 1928
When the United States liner, Pres-
ident Roosevelt, sailed from New York
last week bound for Amsterdam, it
carried a cargo of American sporta-
manship in the persons of America's
entrants in the Olympic games. They
were the best representatives of the
youth pf our country who were sent
to compete with the young men and
women who are the pride of other na-
This will be the ninth revival of the
ancient games which originated in
Greece, and it will be another great
step toward the development of good
feeling between the nations of the
civilized world. There will be scores
kept which will determine the supre-
macy of some one nation in the
games, but the results will also prove
that no one country has the advlantage
of having the best of all young man-
hood and young womanhood because
there will be entrants from every na-
tion who will place high among the
Above all, the games will afford an
opportunity for the youth of all na-
tions to compete on a friendly basis,
thereby developing a feeling of good
fellowship between t the representa-
tives of the nations. It is a fellowship
of this type which will mean a great
deal to all when these young people
take their turn at determining the
policies of the United States in mat-
ters of internationlal importance. They
will be able to get an inight on the
views of foreign countries.
Michigan is well represented in tha~t
group of American athletes, and her
contestants will display throug ut
the games, the sportsmanship which
has become one of the University's
most cherished traditions. It is the
type of sportsmanship which will win
friends among the group and which
will do much toward developing a
wide friendship for the entire Amer-
lan delegation. It is, however, not
peculiar to the Michigan represents-
tives ialone, but is characteristic of
the entire American contingent. The
feeling brought to life thereby will be
a desirable one: a good mind, a strong
body regardless of nationality. This
idea is the desirable attitude which
cor ands the respect of all nations.
It is unfortunate that the State of
Michigan, according to Constitutional
provision, has a definitely-fixed scale
of wages for her important state offi-
ciaIs which is far below that of the
other states. The small salaries paid
to the governor, lieutenant-governor,
administrative board members, state
senators and representatives is dis-
couraging to those desiring to seek
public office but who ° have not the
necessary income 'to maintain them-
selves while in office.
Th.e governor's salary of $5,000 per
year with no provisions for living
quarters and with an expense account
that is rather limited, is altogether in-
adequate. Although this position
should not be looked urpon by a would-

be governor as one from which much
lucrative gain can result, means
should be provided to enable the gov-
ernor to receive at least a living
wage. The expenses attached to the
office of governor whicth are consider-
ed personal but whzich, at the same
time, are rather essenitlal are quite

discouraging. The Constitution still
provides that such offices as Secretary As the half way mark is reached in 1
of State, Attorney General, Auditor the Rockford Players' season we are
General, State Treasurer have a able to check up a bit on the im-
salary attached of only $2,500. A pressions we have received from their
scheme has been concocted to permit four first plays, and come to some -
some of these to receive an additional
salary for being members of the Ad- general conclusions as to the ability
ministrative board, but this method of the troupe and the value of the
of inflating one's salary Is not alto- work they are doing in Ann Arbor.
gether an approved one although one The have given us two first class pro-
can not help but feel that a yaise is ductions,"The Letter" and "Chicago,
in order.duin T Lee
It is hard to conceive of a lieutn- a third that was in every way satis-
ant-governor, the first in line of ascer' factory, and a fourth that left a good
to the governorship, should be paid deal to be desired. The average is
the meager salary of $800 for his en- pretty high, and it is easy to excusel
tire two-year term. This seems al- "The Man Who Married Wife" as a
most incrediable. His salary, too, is too ambitious choice for a season of
fixed by the Constitution and as such this kind. At the same time the Sum-
has remained constant for a number mer Session can well congratulate it-
of years. self on having a company capable of
The situation as regards the sena- reaching the standard attained in the
tors and representatives is no better. productions of "Chicago" and "The Th
Like the salary of the lieutenant gov- Letter." In these bills the Rockford a I
ernor, the members of each body of troupe has shown itself thoroughly to
the legislature receive the sum of $800 capable, and better balanced than the en
for their two-year term. It is true average stock company. There are Ma
that the sessions of the legislation do enough finished actors on hand to loi
not extend over a period of.their two prevent that any role of importance to
year's in office, but the responsibility be assumed by someone not able to
and obligations that one assumes up- do it at lea'st satisfactorily.
on taking over the office of state sena- The feature of the season has been,
tor or state representative does not and we believe, will continue to be
stop with the adjournment of the leg- the work of Katherine Wick Kelly. So
islative session. His job is actually thoroughly finished is this artist that
a year-around job and his present her very appearance on the stage 20
salary no more than barely pays his lends whatever scene she takes part
expenses while he is attending the ses- inof mo e ad perfe
sions at Lansing. tion that the company has been un-
This situation is greatly in need o able to attain in her absence. This
a change. It is not conducive to the was particularly noticabein the sec-
selection of the best men for these a n act of "Chicago." It was also ob- .
high state offices. We have been for- served in "So This Is London" where
tunate, however, in securing able offi- her entrances were few but scattered
cials in spite of the low wages paid throughout the play. It is not possible
them. But this will not always be to describe Miss Kelly's work. I can-
To prevent a legitimate salary for the not say that she is this or that she is
holders of your state offices is an in- that. I sil however repetat e- se
centive for getting better men, and it ment made earlier in the year and say
is to be hoped that the state of Michi- again that 'she is distinctly superior '
gan will soon act to change the pres- 1 tn any artist yet seen on the Rock-
ent conditions, ford programs.
Roman Bohnen has played two
Campus Opinion admirable roles as Billy Flynn and as 1"
the attorney in "The Letter." His
To the Editor: pork in the other productions has
In a review of a lecture given re- not come up to this standard, but has
cently on the Campus the ,Daily quoted at all times been mare than satisfac-
the speaker as recommending meat to tory and one feels that he can al-
eliminate parasites. This statement ways be depended upon for a superior
was such a clear contradiction of Dr. piece of work. Bohnen has shown
John Harvey Kellogg's recent lecture himself to be unusually versatile, and
on "It Pays To Be Good To Your- there is a style and a conidence about
self" that it seemed advisable to ask his playing that is highly. pleasing.
Dr. Kellogg for his answer, which I
am iicloing.The others can be dealt with more
amF. S. Onderdonk. quickly. Robert Henderson has done
nothing exceedingly well and nothing
poorly. Elberta Trowbridge, second
The letter is as follows:
"The statement made in the last lady of the troupe has been so per-
paragraph to which you refer is alto- fectly hidden by poor roles, except
in "Chicago," that the audiences can
gether incorrect. Carnivorous animals know her only as Sunshine. In this
are more subject to intestinal para- she showed very real ability. Paul
sites than any others although all wild stephenson has played four roles with
animals are more or less subject to
paraiteon ccont f te plluiona studied artistry and a control that
oharasite on account of the pollution have been perfect. His parts have
of the water from which they often been small ones, but they have been
drink. Akeley found no parasites of unifromly splendid. E. Martin Browne
any sort in the alimentary tract of thewsx lentin.".Mti n on"
gorilla which is a strict vegetarian. wut has not really pleased in anything
He told me that he searched carefully else. His playing lacks poise and con-
from one end to the other and there viction.

A Specialty for Twenty
t Service Moderate Rates
kels Arcade Phone 6615
The Eternal Feminine is
Glorified Charm!
e clever woman knows that R
perfect wave is the crowning
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veliness with lasting perfee-
n. Appointments gladly
9 5. STATE ST Phone 8383

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Look Them Over--See What 50c Will Buy

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were no parasites and nothing offen-
"Certain doctors have adopted a
meat diet as a cure for amebic dy-
sentery, but it does not work.
"An electrical engineer recently
called here (Battle Creek Sanitarium)
who two years ago was lying sick in
a hospital in Shanghai with amebic
dysentery-suffering pain day and
night and unable to sleep and confined
to his bed. He was being fed on a
meat diet. Through "Good Health"
he learned some of the facts I have
just given you. He obtained a supply
of Lacto-Dextrin and discarded meats
and the second night was able to sleep
sound the whole night, and the third
morning he returned to his office. He
has been at work ever since. He look-
ed to be in perfect health. He had{
had only one relapse in two years and
this was due to eating meat when he
dined out with friends. We have had
similar experience in various cases.
"Parasites are scavengers and put-
refying meat in the intestine provides
exactly the condition most favorable
for their development. On the other
hand a vegetable diet produces an
acid condition in the intestine which
is unfavorable to the growth and de-
velopment of parasites of all sorts,f
both animal and vegetable.3
"When we examined the man whose
case I mentioned above we found the
parasites were still present in his in-
testine, but they could do him no harm
so long as he did not eat meat."
John H. Kellogg,
Supt., Battle Creek Sanitarium.

Marvel Garnsey, and Lillian Bron-
son have shown themselves capable
of playing the roles assigned them
with grace and finish. As a whole the
season so far has been unusually
Ibsen's "The Vikings," the gala bill
of the season, with Thomas Wilfred
and the Clavilux and the Freize Me-
morial Organ will open in Hill audi-
torium next Monday night. This com-
bination of the organ with the stage
should be one of the most interesting
experiments in the history of the the-
atre. Mr. Wilfred is already in town
working on the rehearsals and the
{ scenery for the production.
The Clavilux had. been used only
once before in a production of this
nature. This was when the same play
was given at the Goodman Memorial
theater, Chicago. It has never before
been done with organ accompaniment.
Mr. Henderson tells us that a French
composer has sent Mr. Moore, who
will be the organist for the piece, the
score of a specially composed chant
for the last act. Nothing, he insists
is being left undone that might help
make the performance complete. The
production should from many points
of view be the most interesting of the
season. It will be given two nights
only in Ann Arbor. It is to be taken
to Ypsilanti on Wednesday, and the
company Is considering an invitation
to present it at the Bonstelle Play-
house, Detroit.

aw/'f ... _.' 9 . g
I DON'T doubt it, nor do I wonder why. Just
open a tidy red tin an get that full fragrance
ofNature's noblest gift to pipe-smokers. Then
tuc i load i the busiess-end of your old
Now you've got it--that taste-that Lead-
me-to-it, Gee-how-I-like-it taste! Cool as a
condition. Sweet as making it up. Mellow
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tobacco, Fellows. I know you'll like it.
but you can't gc#
--the national joy smoked
C) 1921 R. Reynld TobaCO
Cowpa Sy wayWinstolan, N. C.


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